

  • 前些天看李沐老师的课,发现一个AutoMl包AutoGluon,李沐老师说使用该包在Kaggle泰坦尼克号生还预测中取得前10%的成绩,在房价预测中拿到了第1名的成绩(用到了表格+文本的多模态模型)
  • 这里我用员工满意度预测(Table)Children vs Adults Classification(Image)流浪猫收留预测(Multimodal),数据下载可点击数据标题
  • 接下来我将分别示例表格类型数据预测、图片类型数据分类、多模态预测(表格、文本、图片)
  • 安装AutoGluon(Jupyter Notebook中):! pip install autogluon
  • 关于AutoGluon的更多API请参照官方网站Github地址


  • 下图为员工满意度预测数据中字段信息内容:


  • 导入必要包
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from plotnine import*
import seaborn as sns
from scipy import stats

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False

# notebook嵌入图片
%matplotlib inline
# 提高分辨率
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'

# 切分数据
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

# 忽略警告
import warnings


  • 导入训练与测试数据
df_train = pd.read_csv("../input/employee-satisfaction/训练集.csv", encoding="gbk",index_col = 'id')
df_test = pd.read_csv("../input/employee-satisfaction/测试集.csv", encoding="gbk",index_col = 'id')
  • 将数据中字符串列数值化
# 将字符串列改为数值列
  • 对部门列进行独热编码
df_train = pd.get_dummies(df_train,columns=['division'])
df_test = pd.get_dummies(df_test,columns=['division'])
  • 异常值检查
# 绘制箱型图进行异常值检查
i = 0
frows = 2
fcols = 2
plt.figure(dpi = 600,figsize=(12, 8))
for lab in df_train.columns[[0,2,8]]:
    i += 1
# plt.savefig('1.png')


  • 数据归一化
# 数据归一化
from sklearn import preprocessing 
# 归一化的特征列不包含预测列
features_columns = [col for col in df_train.columns if col not in ['satisfaction_level']]

min_max_scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()

min_max_scaler =[features_columns])

train_data_scaler = min_max_scaler.transform(df_train[features_columns])
test_data_scaler = min_max_scaler.transform(df_test[features_columns])

train_data_scaler = pd.DataFrame(train_data_scaler)
train_data_scaler.columns = features_columns

test_data_scaler = pd.DataFrame(test_data_scaler)
test_data_scaler.columns = features_columns

train_data_scaler['satisfaction_level'] = df_train['satisfaction_level'].values
df_train = train_data_scaler
df_test = test_data_scaler
  • 观察训练集与测试集数据分布是否有偏差
# 观察训练集与测试集数据分布
dist_cols = 6
dist_rows = len(df_test.columns)


for i, col in enumerate(df_test.columns):
    ax = sns.kdeplot(df_train[col], color="Red", shade=True)
    ax = sns.kdeplot(df_test[col], color="Blue", shade=True)
    ax = ax.legend(["train","test"])


  • 绘制特征间相关性热力图
# 绘制相关性热力图
plt.figure(dpi = 300,figsize=(20, 16))
# 获取列标签
column = df_train.columns.tolist()  
mcorr = df_train[column].corr(method="spearman")  
# 创建一个和相关性矩阵相同维度的空矩阵
mask = np.zeros_like(mcorr, dtype=np.bool)  
mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True  
cmap = sns.diverging_palette(220, 10, as_cmap=True)  
g = sns.heatmap(mcorr, mask=mask, cmap=cmap, square=True, annot=True, fmt='0.2f')  
# plt.savefig('2.png')


Auto ML

  • 将数据转换为autogluon中所需格式,并定义预测标签,不考虑时间成本追求最优模型,5择交叉检验、模型融合
  • 使用CPU训练了大约20分钟,可以看到最优模型为WeightedEnsemble_L3
from autogluon.tabular import TabularDataset, TabularPredictor
train_data = TabularDataset(df_train)
# 预测标签
label = 'satisfaction_level'
# 模型保存文件名
save_path = 'agModels-predictClass'
# 建立预测模型,verbosity(0~4),默认为2就好
predictor = TabularPredictor(label=label,path=save_path,verbosity=0)
# presets='best_quality'不考虑时间成本,追求最好模型,presets='best_quality',num_bag_folds=5,num_bag_sets=1,num_stack_levels=1)
# 输出模型表现


