SORA: text-to-video Generator by OpenAI


1. OpenAI's blog piece: Video generation models as world simulators

 2. DiTs (Diffusion Transformers): Scalable Diffusion Models with Transformers


Video generation models as world simulators

We explore large-scale training of generative models on video data. Specifically, we train text-conditional diffusion models jointly on videos and images of variable durations, resolutions and aspect ratios. We leverage a transformer architecture that operates on spacetime patches of video and image latent codes. Our largest model, Sora, is capable of generating a minute of high fidelity video. Our results suggest that scaling video generation models is a promising path towards building general purpose simulators of the physical world.

This is so far the most contentious point for SORA, regarding whether it is "learning" physics and generating reliable simulations.

By the underlying ML training mechanism, e.g. gradient descent, we know as a fact, the model is not learning about physical interactions of objects in a logical manner, but it doesn't need to.

The essence of "learning physics" is being able to make predictions of what's going to happen with consistent precision and accuracy. As human, due to our limited capacity for memory and computational power, we resort to logical breakdown and abstraction of the physical world to understand it; while logical learning is perhaps the most intuitive and efficient method of learning physics, the physically sound snippets generated by SORA does show it is not the only way, a data-driven, rather than logical or analytical algorithm driven physics engine is indeed possible.

Now we follow the blog by OpenAI and see (1) how SORA unifies different types of visual data for training; (2) capability and limitation of the model.

Turning visual data into patches

We take inspiration from large language models which acquire generalist capabilities by training on internet-scale data.13,14 The success of the LLM paradigm is enabled in part by the use of tokens that elegantly unify diverse modalities of text—code, math and various natural languages. In this work, we consider how generative models of visual data can inherit such benefits. Whereas LLMs have text tokens, Sora has visual patches. Patches have previously been shown to be an effective representation for models of visual data.15,16,17,18 We find that patches are a highly-scalable and effective representation for training generative models on diverse types of videos and images.

At a high level, we turn videos into patches by first compressing videos into a lower-dimensional latent space,19 and subsequently decomposing the representation into spacetime patches.

Video de/compression network(s)

We train a network that reduces the dimensionality of visual data.20 This network takes raw video as input and outputs a latent representation that is compressed both temporally and spatially. Sora is trained on and subsequently generates videos within this compressed latent space. We also train a corresponding decoder model that maps generated latents back to pixel space.

so now we are back at the very familair encoder/decoder transformer architecture. 

Spacetime latent patches

Given a compressed input video, we extract a sequence of spacetime patches which act as transformer tokens. This scheme works for images too since images are just videos with a single frame. Our patch-based representation enables Sora to train on videos and images of variable resolutions, durations and aspect ratios. At inference time, we can control the size of generated videos by arranging randomly-initialized patches in an appropriately-sized grid.

Scaling transformers for video generation

Sora is a diffusion model21,22,23,24,25; given input noisy patches (and conditioning information like text prompts), it’s trained to predict the original “clean” patches. Importantly, Sora is a diffusion transformer.26 Transformers have demonstrated remarkable scaling properties across a variety of domains, including language modeling,13,14 computer vision,15,16,17,18 and image generation.27,28,29

Figure Diffusion

In this work, we find that diffusion transformers scale effectively as video models as well. Below, we show a comparison of video samples with fixed seeds and inputs as training progresses. Sample quality improves markedly as training compute increases.

Variable durations, resolutions, aspect ratios

Past approaches to image and video generation typically resize, crop or trim videos to a standard size—e.g., 4 second videos at 256x256 resolution. We find that instead training on data at its native size provides several benefits.  

==> this is one of the key methodology change, instead of arbitrarily specifying a standard for inputs, SORA use encoder/decoder networks to learn about standardization in latent space.

Sampling flexibility

Sora can sample widescreen 1920x1080p videos, vertical 1080x1920 videos and everything inbetween. This lets Sora create content for different devices directly at their native aspect ratios. It also lets us quickly prototype content at lower sizes before generating at full resolution—all with the same model.

