





  • 理解 DGL信息传递API(DGL’s message passing APIs)
  • 自己实现GraphSAGE卷积模块

阅读本文我们需要先学习the basics of training a GNN for node classification或者使用DGL完成节点分类任务



m u → v ( l ) = M ( l ) ( h v ( l − 1 ) , h u ( l − 1 ) , e u → v ( l − 1 ) ) m_{u\to v}^{(l)} = M^{(l)}\left(h_v^{(l-1)}, h_u^{(l-1)}, e_{u\to v}^{(l-1)}\right) muv(l)=M(l)(hv(l1),hu(l1),euv(l1))

m v ( l ) = ∑ u ∈ N ( v ) m u → v ( l ) m_{v}^{(l)} = \sum_{u\in\mathcal{N}(v)}m_{u\to v}^{(l)} mv(l)=uN(v)muv(l)

h v ( l ) = U ( l ) ( h v ( l − 1 ) , m v ( l ) ) h_v^{(l)} = U^{(l)}\left(h_v^{(l-1)}, m_v^{(l)}\right) hv(l)=U(l)(hv(l1),mv(l))

在DGL中,称 M ( l ) M^{(l)} M(l)消息函数(message function)、 ∑ \sum 聚合函数(reduce function),此处的 ∑ \sum 可以代表任何函数,不一定是求和、 U ( l ) U^{(l)} U(l)更新函数(update function)。

例如,GraphSAGE卷积(Hamilton et al 2017)可表示为:

h N ( v ) k ← Average { h u k − 1 , ∀ u ∈ N ( v ) } h_{\mathcal{N}(v)}^k\leftarrow \text{Average}\{h_u^{k-1},\forall u\in\mathcal{N}(v)\} hN(v)kAverage{huk1,uN(v)}

h v k ← ReLU ( W k ⋅ CONCAT ( h v k − 1 , h N ( v ) k ) ) h_v^k\leftarrow \text{ReLU}\left(W^k\cdot \text{CONCAT}(h_v^{k-1}, h_{\mathcal{N}(v)}^k) \right) hvkReLU(WkCONCAT(hvk1,hN(v)k))



import dgl
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import dgl.function as fn

class GraphSAGE(nn.Module):
    """Graph convolution module used by the GraphSAGE model.

    in_feat : int
        Input feature size.
    out_feat : int
        Output feature size.
    def __init__(self, in_feat, out_feat):
        super(GraphSAGE, self).__init__()
        self.linear = nn.Linear(in_feat * 2, out_feat)
    def forward(self, g, features):
        """Forward computation

        g : Graph
            The input graph.
        features : Tensor
            The input node feature.
        with g.local_scope():
            g.ndata["h"] = features
            g.update_all(fn.copy_u("h", "m"), fn.mean("m", "h_mean"))
            h_mean = g.ndata["h_mean"]
            h_total = torch.cat([features, h_mean], dim=1) 
            return self.linear(h_total)


  • 消息函数fn.copy_u('h','m'),它将名为“h”的节点特征复制为发送给邻居的消息
  • 聚合函数fn.mean('m', 'h_N'),该函数对所有接收到的消息中名为’m’的信息进行平均,并将结果保存为新的节点特征’h_mean’
  • update_all让DGL触发所有节点和边的消息函数和聚合函数


import torch.nn.functional as F

class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, h_feats, num_classes):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = GraphSAGE(in_feats, h_feats)
        self.conv2 = GraphSAGE(h_feats, num_classes)
    def forward(self, g, in_feat):
        h = self.conv1(g, in_feat)
        h = F.relu(h)
        h = self.conv2(g, h)
        return h



from dgl.data import CoraGraphDataset

dataset = CoraGraphDataset()
g = dataset[0]

def train(g, model, num_epoch=200, learning_rate=0.002):
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr = learning_rate)
    all_result = []
    best_val_acc = 0
    best_test_acc = 0
    features = g.ndata["feat"]
    labels = g.ndata["label"]
    train_mask = g.ndata["train_mask"]
    test_mask = g.ndata["test_mask"]
    val_mask = g.ndata["val_mask"]
    for e in range(num_epoch):
        result = model(g, features)
        pred = result.argmax(dim=1)
        loss = F.cross_entropy(result[train_mask], labels[train_mask])
        train_acc = (pred[train_mask]==labels[train_mask]).float().mean()
        test_acc = (pred[test_mask]==labels[test_mask]).float().mean()
        val_acc = (pred[val_mask]==labels[val_mask]).float().mean()
        if best_val_acc < val_acc:
            best_test_acc, best_val_acc = test_acc, val_acc
        if e % 5 == 0:
            print('In epoch {}, loss: {:.3f}, val acc: {:.3f} (best {:.3f}), test acc: {:.3f} (best {:.3f})'.format(
                e, loss, val_acc, best_val_acc, test_acc, best_test_acc))
in_feat = g.ndata["feat"].shape[1]
h_feat = 16
num_classes = dataset.num_classes

