本周我阅读了一篇题目为Generative Pre-Trained Physics-Informed Neural Networks toward non-intrusive Meta-learning of parametric PDEs的文献,PINN在多查询和实时仿真设置下仍然很耗时,它的参数化往往过于过度,这篇文章提出的生成与训练PINN来缓解参数PDE设置的这两个挑战,然后对文章中给的代码进行了复现,进一步理解了模型的逻辑。
This week, I read a paper titled "Generative Pre-Trained Physics-Informed Neural Networks toward non-intrusive Meta-learning of parametric PDEs." PINNs remain time-consuming in multi-query and real-time simulation settings, and their parameterization is often excessive. The article proposes generating and training PINNs to alleviate these two challenges associated with parametric PDE settings. I then replicated the code provided in the paper to further understand the logic of the model.
题目:GPT-PINN: Generative Pre-Trained Physics-Informed Neural Networks toward non-intrusive Meta-learning of parametric PDEs
期刊:Finite elements in analysis & design
PINN remains time-consuming under multi-query and real-time simulation settings, and its parameterization is often overly excessive. This paper proposes the generative and trained PINN to alleviate these two challenges in the parametric PDE settings. GPT-PINN represents a brand-new meta-learning paradigm for parametric systems. Its outer/meta-network is hyper-reduced, featuring only one hidden layer with a significantly reduced number of neurons. The activation function at each hidden neuron is a PINN that has been pre-trained under judiciously selected system configurations. The meta-network adaptively "learns" the system's parametric dependencies and "grows" this hidden layer one neuron at a time. Ultimately, by encompassing a very small number of networks trained on this set of adaptively selected parameter values, the meta-network is capable of generating surrogate solutions for the parametric system across the entire parameter domain accurately and efficiently.
1、超降阶神经网络(Hyper-reduced Neural Network):
2、生成式在线组件(Generative Online Component):
RBM(Reduced Basis Method)是一种线性降阶方法,被广泛用于精确且高效地模拟参数化偏微分方程(PDEs)。其核心特征是利用离线-在线分解过程中嵌入的贪心算法。
在给定 μ 的情况下,这种简化阶模型(ROM)的表述被称为 ROM(),其解决成本远低于 FOM(),并可以在在线阶段进行。
输入:随机或指定的初始参数,一个训练集,以及一个完整的物理信息神经网络(Full PINN)。
(1)设置 n=2,开始迭代过程。
(2)对于训练集中的每个,训练一个简化的GPT-PINN网络 NN(2,n−1,1) 并记录错误指标。
输出:训练完成的GPT-PINN NN(2,N,1),其中 NNN 是最终的神经元索引。
1、Klein-Gordon Equation
full PINN是一个具有激活函数cos(z)的[2,40,40,1]的全连接网络,它使用均匀分布的配点来训练,其中||=10000,||=512,||=512,ADAM优化器的学习率为0.0005,最大epoch数为75000,参数训练集是一个大小101010的张量网格,共有1000个参数值,贪心算法产生的gpt - pin的大小为[2,1,1]到[2,15,1],最多可生成15个神经元。
右图是Box and Whisker图,显示了训练过程中所有自适应GPT-PINN训练损失的统计数据。损失的快速减少表明了模型在迭代过程中对Klein-Gordon方程解的逼近逐渐提高,尤其是中位数和平均数线表明了主要的趋势。
2、Burgers’ Equation
完整PINN是一个具有激活函数tanh(z)的[2,20,20,20,20,20,20,1]全连接网络,使用均匀分布的配点训练,|| = 10,000, || = 100,|| = 100。ADAM优化器的学习率为0.005。最大次数为60000次,在损失值上实现的停止标准。参数训练集是ν域中大小为129的均匀网格。贪心算法产生的gpt - pinn的大小为[2,1,1]至[2,9,1],最多可生成9个神经元。gptpinn在与完整PINN相同的搭配点集上进行训练,但学习率为0.02和2000 epoch。
