
1. 写在前面

在前面的博客中,介绍了有关结构光3D相机的硬件搭建。在这篇博客中,博主将教给大家如何通过 C/C++ 控制我们的2D相机。完成本篇博客的学习内容后,你将收获相机的SDK 使用经验。




2. 相机C/C++控制








#ifndef IN
#define IN //输入

#ifndef OUT
#define OUT //输出

#   ifdef _WIN32
#       ifdef DLL_EXPORTS
#           define DEVICE_API _declspec(dllexport)
#       else
#           define DEVICE_API _declspec(dllimport)
#       endif
#   else
#       define DEVICE_API
#   endif
# else
#   define DEVICE_API
# endif
 * SafeQueue.hpp
 * Copyright (C) 2019 Alfredo Pons Menargues <apons@linucleus.com>
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <queue>
#include <list>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <cstdint>
#include <condition_variable>
/** A thread-safe asynchronous queue */
template <class T, class Container = std::list<T>>
class SafeQueue
    typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
    typedef typename Container::size_type size_type;
    typedef Container container_type;
    /*! Create safe queue. */
    SafeQueue() = default;
    SafeQueue (SafeQueue&& sq)
      m_queue = std::move (sq.m_queue);
    SafeQueue (const SafeQueue& sq)
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock (sq.m_mutex);
      m_queue = sq.m_queue;
    /*! Destroy safe queue. */
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock (m_mutex);
     * Sets the maximum number of items in the queue. Defaults is 0: No limit
     * \param[in] item An item.
    void set_max_num_items (unsigned int max_num_items)
      m_max_num_items = max_num_items;
     *  Pushes the item into the queue.
     * \param[in] item An item.
     * \return true if an item was pushed into the queue
    bool push (const value_type& item)
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock (m_mutex);
      if (m_max_num_items > 0 && m_queue.size() > m_max_num_items)
        return false;
      m_queue.push (item);
      return true;
     *  Pushes the item into the queue.
     * \param[in] item An item.
     * \return true if an item was pushed into the queue
    bool push (const value_type&& item)
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock (m_mutex);
      if (m_max_num_items > 0 && m_queue.size() > m_max_num_items)
        return false;
      m_queue.push (item);
      return true;

    value_type& back() {
      std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock (m_mutex);

