2016-04-22_14-15-46_zps9eywvcav.png?resize=280%2C257&ssl=12016-04-22_14-15-46_zps9eywvcav.png?resize=280%2C257&ssl=1I had a “Cool Networking Websites and Tools Collection” post before in this blog which has all of my favorite network tools or websites I found from Internet.

During setting up this “Network Security Memo” blog, there are some other helpful websites or tools being used but not listed before. This post will mostly focus on blog related tools. Hopefully this will help some other beginners when they are trying to set their blog site up. There are no too much explanation for those websites since I am assuming most of readers already having fundamental network knowledge.

1. Website Speed Test and Monitoring Tools

2. Webmaster Tools

3. Website Analytics Tools

4. Making Money by adding ads

c.  Chitika

5. Buying Ads from advertiser

9. Free Image Hosting and Sharing Sites

a. Photobucket.com
b. Poco.cn
c. www.niupic.com

10. Check if Your Website Blocked by GFW in China Mainland

a. Test if any website is blocked in china http://www.blockedinchina.net/
b. 网站被墙了吗? http://www.hostucan.cn/site-block-checker
c. Test website from China

11. Website Submission
Find list of best free URL submission and website submission sites. Submit your websites to 100’s of Sites including search engines.
Free search engine submission and Ping Service. Free URL submission tool will automatically add your URL to several hundreds of different websites that automatically provide free backlinks for you. Each of these sites has been collected in one comprehensive list, and our free tool automates the entire process for you.

Free Web Submission is the source for free search engine submission. Provides webmasters and site owners with free manual and auto submission to the highest-rated, free internet search engines and directories.

Free Autoubmit URL to 8000 FFA links pages.

Free Submit Your URL to 1,374 Different Websites.

Global Search Engine Submitter
Autoubmit Your Web Site to 65 Major Search Engines.

Free Search engine autosubmitter to 70+ search engines and directories.

Free website submission to 636 search engines and directories.

Website submission & registration with 25 search engines.

Submit a URL to Over 130 Search Engines for Free. Free and easy site URL submission to more than 130 search engines.

Submit URL to 200 classified ad sites and 1000 FFA links pages.

12. Redirect Blogspot Site from One to Another
During migrating my site from 51sec.blogspot.com to 91sec.blogspot.com, I have found following ways to do redirection from one blogspot site to another.  The code will be inserted between <head> and </head>

a.  This is current way I am using and found it is best so far.

var oldURL = “51sec.blogspot.com”;
var newURL = “91sec.blogspot.com”;
var url = location.href;
var newURL = url.replace(document.domain,newURL);
window.location = newURL

b. It will only redirect all posts or pages to the homepage site, not passing url parameters.

<meta content=’0;url=http://91sec.blogspot.com’ http-equiv=’refresh’/>

c.  The code works on some of URLs but some were got messed up.

<script type=’text/javascript’>
  var d='<data:blog.url/>’;

13. Google Adsense Sanbox
You can use this tool to determine if a domain is banned in the AdSense program. Put the website URL in the input box and if you see no ads, Google may have disabled ad-serving for that domain.