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function [Ireg,Bx,By,Fx,Fy] = register_images(Imoving,Istatic,Options)% This function register_images is the most easy way to register two% images both affine and nonrigidly.%% Features:% - It can be used with images from different type of scans or modalities.% - It uses both a rigid transform and a nonrigid registration.% - It uses multilevel refinement% - It can be used with images of different sizes.% - The function will automaticaly detect single modality or multiple%   modalities, and choose the right registration method.%% [Ireg,Bx,By,Fx,Fy] = register_images(Imoving,Istatic,Options);%% Inputs,%   Imoving : The image which will be registerd%   Istatic : The image on which Imoving will be registered%   Options : Registration options, see help below%% Outputs,%   Ireg : The registered moving image%   Bx, By : The backwards transformation fields of the pixels in %       x and y direction seen from the  static image to the moving image.%   Fx, Fy : The (approximated) forward transformation fields of the pixels in %       x and y direction seen from the moving image to the static image.%       (See the function backwards2forwards)% Options,%   Options.SigmaFluid : The sigma of the gaussian smoothing kernel of the pixel%                   velocity field / update field, this is a form of fluid%                   regularization, (default 4)%   Options.SigmaDiff : The sigma for smoothing the transformation field%                   is not part of the orignal demon registration, this is %                   a form of diffusion regularization, (default 1)%   Options.Interpolation : Linear (default) or Cubic.%   Options.Alpha : Constant which reduces the influence of edges (and noise)%                   and limits the update speed (default 4). %   Options.Similarity : Choose 'p' for single modality and 'm' for%                   images of different modalities. (default autodetect)%   Options.Registration: Rigid, Affine, NonRigid  %   Options.MaxRef : Maximum number of grid refinements steps.%   Options.Verbose: Display Debug information 0,1 or 2 %                   % Notes,%   In case of Multiple Modalities affine registration is done with mutual%   information. The non-rigid registration is done by first doing a%   modality transformation (paints regions in image 1 with the intensity%   pallette of those regions in image2 and visa versa), and than %   using "normal" pixel based demon registration. See MutualTransform.m% %% Example,%   % Read two greyscale images of Lena%   Imoving=imread('images/lenag1.png'); %   Istatic=imread('images/lenag3.png');% %   % Register the images%   [Ireg,Bx,By,Fx,Fy] = register_images(Imoving,Istatic,struct('Similarity','p'));%%   % Show the registration result%   figure,%   subplot(2,2,1), imshow(Imoving); title('moving image');%   subplot(2,2,2), imshow(Istatic); title('static image');%   subplot(2,2,3), imshow(Ireg); title('registerd moving image');%   % Show also the static image transformed to the moving image%   Ireg2=movepixels(Istatic,Fx,Fy);%   subplot(2,2,4), imshow(Ireg2); title('registerd static image');%%  % Show the transformation fields%   figure,%   subplot(2,2,1), imshow(Bx,[]); title('Backward Transf. in x direction');%   subplot(2,2,2), imshow(Fx,[]); title('Forward Transf. in x direction');%   subplot(2,2,3), imshow(By,[]); title('Backward Transf. in y direction');%   subplot(2,2,4), imshow(Fy,[]); title('Forward Transf. in y direction');%% % Calculate strain tensors%   E = strain(Fx,Fy);% % Show the strain tensors%   figure,%   