本文提出的生成式预训练PINN (GPT-PINN)缓解了参数化pde设置中PINN面临的两个挑战,即训练成本和过度参数化。GPT-PINN是一个具有预训练的激活函数的超简化网络,代表了参数系统的一种全新的元学习范式。本文提出了两个主要的新颖之处,即网络结构的设计,包括其特殊的激活函数和采用元网络的训练损失作为误差指标,并通过对三个微分族参数方程的测试,已经证明,包含非常少量的精心选择的网络可以在整个参数域准确有效地生成代理PINN。
# Import and GPU Support
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
import os
import tensorflow as tf
physical_devices = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')
tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(physical_devices[0], True)
import time
import scipy.io
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Input
from tensorflow.keras import layers, activations
from eager_lbfgs import lbfgs, Struct
from pyDOE import lhs
np.random.seed(1234) # lhs
from AC_Plotting import AC_plot, loss_plot
from AC_GPT_activation import P
from AC_GPT_precomp import autograd_calculations, Pt_lPxx_eP
from AC_GPT_PINN import GPT
from AC_GPT_train import gpt_train
# SA-PINN is implemented explicitly in the code
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
print(f"Current Device (PyTorch): {device}")
if torch.cuda.is_available():
print(f"Current Device Name (PyTorch): {torch.cuda.get_device_name()}")
# Domain and Data
data_path = r".\data"
xt_test = torch.from_numpy(np.loadtxt(fr"{data_path}\xt_test.txt",dtype=np.float32)).to(device)
# Initial Condition
IC_x = torch.from_numpy(np.loadtxt(fr"{data_path}\initial\x0.txt",dtype=np.float32))
IC_t = torch.zeros(IC_x.shape[0])[:,None]
val, idx = torch.sort(IC_x)
IC_u = torch.from_numpy(np.loadtxt(fr"{data_path}\initial\u0.txt",dtype=np.float32))
IC_u = IC_u[idx][:,None].to(device)
IC_xt = torch.hstack((IC_x[idx][:,None],IC_t)).to(device)
# Boundary Condition
BC_x_ub = torch.from_numpy(np.loadtxt(fr"{data_path}\boundary\x_ub.txt",dtype=np.float32))[:,None]
BC_t_ub = torch.from_numpy(np.loadtxt(fr"{data_path}\boundary\t_ub.txt",dtype=np.float32))[:,None]
BC_xt_ub = torch.hstack((BC_x_ub,BC_t_ub))
BC_x_lb = torch.from_numpy(np.loadtxt(fr"{data_path}\boundary\x_lb.txt",dtype=np.float32))[:,None]
BC_t_lb = torch.from_numpy(np.loadtxt(fr"{data_path}\boundary\t_lb.txt",dtype=np.float32))[:,None]
BC_xt_lb = torch.hstack((BC_x_lb,BC_t_lb))
BC_xt = torch.vstack((BC_xt_ub,BC_xt_lb)).to(device)
BC_u = torch.full((200,1), -1.0).to(device)
# Residual
x_resid = torch.from_numpy(np.loadtxt(fr"{data_path}\f\xf_train.txt",dtype=np.float32))[:,None]
t_resid = torch.from_numpy(np.loadtxt(fr"{data_path}\f\tf_train.txt",dtype=np.float32))[:,None]
xt_resid = torch.hstack((x_resid,t_resid)).to(device)
f_hat = torch.full((20000,1), 0.0).to(device)
# Training Parameter Set
ac_training = np.loadtxt("ac_param_training.txt")
train_final_gpt = True
number_of_neurons = 9
loss_list = np.ones(number_of_neurons)
print(f"Expected Final GPT-PINN Depth: {[2,number_of_neurons,1]}\n")
#################################### GPT Setup ####################################
P_resid_values = torch.ones((xt_resid.shape[0], number_of_neurons)).to(device)
P_IC_values = torch.ones(( IC_xt.shape[0], number_of_neurons)).to(device)
P_BC_values = torch.ones(( BC_xt.shape[0], number_of_neurons)).to(device)