	model	score_val	pred_time_val	fit_time	pred_time_val_marginal	fit_time_marginal	stack_level	can_infer	fit_order
0	WeightedEnsemble_L3	-0.172081	7.343329	333.876595	0.001310	0.623922	3	True	22
1	ExtraTreesMSE_BAG_L2	-0.172605	5.116233	172.232698	1.107705	7.378392	2	True	17
2	CatBoost_BAG_L2	-0.173452	4.080730	179.991769	0.072202	15.137464	2	True	16
3	LightGBMXT_BAG_L2	-0.173462	4.172402	174.590106	0.163874	9.735801	2	True	13
4	RandomForestMSE_BAG_L2	-0.173785	4.957497	191.662132	0.948968	26.807827	2	True	15
5	LightGBM_BAG_L2	-0.173939	4.105616	175.162125	0.097088	10.307820	2	True	14
6	WeightedEnsemble_L2	-0.174116	2.045973	34.980294	0.001211	0.699372	2	True	12
7	XGBoost_BAG_L2	-0.174219	4.094137	180.652536	0.085609	15.798230	2	True	19
8	LightGBMLarge_BAG_L2	-0.174762	4.210132	182.043600	0.201604	17.189295	2	True	21
9	NeuralNetFastAI_BAG_L2	-0.175477	4.541154	209.018030	0.532626	44.163725	2	True	18
10	RandomForestMSE_BAG_L1	-0.175685	0.904012	7.887363	0.904012	7.887363	1	True	5
11	ExtraTreesMSE_BAG_L1	-0.177117	0.847087	4.248557	0.847087	4.248557	1	True	7
12	NeuralNetTorch_BAG_L2	-0.177767	4.301633	212.179403	0.293104	47.325097	2	True	20
13	LightGBMLarge_BAG_L1	-0.179927	0.274584	11.694356	0.274584	11.694356	1	True	11
14	XGBoost_BAG_L1	-0.180700	0.115822	7.230349	0.115822	7.230349	1	True	9
15	CatBoost_BAG_L1	-0.180793	0.053771	14.898683	0.053771	14.898683	1	True	6
16	LightGBM_BAG_L1	-0.181259	0.313841	8.541626	0.313841	8.541626	1	True	4
17	LightGBMXT_BAG_L1	-0.183204	0.583974	9.379441	0.583974	9.379441	1	True	3
18	NeuralNetFastAI_BAG_L1	-0.188396	0.415200	45.523810	0.415200	45.523810	1	True	8
19	NeuralNetTorch_BAG_L1	-0.192048	0.241119	54.613551	0.241119	54.613551	1	True	10
20	KNeighborsDist_BAG_L1	-0.195021	0.124069	0.015969	0.124069	0.015969	1	True	2
21	KNeighborsUnif_BAG_L1	-0.196171	0.135048	0.820599	0.135048	0.820599	1	True	1
  • 输出各特征重要性
# 删除其余模型(减少内存开销)
# 输出最优模型
# 输出特征重要程度
  • 输出
	importance	stddev	p_value	n	p99_high	p99_low
number_project	0.140325	0.001946	4.437726e-09	5	0.144332	0.136318
average_monthly_hours	0.120057	0.001612	3.897295e-09	5	0.123376	0.116739
time_spend_company	0.113286	0.002141	1.531254e-08	5	0.117695	0.108877
last_evaluation	0.108663	0.000795	3.442178e-10	5	0.110301	0.107026
package	0.071335	0.000921	3.339475e-09	5	0.073232	0.069438
salary	0.034672	0.001662	6.312180e-07	5	0.038093	0.031250
Work_accident	0.016181	0.000579	1.958612e-07	5	0.017373	0.014990
division_sales	0.016054	0.000679	3.826687e-07	5	0.017451	0.014656
division_technical	0.015590	0.000977	1.843122e-06	5	0.017603	0.013578
division_support	0.012123	0.000587	6.598496e-07	5	0.013332	0.010913
division_IT	0.007362	0.000297	3.168499e-07	5	0.007973	0.006750
division_product_mng	0.006758	0.000402	1.501938e-06	5	0.007587	0.005930
division_marketing	0.006032	0.000617	1.297950e-05	5	0.007302	0.004761
division_accounting	0.005793	0.000534	8.553800e-06	5	0.006892	0.004694
division_RandD	0.005265	0.000286	1.042488e-06	5	0.005854	0.004676
division_hr	0.004269	0.000494	2.108536e-05	5	0.005286	0.003253
division_management	0.003864	0.000752	1.638736e-04	5	0.005413	0.002316
promotion_last_5years	0.002596	0.000383	5.523791e-05	5	0.003385	0.001807


