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VC++ MFC DLL动态链接库编写详解

VC++ MFC DLL动态链接库编写详解 虽然能用DLL实现的功能都可以用COM来替代,但DLL的优点确实不少,它更容易创建。本文将讨论如何利用VC MFC来创建不同类型的DLL,以及如何使用他们。一、DLL的不同类型 使用VC++可以生成两种类型的DLL:MFC扩展DLL和常规DLL。常规DLL有可以分为动态连接和静态连接。Visual C++还可以生成WIN...

2011-06-30 14:53:00 52



2011-06-28 15:55:00 74

SoWinMaterialEditor attach

/*------------------------------------------------------------ * This example builds a render area in a window supplied by * the application and a Material Editor in its own window. * It atta...

2011-06-27 13:22:00 77


/*------------------------------------------------------------ * This example builds a render area in a window supplied by * the application and a Material Editor in its own window. * It uses...

2011-06-27 13:17:00 75

Overlay Scene Graph

/*------------------------------------------------------------ * This example shows how to use the overlay planes with the * viewer components. By default color 0 is used for the * overlay pl...

2011-06-27 13:10:00 73


史铁生的《病隙碎笔》是本思考生命意义的书,很高兴34岁生日之前写完本书评,相信大部人过三之后都有机会更多的考虑生死的问题。具说年纪越大越怕死是有逻辑依据的,比如:某人能活80岁,5岁时还有79年可活,75岁时只有5年可活,越往后越感觉时间少了而且离死亡越近。 于路皈依 看史铁生的作品第一部是《命若琴弦》,看完之后感谢老瞎子是在骗人,他让徒弟弹断1500根琴弦后再打开封在琴里的复明秘方,而徒弟在有生...

2011-06-27 09:09:00 73


创业需要的基本素质 创业是极具挑战性的社会活动,是对创业者自身智慧、能力、气魄、胆识的全方位考验。一个人要想获得创业者的成功,必须具备基本的创业素质。创业基本素质包括创业意识、创业心理品质、创业精神、竞争意识、创业能力。 (一)强烈的创业意识 要想取得创业的成功,创业者必须具备自我实现、追求成功的强烈的创业意识。强烈的创业意识,帮助创业者克服创业道路上的各种艰...

2011-06-25 16:19:00 128


/*-------------------------------------------------------------- * Blinker node. * Use a blinker node to flash a neon ad sign on and off *------------------------------------------------------...

2011-06-24 17:18:00 92


/*-------------------------------------------------------------- * Rotor node example. * Read in the tower and vanes of a windmill from a file. * Use a rotor node to rotate the vanes. *--...

2011-06-24 17:14:00 93

SoCaculator SoTimeCounter SoElapsedTimer

/*-------------------------------------------------------------- * A calculator engine computes a closed, planar curve. * The output from the engine is connected to the translation * applied ...

2011-06-24 17:11:00 58

SoBoolOperation SoGate SoElapsedTime

/*-------------------------------------------------------------- * Boolean engine. Derived from example 13.5. * The smaller duck stays still while the bigger duck moves, * and starts moving ...

2011-06-24 17:02:00 83

SoGate SoElapsedTimer

/*-------------------------------------------------------------- * Gate engine. * Mouse button presses enable and disable a gate engine. * The gate engine controls an elapsed time engine that...

2011-06-24 16:47:00 64

SoTimeCounter SoComposeVec3f

/*-------------------------------------------------------------- * Time counter engine. * The output from an time counter engine is used to control * horizontal and vertical motion of a figur...

2011-06-24 16:35:00 61

SoElapsedTime SoComposeVec3f

/*-------------------------------------------------------------- * Elapsed time engine. * The output from an elapsed time engine is used to control * the translation of the object. The resul...

2011-06-24 16:27:00 104

SoEngine realTime create a realtime clock

/*-------------------------------------------------------------- * Global fields. * A digital clock is implemented by connecting the realTime * global field to a Text3 string. *------------...

2011-06-24 16:10:00 54

SoTimerSensor with rotation animation

/*-------------------------------------------------------------- * Timer sensors. An object is rotated by a timer sensor. * (called "rotatingSensor"). The interval between calls * controls...

2011-06-24 15:48:00 141


/*-------------------------------------------------------------- * Alarm sensor that raises a flag after 10 minutes *------------------------------------------------------------*/#include <I...

2011-06-24 15:36:00 61

SoNodeSensor getTriggerField getTriggerNode

/*-------------------------------------------------------------- * Using getTriggerNode/getTriggerField methods of the data * sensor. *---------------------------------------------------------...

2011-06-24 15:28:00 76

SoFieldSensor with camera position

/*-------------------------------------------------------------- * Sense changes to a viewer's camera's position. *------------------------------------------------------------*/#include <Inv...

