Real-Time Rendering——6.7.1 Blinn’s Methods 6.7.2 Normal Mapping法线映射


6.7.1 Blinn’s Methods


Blinn’s original bump mapping method stores two signed values, bu and bv, at each texel in a texture. These two values correspond to the amount to vary the normal along the u and v image axes. That is, these texture values, which typically are bilinearly interpolated, are used to scale two vectors that are perpendicular to the normal. These two vectors are added to the normal to change its direction. The two values bu and bv describe which way the surface faces at the point. See Figure 6.33.This type of bump map texture is called an offset vector bump map or offset map.


Figure 6.33. On the left, a normal vector n is modified in the u- and v-directions by the (bu, bv) values taken from the bump texture, giving n′ (which is unnormalized). On the right, a heightfield and its effect on shading normals is shown. These normals could instead be interpolated between heights for a smoother look.


Another way to represent bumps is to use a heightfield to modify the surface normal’s direction. Each monochrome texture value represents a height, so in the texture, white is a high area and black a low one (or vice versa). See Figure 6.34 for an example. This is a common format used when first creating or scanning a bump map, and it was also introduced by Blinn in 1978. The heightfield is used to derive u and v signed values similar to those used in the first method. This is done by taking the differences between neighboring columns to get the slopes for u, and between neighboring rows for v [1567]. A variant is to use a Sobel filter, which gives a greater weight to the directly adjacent neighbors [535].


Figure 6.34. A wavy heightfield bump image and its use on a sphere.

6.7.2 Normal Mapping法线映射

 A common method for bump mapping is to directly store a normal map. The algorithms and results are mathematically identical to Blinn’s methods; only the storage format and pixel shader computations change.


The normal map encodes (x, y, z) mapped to [−1, 1], e.g., for an 8-bit texture the x-axis value 0 represents −1.0 and 255 represents 1.0. An example is shown in Figure 6.35. The color [128, 128, 255], a light blue, would represent a flat surface for the color mapping shown, i.e., a normal of [0, 0, 1].


 Figure 6.35. Bump mapping with a normal map. Each color channel is actually a surface normal coordinate. The red channel is the x deviation; the more red, the more the normal points to the right. Green is the y deviation, and blue is z. At the right is an image produced using the normal map. Note the flattened look on the top of the cube. (Images courtesy of Manuel M. Oliveira and Fabio Policarpo.)

图6.35。使用法线贴图的凹凸贴图。每个颜色通道实际上是一个表面法线坐标。红色通道是x偏差;红色越多,法线越向右。绿色表示y偏差,蓝色表示z偏差。右侧是使用法线贴图生成的图像。请注意立方体顶部的扁平外观。(图片由Manuel M. Oliveira和Fabio Policarpo提供。)

The normal map representation was originally introduced as a world-space normal map [274, 891], which is rarely used in practice. For that type of mapping, the perturbation is straightforward: At each pixel, retrieve the normal from the map and use it directly,along with a light’s direction, to compute the shade at that location on the surface. Normal maps can also be defined in object space, so that the model could be rotated and the normals would then still be valid. However, both worldand object-space representations bind the texture to specific geometry in a particular orientation, which limits texture reuse.


Instead, the perturbed normal is usually retrieved in tangent space, i.e., relative to the surface itself. This allows for deformation of the surface, as well as maximal reuse of the normal texture. Tangent-space normal maps also can compress nicely, since the sign of the z-component (the one aligned with the unperturbed surface normal) can usually be assumed to be positive.


Normal mapping can be used to good effect to increase realism—see Figure 6.36.


Figure 6.36. An example of normal map bump mapping used in a game-like scene. Top left: the two normals maps to the right are not applied. Bottom left: normal maps applied. Right: the normal maps. (3D model and normal maps courtesy of Dulce Isis Segarra L´opez.) 

图6.36。一个在游戏场景中使用的法线贴图凹凸贴图的例子。左上:右边的两个法线贴图没有被应用。左下角:应用法线贴图。右图:法线贴图。(3D模型和普通地图由Dulce Isis Segarra L opez提供。)

Filtering normal maps is a difficult problem, compared to filtering color textures.In general, the relationship between the normal and the shaded color is not linear,so standard filtering methods may result in objectionable aliasing. Imagine looking at stairs made of blocks of shiny white marble. At some angles, the tops or sides of the stairs catch the light and reflect a bright specular highlight. However, the average normal for the stairs is at, say, a 45 degree angle; it will capture highlights from entirely different directions than the original stairs. When bump maps with sharp specular highlights are rendered without correct filtering, a distracting sparkle effect can occur as highlights wink in and out by the luck of where samples fall.


Lambertian surfaces are a special case where the normal map has an almost linear effect on shading. Lambertian shading is almost entirely a dot product, which is a linear operation. Averaging a group of normals and performing a dot product with the result is equivalent to averaging individual dot products with the normals:


Note that the average vector is not normalized before use. Equation 6.14 shows that standard filtering and mipmaps almost produce the right result for Lambertian surfaces. The result is not quite correct because the Lambertian shading equation is not a dot product; it is a clamped dot product—max(l · n, 0). The clamping operation makes it nonlinear. This will overly darken the surface for glancing light directions,but in practice this is usually not objectionable [891]. One caveat is that some texture compression methods typically used for normal maps (such as reconstructing the zcomponent from the other two) do not support non-unit-length normals, so using non-normalized normal maps may pose compression difficulties. 

请注意,平均向量在使用前没有归一化。等式6.14表明标准滤波和小中见大贴图几乎为朗伯曲面产生正确的结果。这个结果不太正确,因为朗伯明暗处理方程不是点积;它是一个箝位点积—max(l · n, 0).。箝位操作使其成为非线性的。这将使掠射光方向的表面过度变暗,但在实践中,这通常是没有问题的[891]。一个警告是,一些通常用于法线贴图的纹理压缩方法(例如从其他两个重建z分量)不支持非单位长度法线,因此使用非规格化法线贴图可能会造成压缩困难。

In the case of non-Lambertian surfaces, it is possible to produce better results by filtering the inputs to the shading equation as a group, rather than filtering the normal map in isolation. Techniques for doing so are discussed in Section 9.13.


Finally, it may be useful to derive a normal map from a height map, h(x, y).This is done as follows [405]. First, approximations to derivatives in the x- and the y-directions are computed using centered differences as


The unnormalized normal at texel (x, y) is then 


Care has to be taken at the boundaries of the texture.


Horizon mapping [1027] can be used to further enhance normal maps by having the bumps be able to cast shadows onto their own surfaces. This is done by precomputing additional textures, with each texture associated with a direction along the surface’s plane, and storing the angle of the horizon in that direction, for each texel. See Section 11.4 for more information. 






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