  • 导入测试数据集,autogluon会自动使用最优模型进行预测
# 导入预测数据
test_data = TabularDataset(df_test)
# 导入模型
predictor = TabularPredictor.load(save_path)
# 得到预测值
y_pred = predictor.predict(test_data)



import autogluon.core as ag
from import ImagePredictor, ImageDataset
train_data, _, test_data = ImageDataset.from_folders('../input/children-vs-adults-images', train='train', test='test')
print('train #', len(train_data), 'test #', len(test_data))


train # 680 test # 120

Auto ML

  • 选择不考虑时间成本,最求最优模型
  • 这个模型我在Kaggle上使用GPU训练了快12个小时!,可以看到模型在训练集上准确率为96.05%,验证集上准确率为97.05%,效果很好
predictor = ImagePredictor(verbosity=2),presets ='best_quality')


Finished, total runtime is 42713.23 s
{ 'best_config': { 'augmentation': { 'auto_augment': None,
                                     'color_jitter': 0.4,
                                     'cutmix': 0.0,
                                     'cutmix_minmax': None,
                                     'drop': 0.0,
                                     'drop_block': None,
                                     'drop_path': None,
                                     'hflip': 0.5,
                                     'mixup': 0.0,
                                     'mixup_mode': 'batch',
                                     'mixup_off_epoch': 0,
                                     'mixup_prob': 1.0,
                                     'mixup_switch_prob': 0.5,
                                     'no_aug': False,
                                     'ratio': (0.75, 1.3333333333333333),
                                     'scale': (0.08, 1.0),
                                     'smoothing': 0.1,
                                     'train_interpolation': 'random',
                                     'vflip': 0.0},
                   'data': { 'crop_pct': 0.99,
                             'img_size': None,
                             'input_size': None,
                             'interpolation': '',
                             'mean': None,
                             'std': None,
                             'validation_batch_size_multiplier': 1},
                   'estimator': <class ''>,
                   'gpus': [0],
                   'img_cls': { 'global_pool_type': None,
                                'model': 'swin_base_patch4_window7_224',
                                'pretrained': True},
                   'misc': { 'amp': False,
                             'apex_amp': False,
                             'eval_metric': 'top1',
                             'log_interval': 50,
                             'native_amp': False,
                             'num_workers': 2,
                             'pin_mem': False,
                             'prefetcher': False,
                             'save_images': False,
                             'seed': 467,
                             'torchscript': False,
                             'tta': 0,
                             'use_multi_epochs_loader': False},
                   'model_ema': { 'model_ema': True,
                                  'model_ema_decay': 0.9998,
                                  'model_ema_force_cpu': False},
                   'optimizer': { 'clip_grad': None,
                                  'clip_mode': 'norm',
                                  'momentum': 0.9,
                                  'opt': 'sgd',
                                  'opt_betas': None,
                                  'opt_eps': None,
                                  'weight_decay': 0.0001},
                   'train': { 'batch_size': 16,
                              'bn_eps': None,
                              'bn_momentum': None,
                              'cooldown_epochs': 10,
                              'decay_epochs': 30,
                              'decay_rate': 0.1,
                              'early_stop_baseline': -inf,
                              'early_stop_max_value': inf,
                              'early_stop_min_delta': 0.001,
                              'early_stop_patience': 50,
                              'epochs': 200,
                              'lr': 0.0005115112828551085,
                              'lr_cycle_limit': 1,
                              'lr_cycle_mul': 1.0,
                              'lr_noise': None,
                              'lr_noise_pct': 0.67,
                              'lr_noise_std': 1.0,
                              'min_lr': 1e-05,
                              'output_lr_mult': 0.1,
                              'patience_epochs': 10,
                              'sched': 'step',
                              'start_epoch': 0,
                              'sync_bn': False,
                              'transfer_lr_mult': 0.01,
                              'warmup_epochs': 3,
                              'warmup_lr': 0.0001}},
  'total_time': 42712.701295375824,
  'train_acc': 0.9605263157894737,
  'valid_acc': 0.9705882352941176}



