template<typename T>
inline void AngleAxisRotatePoint(const T angle_axis[3], const T pt[3], T result[3]) {
const T theta2 = DotProduct(angle_axis, angle_axis);
if (theta2 > T(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())) {
// Away from zero, use the rodriguez formula
// result = pt costheta +
// (w x pt) * sintheta +
// w (w . pt) (1 - costheta)
// We want to be careful to only evaluate the square root if the
// norm of the angle_axis vector is greater than zero. Otherwise
// we get a division by zero.
const T theta = sqrt(theta2);
const T costheta = cos(theta);
const T sintheta = sin(theta);
const T theta_inverse = 1.0 / theta;
const T w[3] = {angle_axis[0] * theta_inverse,
angle_axis[1] * theta_inverse,
angle_axis[2] * theta_inverse};
// Explicitly inlined evaluation of the cross product for
// performance reasons.
/*const T w_cross_pt[3] = { w[1] * pt[2] - w[2] * pt[1],
w[2] * pt[0] - w[0] * pt[2],
w[0] * pt[1] - w[1] * pt[0] };*/
T w_cross_pt[3];
CrossProduct(w, pt, w_cross_pt);
const T tmp = DotProduct(w, pt) * (T(1.0) - costheta);
// (w[0] * pt[0] + w[1] * pt[1] + w[2] * pt[2]) * (T(1.0) - costheta);
result[0] = pt[0] * costheta + w_cross_pt[0] * sintheta + w[0] * tmp;
result[1] = pt[1] * costheta + w_cross_pt[1] * sintheta + w[1] * tmp;
result[2] = pt[2] * costheta + w_cross_pt[2] * sintheta + w[2] * tmp;
} else {
// Near zero, the first order Taylor approximation of the rotation
// matrix R corresponding to a vector w and angle w is
// R = I + hat(w) * sin(theta)
// But sintheta ~ theta and theta * w = angle_axis, which gives us
// R = I + hat(w)
// and actually performing multiplication with the point pt, gives us
// R * pt = pt + w x pt.
// Switching to the Taylor expansion near zero provides meaningful
// derivatives when evaluated using Jets.
// Explicitly inlined evaluation of the cross product for
// performance reasons.
/*const T w_cross_pt[3] = { angle_axis[1] * pt[2] - angle_axis[2] * pt[1],
angle_axis[2] * pt[0] - angle_axis[0] * pt[2],
angle_axis[0] * pt[1] - angle_axis[1] * pt[0] };*/
T w_cross_pt[3];
CrossProduct(angle_axis, pt, w_cross_pt);
result[0] = pt[0] + w_cross_pt[0];
result[1] = pt[1] + w_cross_pt[1];
result[2] = pt[2] + w_cross_pt[2];