subplot(2,2,1), imshow(E(:,:,1,1),[]); title('Strain Tensors Exx');%   subplot(2,2,2), imshow(E(:,:,1,2),[]); title('Strain Tensors Exy');%   subplot(2,2,3), imshow(E(:,:,2,1),[]); title('Strain Tensors Eyx');%   subplot(2,2,4), imshow(E(:,:,2,2),[]); title('Strain Tensors Eyy');%% Example Multi-Modalities%   % Read two brain images %   Imoving=im2double(imread('images/brain_T1_wave.png')); %   Istatic=im2double(imread('images/brain_T2.png'));%%   % Register the images%   [Ireg,Bx,By] = register_images(Imoving,Istatic,struct('SigmaFluid',4));%%   figure,%   subplot(1,3,1), imshow(Imoving); title('moving image');%   subplot(1,3,2), imshow(Istatic); title('static image');%   subplot(1,3,3), imshow(Ireg); title('registerd moving image');%%   % Read normal T1 image and transformation field%   Inormal=im2double(imread('images/brain_T1.png'));%   load('images/wave_field.mat');%%   % Show the difference with ideal image%   figure, imshow(Imoving-Inormal,[-0.5 0.5]); title('unregistered')%   figure, imshow(Ireg-Inormal,[-0.5 0.5]); title('registered');%   disp(['pixel abs difference : ' num2str(sum(abs(Imoving(:)-Inormal(:))))])%   disp(['pixel abs difference : ' num2str(sum(abs(Imoving(:)-Ireg(:))))])%%   % Show Warp field%   figure,%   subplot(2,2,1), imshow(BxNormal,[-20 20]); title('Bx Normal');%   subplot(2,2,2), imshow(Bx,[-20 20]); title('Bx');%   subplot(2,2,3), imshow(ByNormal,[-20 20]); title('By Normal');%   subplot(2,2,4), imshow(By,[-20 20]); title('By');% Function is written by D.Kroon University of Twente (March 2009)% add all needed function pathstry    functionname='register_images.m';    functiondir=which(functionname);    functiondir=functiondir(1:end-length(functionname));    addpath([functiondir '/functions'])    addpath([functiondir '/functions_affine'])  addpath([functiondir '/functions_nonrigid'])catch me    disp(me.message);end% Disable warningwarning('off', 'MATLAB:maxNumCompThreads:Deprecated')% Process inputsdefaultoptions=struct('Similarity',[],'Registration','NonRigid','MaxRef',[],'Verbose',2,'SigmaFluid',4,'Alpha',4,'SigmaDiff',1,'Interpolation','Linear');if(~exist('Options','var')),     Options=defaultoptions; else    tags = fieldnames(defaultoptions);    for i=1:length(tags)         if(~isfield(Options,tags{i})),  Options.(tags{i})=defaultoptions.(tags{i}); end    end    if(length(tags)~=length(fieldnames(Options))),         warning('register_images:unknownoption','unknown options found');    endend% Set parametersMaxRef=Options.MaxRef;% Start time measurementif(Options.Verbose>0), tic; end% Store the class of the inputsIclass=class(Imoving);% Convert the inputs to doubleImoving=im2double(Imoving);Istatic=im2double(Istatic);% Resize the moving image to fit the static imageif(sum(size(Istatic)-size(Imoving))~=0)    Imoving = imresize(Imoving,size(Istatic),'bicubic');end% Make smooth images for histogram and fast affine registrationISmoving=imgaussian(Imoving,2.5,[10 10]);ISstatic=imgaussian(Istatic,2.5,[10 10]);% Detect if the mutual information or pixel distance can be used as % similarity measure. By comparing the histograms.if(isempty(Options.Similarity))    Hmoving= hist(ISmoving(:),60)./numel(Imoving);    Hstatic = hist(ISstatic(:),60)./numel(Istatic);    Hmoving(1)=0; Hstatic(1)=0;    if(sum(log(abs(Hmoving-Hstatic)+1))>0.3),         Options.Similarity='m';         if(Options.Verbose>0), disp('Multi Modalities, Mutual information is used'); drawnow; end    else        Options.Similarity='p';        if(Options.Verbose>0), disp('Same Modalities, Pixel Distance is used'); drawnow; end    endendif(Options.Similarity(1)=='p'), type_affine='sd'; else