  • 最优模型在测试集上准确率为89.2%也是一个非常不错的成绩,比我用手调的还好2个点!
test_acc = predictor.evaluate(test_data)
print('Top-1 test acc: %.3f' % test_acc['top1'])


Top-1 test acc: 0.892
  • 输出测试集预测标签
result = predictor.predict(test_data)


0      0
1      0
2      0
3      0
4      0
115    1
116    1
117    1
118    1
119    1
Name: label, Length: 120, dtype: int64


  • 多模态数据即表格数据+文本数据+图像数据,是基于多模型融合的预测。


download_dir = './ag_petfinder_tutorial'
zip_file = ''
from autogluon.core.utils.loaders import load_zip
load_zip.unzip(zip_file, unzip_dir=download_dir)
dataset_path = download_dir + '/petfinder_processed'
# train_images:训练集图片
# test_images:测试集图片
# train.csv:训练集标签,特征,文本
# test.csv:测试集标签,特征,文本
# dev.csv:所有数据集标签


train_data = pd.read_csv(f'{dataset_path}/train.csv', index_col=0)
test_data = pd.read_csv(f'{dataset_path}/dev.csv', index_col=0)


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 11994 entries, 10721 to 5640
Data columns (total 25 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------         --------------  -----  
 0   Type           11994 non-null  int64  
 1   Name           10988 non-null  object 
 2   Age            11994 non-null  int64  
 3   Breed1         11994 non-null  int64  
 4   Breed2         11994 non-null  int64  
 5   Gender         11994 non-null  int64  
 6   Color1         11994 non-null  int64  
 7   Color2         11994 non-null  int64  
 8   Color3         11994 non-null  int64  
 9   MaturitySize   11994 non-null  int64  
 10  FurLength      11994 non-null  int64  
 11  Vaccinated     11994 non-null  int64  
 12  Dewormed       11994 non-null  int64  
 13  Sterilized     11994 non-null  int64  
 14  Health         11994 non-null  int64  
 15  Quantity       11994 non-null  int64  
 16  Fee            11994 non-null  int64  
 17  State          11994 non-null  int64  
 18  RescuerID      11994 non-null  object 
 19  VideoAmt       11994 non-null  int64  
 20  Description    11986 non-null  object 
 21  PetID          11994 non-null  object 
 22  PhotoAmt       11994 non-null  float64
 23  AdoptionSpeed  11994 non-null  int64  
 24  Images         11994 non-null  object 
dtypes: float64(1), int64(19), object(5)
memory usage: 2.4+ MB
  • 告诉Auto模型预测列与图像路径列
# 需要预测的值
label = 'AdoptionSpeed'
# 对应图像标签
image_col = 'Images'
  • 同1只动物有2~3张不同的照片,因为AutoGluon包1行数据只能读取1张照片,这里只取图片路径列的第1张
# 每行取第一张图片
train_data[image_col] = train_data[image_col].apply(lambda ele: ele.split(';')[0])
test_data[image_col] = test_data[image_col].apply(lambda ele: ele.split(';')[0])

  • 将图片路径改为绝对路径
# 将csv文件中的图片路径补充完整
def path_expander(path, base_folder):
    path_l = path.split(';')
    return ';'.join([os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_folder, path)) for path in path_l])
train_data[image_col] = train_data[image_col].apply(lambda ele: path_expander(ele, base_folder=dataset_path))
test_data[image_col] = test_data[image_col].apply(lambda ele: path_expander(ele, base_folder=dataset_path))
  • 绘制图片
example_row = train_data.iloc[1]
example_image = example_row['Images']from IPython.display import Image, display
pil_img = Image(filename=example_image)


  • 数据采样,迅速定位值得训练的模型
# 数据采样(了解哪些模型值得训练)
train_data = train_data.sample(5000, random_state=0)
  • 多模态特征提取
from autogluon.tabular import FeatureMetadata
feature_metadata = FeatureMetadata.from_df(train_data)