P_t_term = torch.ones((xt_resid.shape[0], number_of_neurons)).to(device)
P_xx_term = torch.ones((xt_resid.shape[0], number_of_neurons)).to(device)
ac_neurons = [1 for i in range(number_of_neurons)]
ac_neurons[0] = [0.00055, 3.0]
P_list = np.ones(number_of_neurons, dtype=object)
lr_gpt = 0.0025
epochs_gpt = 2000
epochs_gpt_test = 5000
test_cases = 25
# Save Data/Plot Options
save_data = False
plot_pinn_loss = True
plot_pinn_sol = True
plot_largest_loss = True
pinn_train_times = np.ones(number_of_neurons)
gpt_train_times = np.ones(number_of_neurons)
total_train_time_1 = time.perf_counter()
#################################### SA Setup #################################
# SA-PINN from https://github.com/levimcclenny/SA-PINNs
lr_adam_sa = 0.005
lr_lbfgs_sa = 0.8
epochs_adam_sa = 10000
epochs_lbfgs_sa = 10000
layers_sa = [2, 128, 128, 128, 128, 1]
lb = np.array([-1.0])
ub = np.array([1.0])
N0 = 512
N_b = 100
N_f = 20000
data = scipy.io.loadmat('AC.mat')
t = data['tt'].flatten()[:,None]
x = data['x'].flatten()[:,None]
Exact = data['uu']
Exact_u = np.real(Exact)
#grab training points from domain
idx_x = np.random.choice(x.shape[0], N0, replace=False)
x0 = x[idx_x,:]
u0 = tf.cast(Exact_u[idx_x,0:1], dtype = tf.float32)
idx_t = np.random.choice(t.shape[0], N_b, replace=False)
tb = t[idx_t,:]
# Grab collocation points using latin hypercube sampling
X_f = lb + (ub-lb)*lhs(2, N_f)
x_f = tf.convert_to_tensor(X_f[:,0:1], dtype=tf.float32)
t_f = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.abs(X_f[:,1:2]), dtype=tf.float32)
# IC/BC data
X0 = np.concatenate((x0, 0*x0), 1) # (x0, 0)
X_lb = np.concatenate((0*tb + lb[0], tb), 1) # (lb[0], tb)
X_ub = np.concatenate((0*tb + ub[0], tb), 1) # (ub[0], tb)
x0 = tf.cast(X0[:,0:1], dtype = tf.float32)
t0 = tf.cast(X0[:,1:2], dtype = tf.float32)
x_lb = tf.convert_to_tensor(X_lb[:,0:1], dtype=tf.float32)
t_lb = tf.convert_to_tensor(X_lb[:,1:2], dtype=tf.float32)
x_ub = tf.convert_to_tensor(X_ub[:,0:1], dtype=tf.float32)
t_ub = tf.convert_to_tensor(X_ub[:,1:2], dtype=tf.float32)
#L-BFGS weight getting and setting from https://github.com/pierremtb/PINNs-TF2.0
def set_weights(model, w, sizes_w, sizes_b):
with tf.device('/GPU:0'):
for i, layer in enumerate(model.layers[0:]):
start_weights = sum(sizes_w[:i]) + sum(sizes_b[:i])
end_weights = sum(sizes_w[:i+1]) + sum(sizes_b[:i])
weights = w[start_weights:end_weights]
w_div = int(sizes_w[i] / sizes_b[i])
weights = tf.reshape(weights, [w_div, sizes_b[i]])
biases = w[end_weights:end_weights + sizes_b[i]]
weights_biases = [weights, biases]
def get_weights(model):
with tf.device('/GPU:0'):
w = []
for layer in model.layers[0:]:
weights_biases = layer.get_weights()
weights = weights_biases[0].flatten()
biases = weights_biases[1]
w = tf.convert_to_tensor(w)
return w
#define the neural network model
def neural_net(layer_sizes):
with tf.device('/GPU:0'):
model = Sequential()
for width in layer_sizes[1:-1]:
width, activation=tf.nn.tanh,
