[转]四.设计的优先级 2发布用户期望的功能

After you've met the minimum requirements, you should concentrate on delivering the features users expect. Macintosh users are sophisticated and most have come to expect a certain level of functionality and elegance in the applications they use. Although the guidelines in this section are not as elementary as those described in “Meet Minimum Requirements,” they embody key features your application should provide.

当您满足了最低需求后,您应该集中关注于发布用户期望的功能。Macintosh的用户是非常老练的,大部分期望他们所使用的程序有一定的功能并且有一定的讲究。尽管本小节的准则不像在 “满足最低限度的要求”中所描述的那样初级,但是也包含了您的程序应该提供的关键功能。

To deliver the features Macintosh users expect, be sure to:


  • Communicate effectively.
Mac OS X excels at providing essential information to users in an integrated and effective manner. Similarly, your application should provide useful error messages, feedback on commands and lengthy tasks, and appropriate status information. For information on how to do this, see “ Feedback and Communication.”
Mac OS X擅长通过协调和有效的方式向用户提供基本的信息。类似的,您的程序也应该提供有用的错误信息,命令和长时间任务的反馈,以及合适的状态信息。具体信息请参考“ 反馈和交互。”
  • Support application bundles and drag-and-drop installation.
Application bundles simplify the user's interaction with your software and enable drag-and-drop installation, which is the preferred method of application installation in Mac OS X. Macintosh users expect a quick, painless application installation experience; be sure to supply it by making your application available in a bundle and supporting drag-and-drop installation. For more information on bundles and application installation, see “ Packaging” and “ Installation.”
程序包简化了用户和您的软件的交互,并且支持拖拽式的安装,这是Mac OS X推荐的安装方式。Macintosh的用户期望有一个快速的,轻松的安装体验;确定您的程序能够支持程序包以及拖拽式安装。关于程序包和程序安装的更多信息,请参考“ 程序包” and “ 安装。”
  • Create high-quality icons and graphics.
Part of the allure of Mac OS X is the abundance of beautiful, realistic, photo-illustrative icons. Be sure your application displays the type of high-quality, attractive icons Macintosh users expect. For guidance on different types of icons and how to design them, see “ Icons.”
Mac OS X吸引力的一部分是大量的,漂亮的,写实的,类似于图片的图标。确定您的程序显示的是Macintosh用户期望的高质量的,具有吸引力的图标。关于不同类别的图标的使用以及如何设计它们的更多信息,请参考“ 图标”一节。
  • Comply with the layout guidelines.
Applications that follow the layout guidelines present a clean, organized, and intuitive look and feel to users. Macintosh users are accustomed to uncluttered, visually appealing windows with conveniently placed controls. For help with the spacing of individual controls, see “ Controls”; for some examples showing how to combine controls in windows, see “ Layout Guidelines.”
如果您的程序遵从了布局的准则则会呈现给用户一个干净的,组织良好的和直观的视觉效果。Macintosh的用户习惯于整洁的,控件摆放合理方便的具有迷人外观的窗口。关于单个控件的间隔请参考“ 控件”一节;关于怎样在窗口中摆放控件的范例请参考 “ 布局指南。”
  • Provide effective user assistance.
Effective and readily available user assistance is a hallmark of a good application. Mac OS X supports both Apple Help, which allows you to display in-depth help documents in Help Viewer, and help tags, which allow you to display brief, context-sensitive information about user interface elements. Because these help mechanisms are used extensively by the system, Apple applications, and most third-party applications, Macintosh users rely on them when they need help with a task or control. For more information on using these mechanisms to provide help to your users, see “ User Assistance.”
优秀程序的一个特点就是有效和方便的用户帮助。Mac OS X支持Apple帮助系统,能够让您在帮助视图中提供详细的帮助文档,也支持帮助标签,能够让您显示一段简短的,和上下文相关的帮助信息。因为帮助系统被系统,Apple的程序,以及大部分第三方的程序大量的使用,当Macintosh的用户需要某个操作或者控件的帮助时,他们已经习惯于帮助系统。关于怎样使用这些机制来向您的用户提供帮助的更多信息,请参考 “ 用户帮助”一节。
  • Support drag and drop.
Drag-and-drop functionality is ubiquitous in Mac OS X, making it one of the most appreciated and well-known features of the platform. Although you should be sure to provide keyboard alternatives to the drag-and-drop operations in your application, it's essential to fully support this direct manipulation technology. For more information on this technology, see “ Drag and Drop.”
在Mac OS X中拖拽功能是无处不在的,也是广为人知的功能。虽然您应该在您的程序中提供拖拽操作的键盘替代方案,但直接支持拖拽的操作也是十分必要的。更多信息请参考“ 拖拽。”
  • Use display names.
Mac OS X allows users to customize how file, directory, and application names are displayed. Macintosh users are accustomed to making this choice and expect their preference to be observed throughout the file system and in applications. Be sure to respect the user's display name preference in your application (note that this also makes internationalization much easier). For more information about filename extensions and display names, see “ File Formats and Filename Extensions.”
Mac OS X允许用户定制文件,目录,以及应用程序的名字显示。Macintosh用户习惯于这个选择并且期望他们的配置能够影响文件系统和程序的显示。确定在您的程序中支持用户显示名的偏好设置(注意,这也使得国际化的支持更为容易)。关于文件名和显示名的更多信息,请参考“ 文件格式和文件名扩展




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