('float', [])        :  1 | ['PhotoAmt']
('int', [])          : 19 | ['Type', 'Age', 'Breed1', 'Breed2', 'Gender', ...]
('object', [])       :  4 | ['Name', 'RescuerID', 'PetID', 'Images']
('object', ['text']) :  1 | ['Description']
  • 将Images列设为图像路径属性(方便训练器识别)
# 将Images列设为图像路径属性(方便训练器识别)
feature_metadata = feature_metadata.add_special_types({image_col: ['image_path']})


('float', [])              :  1 | ['PhotoAmt']
('int', [])                : 19 | ['Type', 'Age', 'Breed1', 'Breed2', 'Gender', ...]
('object', [])             :  3 | ['Name', 'RescuerID', 'PetID']
('object', ['image_path']) :  1 | ['Images']
('object', ['text'])       :  1 | ['Description']

Auto ML

from autogluon.tabular.configs.hyperparameter_configs import get_hyperparameter_config
# 多模态训练模式
hyperparameters = get_hyperparameter_config('multimodal')
  • 时间限制最多训练8个小时,并使用GPU加速
from autogluon.tabular import TabularPredictor
predictor = TabularPredictor(label=label).fit(
    presets = 'best_quality',
    ag_args_fit={'num_gpus': 0})


Fitting model: LightGBMLarge_BAG_L1 ... Training model for up to 17493.06s of the 27095.97s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S1F1 - S1F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.432	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	386.71s	 = Training   runtime
	1.49s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: TextPredictor_BAG_L1 ... Training model for up to 17096.1s of the 26699.01s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S1F1 - S1F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
E1019 05:14:49.161276010    2762]   Received a GOAWAY with error code ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM and debug data equal to "too_many_pings"
	0.3634	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	3734.32s	 = Training   runtime
	18.76s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: ImagePredictor_BAG_L1 ... Training model for up to 13344.84s of the 22947.75s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S1F1 - S1F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.3524	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	4517.97s	 = Training   runtime
	28.6s	 = Validation runtime
Completed 1/20 k-fold bagging repeats ...
Fitting model: WeightedEnsemble_L2 ... Training model for up to 1919.15s of the 18419.43s of remaining time.
	0.4578	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	1.42s	 = Training   runtime
	0.0s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting 6 L2 models ...
Fitting model: LightGBM_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 18417.99s of the 18417.59s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S1F1 - S1F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4564	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	199.13s	 = Training   runtime
	1.04s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: LightGBMXT_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 18213.83s of the 18213.57s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S1F1 - S1F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4528	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	140.68s	 = Training   runtime
	0.68s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: CatBoost_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 18067.64s of the 18067.38s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S1F1 - S1F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.463	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	1012.6s	 = Training   runtime
	1.73s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: XGBoost_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 17049.43s of the 17049.16s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S1F1 - S1F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4614	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	355.78s	 = Training   runtime
	0.67s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: NeuralNetTorch_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 16687.78s of the 16687.5s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S1F1 - S1F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4528	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	62.11s	 = Training   runtime
	0.85s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: LightGBMLarge_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 16621.21s of the 16620.96s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S1F1 - S1F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4588	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	698.95s	 = Training   runtime
	2.09s	 = Validation runtime
Repeating k-fold bagging: 2/20
Fitting model: LightGBM_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 15917.11s of the 15916.86s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S2F1 - S2F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4474	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	361.11s	 = Training   runtime
	1.7s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: LightGBMXT_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 15750.46s of the 15750.21s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S2F1 - S2F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4566	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	383.67s	 = Training   runtime
	2.51s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: CatBoost_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 15502.33s of the 15502.08s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S2F1 - S2F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4534	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	2029.12s	 = Training   runtime
	3.6s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: XGBoost_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 14480.59s of the 14480.34s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S2F1 - S2F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4574	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	713.87s	 = Training   runtime
	1.32s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: NeuralNetTorch_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 14118.13s of the 14117.89s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S2F1 - S2F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4494	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	123.94s	 = Training   runtime
	1.64s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: LightGBMLarge_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 14051.54s of the 14051.05s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S2F1 - S2F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4516	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	1290.52s	 = Training   runtime
	3.15s	 = Validation runtime
Repeating k-fold bagging: 3/20
Fitting model: LightGBM_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 13454.83s of the 13454.58s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S3F1 - S3F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4534	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	565.3s	 = Training   runtime
	2.79s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: LightGBMXT_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 13245.22s of the 13244.89s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S3F1 - S3F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4552	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	562.97s	 = Training   runtime
	3.64s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: CatBoost_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 13061.41s of the 13061.16s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S3F1 - S3F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4538	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	2989.07s	 = Training   runtime
	5.31s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: XGBoost_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 12096.7s of the 12096.4s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S3F1 - S3F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4628	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	1065.02s	 = Training   runtime
	1.96s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: NeuralNetTorch_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 11741.2s of the 11740.95s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S3F1 - S3F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4536	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	191.06s	 = Training   runtime
	2.32s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: LightGBMLarge_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 11669.58s of the 11669.33s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S3F1 - S3F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.455	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	1921.24s	 = Training   runtime
	4.67s	 = Validation runtime
Repeating k-fold bagging: 4/20