layer_sizes[-1], activation=None,
return model
#define the loss
def loss(x_f_batch, t_f_batch,
x0, t0, u0, x_lb,
t_lb, x_ub, t_ub,
col_weights, u_weights, lmbda, eps):
with tf.device('/GPU:0'):
f_u_pred = f_model(x_f_batch, t_f_batch, lmbda, eps)
u0_pred = u_model(tf.concat([x0, t0], 1))
u_lb_pred, u_x_lb_pred, = u_x_model(u_model, x_lb, t_lb)
u_ub_pred, u_x_ub_pred, = u_x_model(u_model, x_ub, t_ub)
mse_0_u = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(u_weights*(u0 - u0_pred)))
mse_b_u = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf.math.subtract(u_lb_pred, u_ub_pred))) + \
tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf.math.subtract(u_x_lb_pred, u_x_ub_pred)))
mse_f_u = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(col_weights * f_u_pred[0]))
return mse_0_u + mse_b_u + mse_f_u , tf.reduce_mean(tf.square((u0 - u0_pred))), mse_b_u, tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(f_u_pred))
def f_model(x,t,lmbda,eps):
with tf.device('/GPU:0'):
u = u_model(tf.concat([x, t],1))
u_x = tf.gradients(u, x)
u_xx = tf.gradients(u_x, x)
u_t = tf.gradients(u,t)
c1 = tf.constant(lmbda, dtype = tf.float32)
c2 = tf.constant(eps, dtype = tf.float32)
f_u = u_t - c1*u_xx + c2*u*u*u - c2*u
return f_u
def u_x_model(u_model, x, t):
with tf.device('/GPU:0'):
u = u_model(tf.concat([x, t],1))
u_x = tf.gradients(u, x)
return u, u_x
def grad(model, x_f_batch, t_f_batch, x0_batch, t0_batch, u0_batch, x_lb, t_lb, x_ub, t_ub, col_weights, u_weights, lmbda, eps):
with tf.device('/GPU:0'):
with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
loss_value, mse_0, mse_b, mse_f = loss(x_f_batch, t_f_batch, x0_batch, t0_batch, u0_batch,
x_lb, t_lb, x_ub, t_ub, col_weights, u_weights, lmbda, eps)
grads = tape.gradient(loss_value, u_model.trainable_variables)
grads_col = tape.gradient(loss_value, col_weights)
grads_u = tape.gradient(loss_value, u_weights)
gradients_u = tape.gradient(mse_0, u_model.trainable_variables)
gradients_f = tape.gradient(mse_f, u_model.trainable_variables)
return loss_value, mse_0, mse_b, mse_f, grads, grads_col, grads_u, gradients_u, gradients_f
def fit(x_f, t_f, x0, t0, u0, x_lb, t_lb, x_ub, t_ub, col_weights, u_weights, tf_iter, newton_iter, lmbda, eps):
with tf.device('/GPU:0'):
batch_sz = N_f # Can adjust batch size for collocation points, here we set it to N_f
n_batches = N_f // batch_sz
adam_losses = []
#create optimizer s for the network weights, collocation point mask, and initial boundary mask
tf_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate = lr_adam_sa, beta_1=.99)
tf_optimizer_weights = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate = lr_adam_sa, beta_1=.99)
tf_optimizer_u = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate = lr_adam_sa, beta_1=.99)
print("Starting ADAM training")
# For mini-batch (if used)
for epoch in range(tf_iter):
for i in range(n_batches):
x0_batch = x0
t0_batch = t0
u0_batch = u0
