Advice on job interviews in English

This week a question about dealing with a job interview in English appeared on our bulletin discussion board and here I'd like to talk about it a little bit.

It is estimated that six and a half million new university graduates were hitting the job market this year and at the same time the world is experiencing an economic downturn.

Early this week it was also revealed that 20 million migrant workers had lost their jobs as a result of the global financial crisis and to top it all off the nation has now officially declared it is suffering a drought across the northern region.

So amid this context readers out there looking for work are excused if they feel a little frazzled.

Now if you are a job seeker and you do have to attend an interview which is conducted in English what things do you need to know or what things should you be thinking about that can help you perform to your best ability?

Well, I discussed this with my good colleague here who has been for several job interviews conducted in English and his advice was to prepare, prepare and prepare.

To begin it was suggested that you actually write out a self introduction and any other material that is related to you and your skills.

In a similar way that during an IELTS speaking test you are often given one to two minutes to give a self introduction, at a job interview you would also be expected to speak about yourself concerning past study, home town, career goals, personal attributes, interests etc.

So get onto a computer, type out your self introduction, then start rehearsing and once comfortable I suggest recording yourself so you can listen back and notice how you sound.

Now if you are like me, when I finished university I had no idea who I was or what I wanted and wasn’t really clear about what my skills were or what I was good at. In case you are similar do a bit of hard thinking and try to imagine the type of person you would like to be and becoming, then write your self introduction around this.

Next step is you will need to have some knowledge of the company you are applying to work at or do an internship for so again, start typing and write out everything you know about the company and why it is you want to work for them and what you think you have that can benefit them. These days its all about adding value, so try to frame your pitch or your ‘self-sell’ around the benefits and positives you will bring to the company.

Finally, last point before you go to the interview; try to remember to enjoy the process. The more times we test ourselves, the more times we put ourselves in challenging situations, the more times we get nervous and sweat – the more we grow as people. Life is not meant to be lived in our comfort zone. We have to push out and seize the day.

And to remember what my colleague said, at all the job interviews where he has gone to his English has been better than all of the actual people who were interviewing him, so who knows maybe this will be your experience too.

Whatever the case, best of luck and if you can’t find a job for the moment, try to be patient and keep building up your skills and thinking what it is you would like to be doing with your life and what is the type of contribution or effect you would like to be making to the world. In the end it is all about giving. Giving of yourself to others, to a company or community.

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大学生在线租房平台管理系统按照操作主体分为管理员和用户。管理员的功能包括报修管理、报修评价管理、字典管理、房东管理、房屋管理、房屋收藏管理、房屋留言管理、房屋租赁管理、租房论坛管理、公告信息管理、留言板管理、用户管理、管理员管理。用户的功能等。该系统采用了Mysql数据库,Java语言,Spring Boot框架等技术进行编程实现。 大学生在线租房平台管理系统可以提高大学生在线租房平台信息管理问题的解决效率,优化大学生在线租房平台信息处理流程,保证大学生在线租房平台信息数据的安全,它是一个非常可靠,非常安全的应用程序。 管理员权限操作的功能包括管理公告,管理大学生在线租房平台信息,包括房屋管理,培训管理,报修管理,薪资管理等,可以管理公告。 房屋管理界面,管理员在房屋管理界面中可以对界面中显示,可以对房屋信息的房屋状态进行查看,可以添加新的房屋信息等。报修管理界面,管理员在报修管理界面中查看报修种类信息,报修描述信息,新增报修信息等。公告管理界面,管理员在公告管理界面中新增公告,可以删除公告。公告类型管理界面,管理员在公告类型管理界面查看公告的工作状态,可以对公告的数据进行导出,可以添加新公告的信息,可以编辑公告信息,删除公告信息。
As an AI language model, I don't have personal experience with job interviews, but here are some tips on how to prepare an English presentation for a job interview: 1. Understand the job requirements: Before preparing your presentation, make sure you thoroughly understand the job requirements and what the company is looking for in a candidate. This will help you tailor your presentation to the specific job and company. 2. Choose a relevant topic: Choose a topic that is relevant to the job and your skills. This could be a previous project you worked on, a skill you have that is relevant to the job, or your experience in the industry. 3. Create an outline: Create an outline for your presentation that includes an introduction, main points, and a conclusion. Make sure to include any supporting materials or visuals that will help you make your point. 4. Practice: Practice your presentation multiple times before the interview. This will help you become more comfortable with the material and ensure that you are able to present it clearly and confidently. 5. Be concise: Keep your presentation concise and to the point. Avoid rambling or going off-topic. 6. Be professional: Dress appropriately for the interview and be professional in your demeanor and tone. Show the interviewer that you are serious about the job and that you are a professional. 7. Be confident: Be confident in your presentation and yourself. This will help you make a good impression on the interviewer and show that you are the right candidate for the job.




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