
In this article, we will see the  steps in machine learning model formation . Let us first understand what is Machine Learning. It is a field of Artificial Intelligence, where humans train the system to learn, analyze and make decisions. Machine Learning is an important part of Data Science. The Machine Learning algorithm or the model improves its efficiency over time by learning from the experience.

To learn the overview of Machine Learning – Click here 

Machine learning models  have wide applications in many fields. Some of the widely used applications are Email spam filtering, Web search results, pattern and image recognition, Video recommendation, and so on. Machine Learning becoming a more widely accepted and adapted technology in many fields . The applications of Machine learning models are widespread in the fields of health care, banking, e-commerce, and so on. Most social media and content-delivering networks use Machine Learning algorithms to provide a more personalized and enjoyable experience.

To build any  Machine Learning model , there are  8 steps to follow . It is not necessary to  build a model in machine learning  with all those steps, you can also skip one or two steps according to your model. But for better accuracy, follow all these steps. The steps in machine learning model building are as follows.

  • Understand the problem
  • Collect and Process the data
  • Split the data
  • Choose appropriate model
  • Train the model
  • Evaluate the model
  • Hyperparameter Tuning
  • Prediction

Let us see how to  build a Machine Learning model  following these steps.

Understand the problem

Before starting to  build any machine learning model , first try to analyze and understand the purpose for which you are building the model. It would help to choose the appropriate algorithm for our model and also gives better results. If you understand the problem clearly, you can be able to list some potential solutions to test in order to generate the best model. Understand that you have to try out a few solutions before you land on a good working model.

To understand the steps more clearly, let us consider the example of identifying fruits by their color, shape, and size. This basic example is to understand the process in a simple way. For our model, we have different parameters to classify a fruit. We can add more features to get better results. For the sake of simplicity, we have taken three different parameters to identify the fruit. The first feature is the color of the fruit, the second one is the shape of the fruit and the last one is the size of the fruit. Using these features our model will identify the name of the fruit.

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