      return m_queue.back();
     *  Pops item from the queue.
     * \param[out] item The item.
    void pop (value_type& item)
      std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock (m_mutex);
      item = m_queue.front();
     *  Pops item from the queue using the contained type's move assignment operator, if it has one..
     *  This method is identical to the pop() method if that type has no move assignment operator.
     * \param[out] item The item.
    void move_pop (value_type& item)
      std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock (m_mutex);
      item = std::move (m_queue.front());
     *  Tries to pop item from the queue.
     * \param[out] item The item.
     * \return False is returned if no item is available.
    bool try_pop (value_type& item)
      std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock (m_mutex);
      if (m_queue.empty())
        return false;
      item = m_queue.front();
      return true;
     *  Tries to pop item from the queue using the contained type's move assignment operator, if it has one..
     *  This method is identical to the try_pop() method if that type has no move assignment operator.
     * \param[out] item The item.
     * \return False is returned if no item is available.
    bool try_move_pop (value_type& item)
      std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock (m_mutex);
      if (m_queue.empty())
        return false;
      item = std::move (m_queue.front());
      return true;
     *  Pops item from the queue. If the queue is empty, blocks for timeout microseconds, or until item becomes available.
     * \param[out] t An item.
     * \param[in] timeout The number of microseconds to wait.
     * \return true if get an item from the queue, false if no item is received before the timeout.
    bool timeout_pop (value_type& item, std::uint64_t timeout)
      std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock (m_mutex);
      if (m_queue.empty())
          if (timeout == 0)
            return false;
          if (m_condition.wait_for (lock, std::chrono::microseconds (timeout)) == std::cv_status::timeout)
            return false;
      item = m_queue.front();
      return true;
     *  Pops item from the queue using the contained type's move assignment operator, if it has one..
     *  If the queue is empty, blocks for timeout microseconds, or until item becomes available.
     *  This method is identical to the try_pop() method if that type has no move assignment operator.
     * \param[out] t An item.
     * \param[in] timeout The number of microseconds to wait.
     * \return true if get an item from the queue, false if no item is received before the timeout.
    bool timeout_move_pop (value_type& item, std::uint64_t timeout)
      std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock (m_mutex);
      if (m_queue.empty())
          if (timeout == 0)
            return false;
          if (m_condition.wait_for (lock, std::chrono::microseconds (timeout)) == std::cv_status::timeout)
            return false;
      item = std::move (m_queue.front());
      return true;
     *  Gets the number of items in the queue.
     * \return Number of items in the queue.
    size_type size() const
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock (m_mutex);
      return m_queue.size();
     *  Check if the queue is empty.
     * \return true if queue is empty.
    bool empty() const
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock (m_mutex);
      return m_queue.empty();
     *  Swaps the contents.
     * \param[out] sq The SafeQueue to swap with 'this'.
    void swap (SafeQueue& sq)
      if (this != &sq)
          std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock1 (m_mutex);
          std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock2 (sq.m_mutex);
          m_queue.swap (sq.m_queue);
          if (!m_queue.empty())
          if (!sq.m_queue.empty())
    /*! The copy assignment operator */
    SafeQueue& operator= (const SafeQueue& sq)
      if (this != &sq)
          std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock1 (m_mutex);
          std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock2 (sq.m_mutex);
          std::queue<T, Container> temp {sq.m_queue};
          m_queue.swap (temp);
          if (!m_queue.empty())
      return *this;
    /*! The move assignment operator */
    SafeQueue& operator= (SafeQueue && sq)
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock (m_mutex);
      m_queue = std::move (sq.m_queue);
      if (!m_queue.empty())  m_condition.notify_all();
      return *this;
    std::queue<T, Container> m_queue;
    mutable std::mutex m_mutex;
    std::condition_variable m_condition;
    unsigned int m_max_num_items = 0;
/*! Swaps the contents of two SafeQueue objects. */
template <class T, class Container>
void swap (SafeQueue<T, Container>& q1, SafeQueue<T, Container>& q2)
  q1.swap (q2);
#endif /* SAFEQUEUE_HPP_ */


#ifndef __CAMERA_H_
#define __CAMERA_H_

#include <string>
#include <queue>

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

#include "typeDef.h"
#include "safeQueue.hpp"

/** @brief 结构光库 **/
namespace device {
    /** @brief 相机库 **/
    namespace camera {
        /** @brief 相机信息 **/
        struct DEVICE_API CameraInfo {
            std::string cameraKey_;      // 相机序列号
            std::string cameraUserId_;   // 相机用户名
            std::string deviceType_;     // 相机传输数据类型
            bool isFind_;

        /** @brief 触发方式 **/
        enum TrigMode {
            trigContinous = 0, // 连续拉流
            trigSoftware = 1,  // 软件触发
            trigLine = 2,      // 外部触发