model = Model(in_feat, h_feat, num_classes)

train(g, model)
  NumNodes: 2708
  NumEdges: 10556
  NumFeats: 1433
  NumClasses: 7
  NumTrainingSamples: 140
  NumValidationSamples: 500
  NumTestSamples: 1000
Done loading data from cached files.
In epoch 0, loss: 1.950, val acc: 0.162 (best 0.162), test acc: 0.149 (best 0.149)
In epoch 5, loss: 1.937, val acc: 0.162 (best 0.162), test acc: 0.149 (best 0.149)
In epoch 10, loss: 1.918, val acc: 0.166 (best 0.166), test acc: 0.151 (best 0.150)
In epoch 15, loss: 1.895, val acc: 0.182 (best 0.182), test acc: 0.170 (best 0.165)
In epoch 20, loss: 1.868, val acc: 0.272 (best 0.272), test acc: 0.260 (best 0.260)
In epoch 25, loss: 1.836, val acc: 0.368 (best 0.368), test acc: 0.376 (best 0.376)
In epoch 30, loss: 1.798, val acc: 0.448 (best 0.448), test acc: 0.443 (best 0.443)
In epoch 35, loss: 1.756, val acc: 0.510 (best 0.510), test acc: 0.511 (best 0.511)
In epoch 40, loss: 1.708, val acc: 0.546 (best 0.546), test acc: 0.552 (best 0.552)
In epoch 45, loss: 1.654, val acc: 0.582 (best 0.582), test acc: 0.572 (best 0.572)
In epoch 50, loss: 1.595, val acc: 0.602 (best 0.602), test acc: 0.596 (best 0.596)
In epoch 55, loss: 1.531, val acc: 0.622 (best 0.622), test acc: 0.612 (best 0.607)
In epoch 60, loss: 1.462, val acc: 0.634 (best 0.636), test acc: 0.629 (best 0.625)
In epoch 65, loss: 1.389, val acc: 0.644 (best 0.644), test acc: 0.643 (best 0.643)
In epoch 70, loss: 1.313, val acc: 0.654 (best 0.654), test acc: 0.657 (best 0.657)
In epoch 75, loss: 1.234, val acc: 0.662 (best 0.664), test acc: 0.668 (best 0.662)
In epoch 80, loss: 1.154, val acc: 0.676 (best 0.676), test acc: 0.678 (best 0.674)
In epoch 85, loss: 1.073, val acc: 0.680 (best 0.680), test acc: 0.691 (best 0.687)
In epoch 90, loss: 0.993, val acc: 0.688 (best 0.688), test acc: 0.696 (best 0.696)
In epoch 95, loss: 0.914, val acc: 0.684 (best 0.688), test acc: 0.706 (best 0.696)
In epoch 100, loss: 0.838, val acc: 0.694 (best 0.694), test acc: 0.720 (best 0.720)
In epoch 105, loss: 0.765, val acc: 0.698 (best 0.698), test acc: 0.726 (best 0.724)
In epoch 110, loss: 0.696, val acc: 0.698 (best 0.700), test acc: 0.734 (best 0.733)
In epoch 115, loss: 0.631, val acc: 0.700 (best 0.700), test acc: 0.740 (best 0.733)
In epoch 120, loss: 0.571, val acc: 0.706 (best 0.706), test acc: 0.745 (best 0.745)
In epoch 125, loss: 0.516, val acc: 0.708 (best 0.708), test acc: 0.750 (best 0.750)
In epoch 130, loss: 0.465, val acc: 0.716 (best 0.716), test acc: 0.753 (best 0.752)
In epoch 135, loss: 0.420, val acc: 0.720 (best 0.720), test acc: 0.755 (best 0.756)
In epoch 140, loss: 0.379, val acc: 0.722 (best 0.722), test acc: 0.758 (best 0.757)
In epoch 145, loss: 0.342, val acc: 0.724 (best 0.724), test acc: 0.759 (best 0.759)
In epoch 150, loss: 0.309, val acc: 0.726 (best 0.726), test acc: 0.761 (best 0.761)
In epoch 155, loss: 0.280, val acc: 0.726 (best 0.726), test acc: 0.762 (best 0.761)
In epoch 160, loss: 0.254, val acc: 0.730 (best 0.730), test acc: 0.761 (best 0.761)
In epoch 165, loss: 0.230, val acc: 0.730 (best 0.730), test acc: 0.763 (best 0.761)
In epoch 170, loss: 0.210, val acc: 0.732 (best 0.732), test acc: 0.765 (best 0.765)
In epoch 175, loss: 0.192, val acc: 0.732 (best 0.732), test acc: 0.768 (best 0.765)
In epoch 180, loss: 0.176, val acc: 0.732 (best 0.732), test acc: 0.769 (best 0.765)
In epoch 185, loss: 0.161, val acc: 0.730 (best 0.732), test acc: 0.769 (best 0.765)
In epoch 190, loss: 0.148, val acc: 0.730 (best 0.732), test acc: 0.769 (best 0.765)
In epoch 195, loss: 0.137, val acc: 0.730 (best 0.732), test acc: 0.770 (best 0.765)


