科研写作(Science Research Writing)


一、 Abstract

A. The importance of this Technology/Problem
B. What is the Problem
C. Our Works & Contributions
D. Simulations & Performance.

二、 Introduction

A. The importance and development of this Technology
B. Introduce the Problem & What is the Problem
C. Discussion of Existing Related Works
D. Our Works & Contributions

Increasing demends of IoT

6G network is considered as a key enabler inmeeting continuously increasing demands for the future Internet of Things (IoT) services, including high data rate, numerous devices connection, and low service latency.

To satisfy these demands, network slicing and fog computing have been envisioned as the promising solutions (technologies) in service-oriented 5G architecture.

However, security paradigms enabling authentication and confidentiality of 5G communications for IoT services remain elusive, but indispensable.

the development of IoT and increment of data

The rapid development of communication and sensing technologies is paving the way to the realization of Internet of Things (IoT) [1], which is the internetworking of numerous physical objects, such as sensors, mobile phones, vehicles, RFID tags, and other electronic embedded devices.

IoT enables a large number of applications in different domains, including smart city, smart healthcare, intelligent transportation, industrial automation, and disaster response [2].

This trend leads to the production of large volumes of data. The amount of IP data handled by wireless networks increases by over a factor of 100: from under 3 exabytes in 2010 to over 190 exabytes by 2018, on pace to exceed 500 exabytes by 2020 [3]. In addition to the sheer volume of data, the number of connected devices will reach 50 billion by 2020 [4]. Due to the deluge of data brought by massive devices, even cutting-edge cellular networks cannot offer the bandwidth IoT services require [5].

[1] A. Al-Fuqaha, M. Guizani, M. Mohammadi, M. Aledhari, and M. Ayyash, “Internet of Things: A survey on enabling technologies, protocols, and applications,” IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2347–2376, 4th Quart., 2015.
[2] A. A. Khan, M. H. Rehmani, and A. Rachedi, “Cognitive-radio-based Internet of Things: Applications, architectures, spectrum related functionalities, and future research directions,” IEEE Wireless Commun., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 17–25, Jun. 2017.
[3] J. G. Andrews et al., “What will 5G be?” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 1065–1082, Jun. 2014.
[4] D. Evans, “The Internet of Things: How the next evolution of the Internet is changing everything,” Cisco, San Jose, CA, USA, White Paper, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en_us/abou/ac79/docs/innov/IoT_IBSG_0411FINAL.pdf
[5] Freescale Semiconductor. (2016). The Internet of Things: Five myths and realities. Mouser Electronics. [Online]. Available:https://www.mouser.com/applications/article-iot-myths/

三、 Related Works

四、 System Model & Problem Formulation

  • Model Firgure should be given first and gives the explain;
  • Proposed Model should have the support of references;
  • Proposed Model should close to the real engreening and applied background;
  • Complicated derivation of equations should given in Appendix and be introduced in content.

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