        /** @brief 相机控制类 **/
        class DEVICE_API Camera {
                 * @brief 析构函数
                virtual ~Camera() { }
                 * @brief 获取相机信息
                 * @return CameraInfo 相机信息
                virtual CameraInfo getCameraInfo() = 0;
                 * @brief 连接相机
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool connect() = 0;
                 * @brief 断开相机
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool disConnect() = 0;
                 * @brief 获取已捕获图片
                 * @return SafeQueue<cv::Mat>& 捕获的图片
                virtual SafeQueue<cv::Mat>& getImgs() = 0;
                 * @brief 存入图片
                 * @param img 图片
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool pushImg(IN const cv::Mat& img) = 0;
                 * @brief 丢弃最早的一张图片
                 * @return cv::Mat 被丢弃的图片
                virtual cv::Mat popImg() = 0;
                 * @brief 清空所有捕获的图片
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool clearImgs() = 0;
                 * @brief 是否已连接
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool isConnect() = 0;
                 * @brief 捕获一帧图片
                 * @return cv::Mat 捕获到的图片
                virtual cv::Mat capture() = 0;
                 * @brief 打开相机并持续捕获
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool start() = 0;
                 * @brief 暂停相机持续捕获
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool pause() = 0;
                 * @brief 设置触发模式
                 * @param mode 触发模式
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool setTrigMode(IN TrigMode mode) = 0;
                 * @brief 设置枚举属性值
                 * @param attributeName 枚举属性名称
                 * @param val 需要设置的值
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool setEnumAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName, IN const std::string val) = 0;
                 * @brief 设置字符属性值
                 * @param attributeName 字符属性名称
                 * @param val 需要设置的值
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool setStringAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName, IN const std::string val) = 0;
                 * @brief 设置数字属性值
                 * @param attributeName 数字属性名称
                 * @param val 需要设置的值
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool setNumberAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName, IN const double val) = 0;
                 * @brief 设置布尔属性值
                 * @param attributeName 布尔属性名称
                 * @param val 需要设置的值
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool setBooleanAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName, IN const bool val) = 0;
                 * @brief 获取枚举属性值
                 * @param attributeName 枚举属性名称
                 * @param val 当前枚举量
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool getEnumAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName, OUT std::string& val) = 0;
                 * @brief 获取字符属性值
                 * @param attributeName 字符属性名称
                 * @param val 当前字符属性值
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool getStringAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName, OUT std::string& val) = 0;
                 * @brief 获取数字属性值
                 * @param attributeName 数字属性名称
                 * @param val 当前数字属性值
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool getNumbericalAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName, OUT double& val) = 0;
                 * @brief 获取布尔属性值
                 * @param attributeName 布尔属性名称
                 * @param val 当前布尔属性值
                 * @return true 成功
                 * @return false 失败
                virtual bool getBooleanAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName, OUT bool& val) = 0;
                 * @brief getFps 获取帧率
                 * @return 帧率
                virtual int getFps() = 0;

#endif //__CAMERA_H_

紧接着,我们就可以创建华睿相机类HuarayCamera并继承上述Camera类,在HuarayCamera类中具体实现上面Camera类的接口方法。(需要用到华睿相机的SDK,包括IMVApi.hIMVDefines.h,以及MVSDKmd.lib,上述文件在安装MV Viewer安装文件夹下的Development文件夹内)

 * @file huarayCamera.h
 * @author Evans Liu(1369215984@qq.com)
 * @brief  相机工具类:值得一提的是大华和海康相机皆可使用,采用同一标准。
 * @version 0.1
 * @date 2021-12-10
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021
#ifndef __HUARAY_CAMERA_H_
#define __HUARAY_CAMERA_H_

#include "IMVApi.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "safeQueue.hpp"

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

/** @brief 相机库 */
namespace device {
/** @brief 设备控制库 */
namespace camera {
/** @brief 华睿相机控制类 **/
class DEVICE_API HuarayCammera : public Camera{
    explicit HuarayCammera(IN const std::string cameraUserId);
    CameraInfo getCameraInfo() override;
    bool connect() override;
    bool disConnect() override;
    SafeQueue<cv::Mat> &getImgs() override;
    bool pushImg(IN const cv::Mat &img) override;
    cv::Mat popImg() override;
    bool clearImgs() override;
    bool isConnect() override;
    cv::Mat capture() override;
    bool start() override;
    bool pause() override;
    bool setTrigMode(IN const TrigMode trigMode) override;
    bool setEnumAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName,
                          IN const std::string val) override;
    bool setStringAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName,
                            IN const std::string val) override;
    bool setNumberAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName,
                            IN const double val) override;
    bool setBooleanAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName,
                             IN const bool val) override;
    bool getEnumAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName,
                          OUT std::string &val) override;
    bool getStringAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName,
                            OUT std::string &val) override;
    bool getNumbericalAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName,
                                OUT double &val) override;
    bool getBooleanAttribute(IN const std::string attributeName,
                             OUT bool &val) override;
    int getFps() override;
    IMV_HANDLE* getHandle() { return pCamera_; }
    const std::string cameraUserId_;
    IMV_HANDLE *pCamera_;
    SafeQueue<cv::Mat> imgs_;
} // namespace camera
} // namespace device
#endif // __HUARAY_CAMERA_H_