type_affine='mi'; end% Register the moving image affine to the static image% Affine register the smoothed images to get the registration parametersif(strcmpi(Options.Registration(1),'R'))    if(Options.Verbose>0), disp('Start Rigid registration'); drawnow; end    % Parameter scaling of the Translation and Rotation    scale=[1 1 1];    % Set initial affine parameters    x=[0 0 0];elseif(strcmpi(Options.Registration(1),'A'))    if(Options.Verbose>0), disp('Start Affine registration'); drawnow; end    % Parameter scaling of the Translation, Rotation, Resize and Shear    scale=[1 1 1 0.01 0.01 1e-4 1e-4];    % Set initial affine parameters    x=[0 0 0 100 100 0 0];elseif(strcmpi(Options.Registration(1),'N'))    if(Options.Verbose>0), disp('Start Affine part of Non-Rigid registration'); drawnow; end    % Parameter scaling of the Translation, Rotation, Resize and Shear    scale=[1 1 1 0.01 0.01 1e-4 1e-4];    % Set initial affine parameters    x=[0 0 0 100 100 0 0];else     warning('register_images:unknownoption','unknown registration method');    endfor refine_itt=1:2    if(refine_itt==2)        ISmoving=Imoving; ISstatic=Istatic;    end  % Use struct because expanded optimset is part of the Optimization Toolbox.    optim=struct('GradObj','off','GoalsExactAchieve',1,'Display','off','MaxIter',100,'MaxFunEvals',1000,'TolFun',1e-14,'DiffMinChange',1e-6);    if(Options.Verbose>0), optim.Display='iter'; end  x=fminlbfgs(@(x)affine_registration_error(x,scale,ISmoving,ISstatic,type_affine),x,optim);            end% Scale the translation, resize and rotation parameters to the real valuesx=x.*scale;if(strcmpi(Options.Registration(1),'R'))    % Make the rigid transformation matrix    M=make_transformation_matrix(x(1:2),x(3));else    % Make the affine transformation matrix    M=make_transformation_matrix(x(1:2),x(3),x(4:5));    end% Make center of the image transformation coordinates 0,0[x,y]=ndgrid(0:(size(Imoving,1)-1),0:(size(Imoving,2)-1));xd=x-(size(Imoving,1)/2); yd=y-(size(Imoving,2)/2);% Calculate the backwards transformation fieldsBx = ((size(Imoving,1)/2) + M(1,1) * xd + M(1,2) *yd + M(1,3) * 1)-x;By = ((size(Imoving,2)/2) + M(2,1) * xd + M(2,2) *yd + M(2,3) * 1)-y;% Initialize the modality transformed image variablesM_TF=[]; F_TF=[];    % The nonrigid part of the registrationif(strcmpi(Options.Registration(1),'N'))        % Demon registration parameters    refinements=floor(log2(min(size(Imoving))/16));    if(refinements>MaxRef), refinements=MaxRef; end    parameters.sigma_diff=Options.SigmaDiff;         % Non-rigid registration    if(Options.Verbose>0), disp('Start non-rigid demon registration'); drawnow; end    % Do every refinements step twice if modality transformation enabled    if(Options.Similarity(1)=='m'),  loop=2; else loop=1; end        % Loop trough all refinements steps.    for j=0:refinements        for l=1:loop            % Set scaling parameters.resizepercentageentage            resizepercentage=1/2^(refinements-j);            if(resizepercentage>1), resizepercentage=1; end            parameters.alpha=Options.Alpha*sqrt(resizepercentage);            parameters.sigma_fluid=Options.SigmaFluid;            if(Options.Verbose>0), disp(['Scaling resizepercentageentage : ' num2str(resizepercentage)]), end            % Incase of multiple modalities, transform both images to their            % opposite modalities.            