import dgl
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import dgl.function as fn
from dgl.data import CoraGraphDataset

class SAGEConv(nn.Module):
    """Graph convolution module used by the GraphSAGE model.

    in_feat : int
        Input feature size.
    out_feat : int
        Output feature size.
    def __init__(self, in_feat, out_feat):
        super(SAGEConv, self).__init__()
        self.linear = nn.Linear(in_feat * 2, out_feat)
    def forward(self, g, h):
        """Forward computation

        g : Graph
            The input graph.
        h : Tensor
            The input node feature.
        with g.local_scope():
            g.ndata["h"] = h
            g.update_all(message_func=fn.copy_u("h", "m"), reduce_func=fn.mean("m", "h_N"))
            h_N = g.ndata["h_N"]
            h_total = torch.cat([h, h_N], dim=1)
            return self.linear(h_total)

class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, h_feats, num_classes):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = SAGEConv(in_feats, h_feats)
        self.conv2 = SAGEConv(h_feats, num_classes)
    def forward(self, g, in_feat):
        h = self.conv1(g, in_feat)
        h = F.relu(h)
        h = self.conv2(g, h)
        return h
def train(g, model, num_epoch = 100, learning_rate = 0.002, num_limit = 5):
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr = learning_rate)
    all_logits = list()
    best_test_acc = 0.0
    best_val_acc = 0.0
    features = g.ndata["feat"]
    labels = g.ndata["label"]
    train_mask = g.ndata["train_mask"]
    test_mask = g.ndata["test_mask"]
    val_mask = g.ndata["val_mask"]
    for e in range(num_epoch):
        logits = model(g, features)
        pred = logits.argmax(dim=1)
        loss = F.cross_entropy(logits[train_mask], labels[train_mask])
        train_acc = (pred[train_mask]==labels[train_mask]).float().mean()
        test_acc = (pred[test_mask]==labels[test_mask]).float().mean()
        val_acc = (pred[val_mask]==labels[val_mask]).float().mean()
        if best_val_acc < val_acc:
            best_test_acc = test_acc
            best_val_acc = val_acc
        # backward
        if e % num_limit == 0:
            print('In epoch {}, loss: {:.3f}, val acc: {:.3f} (best {:.3f}), test acc: {:.3f} (best {:.3f})'.format(
                e, loss, val_acc, best_val_acc, test_acc, best_test_acc))