2011-06-24 15:21:00 53

SoInput read with buffer data

/*-------------------------------------------------------------- * Example of creatinge a scene graph by reading from a string. * Create a dodecahedron, made of an IndexedFaceSet. *---------...

2011-06-24 15:10:00 68

SoInput Read file

/*----------------------------------------------------------- * Example of reading from a file. * Read a file given a filename and return a separator * containing all of the file. Return NUL...

2011-06-24 15:09:00 84

SoSelection pickFilterCB SoShapeKit

/*------------------------------------------------------------- * This example demonstrates the use of the pick filter * callback to always select nodekits. This makes it especially * easy to...

2011-06-24 14:48:00 124

SoSlection Pick Filter Manipulator

/*------------------------------------------------------------- * This example demonstrates the use of the pick filter * callback to pick through manipulators. * * The scene graph has sever...

2011-06-24 14:42:00 59

SoSelection setPickFilterCallback

/*------------------------------------------------------------- * This example demonstrates the use of the pick filter * callback to implement a top level selection policy. * That is, always ...

2011-06-24 11:27:00 156

SlectionCB SoSelection SoPickStyle

/*------------------------------------------------------------- * The scene graph has a sphere and a text 3D object. * A selection node is placed at the top of the scene graph. * When an ob...

2011-06-24 11:13:00 86

SoWinRenderArea setEventCallback

/*------------------------------------------------------------- * This demonstrates using SoWinRenderArea::setEventCallback(). * which causes events to be sent directly to the application * w...

2011-06-24 11:00:00 70

SoSelection SoEventCallback

/*------------------------------------------------------------ * The scene graph has 4 objects which may be * selected by picking with the left mouse button * (use shift key to extend the sel...

2011-06-24 10:46:00 110


/*----------------------------------------------------------- * Using a callback for generated primitives. * A simple scene with a sphere is created. * A callback is used to write out the tri...

2011-06-24 09:42:00 101

SoRayPickAction SoEventCallback

/*------------------------------------------------------------ * Example of setting up pick actions and using the pick path. * A couple of objects are displayed. The program catches * mouse...

2011-06-24 09:19:00 88

SoInput, SoOutput, SoWriteAction, SoSearchAction使用

/*------------------------------------------------------------ * Search Action example. * Read in a scene from a file. * Search through the scene looking for a light. * If none exists, add...

2011-06-23 18:57:00 163


/*----------------------------------------------------------- * Using the offscreen renderer to generate a texture map. * Generate simple scene and grab the image to use as * a texture map....

2011-06-23 17:42:00 142


/*---------------------------------------------------------------- * This example creates and displays a Bezier Surface * with trim curves. The surface is identical to the * surface in examp...

2011-06-22 16:47:00 134


/*-------------------------------------------------------- * This example creates and displays a Bezier surface. * The surface is order 4 with 16 control points and U and V * knot vectors of ...

2011-06-22 16:35:00 165


/*-------------------------------------------------------- * This example creates and displays a Uniform B-Spline curve * that passes through the end control points. * The curve is order 4 wi...

2011-06-22 16:23:00 105


/*-------------------------------------------------------- * This example creates and displays a B-Spline curve. * The curve is order 3 with 7 control points and a knot * vector of length 10....

2011-06-22 16:22:00 175


Inventor包含两种纹理坐标函数:SoTextureCoordiantePlane: 通过一个平面投影纹理贴图SoTextureCoordinateEnvironment: 指定物体表面看上去他们所处环境的反射图像(也称反射映射或环境映射)Inventor可以使用SoTextureCoordianteDefault节点使用缺省的纹理坐标,即使用SoTextureC...

2011-06-22 15:23:00 167


// Leaf.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdAfx.h" #define graphfile "t3.WRL" //读入的VRML文件名称 #define texturefile "bigLeaf1.JPG" //读入的纹理图像名称 ...

2011-06-22 14:47:00 279

Basic Ope Inventor

1、大数计算引起的一个问题如果scene graph中有距离原点(0,0,0)比较大的位置,则矩阵计算引入的误差可能就比较大,由此带来的常见现象是:平移scene graph有晃动,甚至很厉害,而本不该晃动(当camera靠近观察scene graph中的某个node时更明显);场景中的polygon面上有白光闪烁等等。解决此类问题的一个可行做法是对原始(大)数据做一个线性映射,映射到一个靠近原点...

2011-06-22 11:33:00 116

机械电子视频演示--优美的Project Video


2011-06-22 11:15:00 73

open inventor 映射实例

#include <Inventor/nodes/SoMaterial.h>#include <Inventor/nodes/SoSeparator.h>#include <Inventor/nodes/SoTexture2.h>#include <Inventor/nodes/SoTexture2Transform.h>#include &lt...

2011-06-22 10:49:00 151



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