USB4是什么?与USB 3.2有什么差异?

USB4是USB 3.2的升级版,带宽翻倍达到40Gbps,支持双通道模式。USB4整合了雷电3协议,可同时传输USB 3.2数据、DP 1.4和PCIe 3.0数据。USB4在通道使用上更加灵活,允许不同协议在同一通道中传输,而USB 3.2的通道分配和传输协议相对简单。

在了解USB4和USB 3.2之前,需要先梳理一下USB的发展历程。




USB是一种传输数据的协议规范,也是一种接口技术规范。1996年由美国的Intel、微软、康柏、DEC和IBM,日本的NEC,加拿大的北方电信公司等七家业界巨头组成的非盈利组织USB标准化组织(USB Implement Forum,简称USB-IF)推出了USB 1.0,之后推出了速度更快的USB 1.1和USB 2.0。2008年,由Intel,苹果,惠普,微软,瑞萨电子,意法半导体和德州仪器等组成的USB 3.0 Promoter Group行业技术联盟发布了USB 3.0,然后转移给了USB-IF来管理和维护。2013年到2019年之间,Intel等大公司联合的USB 3.0 Promoter Group相继推出了USB 3.1、USB 3.2和USB4协议规范,在USB-IF官网上发布和更新。

从USB的演变图中可以看出,USB从最开始推出的USB 1.0到USB4共经历了24年。最明显的改进就是带宽的增加,在USB 2.0及之前主要支持低速(1.5Mbps)、高速(12Mbps)和全速(480Mbps)。到了USB 3.0开始进入超速模式,而且每升级一次,带宽就翻倍,从最开始的5Gbps到了现在的40Gbps。

USB接口按照规范分为USB1.0、USB 1.1、USB2.0、USB 3.0。我们经常说的USB2.0接口和USB 3.0接口就是按照USB规范来分类的。2013年USB 3.0改名为USB 3.1 Gen 1,同时推出了10Gbps带宽的USB 3.1 Gen 2,两者统称为USB 3.1。到了2017年,USB 3.1 Gen 1和USB 3.1 Gen 2分别改名为USB 3.2 Gen 1和USB 3.2 Gen 2。同时加入了带宽为10Gbps的USB 3.2 Gen 1x2和带宽为20Gbps的USB 3.2 Gen 2x2,这4个统称USB 3.2。至此进入了USB 3.2时代,而USB 3.0的名字已经成为历史。总之,USB 2.0还保留着,而USB 3.0现在已经被USB-IF协会改名为USB 3.2 Gen 1了,而且还多了USB 3.2 Gen 2、USB 3.2 Gen 1x2和USB 3.2 Gen 2x2。其中USB 3.2 Gen 1x2和USB 3.2 Gen 2x2表示USB 3.2 Gen 1和USB 3.2 Gen 2的双通道模式,而USB 3.2 Gen 1和USB 3.2 Gen 2是单通道模式。单通道和双通道是什么意思呢?说明之前,来看下面的图。


USB接口按照型号分为Type-A,Type-B和Type-C三种。Standard-A属于Type-A,Micro-B属于Type-B。从上图看出,USB 3.1接口及之前,除了Type-C,还有Type-A和Type-B这两种型号,而到了USB 3.2接口就只支持Type-C了。这就与USB接口的单通道模式和双通道有关,下面进行介绍。

USB Type-C母座


This chapter presents an overview of Universal Serial Bus 4 (USB4™) architecture and key concepts. USB4 is similar to earlier versions of USB in that it is a cable bus supporting data exchange between a host computer and a wide range of simultaneously accessible peripherals. However, USB4 also allows a host computer to setup data exchange between compatible peripherals. The attached peripherals share bandwidth as configured by the host computer. The bus allows peripherals to be attached, configured, used, and detached while the host and other peripherals are in operation. When configured over a USB Type-C® connector interface, USB4 functionally replaces USB 3.2 while retaining USB 2.0 bus operating in parallel. Enhanced SuperSpeed USB, as defined in USB 3.2, remains the fundamental architecture for USB data transfer on a USB4 Fabric. The difference with USB4 versus USB 3.2 is that USB4 is a connection -oriented, tunneling architecture designed to combine multiple protocols onto a single physical interface, so that the total speed and performance of the USB4 Fabric can be dynamically shared. USB4 allows for USB data transfers to operate in parallel with other independent protocols specific to display, load/store and host-to-host interfaces. Additionally, USB4 extends performance beyond the 20 Gbps (Gen 2 x 2) of USB 3.2 to 40 Gbps (Gen 3 x 2) over the same dual-lane, dual-simplex architecture. This specification introduces the concept of protocol tunneling to USB bus architecture. Besides tunneling Enhanced SuperSpeed USB (USB3), display tunneling based on DisplayPort (DP) protocol and load/store tunneling based on PCI Express (PCIe) are defined. These protocol tunnels operate independently over the USB4 transport and physical layers. Additionally, USB4 allocates packets for bus configuration and management, and packe ts can be allocated specifically for host-to-host data connections.
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