缩略语 | 全称 | 中文含义 |
AAW | anti-aircraft warfare | 防空战 |
AFV | Armored Fighting Vehicle | 装甲战斗车 |
APFT | Army Physical Fitness Test | 部队体能测试 |
APRT | Army Physical Readiness Test | 部队体能预备测试 |
ASAP | as soon as possible | 尽快 |
ASUW | anti-submarine warfare | 反潜战 |
ASW | anti-surface warfare | 对海作战 |
AVLB | Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge | 装甲车辆架设的桥梁 |
AVRE | Armored Vehicle Royal Engineers | 皇家工兵装甲车辆 |
CALFEX | combined arms live fire exericses | 联合武器实弹演习 |
CASEVAC | casualty evacuation | 伤员后送 |
CATOBAR | catapult-assisted take-off but arrested-recovery | 弹射起飞阻拦着舰 |
CCP | casualty collection point | 伤员集结点 |
COS | chief of staff | 参谋长 |
CPR | cardio-pulmonary resuscitation | 心肺复苏 |
CPX | command post exercises | 指挥所演习 |
CSAR | combat search and rescue | 战场搜救 |
CTX | combined training exercises | 联合训练演习 |
CV | aircraft carrier | 航空母舰 |
DPKO | Department of Peaccekeeping Operations | 联合国维持和平部 |
DZ | drop zone | 降落区 |
EMALS | electronmagnetic aircraft launch system | 电磁弹射器 |
FAO | food and agriculture organization | (联合国)粮食及农业组织 |
FCX | fire coordination exercises | 火力协调演习 |
FIREREP | fire report | 火力报告 |
FTX | field training exercise | 野战训练演习 |
HAHO | high attitude high opening | 高跳高开 |
HALO | high attitude low opening | 高跳低开 |
INFOSUM | information summary | 信息摘要 |
IO | information operations | 信息战 |
ISTAR | information,surveillance,target acquisition,and reconnaissance | 情报,监视,目标获取,侦察 |
LOGEX | logistics exercises | 后勤演习 |
LZ | landing zone | 着陆区 |
MAPEX | map exercises | 地图练习 |
MEDEVAC | medical evacuation | 医疗后送 |
MICLIC | The M58 Mine-clearing Line Charge | M58爆炸物清查系统 |
MND | Minister of national defense | 国防部长 |
MOOTW | military operations other than war | 非军事战争行动 |
NBC warfare | nuclear, biological and chemical warfare | 核生化战争 |
NGO | non-governmental organization | 非政府组织 |
OPSEC | Operational Security | 行动安全 |
PA | Public Affairs | 公共事务 |
POW | prisoner of war | 战俘 |
PSYOP | psychological operations | 心理战 |
RE | The corps of royal engineers | 皇家工程兵 |
REME | the corps of royal electrical and mechanical engineers | 皇家电子机械工程兵 |
RS | the royal corps of signals | 皇家通信兵 |
RV | Rendezvous | 集结地 |
SAR | search and rescue | 搜救 |
SHQ/CMDR | Sector Headquarters/Commander | 防区总部,指挥官 |
SITREP | situation report | 情况报告 |
SOP | standard operating procedure | 标准流程 |
SRSG | Special representative of secretary general | |
STAFFEX | staff exercises | 参谋演习 |
STOBAR | short take-off but arrested-recovery | 滑跃起飞拦阻着舰 |
STOVL | short take-off vertical-landing | 短距起飞垂直降落 |
STX | situational training exercises | 情景训练演习 |
TTX | Table Top Exercise | 桌面演习 |
UAV | unmanned aerial vehicle | 无人机 |
UCAV | unmanned combat aerial vehicle | 无人作战飞机 |
UNHCR | Office of the United Nations HIgh Commissioner for Refugees | 联合国难民事务高级专员公署 |
UNICEF | United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund | 联合国儿童基金会 |
UNIMOG | United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group | 联合国伊朗-伊拉克军事观察员组 |
UNPEO | United Nations Peace Enforcement Operations | 联合国和平实施行动 |
UNPKO | United Nations Peacekeeping Operations | 联合国维持和平行动 |
UNPOL | United Nations Police | 联合国警察 |
UNSC | United Nations Security Council | 联合国安全理事会 |
UNSG | United Nations Security General | 联合国秘书长 |
UXO | Unexploded Ordnance | 未爆炸军火 |
WFP | World Food Programme | 世界粮食计划署 |
WHO | World Health Organization | 世界卫生组织 |
WMD | Weapons of Mass Destruction | 大规模杀伤性武器 |
最新推荐文章于 2024-06-12 09:38:46 发布