x_f_batch = x_f[i*batch_sz:(i*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
t_f_batch = t_f[i*batch_sz:(i*batch_sz + batch_sz),]
loss_value, mse_0, mse_b, mse_f, grads, grads_col, grads_u, g_u, g_f = grad(u_model, x_f_batch, t_f_batch, x0_batch,
t0_batch, u0_batch, x_lb, t_lb, x_ub, t_ub,
col_weights, u_weights, lmbda, eps)
tf_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, u_model.trainable_variables))
tf_optimizer_weights.apply_gradients(zip([-grads_col, -grads_u], [col_weights, u_weights]))
if (epoch % 250 == 0) or (epoch == (tf_iter-1)):
if (epoch % 1000 == 0) or (epoch == (tf_iter-1)):
print("Epoch: %d | " % (epoch), end='')
tf.print(f"mse_0: {mse_0} | mse_b: {mse_b} | mse_f: {mse_f} | Total Loss: {loss_value}\n")
print("Starting L-BFGS training")
loss_and_flat_grad = get_loss_and_flat_grad(x_f_batch, t_f_batch, x0_batch, t0_batch, u0_batch,
x_lb, t_lb, x_ub, t_ub, col_weights, u_weights, lmbda, eps)
lbfgs_losses = lbfgs(loss_and_flat_grad,
Struct(), maxIter=newton_iter, learningRate=lr_lbfgs_sa)[3]
return adam_losses, lbfgs_losses
#L-BFGS implementation from https://github.com/pierremtb/PINNs-TF2.0
def get_loss_and_flat_grad(x_f_batch, t_f_batch, x0_batch, t0_batch, u0_batch, x_lb, t_lb, x_ub, t_ub, col_weights,
u_weights, lmbda, eps):
def loss_and_flat_grad(w):
with tf.device('/GPU:0'):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
set_weights(u_model, w, sizes_w, sizes_b)
loss_value, _, _, _ = loss(x_f_batch, t_f_batch, x0_batch, t0_batch, u0_batch, x_lb, t_lb, x_ub,
t_ub, col_weights, u_weights, lmbda, eps)
grad = tape.gradient(loss_value, u_model.trainable_variables)
grad_flat = []
for g in grad:
grad_flat.append(tf.reshape(g, [-1]))
grad_flat = tf.concat(grad_flat, 0)
return loss_value, grad_flat
return loss_and_flat_grad
def predict(X_star):
with tf.device('/GPU:0'):
X_star = tf.convert_to_tensor(X_star, dtype=tf.float32)
u_star, _ = u_x_model(u_model, X_star[:,0:1], X_star[:,1:2])
return u_star.numpy()
sizes_w = []
sizes_b = []
with tf.device('/GPU:0'):
for q, width in enumerate(layers_sa):
if q != 1:
sizes_w.append(int(width * layers_sa[1]))
sizes_b.append(int(width if q != 0 else layers_sa[1]))
################################ Training Loop ################################
for i in range(0, number_of_neurons):
########################### SA PINN Training ############################
ac_sa_train = ac_neurons[i]
lmbda, eps = float(ac_sa_train[0]), float(ac_sa_train[1])
col_weights = tf.Variable(tf.random.uniform([N_f, 1]))
u_weights = tf.Variable(100*tf.random.uniform([N0, 1]))
#initialize the NN
u_model = neural_net(layers_sa)
if (i+1 == number_of_neurons):
print(f"Begin Final SA-PINN Training: lambda={lmbda}, eps={eps} (Obtaining Neuron {i+1})")
print(f"Begin SA-PINN Training: lambda={lmbda}, eps={eps} (Obtaining Neuron {i+1})")
pinn_train_time_1 = time.perf_counter()
sa_losses = fit(x_f, t_f, x0, t0, u0, x_lb, t_lb, x_ub, t_ub, col_weights, u_weights,
tf_iter = epochs_adam_sa, newton_iter = epochs_lbfgs_sa, lmbda=lmbda, eps=eps)
