资料整理——Oracle基本概念、术语(Glossary from Oracle Concepts)——第十五部分(完结)










table lock表锁定A lock on a table that is acquired by a transaction when a table is modified by an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE, SELECT ... FOR UPDATE, or LOCK TABLE statement.
tablespace表空间A database storage unit that groups related logical structures together. The database data files are stored in tablespaces.
temp file临时文件A file that belongs to a temporary tablespace. The temp files in temporary tablespaces cannot contain permanent database objects.
temporary segment临时段A segment created by Oracle Database when a SQL statement needs a temporary database area to complete execution.
temporary table临时表A table that holds an intermediate result set for the duration of a transaction or a session. Only the current session can see the data in temporary tables.
temporary tablespace临时表空间A tablespace that can only contain transient data that persists only for the duration of a session. No permanent schema objects can reside in a temporary tablespace.
temporary undo segment临时撤销段An optional space management container for temporary undo data only.
trace file跟踪文件An administrative file that contain diagnostic data used to investigate problems. Oracle Database writes trace files to ADR.
transaction事务Logical unit of work that contains one or more SQL statements. All statements in a transaction commit or roll back together. The use of transactions is one of the most important ways that a database management system differs from a file system.
transaction entry事务条目Space in the block header that is required for every transaction that updates the block. In data blocks allocated to segments that support transactional changes, free space can also hold transaction entries when the header space is depleted.
Transaction Guard事务GuardA database feature that uses a logical transaction ID to prevent the possibility of a client application submitting duplicate transactions after a recoverable error.
transaction idempotence事务幂等性The ability to return a guaranteed outcome for a transaction: whether it committed and whether the call was completed.
transaction ID事务IDAn identifier is unique to a transaction and represents the undo segment number, slot, and sequence number.
transaction-level read consistency事务级读一致性The guarantee of read consistency to all queries in a transaction. Each statement in a transaction sees data from the same point in time, which is the time at which the transaction began.
transaction name事务名An optional, user-specified tag that serves as a reminder of the work that the transaction is performing. Name a transaction with the SET TRANSACTION ... NAME statement.
transaction recovery事务恢复A phase of instance recovery in which uncommitted transactions are rolled back.
transaction table事务表The data structure within an undo segment that holds the transaction identifiers of the transactions using the undo segment.
transition point转移点The high value of the range partitions determined by the range partition key value.
Transparent Data Encryption透明数据加密A database feature that encrypts individual table columns or a tablespace. When a user inserts data into an encrypted column, the database automatically encrypts the data. When users select the column, the data is decrypted. This form of encryption is transparent, provides high performance, and is easy to implement.
transportable tablespace可传输表空间A tablespace that you can copy or move between databases. Oracle Data Pump provides the infrastructure for transportable tablespaces.
trigger触发器A PL/SQL or Java procedure that fires when a table or view is modified or when specific user or database actions occur. Procedures are explicitly run, whereas triggers are implicitly run.
tuple元组An unordered set of attribute values.
two-phase commit mechanism两阶段提交机制A mechanism in a distributed database that guarantees that all databases participating in a distributed transaction either all commit or all undo the statements in the transaction.
UGA (User global area)用户全局区Session memory that stores session variables, such as logon information, and can also contain the OLAP pool.
undo data撤销数据Records of the actions of transactions, primarily before they are committed. The database can use undo data to logically reverse the effect of SQL statements. Undo data is stored in undo segments.
undo retention period撤销保留时间The minimum amount of time that the database attempts to retain old undo data before overwriting it.
undo segment撤销段A segment in an undo tablespace.
undo tablespace撤销表空间A tablespace containing undo segments when automatic undo management mode is enabled.
UnicodeUnicodeA universal encoded character set that can store information in any language using a single character set.
unified audit policy统一审计策略A policy that you can use to configure auditing on SQL statements, system privileges, schema objects, roles, administrative and non-administrative users, application context values, and policy creations for various applications and events.
unified audit trail统一审计跟踪An audit trail provides unified storage for audit records from all types of auditing.
unique key唯一键A single column with a unique key constraint.
unique key constraint唯一键约束An integrity constraint that requires that every value in a column or set of columns be unique.
universal rowiduniversal rowidA data type that can store all types of rowids. Oracle uses universal rowids to store the addresses of index-organized and non-Oracle tables.
unusable index不可用索引An index that is not maintained by DML operations and which the optimizer ignores. All indexes are usable (default) or unusable.
updatable join view可更新连接视图A view that is defined on two or more base tables or views and permits DML operations.
user event trigger用户事件触发器An event trigger that is fired because of events related to user logon and logoff, DDL statements, and DML statements.
user name用户名The name by which a user is known to Oracle Database and to other users. Every user name is associated with a password, and both must be entered to connect to Oracle Database.
user privilege用户权限The right to run specific SQL statements.
user process用户进程See client process.
user profile用户档案A named set of resource limits and password parameters that restrict database usage and database instance resources for a user.
view视图A custom-tailored presentation of the data in one or more tables. The views do not actually contain or store data, but derive it from the tables on which they are based.
virtual column虚拟列A column that is not stored on disk. The database derives the values in virtual columns on demand by computing a set of expressions or functions.
virtual full backup虚拟完整备份A complete database image as of one distinct point in time, maintained efficiently by a Recovery Appliance through the indexing of incremental backups from a protected database. The virtual full backups contain individual blocks from multiple incremental backups. For example, if you take a level 0 backup on Monday with SCN 10000, and if you take an incremental level 1 backup on Tuesday with SCN 11000, then the Recovery Appliance metadata database shows a virtual level 0 backup current to SCN 11000.
whole database backup数据库整体备份A backup of the control file and all data files that belong to a database.
work area工作空间A private allocation of PGA memory used for memory-intensive operations.
write-ahead protocol预写协议The protocol that mandates that before the database writer process can write a dirty buffer, the database must write to disk the redo records associated with changes to the buffer.
zone区域Within a zone map, a zone is a set of contiguous data blocks that stores the minimum and maximum values of relevant columns.
zone map区域地图Within an attribute-clustered table, a zone map is an independent access structure that divides data blocks into zones.




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