English | 中文含义 |
humanitarian crisis | 人道主义危机 |
disaster relief | 减灾,赈灾 |
casualty estimate | 伤亡评估 |
evacuation | 疏散,撤离 |
medical assistance | 医疗援助 |
relocation | 转移 |
reconstruction | 重建 |
long-term food aid | 长期粮食援助 |
hurricane | 飓风 |
landslide | 山体滑坡,塌方 |
tsunami | 海啸 |
flood | 洪水 |
famine | 饥荒 |
earthquake | 地震 |
volcanic eruption | 火山爆发 |
drought | 干旱,旱灾 |
wildfire | 野火 |
sandstorm | 沙暴,沙尘暴 |
snowstorm | 雪暴,暴风雪 |
tornado | 龙卷风 |
World Health Organization (WHO) | 世界卫生组织 |
CSAR(Combat Search and Rescue) | 战场搜索与救护 |
SOPs(Standard Operating Procedures) | 标准操作程序 |
SAR(Search and Rescue) | 搜索和救护 |
CASEVAC(Casualty Evacuation) | 伤员后送 |
unsanitary | 不卫生的;有碍健康的 |
MEDEVAC(Medical Evacuation) | 医疗后送 |
bleeding | 出血 |
fracture | 骨折 |
burn | 烧伤 |
heat exhaustion/stroke | 中暑 |
frostbite | 冻伤 |
hypothermia | 体温过低 |
shock | 休克 |
snake bite | 蛇咬 |
unconsciousness | 失去意识 |
blocked airway | 呼吸受阻 |
tourniquet | 止血带 |
CPR(cardiopulmonary resuscitation) | 心肺复苏术 |
ventilate | 通风,供养 |
immobile | 固定 |
elevate | 举起 |
painkiller(to take pain away) | 止痛药 |
plasters(to stop the bleeding) | 膏药,石膏 |
dressing(to prevent an uncovered wound and help stem blood seepage) | 保护伤口的)敷料 |
insect repellent | to protect you from mosquito bites |
after sun(to relieve sunburn) | 日晒后用品 |
splint(to immobilize a limb, joint, or part of the body to help promote healing) | 夹板 |
water purification tablet(to clean water) | 净水片 |
bandage(to put a slight pressure on the wound and help stem blood seepage) | 绷带 |
entry and exit wound | 贯穿伤 |
hemorrhage | 大出血 |
cardiac arrest | 心脏骤停 |
perimeter defense | 周边防御 |
signpost | 路标 |
field dressing | 战地止血包 |
authenticate | 鉴定 |
CCP(Casualty Collection Point) | 伤亡收集点 |
Radio Report
- Identity
- Blood group
- Medical condition(described by six clinical factors)
Information | Radio Code |
Identification | L0245 |
Blood Group | GBP |
Airways | V2 |
Bleeding | D1 |
Circulation | C1 |
Fractures | F3 |
Neurology | R2 |
Transportability | T1 |
This message would be spoken like this: | This profiile describes the following casualty: |
Lima zero four five | Local staff 0245 |
Golf, Bravo, Papa | Blood Group: B positive |
Victor two | Airways: partially blocked/shallow respiration |
Delta one | Bleeding: profuse |
Charile one | circulation: shock |
Foxtrot three | Fractures: none |
Romeo two | Neurology: semi-conscious |
Tango one | transportability: must be carried |
signs of life
- T: temperature
- P: pulse
- R: respiration
- BP: blood pressure
- C: consciousness
- A: apple of one’s eye
- U: urine
- S: skin & membrane