if(Options.Similarity(1)=='m')                if(Options.Verbose>0), disp('Start modality transformation'); drawnow; end                Bx_large=imresize(Bx,size(Imoving),'bicubic')*(size(Imoving,1)/size(Bx,1));                By_large=imresize(By,size(Imoving),'bicubic')*(size(Imoving,2)/size(By,2));                [Imoving_TF,Istatic_TF]=MutualTransform(Imoving,Istatic,15*sqrt(1/resizepercentage),4,Bx_large,By_large);                if(Options.Verbose>0), disp('Finished modality transformation'); drawnow; end            end            sigma = 0.3/resizepercentage;            % Set and resize the moving image and static image            M=imresize(imgaussian(Imoving,sigma,[sigma*6 sigma*6]),resizepercentage,'bicubic');             F=imresize(imgaussian(Istatic,sigma,[sigma*6 sigma*6]),resizepercentage,'bicubic');                        % Resize the modality transformed images            if(Options.Similarity(1)=='m')                M_TF=imresize(imgaussian(Imoving_TF,sigma,[sigma*6 sigma*6]),resizepercentage,'bicubic');                 F_TF=imresize(imgaussian(Istatic_TF,sigma,[sigma*6 sigma*6]),resizepercentage,'bicubic');            end            % Resize the transformation field to current image size            Bx=imresize(Bx,size(M),'bicubic')*(size(M,1)/size(Bx,1));            By=imresize(By,size(M),'bicubic')*(size(M,2)/size(By,2));            % Put transformation fields in x and y direction in one variable            B=zeros([size(M) 2]); B(:,:,1)=Bx; B(:,:,2)=By;            % Store the dimensions of transformation field, and make a long vector from T            sizes=size(B); B=B(:);            % Parameters            options.sigma_fluid=parameters.sigma_fluid;            options.sigma_diff=parameters.sigma_diff;            options.alpha=parameters.alpha;            options.interpolation=Options.Interpolation;                        % Optimizer parameters            optim=struct('Display','off','StoreN',10,'GoalsExactAchieve',0,'HessUpdate','lbfgs','GradObj','on','OutputFcn', @store_transf,'MaxIter',200,'TolFun',1e-14,'DiffMinChange',1e-5);            if(l==loop),                 optim.TolX = 0.02;             else                optim.TolX = 0.1;             end            if(Options.Verbose>1), optim.Display='iter'; end            % Start the demon energy registration optimizer            B=fminlbfgs(@(x)demons_energy(M,F,M_TF,F_TF,x,sizes,options),B,optim);            % Reshape B from a vector to an x and y transformation field            B=reshape(B,sizes);            Bx=B(:,:,1); By=B(:,:,2);        end    end    % Scale everything back if not already    if(resizepercentage~=1)        Bx=imresize(Bx,size(Imoving),'bicubic')*(size(Imoving,1)/size(Bx,1));        By=imresize(By,size(Imoving),'bicubic')*(size(Imoving,2)/size(By,2));    endend    % Transform the input imageIreg=movepixels(Imoving,Bx,By,[], 3);if ( nargout>3 )    % Make the forward transformation fields from the backwards    [Fx,Fy]=backwards2forwards(Bx,By);end% Set the class of output to input classif(strcmpi(Iclass,'uint8')), Ireg=im2uint8(Ireg); endif(strcmpi(Iclass,'uint16')), Ireg=im2uint16(Ireg); endif(strcmpi(Iclass,'uint32')), Ireg=im2uint32(Ireg); endif(strcmpi(Iclass,'int8')), Ireg=im2int8(Ireg); endif(strcmpi(Iclass,'int16')), Ireg=im2int16(Ireg); endif(strcmpi(Iclass,'int32')), Ireg=im2int32(Ireg); endif(strcmpi(Iclass,'single')), Ireg=im2single(Ireg); end% End time measurementif(Options.Verbose>0), toc, end

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🔗 参考文献

[1] 石跃祥,陈才.基于最优Atlas多模态图像的非刚性配准分割算法[J].光学学报, 2019, 39(4):11.DOI:10.3788/AOS201939.0410002.

[2] 苏孟超.基于SURF和光流场的多模态医学图像配准技术研究[D].南昌航空大学,2019.

[3] 王丽芳,王雁丽,史超宇,等.基于ZMLD与GC离散优化的非刚性多模态医学图像配准方法:CN201810563047.7[P].CN108711168A[2023-10-26].

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