def main():
    dataset = CoraGraphDataset()
    g = dataset[0]
    in_feats = g.ndata["feat"].shape[1]
    h_feats = 16
    num_classes = dataset.num_classes
    model = Model(in_feats, h_feats, num_classes)
    train(g, model, num_epoch=300, num_limit=20)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  NumNodes: 2708
  NumEdges: 10556
  NumFeats: 1433
  NumClasses: 7
  NumTrainingSamples: 140
  NumValidationSamples: 500
  NumTestSamples: 1000
Done loading data from cached files.
In epoch 0, loss: 1.952, val acc: 0.162 (best 0.162), test acc: 0.149 (best 0.149)
In epoch 20, loss: 1.874, val acc: 0.212 (best 0.212), test acc: 0.201 (best 0.201)
In epoch 40, loss: 1.722, val acc: 0.664 (best 0.664), test acc: 0.642 (best 0.642)
In epoch 60, loss: 1.484, val acc: 0.682 (best 0.682), test acc: 0.674 (best 0.672)
In epoch 80, loss: 1.184, val acc: 0.724 (best 0.724), test acc: 0.713 (best 0.713)
In epoch 100, loss: 0.874, val acc: 0.758 (best 0.760), test acc: 0.739 (best 0.730)
In epoch 120, loss: 0.607, val acc: 0.758 (best 0.764), test acc: 0.754 (best 0.749)
In epoch 140, loss: 0.407, val acc: 0.766 (best 0.768), test acc: 0.761 (best 0.751)
In epoch 160, loss: 0.274, val acc: 0.770 (best 0.770), test acc: 0.769 (best 0.764)
In epoch 180, loss: 0.190, val acc: 0.770 (best 0.770), test acc: 0.765 (best 0.764)
In epoch 200, loss: 0.137, val acc: 0.770 (best 0.772), test acc: 0.764 (best 0.764)
In epoch 220, loss: 0.103, val acc: 0.766 (best 0.772), test acc: 0.767 (best 0.764)
In epoch 240, loss: 0.080, val acc: 0.764 (best 0.772), test acc: 0.772 (best 0.764)
In epoch 260, loss: 0.063, val acc: 0.766 (best 0.772), test acc: 0.774 (best 0.764)
In epoch 280, loss: 0.052, val acc: 0.768 (best 0.772), test acc: 0.775 (best 0.764)




import dgl
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import dgl.function as fn
from dgl.data import CoraGraphDataset

class WeightedSAGEConv(nn.Module):
    """Graph convolution module used by the GraphSAGE model with edge weights.

    in_feat : int
        Input feature size.
    out_feat : int
        Output feature size.
    def __init__(self, in_feat, out_feat):
        super(WeightedSAGEConv, self).__init__()
        # A linear submodule for projecting the input and neighbor feature to the output.
        self.linear = nn.Linear(in_feat * 2, out_feat)

    def forward(self, g, h, w):
        """Forward computation

        g : Graph
            The input graph.
        h : Tensor
            The input node feature.
        w : Tensor
            The edge weight.
        with g.local_scope():
            g.ndata['h'] = h
            g.edata['w'] = w
            g.update_all(message_func=fn.u_mul_e('h', 'w', 'm'), reduce_func=fn.mean('m', 'h_N'))
            h_N = g.ndata['h_N']
            h_total = torch.cat([h, h_N], dim=1)
            return self.linear(h_total)


class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, h_feats, num_classes):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = WeightedSAGEConv(in_feats, h_feats)
        self.conv2 = WeightedSAGEConv(h_feats, num_classes)

    def forward(self, g, in_feat):
        h = self.conv1(g, in_feat, torch.ones(g.num_edges()).to(g.device))
        h = F.relu(h)
        h = self.conv2(g, h, torch.ones(g.num_edges()).to(g.device))
        return h


import dgl
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import dgl.function as fn
from dgl.data import CoraGraphDataset

class WeightedSAGEConv(nn.Module):
    """Graph convolution module used by the GraphSAGE model with edge weights.

    in_feat : int
        Input feature size.
    out_feat : int
        Output feature size.
    def __init__(self, in_feat, out_feat):
        super(WeightedSAGEConv, self).__init__()
        # A linear submodule for projecting the input and neighbor feature to the output.
        self.linear = nn.Linear(in_feat * 2, out_feat)

    def forward(self, g, h, w):
        """Forward computation

        g : Graph
            The input graph.
        h : Tensor
            The input node feature.
        w : Tensor
            The edge weight.
        with g.local_scope():
            g.ndata['h'] = h
            g.edata['w'] = w
            g.update_all(message_func=fn.u_mul_e('h', 'w', 'm'), reduce_func=fn.mean('m', 'h_N'))
            h_N = g.ndata['h_N']
            h_total = torch.cat([h, h_N], dim=1)
            return self.linear(h_total)
class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, h_feats, num_classes):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = WeightedSAGEConv(in_feats, h_feats)
        self.conv2 = WeightedSAGEConv(h_feats, num_classes)