Improved framing and composition

We empirically find that training on videos at their native aspect ratios improves composition and framing. We compare Sora against a version of our model that crops all training videos to be square, which is common practice when training generative models. The model trained on square crops (left) sometimes generates videos where the subject is only partially in view. In comparison, videos from Sora (right) have improved framing.

Language understanding

Training text-to-video generation systems requires a large amount of videos with corresponding text captions. We apply the re-captioning technique introduced in DALL·E 330 to videos. We first train a highly descriptive captioner model and then use it to produce text captions for all videos in our training set. We find that training on highly descriptive video captions improves text fidelity as well as the overall quality of videos.

Similar to DALL·E 3, we also leverage GPT to turn short user prompts into longer detailed captions that are sent to the video model. This enables Sora to generate high quality videos that accurately follow user prompts.

==> checkout the blog for list of prompt->video demos and how SORA can correctly capture the finer details of the prompts.

Prompting with images and videos

All of the results above and in our landing page show text-to-video samples. But Sora can also be prompted with other inputs, such as pre-existing images or video. This capability enables Sora to perform a wide range of image and video editing tasks—creating perfectly looping video, animating static images, extending videos forwards or backwards in time, etc.

Animating DALL·E images

Sora is capable of generating videos provided an image and prompt as input. Below we show example videos generated based on DALL·E 231 and DALL·E 330 images.

Extending generated videos

Sora is also capable of extending videos, either forward or backward in time. Below are four videos that were all extended backward in time starting from a segment of a generated video. As a result, each of the four videos starts different from the others, yet all four videos lead to the same ending.

We can use this method to extend a video both forward and backward to produce a seamless infinite loop.

Video-to-video editing

Diffusion models have enabled a plethora of methods for editing images and videos from text prompts. Below we apply one of these methods, SDEdit,32 to Sora. This technique enables Sora to transform the styles and environments of input videos zero-shot.

Connecting videos

We can also use Sora to gradually interpolate between two input videos, creating seamless transitions between videos with entirely different subjects and scene compositions. In the examples below, the videos in the center interpolate between the corresponding videos on the left and right.

Image generation capabilities

Sora is also capable of generating images. We do this by arranging patches of Gaussian noise in a spatial grid with a temporal extent of one frame. The model can generate images of variable sizes—up to 2048x2048 resolution.

I didn't follow the image generation scene and it struck me as a matter of course and yet still amazing that you can specify exposure spec. for a photorealistic style. 

Emerging simulation capabilities

We find that video models exhibit a number of interesting emergent capabilities when trained at scale. These capabilities enable Sora to simulate some aspects of people, animals and environments from the physical world. These properties emerge without any explicit inductive biases for 3D, objects, etc.—they are purely phenomena of scale.

3D consistency. Sora can generate videos with dynamic camera motion. As the camera shifts and rotates, people and scene elements move consistently through three-dimensional space.

Long-range coherence and object permanence. A significant challenge for video generation systems has been maintaining temporal consistency when sampling long videos. We find that Sora is often, though not always, able to effectively model both short- and long-range dependencies. For example, our model can persist people, animals and objects even when they are occluded or leave the frame. Likewise, it can generate multiple shots of the same character in a single sample, maintaining their appearance throughout the video.

Interacting with the world. Sora can sometimes simulate actions that affect the state of the world in simple ways. For example, a painter can leave new strokes along a canvas that persist over time, or a man can eat a burger and leave bite marks.

Simulating digital worlds. Sora is also able to simulate artificial processes–one example is video games. Sora can simultaneously control the player in Minecraft with a basic policy while also rendering the world and its dynamics in high fidelity. These capabilities can be elicited zero-shot by prompting Sora with captions mentioning “Minecraft.”

These capabilities suggest that continued scaling of video models is a promising path towards the development of highly-capable simulators of the physical and digital world, and the objects, animals and people that live within them.


Sora currently exhibits numerous limitations as a simulator. For example, it does not accurately model the physics of many basic interactions, like glass shattering. Other interactions, like eating food, do not always yield correct changes in object state. We enumerate other common failure modes of the model—such as incoherencies that develop in long duration samples or spontaneous appearances of objects—in our landing page.

We believe the capabilities Sora has today demonstrate that continued scaling of video models is a promising path towards the development of capable simulators of the physical and digital world, and the objects, animals and people that live within them.


