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原创 Arduino-DFRduino 4WD机器车平台安装

DFRduino 4WD Cherokey带电机驱动电路和供电、蓝牙、主控模块安装位置,是一款大而方便的4轮4驱移动机器人平台。到手已经快一个月了,这两天忙里偷闲把它给装起来了。中间一些安装顺序和tips,官方说明书里没写,本文对平台组装过程做一个小结。

2015-11-28 12:19:12 2305 1

原创 Arduino- 编译引用 IRremote 出现 error: ‘TKD2′ was not declared in this scope

Arduino 编译引用 IRremote 出现 error: ‘TKD2′ was not declared in this scope的解决方法

2015-11-28 11:06:05 7004 2

原创 推荐一个Arduino学习模拟器: 123D Circuites

123D Circuites是AutoDesk发布的一个专业电子模拟器网站,网址为:https://123d.circuits.io/ 你可以通过虚拟Arduino 板和实验电路板来研究电子问题,可以使用内置的代码编辑器进行Arduino 编程和仿真,方便用户进行原理性验证和实验。

2015-11-21 11:11:55 20910 3

原创 Arduino - 正弦波数值的采样与应用

嵌入式系统中许多应用中需要对正弦函数采样,得到一个范围在[0, 1]按正弦规则变化的数组。简单的例子如呼吸灯和警报声等。本文以Arduino UNO为平台总结正弦函数采样的方法及使用例子。

2015-11-21 10:34:39 13744

原创 物联网与嵌入式系统概论-week4-Networking and the Internet-Lesson3: Network Layers and MANETS

This articles is the study notes of week 4, Lessen 3: Network Layers and MANETS.

2015-11-21 09:35:04 931

原创 物联网与嵌入式系统概论-week4-Networking and the Internet-Lesson2: Internet Protocol

This articles is the study notes of week 4, Lessen 2: Internet Protocols.

2015-11-20 23:38:23 1128

原创 物联网与嵌入式系统概论-week4-Networking and the Internet-Lesson1: Networking Basics

This articles is the study notes of week 4, Lessen 1: Networking Basics.

2015-11-20 22:54:20 840

原创 物联网与嵌入式系统概论-week3- Hardware and Software-Lesson3: Operating Systems

This seriesis the study notes of week 3, Lessen 3: Operating Systems.

2015-11-18 00:15:26 819

原创 物联网与嵌入式系统概论-week3- Hardware and Software-Lesson2: Microcontrollers and Software

This articles is the study notes of week 3, Lessen 2: Microcontrollers and Software.

2015-11-17 23:35:17 1658

原创 物联网与嵌入式系统概论-week3- Hardware and Software-Lesson1: Hardware Components

This article is the study notes of week 3, Lessen 1: Hardware Components.

2015-11-17 23:08:05 976

原创 物联网与嵌入式系统概论-week2-Embedded Systems-Lesson3: Interacting with the Physical World

This article is the study notes of week 2, Lessen 3:Interacting with the Physical World.

2015-11-14 00:24:19 893

原创 物联网与嵌入式系统概论-week2-Embedded Systems-Lesson2: Components of Embedded Systems

This article is the study notes of week 2, Lessen 2: Componentsof Embedded Systems.

2015-11-13 23:52:54 1236

原创 物联网与嵌入式系统概论-week2-Embedded Systems-Lesson1: Features and Constraints

This article is the study notes of week 2, Lessen 1: Features and Constraints of Embedded Systems.

2015-11-13 22:57:51 1649

原创 物联网与嵌入式系统概论-week1-What Is the IoT- Lesson3: The Importance of the IoT

This article is the study notes of "An Introduction to Programming the Internet of Things", week 1, lessen 1: Definition of the Internet of Things. Lesson 3 The Importance of the Internetof Things (IoT) in Society.

2015-11-10 23:05:44 1071

原创 物联网与嵌入式系统概论-week1-What Is the IoT- Lesson2: Trends of the IoT

This article is the study notes of "An Introduction to Programming the Internet of Things", week 1, lessen 1: Definition of the Internet of Things. Lesson 2 Trendsin the Adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT).

2015-11-10 22:19:24 1111

原创 物联网与嵌入式系统概论-week1-What Is the IoT- Lesson1: Definition of the IoT

This articles is the study notes of "An Introduction to Programming the Internet of Things", week 1, Lessen 1: Definition of the Internet of Things.

2015-11-10 21:10:28 1233





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