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原创 A letter for all the CSDN blogers and Staffs

Dear friends,al

2014-08-06 15:54:25 462

转载 Note_20150814_C++_Function

11:03Here I got several function note about c++.在函数中定义的形参,在未出现函数调用的时候他们并不占用存储单元,只有函数调用的时候,他们才会被分配存储。将实参的值传递给形参。这样意味着同样的值被传递,形参和实参的存储单元被同时占用着。return语句返回一个值回去。这个值的数据类型必须和被调用函数的类型保持一致

2015-08-19 09:04:51 380

转载 C++_Switch Statement

Switch is C++'s multiway decision statement.It works like this: the value of an expression is successively tested against a list of integer or character constants. When a match is found, the stateme

2015-08-07 11:14:13 603

转载 Why SystemC

SystemC is a system design and modeling language.Typically,  today's systems contain both application-specific hardware and software. The prevailing name for this cncurrent and multi-disciplinar

2015-07-29 12:35:05 458

原创 Note_20150526

C++ basics/************************/In C++, the semicolon is a statement terminator. That is, each individual statement must be ended with a semicolon. It indicates the end of one logical entity

2015-05-25 11:04:18 370

翻译 Note_20150306_Computer Arithmetic_Number Representation

Mathematics, like the Nile, begins in munuteness, but ends in magnificence。The first such event, which may have led to the loss of 28 human lives in February 1991, is the failure of the American

2015-03-06 13:27:43 484

原创 Note_20150204_C++ Basics

Just as what I have state, this is just my own note.1. All C++ programs must have a main() function, and it is there that program execution begins.2. All variable must be declared before they

2015-02-04 21:11:44 287

转载 Note_20141126_Namespace

Here is several notes for the Namespace in the C++.In general, a namespace is a container for a set of identifiers (also known as symbols, names).[1][2] Namespaces provide a level of directi

2014-11-26 16:11:02 339

原创 Note1104_Flip Flop

TuesdayToday, I am going to prepare

2014-11-04 20:45:29 565

转载 Notes_20141031-Flip-Flop+Setup time things

Flip-Flop,In electronics, a flip-flop or latch is a circuit that has two stable states and can be used to store state information.

2014-10-31 11:00:25 648

转载 Notes-20141004

The system-on-chip Design Process

2014-10-04 22:27:30 325

转载 notes_20101003

数字IC设计-Chapter 3 Architecture Desgin对于接口加以寄存是可重用设计中最重要的

2014-10-03 23:05:04 369

转载 Notes_20141002

Optimization Elemental things+1.

2014-10-02 13:16:05 417

转载 Notes_20141001

C is the language of choice for system-level programming, and there is a huge installed base

2014-10-01 22:32:17 427

转载 ROC Curve


2014-08-28 16:05:59 1839

转载 Note_20140807_Cprogram_Matlab-for C program_mxCreateNumericArray


2014-08-06 16:11:23 3411

原创 Note_20140805——Memory Read/Write timing cycles

OK. As you have know, all the materials is just my own note. Hopefully, you could find something interested to you.

2014-08-04 17:39:04 844

原创 note_20140802_FLOPS_Memory_hierarchy


2014-08-02 17:54:17 467

原创 Note for 20140726_SD_coding

The same as the before blog is just for myself learning. All the mateials is from one book. Digitial Singal Processing with

2014-07-26 08:52:59 467

转载 Note for 20140725

The job today is focus on the Matlab learning and FPGA. And this is just a note for myself learning. I C

2014-07-25 14:20:43 412

原创 学习笔记——FPGA逻辑基础 from altera


2014-07-20 22:36:38 1049

原创 Codec notes by learning myself

From Baidu BaikeCodec

2014-07-14 13:23:02 435

原创 Notes for_20140710

4:03 pmMemories can be made smaller and faster by taking advantage of analog design technique.

2014-07-14 09:43:58 309

转载 各种memory简述

ROM 和RAM 指的都是半导体存储器,ROM 是Read Only Memory 的缩写,RAM 是RandomAccess Memory 的缩写。ROM 在系统停止供电的时候仍然可以保持数据,而RAM 通常都是在掉电之后就丢失数据,典型的RAM 就是计算机的内存。RAM 有两大类,一种称为静态RAM(Static RAM/SRAM),SRAM 速度非常快,是目前读写最快的存储设

2014-07-10 11:48:41 2200

原创 .lef .tlf .sdc & .conf introduction

The .lef file contains information about the layer specifications for the technology implemented by the library (in this case AMI .5). Specs like default sizes, minimum widths, and minimum spacing 

2014-07-09 10:09:15 593

转载 Timing Library Format (TLF)

TLF is an ASCII representation of the timing and power parameters associated with any cell in a particular semiconductor tech

2014-07-08 22:48:22 1947

原创 Notes for LVS

Basic Knowledge From wikiThe Layout Versus Schematic (LVS) is the class of electronic design automation (EDA) verification software that determines whether a particular integrated circuit layo

2014-07-06 10:25:36 537

原创 DFT Materials and Notes for Tetramax

This blog is to note the basic DFT knowledge and

2014-07-05 21:17:54 966

翻译 爆米花效应简略解释


2014-06-30 19:30:20 5109

转载 Constraints Example for Synthesis

#-------------------------------------------------------------------# Design entryana

2014-06-23 22:56:08 492

转载 Clocking Issues for Synthesis

In any design, the most critical part of synthesis is the clock description. There are always issues concerning the pre and post-layout definitions.

2014-06-23 22:39:59 550

转载 集成电路layout设计的与candence讲义

layout engineer应该知道的一些专业术语:1. layout design 所生成的数据格式: *。gds文件。2. Tapeout: 标志着设计工作的完成。3. Tapeout后的芯片加工流程:     设计公司提供设计好的GDS文件, 然后又掩膜工厂提供mask,接着Foundry芯片代工,如此我们就有了wafer(die), 记着就是封装(packer), 得到封

2014-06-23 15:27:07 7123

转载 Partitioning for Synthesis

Partitioning can be viewed as, utilizing the “Divide and Conquer” concept toreduce complex designs into simpler and manageable blocks. Promotingdesign reuse is one of the most significant advantag

2014-06-22 22:42:30 477

转载 What is a Good Library!

Cell libraries determine the overall performance of the synthesized logic. Agood cell library will result in fast design with smallest area, whereas a poorlibrary will degrade the final result.

2014-06-22 13:22:57 823

转载 Cadence Technology Files


2014-06-15 10:19:25 3773 1

翻译 Turning Off & editting "What's New Window" For virtuoso

There are two What’s New windows displayed by layout editor. The What’s New in 5.0.0 window is displayed when the CIW is opened. It describes thegeneral changes made to the Design Framework II be

2014-06-14 14:32:42 811

转载 Cadence SKILL Language Introduction

Getting StartedCadence® SKILL is a high-level, interactive programming language based on the popular artificial intelligence language, Lisp.

2014-06-13 15:53:49 2727

转载 Memaker model relationship

Memaker is Faraday proprietary memory compiler. It is capable of automatically generating the data sheet, Verilog simulation model, VHDL simulation model, Synopsys synthesis model, Mentor FastScan and

2014-06-04 16:15:00 1119



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