Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 6

Unit 6

  • [equ-]:"equal"
    • equalize
    • equivalent:相等的
    • equilateral:等边的
    • equation:方程式;等式;等同看待;(多种因素的)平衡
    • equable:性情温和的;稳定的,变化小的,温差小的
      • (1) Tending to remain calm. (2) Free from harsh changes or extreme variation.
    • adequacy:足够;适当
      • Being equal to some need or requirement.
    • equilibrium:平衡,均势;(心情、感情等)平静
      • (1) A state in which opposing forces are balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other. (2) A state of emotional balance or calmness.
    • equinox:二分时刻,昼夜平分日(指春分3.21或秋分9.23)
      • A day when day and night are the same length.
        • solstice:至点,夏至或冬至 6.22/12.22
  • [quis-]:"to seek or obtain"
    • inquiry
    • question
    • inquisition:盘问;(尤指 15 到 17 世纪天主教的)宗教裁判所,异端审问
      • A questioning or examining that is often harsh or severe.
    • perquisite:(工资以外的)财务补贴,额外收入,津贴,奖金,小费;(随职位而得到的)好处,利益,便利,特权,优待
      • (1) A privilege or profit that is provided in addition to one's base salary. (2) Something claimed as an exclusive possession or right.
        • perk:(工资之外的)补贴,津贴,额外待遇
    • acquisitive:(对钱财等)渴望得到的; 贪得无厌的
      • Eager to acquire; greedy.
        • acquisitiveness
        • acquire
        • acquisition
    • requisition:n,v,征用
      • A demand or request (such as for supplies) made with proper authority.
  • [ple-/plen-]:"to fill"
    • plenty
    • complete
    • plenary:全体的;充分的
      • (1) Including all who have a right to attend. (2) Complete in all ways.
    • complement:补充,补足,使完美;补充物;足额,足数
      • (1) Something that fills up or makes perfect; the amount needed to make something complete. (2) A counterpart.
    • deplete:耗尽     de-:"do the opposite of"
      • To reduce in amount by using up.
    • replete:充满的
      • Fully or abundantly filled or supplied.
  • [metr-/meter-]:"measure"
    • thermometer:温度计
    • perimeter:外缘;周长 
    • isometric:等距的
    • metric:米制的
      • (1) Relating to or based on the metric system. (2) Relating to or arranged in meter.
        • metrical:格律的
    • meter:米;韵律
      • (1) The basic metric unit of length, equal to about 39.37 inches. (2) A systematic rhythm in poetry or music.
    • odometer:里程表;计程器    hodos:"rode" or "trip"
      • An instrument used to measure distance traveled.
    • tachometer:转速表
      • A device used to measure speed of rotation.
        • tachyon:超光速粒子
        • tachycardia:心跳过速
  • [aud-]:"hearing"
    • audible:听得见的
    • audience:观众;听众;读者;接见
    • auditorium:(剧院或音乐厅的)观众席;会堂,礼堂,音乐厅
    • audio:音频的,声音的,听觉的
    • auditor:审计员;查账员
      • A person who formally examines and verifies financial accounts.
        • audit:查(账);审计
    • auditory:听觉的;听觉型,听觉器官的
      • (1) Perceived or experienced through hearing. (2) Of or relating to the sense or organs of hearing.
        • acoustic:原声的;(空间的)传声效果,音响效果;声学;声音的,听觉的(乐器,环境)
          • Acoustic means relating to sound or hearing.
        • acoustical:声音的;音响的;听觉的(乐器,环境)
          • related to sound or to the sense of hearing
    • audition:n. v. 试镜;让…试演(或试唱、试音)
      • A trial performance to evaluate a performer's skills.
    • inaudible:听不见的
      • Not heard or capable of being heard.
  • [son-]:"sound"
    • sonata:奏鸣曲
    • sonorous:(声音)深沉响亮的,洪亮的
    • sonic:声音的;音速的
      • (1) Having to do with sound. (2) Having to do with the speed of sound in air (about 750 miles per hour).
    • dissonant:不和谐的,刺耳的;不调和的,自相矛盾的
      • (1) Clashing or discordant, especially in music. (2) Incompatible or disagreeing.
        • Cognitive dissonance:认知失调理论是费斯汀格在1957年的《认知失调论》一书中提出,只要个人发现到有两个认知彼此不能调和一致时,就会感觉到心理冲突。因冲突而引起的紧张不安,转而形成一种内在动机作用,促使个人放弃或改变认知之一,而迁就另一认知,借以消除冲突,恢复调和一致的心态。
    • resonance:共鸣;回响;共振;嘹亮,洪亮
      • (1) A continuing or echoing of sound. (2) A richness and variety in the depth and quality of sound.
        • resonate:共鸣;共振
        • resonant
    • ultrasonic:超声波;(声波)超声的
      • Having a frequency higher than what can be heard by the human ear.
        • ultrasound:超声波
        • ultrasonography:超声波检查法,超声波扫描术
        • sonogram:声波图
        • sonar:声呐
  • [err-]:"to wander" or "to stray"
    • error
    • erratum:(印刷或书写中的)错误;排错;勘误表
    • errata:勘误表
    • errant:周游的;迷路的;偏离正路的
      • (1) Wandering or moving about aimlessly. (2) Straying outside proper bounds, or away from an accepted pattern or standard.
        • arrant:极恶的;声名狼藉的(errant 拼写变体,词义贬义化)
    • aberrant:反常的
      • Straying or differing from the right, normal, or natural type.
    • erratic:不规则的;不确定的;不稳定的
      • (1) Having no fixed course. (2) Lacking in consistency.
    • erroneous:〈正〉错误的, 不正确的
      • Mistaken, incorrect.
  • [ced-]:"to proceed" or "to yield"
    • proceed:
      • ~ (with sth) to continue doing sth that has already been started; to continue being done 继续做(或从事、进行)
      • ~ to do sth to do sth next, after having done sth else first 接着做;继而做
      • + adv./prep. (formal) to move or travel in a particular direction 行进;前往
    • recede:后退,远离;减弱
    • procession:队列,行列;列队行进
    • recession:经济衰退
    • cede:让给, 割让;放弃,让出
      • To give up, especially by treaty; yield.
    • concede:(勉强)承认;(尤指勉强地)让与,让步,屈从
      • To admit grudgingly; yield.
        • concession:承认;让步
    • accede:同意(请求、建议等,被动的
      • (1):To give in to a request or demand. (2) To give approval or consent.
    • precedent:范例;先例
      • Something done or said that may be an example or rule to guide later acts of a similar kind.
        • precede:在 … 之前发生(或出现),先于;在…前面
  • Words from Mythology and History
    • Augean stable:奥吉斯国王的牛舍
      • A condition or place marked by great accumulation of filth or corruption.
    • Croesus:大富豪
      • A very rich person.
    • Hades:冥王:(希腊神话中的)冥府,阴间
      • The underground home of the dead in Greek mythology.
    • lethargic:慵懒的;没精打采的
      • (1) Lazily sluggish. (2) Indifferent or apathetic.
    • Midas touch:点石成金
      • The talent for making money in every venture.
    • Pyrrhic victory:惨胜
      • A victory won at excessive cost.
    • Stygian:阴暗的,幽暗的,阴森森的
      • Extremely dark, dank, gloomy, and forbidding.




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