策略决定调度程序在何时让什么进程运行。A scheduler’s policy
often determines the overall feel of a system and is responsible for optimally utilizing``processor time`.
I/O 消耗型和处理器消耗型的进程
进程可以被分为 I/O 消耗型和处理器消耗型。
I/O 消耗型的进程
I/O 消耗型的的表现为:进程的大部分时间用来submitting I/O 请求(等待 IO 请求)。Such a process is runnable for only short durations, because it eventually blocks waiting on more I/O(它在等待更多的 IO 请求时最后总会阻塞);举例来说,多数用户图形界面程序(GUI) 都属于IO 密集型,即便它不读取或者写人磁盘(不会一直干读取或者写人磁盘they spend most of their time waiting on user interaction via the keyboard and mouse.