    def forward(self, g, in_feat):
        h = self.conv1(g, in_feat, torch.ones(g.num_edges()).to(g.device))
        h = F.relu(h)
        h = self.conv2(g, h, torch.ones(g.num_edges()).to(g.device))
        return h
def train(g, model, num_epoch = 100, learning_rate = 0.002, num_limit = 5):
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr = learning_rate)
    all_logits = list()
    best_test_acc = 0.0
    best_val_acc = 0.0
    features = g.ndata["feat"]
    labels = g.ndata["label"]
    train_mask = g.ndata["train_mask"]
    test_mask = g.ndata["test_mask"]
    val_mask = g.ndata["val_mask"]
    for e in range(num_epoch):
        logits = model(g, features)
        pred = logits.argmax(dim=1)
        loss = F.cross_entropy(logits[train_mask], labels[train_mask])
        train_acc = (pred[train_mask]==labels[train_mask]).float().mean()
        test_acc = (pred[test_mask]==labels[test_mask]).float().mean()
        val_acc = (pred[val_mask]==labels[val_mask]).float().mean()
        if best_val_acc < val_acc:
            best_test_acc = test_acc
            best_val_acc = val_acc
        # backward
        if e % num_limit == 0:
            print('In epoch {}, loss: {:.3f}, val acc: {:.3f} (best {:.3f}), test acc: {:.3f} (best {:.3f})'.format(
                e, loss, val_acc, best_val_acc, test_acc, best_test_acc))

def main():
    dataset = CoraGraphDataset()
    g = dataset[0]
    in_feats = g.ndata['feat'].shape[1]
    h_feats = 16
    num_classes = dataset.num_classes
    model = Model(in_feats, h_feats, num_classes)
    train(g, model, num_epoch=300, num_limit=20)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  NumNodes: 2708
  NumEdges: 10556
  NumFeats: 1433
  NumClasses: 7
  NumTrainingSamples: 140
  NumValidationSamples: 500
  NumTestSamples: 1000
Done loading data from cached files.
In epoch 0, loss: 1.954, val acc: 0.116 (best 0.116), test acc: 0.104 (best 0.104)
In epoch 20, loss: 1.884, val acc: 0.208 (best 0.210), test acc: 0.224 (best 0.225)
In epoch 40, loss: 1.741, val acc: 0.482 (best 0.482), test acc: 0.479 (best 0.479)
In epoch 60, loss: 1.512, val acc: 0.654 (best 0.654), test acc: 0.667 (best 0.667)
In epoch 80, loss: 1.216, val acc: 0.722 (best 0.722), test acc: 0.721 (best 0.721)
In epoch 100, loss: 0.905, val acc: 0.728 (best 0.728), test acc: 0.741 (best 0.740)
In epoch 120, loss: 0.634, val acc: 0.730 (best 0.730), test acc: 0.749 (best 0.749)
In epoch 140, loss: 0.432, val acc: 0.728 (best 0.730), test acc: 0.747 (best 0.749)
In epoch 160, loss: 0.295, val acc: 0.732 (best 0.732), test acc: 0.755 (best 0.753)
In epoch 180, loss: 0.206, val acc: 0.738 (best 0.738), test acc: 0.757 (best 0.757)
In epoch 200, loss: 0.149, val acc: 0.736 (best 0.738), test acc: 0.758 (best 0.757)
In epoch 220, loss: 0.112, val acc: 0.738 (best 0.738), test acc: 0.759 (best 0.757)
In epoch 240, loss: 0.087, val acc: 0.742 (best 0.742), test acc: 0.760 (best 0.760)
In epoch 260, loss: 0.069, val acc: 0.744 (best 0.744), test acc: 0.759 (best 0.760)
In epoch 280, loss: 0.057, val acc: 0.744 (best 0.746), test acc: 0.757 (best 0.759)


DGL允许用户自定义消息函数和聚合函数以获得最大的表达能力。以下是一个用户定义的消息函数,它等价于fn.u_mul_e('h', 'w', 'm')

def u_mul_e_udf(edges):
    return {"m": edges.src["h"] * edges.data["w"]}


我们也可以编写自己的聚合函数。例如,下面的函数相当于内置的fn.sum('m', 'h')函数,它对传入的消息求和:

def sum_udf(nodes):
    return {"h": nodes.mailbox["m"].sum(dim=1)} # dim=1,按行求和





  1. 直接调用dgl.nn模块
  2. 使用dgl.nn.functional内置方法
  3. 使用update_all和内置的消息函数和聚合函数
  4. 使用用户自定义的消息函数和聚合函数


本文翻译整理自Write your own GNN module

评论 26




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
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