VR系列——Oculus Rift 开发者指南:四、高级渲染配置(二)


通常该API将为每一边眼睛返回一个不对称的视场(译者注:FOV(Field of View)视场:在任何特定时刻可观察到的有限范围),这意味着左边缘与右边缘到中心的距离是不一致的。



  • 53.6度向上
  • 58.9度向下
  • 50.3度向内(朝向鼻子)
  • 58.7度向外(远离鼻子)

在代码和文档中,这些被称为“半角”,因为传统上视场被表示为边缘到边缘的总角度。在这个例子中,总水平视场是50.3 + 58.7 = 109.0度,总垂直视场是53.6 + 58.9 = 112.5度。


ovrFovPort defaultLeftFOV = session->DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Left];
ovrFovPort maxLeftFOV = session->MaxEyeFov[ovrEye_Left];

DefaultEyeFov指基于当前用户的配置文件设置的FOV推荐值(IPD,眼距等)。 MaxEyeFov指忽略配置文件该头盔所能显示的最大FOV。



ovrFovPort fov;
// 确定fov。
ovrMatrix4f projMatrix = ovrMatrix4f_Projection(fov, znear, zfar, isRightHanded);



oovrFovPort fovLeft = session->DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Left];
ovrFovPort fovRight = session->DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Right];

ovrFovPort fovMax = FovPort::Max(fovLeft, fovRight);
float combinedTanHalfFovHorizontal = max ( fovMax.LeftTan, fovMax.RightTan );
float combinedTanHalfFovVertical = max ( fovMax.UpTan, fovMax.DownTan );

ovrFovPort fovBoth;
fovBoth.LeftTan = fovBoth.RightTan = combinedTanHalfFovHorizontal;
fovBoth.UpTan = fovBoth.DownTan = combinedTanHalfFovVertical;

// 创建渲染目标。
Sizei recommenedTex0Size = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEye_Left,
fovBoth, pixelsPerDisplayPixel);
Sizei recommenedTex1Size = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEye_Right,
fovBoth, pixelsPerDisplayPixel);

ovrFovPort eyeFov[2];
eyeFov[0] = fovBoth;
eyeFov[1] = fovBoth;

// 计算提供给渲染引擎的参数。
// 在这种情况下,我们假设它向要水平 FOV和长宽比。
float horizontalFullFovInRadians = 2.0f * atanf ( combinedTanHalfFovHorizontal );
float aspectRatio = combinedTanHalfFovHorizontal / combinedTanHalfFovVertical;

GraphicsEngineSetFovAndAspect ( horizontalFullFovInRadians, aspectRatio );



Forcing a Symmetrical Field of View

Typically the API will return an FOV for each eye that is not symmetrical, meaning the left edge is not the same distance from the center as the right edge.

This is because humans, as well as the Rift, have a wider FOV when looking outwards. When you look inwards, your nose is in the way. We are also better at looking down than we are at looking up. For similar reasons, the Rift’s view is not symmetrical. It is controlled by the shape of the lens, various bits of plastic, and the edges of the screen. The exact details depend on the shape of your face, your IPD, and where precisely you place the Rift on your face; all of this is set up in the configuration tool and stored in the user profile. All of this means that almost nobody has all four edges of their FOV set to the same angle, so the frustum produced will be offcenter. In addition, most people will not have the same fields of view for both their eyes. They will be close, but rarely identical.

As an example, on the DK1, the author’s left eye has the following FOV:

  • 53.6 degrees up
  • 58.9 degrees down
  • 50.3 degrees inwards (towards the nose)
  • 58.7 degrees outwards (away from the nose)

In the code and documentation, these are referred to as ‘half angles’ because traditionally a FOV is expressed as the total edge-to-edge angle. In this example, the total horizontal FOV is 50.3+58.7 = 109.0 degrees, and the total vertical FOV is 53.6+58.9 = 112.5 degrees.

The recommended and maximum fields of view can be accessed from the HMD as shown below:

ovrFovPort defaultLeftFOV = session->DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Left];
ovrFovPort maxLeftFOV = session->MaxEyeFov[ovrEye_Left];

DefaultEyeFov refers to the recommended FOV values based on the current user’s profile settings (IPD, eye relief etc). MaxEyeFov refers to the maximum FOV that the headset can possibly display, regardless of profile settings.

The default values provide a good user experience with no unnecessary additional GPU load. If your application does not consume significant GPU resources, you might want to use the maximum FOV settings to reduce reliance on the accuracy of the profile settings. You might provide a slider in the application control panel that enables users to choose interpolated FOV settings between the default and the maximum. But, if your application is heavy on GPU usage, you might want to reduce the FOV below the default values as described in Improving Performance by Decreasing Field of View on page 30.

The FOV angles for up, down, left, and right (expressed as the tangents of the half-angles), is the most convenient form to set up culling or portal boundaries in your graphics engine. The FOV values are also used to determine the projection matrix used during left and right eye scene rendering. We provide an API utility function ovrMatrix4f_Projection for this purpose:

ovrFovPort fov;
// Determine fov.
ovrMatrix4f projMatrix = ovrMatrix4f_Projection(fov, znear, zfar, isRightHanded);

It is common for the top and bottom edges of the FOV to not be the same as the left and right edges when viewing a PC monitor. This is commonly called the ‘aspect ratio’ of the display, and very few displays are square. However, some graphics engines do not support off-center frustums. To be compatible with these engines, you will need to modify the FOV values reported by the ovrHmdDesc struct. In general, it is better to grow the edges than to shrink them. This will put a little more strain on the graphics engine, but will give the user the full immersive experience, even if they won’t be able to see some of the pixels being rendered.

Some graphics engines require that you express symmetrical horizontal and vertical fields of view, and some need an even less direct method such as a horizontal FOV and an aspect ratio. Some also object to having frequent changes of FOV, and may insist that both eyes be set to the same. The following is a an example of code for handling this restrictive case:

ovrFovPort fovLeft = session->DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Left];
ovrFovPort fovRight = session->DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Right];
ovrFovPort fovMax = FovPort::Max(fovLeft, fovRight);
float combinedTanHalfFovHorizontal = max ( fovMax.LeftTan, fovMax.RightTan );
float combinedTanHalfFovVertical = max ( fovMax.UpTan, fovMax.DownTan );
ovrFovPort fovBoth;
fovBoth.LeftTan = fovBoth.RightTan = combinedTanHalfFovHorizontal;
fovBoth.UpTan = fovBoth.DownTan = combinedTanHalfFovVertical;
// Create render target.
Sizei recommenedTex0Size = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEye_Left,
 fovBoth, pixelsPerDisplayPixel);
Sizei recommenedTex1Size = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEye_Right,
 fovBoth, pixelsPerDisplayPixel);
// Initialize rendering info.
ovrFovPort eyeFov[2];
eyeFov[0] = fovBoth;
eyeFov[1] = fovBoth;
// Compute the parameters to feed to the rendering engine.
// In this case we are assuming it wants a horizontal FOV and an aspect ratio.
float horizontalFullFovInRadians = 2.0f * atanf ( combinedTanHalfFovHorizontal );
float aspectRatio = combinedTanHalfFovHorizontal / combinedTanHalfFovVertical;
GraphicsEngineSetFovAndAspect ( horizontalFullFovInRadians, aspectRatio );

Note: You will need to determine FOV before creating the render targets, since FOV affects the size of the recommended render target required for a given quality.





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