#include "huarayCamera.h"

#include <chrono>

namespace device {
namespace camera {

static void frameCallback(IMV_Frame *pFrame, void *pUser) {
    HuarayCammera *pCamera = reinterpret_cast<HuarayCammera *>(pUser);
    if (pFrame->pData != NULL) {
        //TODO@Evans Liu:增加各种格式的pack支持

        cv::Mat img;
        if(_IMV_EPixelType::gvspPixelMono8 == pFrame->frameInfo.pixelFormat) {
            img = cv::Mat(pFrame->frameInfo.height, pFrame->frameInfo.width, CV_8U, pFrame->pData).clone();
        else if(_IMV_EPixelType::gvspPixelBayRG8 == pFrame->frameInfo.pixelFormat) {
            //TODO@Evans Liu:如果直接在这进行转码,将导致延迟
            img = cv::Mat(pFrame->frameInfo.height, pFrame->frameInfo.width, CV_8U, pFrame->pData).clone();
        else if(_IMV_EPixelType::gvspPixelMono16 == pFrame->frameInfo.pixelFormat) {
            img = cv::Mat(pFrame->frameInfo.height, pFrame->frameInfo.width,
                CV_16U, pFrame->pData)


HuarayCammera::HuarayCammera(const std::string cameraUserId)
    : cameraUserId_(cameraUserId), pCamera_(nullptr) {}

HuarayCammera::~HuarayCammera() {}

CameraInfo HuarayCammera::getCameraInfo() {
    CameraInfo info;
    info.isFind_ = false;
    IMV_DeviceList deviceList;
    IMV_EnumDevices(&deviceList, IMV_EInterfaceType::interfaceTypeAll);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < deviceList.nDevNum; ++i) {
        if(cameraUserId_ == deviceList.pDevInfo[i].cameraName) {
            info.isFind_ = true;
            info.cameraKey_ = deviceList.pDevInfo[i].cameraKey;
            info.cameraUserId_ = deviceList.pDevInfo[i].cameraName;
            info.deviceType_ = deviceList.pDevInfo[i].nInterfaceType;
    return info;

bool HuarayCammera::connect() {
    auto ret =
        IMV_CreateHandle((void**)&pCamera_, IMV_ECreateHandleMode::modeByDeviceUserID,

    if (IMV_OK != ret) {
        printf("create devHandle failed! userId[%s], ErrorCode[%d]\n",
               cameraUserId_.data(), ret);
        return false;

    ret = IMV_Open(pCamera_);
    if (IMV_OK != ret) {
        printf("open camera failed! ErrorCode[%d]\n", ret);
        return false;

    return true;

bool HuarayCammera::disConnect() {
    if (!pCamera_) {
        printf("close camera fail. No camera.\n");
        return false;

    if (false == IMV_IsOpen(pCamera_)) {
        printf("camera is already close.\n");
        return false;

    auto ret = IMV_Close(pCamera_);
    if (IMV_OK != ret) {
        printf("close camera failed! ErrorCode[%d]\n", ret);
        return false;

    ret = IMV_DestroyHandle(pCamera_);
    if (IMV_OK != ret) {
        printf("destroy devHandle failed! ErrorCode[%d]\n", ret);
        return false;

    pCamera_ = nullptr;

    return true;

SafeQueue<cv::Mat>& HuarayCammera::getImgs() {
    return imgs_;

bool HuarayCammera::pushImg(const cv::Mat &img) {

    return true;

cv::Mat HuarayCammera::popImg() {
    cv::Mat img;
    bool isSucess = imgs_.try_move_pop(img);