pinn_train_time_2 = time.perf_counter()
print("\nSA-PINN Training Completed")
print(f"SA-PINN Training Time: {(pinn_train_time_2-pinn_train_time_1)/3600} Hours")
w1 = u_model.layers[0].get_weights()[0].T
w2 = u_model.layers[1].get_weights()[0].T
w3 = u_model.layers[2].get_weights()[0].T
w4 = u_model.layers[3].get_weights()[0].T
w5 = u_model.layers[4].get_weights()[0].T
b1 = u_model.layers[0].get_weights()[1]
b2 = u_model.layers[1].get_weights()[1]
b3 = u_model.layers[2].get_weights()[1]
b4 = u_model.layers[3].get_weights()[1]
b5 = u_model.layers[4].get_weights()[1]
P_list[i] = P(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5).to(device)
print(f"\nCurrent GPT-PINN Depth: [2,{i+1},1]")
if (save_data):
path = fr".\Full-PINN-Data (AC)\({ac_sa_train})"
if not os.path.exists(path):
np.savetxt(fr"{path}\saved_w1.txt", w1.numpy())
np.savetxt(fr"{path}\saved_w2.txt", w2.numpy())
np.savetxt(fr"{path}\saved_w3.txt", w3.numpy())
np.savetxt(fr"{path}\saved_w4.txt", w3.numpy())
np.savetxt(fr"{path}\saved_w5.txt", w3.numpy())
np.savetxt(fr"{path}\saved_b1.txt", b1.numpy())
np.savetxt(fr"{path}\saved_b2.txt", b2.numpy())
np.savetxt(fr"{path}\saved_b3.txt", b3.numpy())
np.savetxt(fr"{path}\saved_b4.txt", b3.numpy())
np.savetxt(fr"{path}\saved_b5.txt", b3.numpy())
x_test = xt_test[:,0].view(-1).cpu().detach().numpy()
t_test = xt_test[:,1].view(-1).cpu().detach().numpy()
X_star = np.hstack((x_test[:,None], t_test[:,None]))
u = predict(X_star)
np.savetxt(fr"{path}\u_test.txt", u)
np.savetxt(fr"{path}\adam_losses.txt", sa_losses[0])
np.savetxt(fr"{path}\lbfgs_losses.txt", sa_losses[1])
if (plot_pinn_sol):
x_test = xt_test[:,0].view(-1).cpu().detach().numpy()
t_test = xt_test[:,1].view(-1).cpu().detach().numpy()
X_star = np.hstack((x_test[:,None], t_test[:,None]))
u = predict(X_star)
AC_plot(t_test, x_test, u, title=fr"SA-PINN Solution $\lambda={lmbda}, \epsilon={eps}$")
if (plot_pinn_loss):
adam_loss = sa_losses[0]
lbfgs_loss = sa_losses[1]
loss_plot(epochs_adam_sa, epochs_lbfgs_sa, adam_loss, lbfgs_loss,
title=fr"SA-PINN Losses $\lambda={lmbda}, \epsilon={eps}$")
if (i == number_of_neurons-1) and (train_final_gpt == False):
############################ GPT-PINN Training ############################
layers_gpt = np.array([2, i+1, 1])
P_t, P_xx = autograd_calculations(xt_resid, P_list[i])
P_t_term[:,i][:,None] = P_t
P_xx_term[:,i][:,None] = P_xx
P_IC_values[:,i][:,None] = P_list[i](IC_xt)
P_BC_values[:,i][:,None] = P_list[i](BC_xt)
P_resid_values[:,i][:,None] = P_list[i](xt_resid)
largest_case = 0
largest_loss = 0
if (i+1 == number_of_neurons):
print("\nBegin Final GPT-PINN Training (Largest Loss Training)")
print(f"\nBegin GPT-PINN Training (Finding Neuron {i+2} / Largest Loss Training)")
gpt_train_time_1 = time.perf_counter()
for ac_param in ac_training:
lmbda, eps = ac_param[0], ac_param[1]
if ([lmbda, eps] in ac_neurons):
idx = ac_neurons.index([lmbda, eps])
c_initial = torch.full((1,i+1), 0.)
c_initial[0][idx] = 1.
