Freescale 9S12 系列单片机应用笔记(SCI)1

SCI 模块应用笔记(1

UART,也就是异步串行通讯接口是单片机中最常见的外设,几乎每种类型的单片机都必备12UART 接口,9S12 系列单片机也不例外。不过,摩托罗拉给他自己的单片机的串口起了个很有个性的缩写名称SCI serial communication interface),其实就是我们常说的 UART



 * Set the Baud Rate of the SCI.
 * @param  port, port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param  baudRate, the wanted baud rate.
 * @param  busClk, The SCI module clock.
void SCISetBaudRate (unsigned char port, unsigned long baudRate, unsigned long busClk)
    unsigned short baudRateReg;
    baudRateReg = (unsigned short) (busClk / baudRate / 16); 
    if (port == SCI0)
       // Here we must write BDH first! 
        SCI0BDH =  ( 0x1f & (baudRateReg >> 8) );
        SCI0BDL =  (0xff & baudRateReg);
    else if(port == SCI1)
        SCI1BDH =  ( 0x1f & (baudRateReg >> 8) );
        SCI1BDL =  (0xff & baudRateReg);
        // Something must go wrong. Do nothing here!   


 * Enable/Disable parity function and set the Parity type
 * @param port port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param isEnable 0 for disable parity function, 1 for enable 
 * @param type 0 for Even Parity, 1 for Odd Parity 
void SCISetParity (unsigned char port, unsigned char isEnable, unsigned char type)
    if (port == SCI0)
        SCI0CR1_PE = (isEnable & 0x01);
        SCI0CR1_PT = (type & 0x01);
    else if(port == SCI1)
        SCI1CR1_PE = (isEnable & 0x01); 
        SCI1CR1_PT = (type & 0x01);
        // If code run here, something must go wrong. Do nothing here!   


 * Set the Data Format Mode Bit 
 * @param port port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param bits must be 8 or 9
void SCISetDataBit (unsigned char port, unsigned char bits)
    if (port == SCI0)
            case 8:
                SCI0CR1_M = 0;   /* 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit */
            case 9:
                SCI0CR1_M = 1;   /* 1 start bit, 9 data bits, 1 stop bit */
                // If code run here, something must go wrong. Do nothing here!   
    else if(port == SCI1)
            case 8:
                SCI1CR1_M = 0;   /* 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit */
            case 9:
                SCI1CR1_M = 1;   /* 1 start bit, 9 data bits, 1 stop bit */
                // If code run here, something must go wrong. Do nothing here!   
        // If code run here, something must go wrong. Do nothing here!   


NORMAL_MODE 是我们通常用的模式

LOOP_MODE 是自发自收模式

SING_WIRE_MODE 就是收发公用一条数据线的模式


 * Set the work mode of operation 
 * @param port port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param mode mode can be NORMAL_MODE / LOOP_MODE / SING_WIRE_MODE
void SCISetWorkMode (unsigned char port, unsigned char mode)
    if (port == SCI0)
            case NORMAL_MODE:
                SCI0CR1_LOOPS = 0;
                SCI0CR1_RSRC = 0;
            case LOOP_MODE:
                SCI0CR1_LOOPS = 1;
                SCI0CR1_RSRC = 0;
            case SING_WIRE_MODE:
                SCI0CR1_LOOPS = 1;
                SCI0CR1_RSRC = 1;
                // If code run here, something must go wrong. Do nothing here!   
    else if(port == SCI1)
            case NORMAL_MODE:
                SCI1CR1_LOOPS = 0;
                SCI1CR1_RSRC = 0;
            case LOOP_MODE:
                SCI1CR1_LOOPS = 1;
                SCI1CR1_RSRC = 0;
            case SING_WIRE_MODE:
                SCI1CR1_LOOPS = 1;
                SCI1CR1_RSRC = 1;
                // If code run here, something must go wrong. Do nothing here!   
        // If code run here, something must go wrong. Do nothing here!   

设置SCI模块是否在Wait 模式下工作

 * Enable/Disable the SCI in wait mode 
 * @param port port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param mode mode can be RUN_MODE / WAIT_MODE
void SCISetPowerMode (unsigned char port, unsigned char mode)
    if (port == SCI0)
            case RUN_MODE:
                SCI0CR1_SCISWAI = 0;
            case WAIT_MODE:
                SCI0CR1_SCISWAI = 1;
                // If code run here, something must go wrong. Do nothing here!   
    else if(port == SCI1)
            case RUN_MODE:
                SCI1CR1_SCISWAI = 0;
            case WAIT_MODE:
                SCI1CR1_SCISWAI = 1;
                // If code run here, something must go wrong. Do nothing here!   
        // If code run here, something must go wrong. Do nothing here!   


