💥1 概述
关键词 全局敏感性分析、基于方差的灵敏度指数、基于密度的灵敏度指数、不确定性分析
一种成熟且广泛应用的GSA方法是基于方差的方法。在这里,对不确定输入的输出灵敏度是通过来自该输入不确定性的输出方差贡献来衡量的。基于方差的灵敏度指数在不同环境建模领域的GSA应用中越来越受欢迎(例如,参见Pastres等人,1999年; Pappenberger等人,2008年; van Werkhoven等人,2008年; Nossent等人,2011年; Ziliani等人,2013年; Baroni和Tarantola,2014年,以及Saltelli等人(2008年)以获取更多一般性讨论)。它们传播的主要原因在于拥有几个可取的属性,特别是:它们可独立于输入-输出响应函数的特性(例如线性或非线性)应用; 它们可用于输入排序(即所谓的“因子优先级”)和筛选; 它们易于实施和解释。
📚2 运行结果
function [KS,xvals,y_u, y_c, par_u, par_c, ft] = PAWN(model, p, lb, ub, ...
Nu, n, Nc, npts, seed)
%PAWN Run PAWN for Global Sensitivity Analysis of a supplied model
% [KS,xvals,y_u, y_c, par_u, par_c, ft] = PAWN(model, p, lb, ub, ...
% Nu, n, Nc, npts, seed)
% model : A function that takes a vector of parameters x and a
% structure p as input to provide the model output as a scalar.
% The vector holds parameters we need sensitivity of and p
% holds all other parameters required to run the model.
% lb : A vector (1xM) of the lower bounds for each parameter
% ub : A vector (1xM) of the upper bounds for each parameter
% Nu : Number of samples of the unconditioned parameter space
% n : Number of conditioning values in each dimension
% Nc : Number of samples of the conditioned parameter space
% npts : Number of points to use in kernel density estimation
% seed : Random number seed
% Initializations
M = length(lb); % Number of parameters
y_u = nan(Nu,1); % Ouput of unconditioned simulations
y_c = n * Nc * M; % Output of conditioned simulations
KS = nan(M,n); % Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic
xvals = nan(M,n); % Container for conditioned samples
ft = nan(M*n, npts); % CDF container
rng(seed); % Set random seed
% Containers for parameters
par_u = bsxfun(@plus, lb, bsxfun(@times, rand(Nu, M), (ub-lb)));
par_c = bsxfun(@plus, lb, bsxfun(@times, rand(M*Nc*n, length(lb)), (ub-lb)));
% Create the conditioned samples
for ind=1:M
for ind2=1:n
xvals(ind,ind2) = lb(ind) + rand*(ub(ind)-lb(ind));
(ind-1)*Nc*n+ind2*Nc,ind) = xvals(ind,ind2);
% Evaluate model output of unconditioned samples, can parallelize by
% commenting out the parfor line and adding a comment to the for line.
% parfor ind=1:Nu
for ind=1:Nu
y_u(ind) = model(par_u(ind,:), p);
% Evaluate model output of conditioned samples, can parallelize by
% commenting out the parfor line and adding a comment to the for line.
% parfor ind=1:length(par_c)
for ind=1:length(par_c)
y_c(ind) = model(par_c(ind,:), p);
% Find bounds of the model outputs
m1 = min([y_c, y_u']);
m2 = max([y_c, y_u']);
% Evaluate the CDF with kernel density for unconditioned samples
[f,~] = ksdensity(y_u, linspace(m1,m2,npts), 'Function', 'cdf');
% Evaluate the CDF with kernel density for conditioned samples and use
% that to find the KS statistic (Eqn 4 in the paper).
for ind=1:M
for ind2=1:n
% Temporarily store the current conditioned samples
yt = y_c((ind-1)*Nc*n+(ind2-1)*Nc+1:(ind-1)*Nc*n+ind2*Nc);
[ft((ind-1)*n+ind2,:),~] = ksdensity(yt, linspace(m1, m2,...
npts), 'Function', 'cdf');
KS(ind,ind2) = max(abs(ft((ind-1)*n+ind2,:)-f)); % Eqn 4
🎉3 参考文献
[1]: Pianosi, F., Wagener, T., 2015. A simple and efficient method for
global sensitivity analysis based on cumulative distribution functions.
Environ. Model. Softw. 67, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.01.004