    //std::cout << cameraUserId_ << " Size: " << imgs_.size() << " fps:  " << getFps() << " is sucess: " << isSucess << std::endl;

    return img;

bool HuarayCammera::clearImgs() {
    SafeQueue<cv::Mat> emptyQueue;

    return true;

bool HuarayCammera::isConnect() { return IMV_IsOpen(pCamera_); }

cv::Mat HuarayCammera::capture() {
    if (!pCamera_) {
        printf("Error, camera dosn't open! \n");
        return cv::Mat();

    const int preNums = imgs_.size();


    auto ret = IMV_ExecuteCommandFeature(pCamera_, "TriggerSoftware");
    if (IMV_OK != ret) {
        printf("ExecuteSoftTrig fail, ErrorCode[%d]\n", ret);
        return cv::Mat();

    double exposureTime;
    getNumbericalAttribute("ExposureTime", exposureTime);
    auto timeBegin = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    while(preNums == imgs_.size()) {
        auto timeEnd = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
        auto timeElapsed = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(timeEnd - timeBegin).count()* (double)std::chrono::milliseconds::period::num / std::chrono::milliseconds::period::den;
        if(timeElapsed > (exposureTime / 1000000.0 * 2))  {

    cv::Mat softWareCapturedImg = imgs_.back();


    return softWareCapturedImg;

bool HuarayCammera::start() {
    if (!pCamera_) {
        printf("Error, camera dosn't open! \n");
        return false;

    if (IMV_IsGrabbing(pCamera_)) {
        printf("camera is already grebbing.\n");
        return false;

    auto ret = IMV_AttachGrabbing(pCamera_, frameCallback, this);

    if (IMV_OK != ret) {
        printf("Attach grabbing failed! ErrorCode[%d]\n", ret);
        return false;

    ret = IMV_StartGrabbing(pCamera_);
    if (IMV_OK != ret) {
        printf("start grabbing failed! ErrorCode[%d]\n", ret);
        return false;

    return true;

bool HuarayCammera::pause() {
    if (!pCamera_) {
        printf("Error, camera dosn't open! \n");
        return false;

    if (!IMV_IsGrabbing(pCamera_)) {
        printf("camera is already stop grubbing.\n");
        return false;

    auto ret = IMV_StopGrabbing(pCamera_);
    if (IMV_OK != ret) {
        printf("Stop grubbing failed! ErrorCode[%d]\n", ret);
        return false;

    return true;

bool HuarayCammera::setTrigMode(const TrigMode trigMode) {
    if (!pCamera_) {
        printf("Error, camera dosn't open! \n");
        return false;

    int ret = IMV_OK;
    if (trigContinous == trigMode) {
        ret = IMV_SetEnumFeatureSymbol(pCamera_, "TriggerMode", "Off");
        if (IMV_OK != ret) {
            printf("set TriggerMode value = Off fail, ErrorCode[%d]\n", ret);
            return false;
    } else if (trigSoftware == trigMode) {
        ret = IMV_SetEnumFeatureSymbol(pCamera_, "TriggerMode", "On");
        if (IMV_OK != ret) {
            printf("set TriggerMode value = On fail, ErrorCode[%d]\n", ret);
            return false;

        ret = IMV_SetEnumFeatureSymbol(pCamera_, "TriggerSource", "Software");
        if (IMV_OK != ret) {
            printf("set TriggerSource value = Software fail, ErrorCode[%d]\n",
            return false;
    } else if (trigLine == trigMode) {
        ret = IMV_SetEnumFeatureSymbol(pCamera_, "TriggerMode", "On");
        if (IMV_OK != ret) {
            printf("set TriggerMode value = On fail, ErrorCode[%d]\n", ret);
            return false;

        ret = IMV_SetEnumFeatureSymbol(pCamera_, "TriggerSource", "Line2");
        if (IMV_OK != ret) {
            printf("set TriggerSource value = Line1 fail, ErrorCode[%d]\n",
            return false;
    return true;