 * Enable/Disable SCI Receiver
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param isEnable  0 disable 1 enable
void SCIEnableRecv (unsigned char port, unsigned char isEnable)
    if (port == SCI0)
        SCI0CR2_RE = (isEnable & 0x01);
    else if(port == SCI1)
        SCI1CR2_RE = (isEnable & 0x01);
        // If code run here, something must go wrong. Do nothing here!   


 * Enable/Disable SCI Transmitter 
 * @param port      port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param isEnable  0 disable 1 enable
void SCIEnableTrans (unsigned char port, unsigned char isEnable)
    if (port == SCI0)
        SCI0CR2_TE = (isEnable & 0x01);
    else if(port == SCI1)
        SCI1CR2_TE = (isEnable & 0x01);
        // If code run here, something must go wrong. Do nothing here!   


 * Send a char throungh SCI module.
 * @param port port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param s the data to be sent
void SCIPutChar ( unsigned char port, unsigned char s)
    if (port == SCI0)
        while (SCI0SR1_TDRE == 0);   // SCI0SR1_TC 是发送完成
        SCI0DRL = s;
        while (SCI1SR1_TDRE == 0);   // SCI1SR1_TC
        SCI1DRL = s;        

 * Send a char string throungh SCI module.
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param *str  the string to be sent
void SCIPutStr (unsigned char port, unsigned char *str)
    while (0 != *str)
        SCIPutChar(port, *str);

 * Send data throungh SCI module.
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param *p    pointer to the data to be sent
 * @param size  the size(byte) of the data
void SCIWrite (unsigned char port, void *p, int size)
    unsigned char *str = (unsigned char *)p;
    while (size > 0)
        SCIPutChar(port, *str);

 * Send a short int value(Big Endian) throungh SCI module.
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param i     the data to be sent
void SCIPutShortBigEndian (unsigned char port, short i)
    char * p = (char *)&i;
    SCIPutChar( port, p[0]);
    SCIPutChar( port, p[1]);

 * Send a short int value(Little Endian) throungh SCI module.
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param i     the data to be sent
void SCIPutShortLittleEndian (unsigned char port, short i)
    char * p = (char *)&i;
    SCIPutChar( port, p[1]);
    SCIPutChar( port, p[0]);

 * Send a long int value(Big Endian) throungh SCI module.
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param i     the data to be sent
void SCIPutLongBigEndian (unsigned char port, long i)
    char * p = (char *)&i;
    SCIPutChar( port, p[0]);
    SCIPutChar( port, p[1]);
    SCIPutChar( port, p[2]);
    SCIPutChar( port, p[3]);

 * Send a long int value(Little Endian) throungh SCI module.
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param i     the data to be sent
void SCIPutLongLittleEndian (unsigned char port, long i)
    char * p = (char *)&i;
    SCIPutChar( port, p[3]);
    SCIPutChar( port, p[2]);
    SCIPutChar( port, p[1]);
    SCIPutChar( port, p[0]);


 * Receive a char data from SCI module,no reply.
 * @param  port port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @return the received char
unsigned char SCIGetChar(unsigned char port)
    if (port == SCI0)
        while( SCI0SR1_RDRF == 0);
        return SCI0DRL;
        while( SCI1SR1_RDRF == 0);
        return SCI1DRL;



* \file sci.h
* \author Li Yuan
* platform: mc9s12dp256B
* date: 2012-4-16
* version: 1.0.0
* description: SCI(Serial Communication Interface) Support Code

#ifndef _SCI_H_
#define _SCI_H_

 #define SCI0               0
 #define SCI1               1
 #define IDLE_LINE          0
 #define ADDRESS_MARK       1
 #define NORMAL_MODE        0
 #define LOOP_MODE          1
 #define SING_WIRE_MODE     2
 #define RUN_MODE           0
 #define WAIT_MODE          1
 /* Function Declaration */
 * Set the Baud Rate of the SCI.
 * @param  port, port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param  baudRate, the wanted baud rate.
 * @param  busClk, The SCI module clock.
void SCISetBaudRate(unsigned char port, unsigned long baudRate, unsigned long busClk);