c_initial = torch.full((1,i+1), 1/(i+1))
Pt_lPxx_eP_term = Pt_lPxx_eP(P_t_term[:,0:i+1], P_xx_term[:,0:i+1], P_resid_values[:,0:i+1], lmbda, eps)
GPT_NN = GPT(layers_gpt, lmbda, eps, P_list[0:i+1], c_initial, xt_resid, IC_xt,
BC_xt, IC_u, BC_u, f_hat, P_resid_values[:,0:i+1], P_IC_values[:,0:i+1],
P_BC_values[:,0:i+1], Pt_lPxx_eP_term[:,0:i+1]).to(device)
gpt_losses = gpt_train(GPT_NN, lmbda, eps, xt_resid, IC_xt, BC_xt, IC_u, BC_u,
P_resid_values[:,0:i+1], P_IC_values[:,0:i+1],
P_BC_values[:,0:i+1], Pt_lPxx_eP_term[:,0:i+1],
lr_gpt, epochs_gpt, largest_loss, largest_case)
largest_loss = gpt_losses[0]
largest_case = gpt_losses[1]
gpt_train_time_2 = time.perf_counter()
loss_list[i] = largest_loss
print("GPT-PINN Training Completed")
print(f"GPT Training Time ({i+1} Neurons): {(gpt_train_time_2-gpt_train_time_1)/3600} Hours")
if (i+1 < number_of_neurons):
ac_neurons[i+1] = largest_case
print(f"\nLargest Loss (Using {i+1} Neurons): {largest_loss}")
print(f"Parameter Case: {largest_case}")
total_train_time_2 = time.perf_counter()
# Results of largest loss, parameters chosen, and times may vary based on
# the initialization of full PINN and the final loss of the full PINN
print("*** Full PINN and GPT-PINN Training Complete ***")
print(f"Total Training Time: {(total_train_time_2-total_train_time_1)/3600} Hours\n")
print(f"Final GPT-PINN Depth: {[2,len(P_list),1]}")
print(f"\nActivation Function Parameters: \n{ac_neurons}\n")
for j in range(number_of_neurons-1):
print(f"Largest Loss of GPT-PINN Depth {[2,j+1,2]}: {loss_list[j]}")
if (train_final_gpt):
print(f"Largest Loss of GPT-PINN Depth {[2,j+2,2]}: {loss_list[-1]}")
if (plot_largest_loss):
plt.figure(dpi=150, figsize=(10,8))
if (train_final_gpt):
range_end = number_of_neurons + 1
list_end = number_of_neurons
range_end = number_of_neurons
list_end = number_of_neurons - 1
plt.plot(range(1,range_end), loss_list[:list_end], marker='o', markersize=7,
c="k", linewidth=3)
plt.xlabel("Number of Neurons", fontsize=17.5)
plt.ylabel("Largest Loss", fontsize=17.5)
plt.title("GPT-PINN Largest Losses", fontsize=17.5)
############################### GPT-PINN Testing ##############################
ac_test = ac_training.tolist()
for i in ac_neurons:
if (i in ac_test):
idx = np.random.choice(len(ac_test), test_cases, replace=False)
ac_test = np.array(ac_test)[idx]
print(f"\nBegin GPT-PINN Testing ({len(set(idx.flatten()))} Cases)")
I = len(P_list)
layers_gpt = np.array([2, I, 1])
c_initial = torch.full((1,I), 1/(I))
total_test_time_1 = time.perf_counter()
incremental_test_times = np.ones(len(ac_test))
cnt = 0
for ac_test_param in ac_test:
lmbda, eps = ac_test_param[0], ac_test_param[1]
Pt_lPxx_eP_term = Pt_lPxx_eP(P_t_term, P_xx_term, P_resid_values, lmbda, eps)
GPT_NN = GPT(layers_gpt, lmbda, eps, P_list, c_initial, xt_resid, IC_xt,
BC_xt, IC_u, BC_u, f_hat, P_resid_values, P_IC_values,
P_BC_values, Pt_lPxx_eP_term).to(device)
gpt_losses = gpt_train(GPT_NN, lmbda, eps, xt_resid, IC_xt, BC_xt, IC_u, BC_u,
P_resid_values, P_IC_values, P_BC_values, Pt_lPxx_eP_term,
lr_gpt, epochs_gpt, testing=True)
incremental_test_times[cnt] = (time.perf_counter()-total_test_time_1)/3600
cnt += 1
#np.savetxt(".\incremental_test_times.txt", incremental_test_times)
total_test_time_2 = time.perf_counter()
print("\nGPT-PINN Testing Completed")
print(f"\nTotal Testing Time: {(total_test_time_2-total_test_time_1)/3600} Hours")
init_time = (total_train_time_2-total_train_time_1)/3600
test_time = incremental_test_times
line = test_time + init_time
x = range(1,test_time.shape[0]+1)
plt.figure(dpi=150, figsize=(10,8))
plt.plot(x, line, c="k", lw=3.5)
plt.xlabel("Test Case Number", fontsize=22.5)
plt.ylabel("Time (Hours)", fontsize=22.5)
xtick = list(range(0,test_cases+1,5))
xtick[0] = 1