bool HuarayCammera::setEnumAttribute(const std::string attributeName,
                                     const std::string val) {
    if (!pCamera_) {
        printf("Error, camera dosn't open! \n");
        return false;

    return IMV_SetEnumFeatureSymbol(pCamera_, attributeName.data(),
                                    val.data()) == IMV_OK;

bool HuarayCammera::setStringAttribute(const std::string attributeName,
                                       const std::string val) {
    if (!pCamera_) {
        printf("Error, camera dosn't open! \n");
        return false;

    return IMV_SetStringFeatureValue(pCamera_, attributeName.data(),
                                     val.data()) == IMV_OK;

bool HuarayCammera::setNumberAttribute(const std::string attributeName,
                                           const double val) {
    if (!pCamera_) {
        printf("Error, camera dosn't open! \n");
        return false;

    return IMV_SetDoubleFeatureValue(pCamera_, attributeName.data(), val) == IMV_OK;

bool HuarayCammera::setBooleanAttribute(const std::string attributeName,
                                        const bool val) {
    if (!pCamera_) {
        printf("Error, camera dosn't open! \n");
        return false;

    return IMV_SetBoolFeatureValue(pCamera_, attributeName.data(), val) == IMV_OK;

int HuarayCammera::getFps() {
    IMV_StreamStatisticsInfo info;
    IMV_GetStatisticsInfo(pCamera_, &info);

    return info.u3vStatisticsInfo.fps;

bool HuarayCammera::getEnumAttribute(const std::string attributeName,
                                     std::string &val) {
    if (!pCamera_) {
        printf("Error, camera dosn't open! \n");
        return false;

    IMV_String data;
    IMV_GetEnumFeatureSymbol(pCamera_, attributeName.data(), &data);
    val = data.str;

    return true;

bool HuarayCammera::getStringAttribute(const std::string attributeName,
                                       std::string &val) {
    if (!pCamera_) {
        printf("Error, camera dosn't open! \n");
        return false;

    IMV_String data;
    IMV_GetStringFeatureValue(pCamera_, attributeName.data(), &data);
    val = data.str;

    return true;

bool HuarayCammera::getNumbericalAttribute(const std::string attributeName,
                                           double &val) {
    if (!pCamera_) {
        printf("Error, camera dosn't open! \n");
        return false;

    IMV_GetDoubleFeatureValue(pCamera_, attributeName.data(), &val);

    return true;

bool HuarayCammera::getBooleanAttribute(const std::string attributeName,
                                        bool &val) {
    if (!pCamera_) {
        printf("Error, camera dosn't open! \n");
        return false;

    IMV_GetBoolFeatureValue(pCamera_, attributeName.data(), &val);

    return true;
} // namespace camera
} // namespace device




#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>

#include "huarayCamera.h"

/** @brief 结构光库 **/
namespace device {
/** @brief 相机库 **/
namespace camera {
/** @brief 相机工厂 **/
class DEVICE_API CameraFactory {
    CameraFactory() { };
    /**@brief 制造商*/
    enum CameraManufactor {
        Huaray = 0, //华睿科技
        Halcon      //海康机器人

    Camera *getCamera(std::string cameraUserId,
                            CameraManufactor manufactor) {
        Camera *camera = nullptr;

        if (cameras_.count(cameraUserId)) {
            return cameras_[cameraUserId];
        } else {
            if (Huaray == manufactor) {
                camera = new HuarayCammera(cameraUserId);
                cameras_[cameraUserId] = camera;
            // TODO@LiuYunhuang:增加海康相机支持
            else if (Halcon == manufactor) {
                camera = new HuarayCammera(cameraUserId);
                cameras_[cameraUserId] = camera;

        return camera;
    std::unordered_map<std::string, Camera *> cameras_;
}; // class CameraFactory
} // namespace camera
} // namespace sl