"zero shot" is being tested on new samples or tasks without retraining nor finetuning;

for a short explanation on the concept see here: Zero-shot(零次学习)简介-CSDN博客

for a more detailed and more technical one: Zero shot - 知乎 

Zero-shot定义:学习一个新类的视觉分类器,这个新类没有提供任何的图像数据,仅仅给出了这个类的word embedding。

关键:如何关联视觉特征和语义特征(视觉特征一般用预训练好的CNN提取特征,不再进行fine-tine,因此zero-shot考察的问题是如何建立语义和视觉特征的关系)。(1) 怎样把未知类和已知类相联系 (2)怎样在未知类别上获得最佳的判别性能。

Diffusion Transformers (DiT)

We explore a new class of diffusion models based on the transformer architecture. We train latent diffusion models, replacing the commonly-used U-Net backbone with a transformer that operates on latent patches. We analyze the scalability of our Diffusion Transformers (DiTs) through the lens of forward pass complexity as measured by Gflops. We find that DiTs with higher Gflops—through increased transformer depth/width or increased number of input tokens—consistently have lower FID. In addition to good scalability properties, our DiT-XL/2 models outperform all prior diffusion models on the class-conditional ImageNet 512×512 and 256×256 benchmarks, achieving a state-of-the-art FID of 2.27 on the latter.

for intro to a typical diffusion model: Illustrated Stable Diffusion_stable diffusion paper-CSDN博客

In this paper, we replace the U-Net backbone in latent diffusion models (LDMs) with a transformer. We call these models Diffusion Transformers, or DiTs for short. The DiT architecture is very similar to a standard Vision Transformer (ViT), with a few small, but important, tweaks. Diffusion models need to process conditional inputs, like diffusion timesteps or class labels. We experimented with a few different block designs to inject these inputs. The one that works best is a ViT block with adaptive layer norm layers (adaLN). Importantly, these adaLN layers also modulate the activations immediately prior to any residual connections within the block, and are initialized such that each ViT block is the identity function. Simply changing the mechanism for injecting conditional inputs makes a huge difference in terms of FID. This change was the only one we needed to get good performance; otherwise, DiT is a fairly standard transformer model.

Scaling DiT

Visualizing the effects of scaling-up DiT. We generated images from all 12 of our DiT models at 400K training steps using identical sampling noise. More compute-intensive DiT models have significantly-higher sample quality.

Transformers are known to scale well in a variety of domains. How about as diffusion models? We scale DiT along two axes in this paper: model size and number of input tokens.

Scaling model size. We tried four configs that differ by model depth and width: DiT-S, DiT-B, DiT-L and DiT-XL. These model configs range from 33M to 675M parameters and 0.4 to 119 Gflops. They are borrowed from the ViT literature which found that jointly scaling-up depth and width works well.

Scaling tokens. The first layer in DiT is the patchify layer. Patchify linearly embeds each patch in the input image (or, in our case, the input latent), converting them into transformer tokens. A small patch size corresponds to a large number of transformer tokens. For example, halving the patch size quadruples the number of input tokens to the transformer, and thus at least quadruples the total Gflops of the model. Although it has a huge impact on Gflops, note that patch size does not have a meaningful effect on model parameter counts.

For each of our four model configs, we train three models with latent patch sizes of 8, 4 and 2 (a total of 12 models). Our highest-Gflop model is DiT-XL/2, which uses the largest XL config and a patch size of 2.

Scaling both model size and the number of input tokens substantially improves DiT's performance, as measured by Fréchet Inception Distance (FID).

As has been observed in other domains, compute—not just parameters—appears to be the key to obtaining better models. For example, while DiT-XL/2 obtains excellent FID values, XL/8 performs poorly. XL/8 has slightly more parameters than XL/2 but much fewer Gflops. We also find that our larger DiT models are compute-efficient relative to smaller models; the larger models require less training compute to reach a given FID than smaller models (see the paper for details).

Training complexity of DiT.

Following our scaling analysis, DiT-XL/2 is clearly the best model when trained sufficiently long. We'll focus on XL/2 for the rest of this post.





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