 * Set the Interrupt Enable Bit
 * @param  port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param  tie   Transmitter Interrupt Enable BIt
 * @param  tcie  Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable BIt
 * @param  rie   Receiver Full Interrupt Enable BIt
 * @param  ilie  Idle Line Interrupt Enable BIt
 *                0 Interrupt requests Disabled 
 *                1 Interrupt requests Enabled
void SCISetIEBit(unsigned char port, unsigned char tie, unsigned char tcie, unsigned char rie, unsigned char ilie);

 * Enable The Tx interrupt  (Transmitter Interrupt Enable BIt)
 * @param  port, port can be SCI0 / SCI1
void SCIEnableTxInt(unsigned char port);

 * Disable The Tx interrupt  (Transmitter Interrupt Enable BIt)
 * @param  port, port can be SCI0 / SCI1
void SCIDisTxInt(unsigned char port);

 * Enable/Disable SCI Receiver
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param isEnable  0 disable 1 enable
void SCIEnableRecv(unsigned char port, unsigned char isEnable);

 * Enable/Disable SCI Transmitter 
 * @param port      port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param isEnable  0 disable 1 enable
void SCIEnableTrans(unsigned char port, unsigned char isEnable);

 * Set the Idle Line Type
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param type  0 Idle char bit count begins after start bit
 *              1 Idle char bit count begins after stop bit
void SCISetIdleLineType(unsigned char port, unsigned char type);

 * Set the Wakeup Condition.
 * @param port      port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param condi     0 for Idle line wakeup, 1 for address mark wakeup 
void SCISetWakeupCondi(unsigned char port, unsigned char condi);

 * Enable/Disable parity function and set the Parity type
 * @param port port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param isEnable 0 for disable parity function, 1 for enable 
 * @param type 0 for Even Parity, 1 for Odd Parity 
void SCISetParity(unsigned char port, unsigned char isEnable, unsigned char type);

 * Set the Data Format Mode Bit 
 * @param port port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param bits must be 8 or 9
void SCISetDataBit(unsigned char port, unsigned char bits);

 * Set the work mode of operation 
 * @param port port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param mode mode can be NORMAL_MODE / LOOP_MODE / SING_WIRE_MODE
void SCISetWorkMode(unsigned char port, unsigned char mode);

 * Enable/Disable the SCI in wait mode  
 * @param port port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param mode mode can be RUN_MODE / WAIT_MODE
void SCISetPowerMode(unsigned char port, unsigned char mode);

 * Set the TXDIR ( Only for Single Wire MODE)
 * @param port port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param dir 0 TXD used as input, 1 TXD used as output
void SCISetTXDIR(unsigned char port, unsigned char dir);

 * Send a char throungh SCI module.
 * @param port port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param s the data to be sent
void SCIPutChar( unsigned char port, unsigned char s);

 * Receive a char data from SCI module,no reply.
 * @param  port port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @return the received char
unsigned char SCIGetChar(unsigned char port);

 * Send a short int value(Big Endian) throungh SCI module.
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param i     the data to be sent
void SCIPutShortBigEndian (unsigned char port, short i);

 * Send a short int value(Little Endian) throungh SCI module.
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param i     the data to be sent
void SCIPutShortLittleEndian (unsigned char port, short i);

 * Send a long int value(Big Endian) throungh SCI module.
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param i     the data to be sent
void SCIPutLongBigEndian (unsigned char port, long i);

 * Send a long int value(Little Endian) throungh SCI module.
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param i     the data to be sent
void SCIPutLongLittleEndian (unsigned char port, long i);

 * Send a char string throungh SCI module.
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param *str  the string to be sent
void SCIPutStr(unsigned char port, unsigned char *str);

 * Send data throungh SCI module.
 * @param port  port can be SCI0 / SCI1
 * @param *p    pointer to the data to be sent
 * @param size  the size(byte) of the data
void SCIWrite(unsigned char port, void *p, int size);



#include <hidef.h>      /* common defines and macros */
#include "derivative.h"      /* derivative-specific definitions */
#include  "sci.h"

void main(void) 
	char C;
    SCISetWorkMode(SCI0, NORMAL_MODE);
SCISetPowerMode(SCI0, RUN_MODE);
    SCISetBaudRate(SCI0, 9600, 16384000L); // 16M Clock
    SCISetDataBit(SCI0, 8);
    SCISetParity(SCI0, 0, 0);
    SCIEnableRecv(SCI0, 1);
    SCIEnableTrans(SCI0, 1);   
        _FEED_COP(); /* feeds the dog */
		C = SCIGetChar(SCI0);
		SCIPutChar(SCI0, C);
    } /* loop forever */
    /* please make sure that you never leave main */



评论 2




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