Fitting model: LightGBM_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 11032.26s of the 11032.01s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S4F1 - S4F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4564	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	779.74s	 = Training   runtime
	4.27s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: LightGBMXT_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 10813.47s of the 10813.22s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S4F1 - S4F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4564	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	724.24s	 = Training   runtime
	4.74s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: CatBoost_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 10647.91s of the 10647.64s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S4F1 - S4F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4544	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	4043.74s	 = Training   runtime
	7.46s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: XGBoost_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 9588.75s of the 9588.44s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S4F1 - S4F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4632	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	1380.01s	 = Training   runtime
	2.51s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: NeuralNetTorch_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 9269.72s of the 9269.47s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S4F1 - S4F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4528	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	249.06s	 = Training   runtime
	3.08s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: LightGBMLarge_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 9207.7s of the 9207.42s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S4F1 - S4F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4544	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	2604.8s	 = Training   runtime
	6.68s	 = Validation runtime
Repeating k-fold bagging: 5/20
Fitting model: LightGBM_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 8518.63s of the 8518.39s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S5F1 - S5F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4568	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	969.05s	 = Training   runtime
	5.1s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: LightGBMXT_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 8324.31s of the 8324.06s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S5F1 - S5F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.46	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	954.32s	 = Training   runtime
	6.73s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: CatBoost_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 8089.46s of the 8089.21s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S5F1 - S5F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4526	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	4982.74s	 = Training   runtime
	9.3s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: XGBoost_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 7145.47s of the 7145.16s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S5F1 - S5F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4618	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	1687.99s	 = Training   runtime
	3.07s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: NeuralNetTorch_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 6833.41s of the 6833.16s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S5F1 - S5F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4534	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	311.52s	 = Training   runtime
	3.78s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: LightGBMLarge_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 6766.63s of the 6766.35s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S5F1 - S5F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4552	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	3278.15s	 = Training   runtime
	8.55s	 = Validation runtime
Repeating k-fold bagging: 6/20
Fitting model: LightGBM_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 6087.9s of the 6087.65s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S6F1 - S6F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4586	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	1164.77s	 = Training   runtime
	6.08s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: LightGBMXT_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 5886.76s of the 5886.47s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S6F1 - S6F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4624	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	1100.85s	 = Training   runtime
	7.32s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: CatBoost_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 5735.64s of the 5735.38s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S6F1 - S6F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4518	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	5980.75s	 = Training   runtime
	11.3s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: XGBoost_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 4732.41s of the 4732.16s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S6F1 - S6F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4578	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	1990.26s	 = Training   runtime
	3.59s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: NeuralNetTorch_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 4425.39s of the 4425.12s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S6F1 - S6F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4546	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	377.89s	 = Training   runtime
	4.44s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: LightGBMLarge_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 4354.59s of the 4354.33s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S6F1 - S6F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4524	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	3901.7s	 = Training   runtime
	10.22s	 = Validation runtime
Repeating k-fold bagging: 7/20
Fitting model: LightGBM_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 3725.6s of the 3725.34s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S7F1 - S7F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4596	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	1347.21s	 = Training   runtime
	6.95s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: LightGBMXT_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 3538.96s of the 3538.7s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S7F1 - S7F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4622	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	1247.92s	 = Training   runtime
	7.96s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: CatBoost_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 3387.65s of the 3387.4s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S7F1 - S7F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.452	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	6844.92s	 = Training   runtime
	13.13s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: XGBoost_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 2519.12s of the 2518.87s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S7F1 - S7F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4578	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	2340.68s	 = Training   runtime
	4.2s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: NeuralNetTorch_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 2164.52s of the 2164.27s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S7F1 - S7F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4576	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	441.27s	 = Training   runtime
	5.19s	 = Validation runtime
Fitting model: LightGBMLarge_BAG_L2 ... Training model for up to 2097.19s of the 2096.93s of remaining time.
	Fitting 8 child models (S7F1 - S7F8) | Fitting with ParallelLocalFoldFittingStrategy
	0.4582	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	4558.04s	 = Training   runtime
	11.89s	 = Validation runtime
Completed 7/20 k-fold bagging repeats ...
Fitting model: WeightedEnsemble_L3 ... Training model for up to 1841.8s of the 1436.21s of remaining time.
	0.4694	 = Validation score   (accuracy)
	0.93s	 = Training   runtime
	0.0s	 = Validation runtime
AutoGluon training complete, total runtime = 27364.79s ... Best model: "WeightedEnsemble_L3"
TabularPredictor saved. To load, use: predictor = TabularPredictor.load("AutogluonModels/ag-20221019_043937/")