#endif //__CAMERA_FACTORY_H_

大功告成了!接下来的问题是,我们则么去测试我们写的代码对不对呢?博主推荐大家养成写Precise Test(准确度测试)的习惯,也就是单元测试,博主喜欢使用google_test框架进行单元测试。写单元测试的好处是,可以测试自己的代码是否正确,更为重要的是在你每次改动之后执行一次单元测试,能够发现有无因为这一次改动而导致的其他bug



#include "cameraFactory.h"

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
TEST(HuarayCameraLib, getCamera) {
    auto pCameraFactory = new device::camera::CameraFactory();
    device::camera::Camera* pCamera = pCameraFactory->getCamera("Left", device::camera::CameraFactory::CameraManufactor::Huaray);
    ASSERT_NE(pCamera, nullptr);

TEST(HuarayCameraLib, getCameraInfo) {
    auto pCameraFactory = new device::camera::CameraFactory();
    device::camera::Camera* pCamera = pCameraFactory->getCamera("Left", device::camera::CameraFactory::CameraManufactor::Huaray);
    auto info = pCamera->getCameraInfo();
    ASSERT_EQ(info.isFind_, true);

TEST(HuarayCameraLib, connect) {
    auto pCameraFactory = new device::camera::CameraFactory();
    device::camera::Camera* pCamera = pCameraFactory->getCamera("Left", device::camera::CameraFactory::CameraManufactor::Huaray);
    bool isSucess = pCamera->connect();
    ASSERT_EQ(isSucess, true);

TEST(HuarayCameraLib, disConnect) {
    auto pCameraFactory = new device::camera::CameraFactory();
    device::camera::Camera* pCamera = pCameraFactory->getCamera("Left", device::camera::CameraFactory::CameraManufactor::Huaray);
    bool isSucess = pCamera->connect();
    isSucess = pCamera->start();
    isSucess = pCamera->disConnect();
    ASSERT_EQ(pCamera->isConnect(), false);

TEST(HuarayCameraLib, start) {
    auto pCameraFactory = new device::camera::CameraFactory();
    device::camera::Camera* pCamera = pCameraFactory->getCamera("Left", device::camera::CameraFactory::CameraManufactor::Huaray);
    bool isSucess = pCamera->connect();
    isSucess = pCamera->start();
    ASSERT_EQ(isSucess, true);

TEST(HuarayCameraLib, capture) {
    auto pCameraFactory = new device::camera::CameraFactory();
    device::camera::Camera* pCamera = pCameraFactory->getCamera("Left", device::camera::CameraFactory::CameraManufactor::Huaray);
    bool isSucess = pCamera->connect();
    isSucess = pCamera->start();
    cv::Mat img = pCamera->capture();
    ASSERT_NE(img.rows, 0);

TEST(HuarayCameraLib, popImg) {
    auto pCameraFactory = new device::camera::CameraFactory();
    device::camera::Camera* pCamera = pCameraFactory->getCamera("Left", device::camera::CameraFactory::CameraManufactor::Huaray);
    bool isSucess = pCamera->connect();
    isSucess = pCamera->start();
    cv::Mat img = pCamera->capture();
    cv::Mat popImg = pCamera->popImg();
    ASSERT_EQ(pCamera->getImgs().size(), 0);
TEST(HuarayCameraLib, setNumberAttribute) {
    auto pCameraFactory = new device::camera::CameraFactory();
    device::camera::Camera* pCamera = pCameraFactory->getCamera("Left", device::camera::CameraFactory::CameraManufactor::Huaray);
    bool isSucess = pCamera->connect();
    isSucess = pCamera->setNumberAttribute("ExposureTime", 4000);
    ASSERT_EQ(isSucess, true);


3. 总结

在这篇博客中,博主介绍了如何编写 C/C++ 用于控制我们的 2D相机 。在下一篇博客中,博主将介绍如何编写 C/C++ 用于控制我们的 投影仪

本系列文章将持续更新,如果有等不及想要获得代码的小伙伴,可访问博主Github中的SLMaster项目,动动你的小手指,follow and star⭐!你们的关注是博主持续的动力!




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