CVPR 2019 UG2+ 视觉识别挑战赛报名进行中,总奖池高达6万美金



CVPR 2019 UG2+ 挑战赛已于 2019 年 1 月 3 日开启报名,总奖池高达 6 万美金。目前正面向全球企业、研究机构和院校进行队伍招募,报名截止日期为 2019 年 4 月 1 日。



本次大赛主题为“Bridging the Gap between Computational Photography and Visual Recognition”,即组织者希望研究人员关注底层的计算摄影学对高层的视觉识别的影响,通过更加先进的手段提高“低质量成像“的视觉识别精度。比如我们熟悉的去雨、去雾、去模糊、光照增强、抗其他恶劣成像环境等,尤其是在无人机航空影像识别场景下的研究与应用。

值得注意的是,本次挑战赛吸引了多个重量级赞助商:包括美国国家情报总监(Office of the Director of National Intelligence,ODNI)、美国情报高等研究计划署(Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity ,IARPA)。

可见,美国情报的最高研究机构对无人机航空影像的重视程度!它们赞助的挑战是“Video object classification and detection from unconstrained mobility platforms”,即非限制的移动平台视频目标分类与检测,提供5万美金的总奖池!

另外,来自企业界的风头正劲的互联网公司快手、美图,世界知名的传统计算机视觉技术厂商NEC和大型零售业巨头沃尔玛也进行了赞助,它们赞助的挑战是“Object Detection in Poor Visibility Environments”,即较差视觉环境的目标检测,总奖池1万美元。



Call for Workshop Papers & Prize Challenge Participation

UG2+: Bridging the Gap between Computational Photography and Visual Recognition

in conjunction with

The 30th IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2019)

Long Beach, CA, USA, June 16th-21th, 2019

Topic Description: 

What is the current state-of-the-art for image restoration and enhancement applied to degraded images acquired under less than ideal circumstances? Can the application of such algorithms as a pre-processing step improve image interpretability for automatic visual recognition? 

Continuing the success of the 1st UG2 Prize Challenge workshop held at CVPR 2018, we significantly expand our workshop scope for this year, to provide an integrated forum for researchers to review the recent progress of handling various adverse visual conditions in real-world scenes, in robust, effective and task-oriented ways. 

Beyond the human vision-driven restorations, we also extend particular attention to the degradation models and the related inverse recovery processes that may benefit successive machine vision tasks. We embrace the most advanced deep learning systems,but are still open to classical physically grounded models, as well as any well-motivated combination of the two streams. 

The workshop will consist of four invited talks, together with peer-reviewed regular papers (oral and poster), and talks associated with winning prize challenge contributions. Original high-quality contributions are solicited on the following topics:

• Novel algorithms for robust object detection, segmentation or recognition on outdoor mobility platforms, such as UAVs, gliders, autonomous cars, outdoor robots, etc.

• Novel algorithms for robust visual understanding in the presence of one or more real-world adverse conditions, such as haze, rain, snow, hail, dust, underwater, low-illumination, low resolution, etc. 

• Novel algorithms for dehazing, deraining, light enhancement, or enhancing other real-world adverse conditions

• The potential models and theories for explaining, quantifying, and optimizing the mutual influence between the low-level computational photography (image reconstruction, restoration, or enhancement) tasks and various high-level computer vision tasks.

• Novel physically grounded and/or explanatory models, for the underlying degradation and recovery processes, of real-world images going through complicated adverse visual conditions.

• Novel evaluation methods and metrics for image restoration and enhancement algorithms, with a particular emphasis on no-reference metrics, since for most real outdoor images with adverse visual conditions it is hard to obtain any clean “ground truth” to compare with.

Submission Instructions: 

All submitted work will be assessed based on their relevance to workshop theme, novelty, technical quality, clarity, and reproducibility. For each accepted submission, at least one author must attend the workshop and present the paper. 

All submissions will follow standard CVPR format requirements, and will be double-blind peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be presented at the poster session, with selected papers also being presented in an oral session. All accepted papers will be published by the CVPR in the workshop proceedings.

Best paper awards (a total of $1,000) will be given to the highest-quality original submission(s).

Challenge Description:

We will announce two challenges built on our collected large-scale benchmarks. The teams will be ranked in terms of testing set accuracy. All final winners will be required to open-source their code. Winning teams will also be invited to submit papers to the workshop to describe their methods. 

The organizers acknowledge the generous sponsorship from IARPA, NEC Labs, Walmart, Kuaishou, Meitu, and Brain-Inspired Technology, leading to a total of $60, 000 cash prize for challenge winners. It is structured as two challenges, divided further into five sub-challenge tracks. 

Challenge 1: Video Object Classification and Detection from Unconstrained Mobility Platforms

It consists of two sub-challenges: (1.1) restoration and enhancement to improve UAV-based object detection; and (1.2) restoration and enhancement to improve UAV-based classification of objects in videos.


Challenge 2: Object Detection in Poor Visibility Environments

It consists of three sub-challenges: (2.1) (Semi-)supervised object detection in the haze; (2.2) (Semi-)supervised face detection in the low light condition; and (2.3) Zero-shot object detection with raindrop occlusions.

More challenge and dataset details could be found at the website. 

Important Dates: 

1. Paper Submission

May 1, 2019: Paper submission deadline

May 10, 2019: Paper decision notification

May 17, 2019: Paper camera ready

2. Challenge Participation

January 31, 2019: Development kit and registration made available

March 15 - April 15, 2019: Dry run period

April 1, 2019: Registration deadline

May 1, 2019: Challenge submission deadline

May 20, 2019: Challenge results will be released

June 18, 2019: Most successful and innovative teams present at CVPR 2019 workshop

Organization Committee:

- Walter Scheirer, Assistant Professor, Notre Dame University, USA

- Zhangyang (Atlas) Wang, Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University, USA

- Jiaying Liu, Associate Professor, Peking University, China

- Wenqi Ren, Assistant Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

- Wenhan Yang, Postdoc Researcher, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

- Kevin Bowyer, Schubmehl-Prein Family Professor, Notre Dame University, USA

- Thomas S. Huang, Maybelle Leland Swanlund Endowed Chair Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

- Sreya Banerjee, Graduate Student, Notre Dame University, USA

- Rosaura Vidal-Mata, Graduate Student, Notre Dame University, USA

- Ye Yuan, Graduate Student, Texas A&M University, USA

For further questions please contact: Walter Scheirer, Zhangyang (Atlas) Wang







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