  • 观察各模型在测试集上表现
leaderboard = predictor.leaderboard(test_data)
                   model  score_test  score_val  pred_time_test  pred_time_val      fit_time  pred_time_test_marginal  pred_time_val_marginal  fit_time_marginal  stack_level  can_infer  fit_order
0         CatBoost_BAG_L2    0.440147     0.4520      311.027459      67.010538  17144.274338                 3.961333               13.129473        6844.922442            2       True         12
1   NeuralNetTorch_BAG_L2    0.439146     0.4576      313.881686      59.070805  10740.619594                 6.815560                5.189740         441.267699            2       True         14
2     WeightedEnsemble_L3    0.438146     0.4694      356.545686      84.355455  21175.077252                 0.013631                0.000960           0.931303            3       True         16
3       LightGBMXT_BAG_L2    0.435145     0.4622      331.060749      61.838714  11547.272638                23.994623                7.957649        1247.920743            2       True         11
4     WeightedEnsemble_L2    0.434478     0.4578      301.874017      52.586521  10151.541209                 0.006723                0.001295           1.415491            2       True          9
5         LightGBM_BAG_L2    0.431811     0.4596      328.935630      60.831540  11646.558565                21.869503                6.950476        1347.206670            2       True         10
6    LightGBMLarge_BAG_L2    0.431811     0.4582      345.884833      65.766117  14857.395032                38.818707               11.885052        4558.043137            2       True         15
7          XGBoost_BAG_L2    0.429810     0.4578      321.760539      58.077633  12640.035064                14.694413                4.196568        2340.683169            2       True         13
8    LightGBMLarge_BAG_L1    0.426475     0.4320        6.381093       1.489012    386.712939                 6.381093                1.489012         386.712939            1       True          6
9         LightGBM_BAG_L1    0.423474     0.4302        2.985550       0.803576    132.148328                 2.985550                0.803576         132.148328            1       True          1
10         XGBoost_BAG_L1    0.421140     0.4302        2.731979       0.632295    190.459603                 2.731979                0.632295         190.459603            1       True          4
11        CatBoost_BAG_L1    0.420140     0.4452        0.933754       1.721086   1114.353101                 0.933754                1.721086        1114.353101            1       True          3
12      LightGBMXT_BAG_L1    0.410470     0.4126        5.198832       1.295838    149.226177                 5.198832                1.295838         149.226177            1       True          2
13  NeuralNetTorch_BAG_L1    0.397799     0.4078        0.728582       0.579873     74.164125                 0.728582                0.579873          74.164125            1       True          5
14   TextPredictor_BAG_L1    0.370457     0.3634       96.319121      18.761692   3734.320718                96.319121               18.761692        3734.320718            1       True          7
15  ImagePredictor_BAG_L1    0.350784     0.3524      191.787215      28.597692   4517.966904               191.787215               28.597692        4517.966904            1       True          8
  • 输出测试集预测值
y_pred = predictor.predict(test_data)


  • AutoGluon包是很强大的Auto ML包,但相应的需要付出的算力是人工调参的10倍以上,针对一些有经验性的任务不妨用手调,能快速部署。
  • AutoGluon官网上还有很多例子,比如文本(NLP)类预测,以及目标检测、时间序列,这里因为篇幅原因不过多赘述,后面有时间会再更新。
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