Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 2






  • [mania-] :“madness”
    • mania : 躁狂症;狂热
      • It can means a mental illness ,or at least an excessive enthusiasm
    • maniac :疯子;狂热的
      • who was wild, violent, and mentally ill—or maybe just really enthusiastic about something
    • manic : 发狂的;狂躁的;非常激动的
    • klepto·mania        : n. 盗窃癖                   kleptein,偷盗
      • A mental illness in which a person has a strong desire to steal things.
    • dipso·maniac        :嗜酒狂                       dipsa, 渴
      • A person with an extreme and uncontrollable desire for alcohol.
    • megalo·maniac :自大狂患者
      • A mental disorder marked by feelings of great personal power and importance.
    • ego·maniac : 极端利己主义者
      • Someone who is extremely self-centered and ignores the problems and concerns of others.
  • [psych-] :“breath, life, soul.”
    • psycho·logy : 心理学                        -logy,学科
      • is the science of mind and behavior.
    • psych·ologist : 心理学家
      • treats or studies the mental problems of individuals and groups.
    • psych·iatry : 精神病学,精神病治疗   -iatry,治疗
      • is a branch of medicine that deals with mental and emotional disorders.
    • psychiatrist : 精神科医生;精神病学家
      • (like any other doctor) may prescribe drugs to treat them.
        • 【注】精神科医生通常拥有处方权,并且可以根据患者的病情独立开药,而且他们中的大多数人都已经接受了基于临床证据的基础心理治疗培训。兼心理学和医药学。
    • psych·e :灵魂,个性,心灵
      • Soul, personality, mind.
    • psyche·delic :迷幻药的;引起幻觉的;致幻的
      • (1) Of or relating to a drug (such as LSD) that produces abnormal and often extreme mental effects such as hallucinations((因生病或吸毒所致的)幻觉(体验)). (2) Imitating the effects of psychedelic drugs.
    • psych·osomatic :由心理负担导致的;由精神压力引起的        
      • Caused by mental or emotional problems rather than by physical illness.
    • psych·otherapist :心理治疗医师;精神治疗医生
      • One who treats mental or emotional disorder or related bodily ills by psychological means.
  • [cept-]:“take, seize.”
    • capture
      • which is what a captor has done to a captive, has the same meaning.
    • captivate
      • once meant literally “capture,” but now means only to capture mentally through charm or appeal. But in some other English words this root produces, such as those below, its meaning is harder to find
    • re·cept·ion :接待;接待处
      • (1) The act of receiving. (2) A social gathering where guests are formally welcomed.
        • Although the reception of her plan by the board of directors was enthusiastic, it was months before anything was done about it.尽管董事会接受她的计划是热情的,但几个月了还没有完成任何工作。
        • receive
        • review:书评
    • inter·cept :拦截                      inter-  :between
      • To stop, seize, or interrupt (something or someone) before arrival.
      • interception:中途夺取,拦截,侦听
    • per·cept·ible:看得见的;察觉得到的
      • Noticeable or able to be felt by the senses.
        • perceptive:
          1. adj. 洞察力强的;敏锐的;理解力强的
          2. adv. 洞察力强地;敏锐地
          3. n. 洞察力强;敏锐;理解力
        • perceive:v. 察觉,感觉;理解;认知
        • perception:
          1. n. 感知(能力); 觉察(力)
          2. 认识, 观念, 看法
        • Perceptible includes the prefix per-, meaning “through,” so the word refers to

                                                              whatever can be taken in through the senses. A perceptive person picks up

                                                              minor changes, small clues, or hints and shades of meaning that others can't

                                                              perceive, so one person's perception—a tiny sound, a slight change in the

                                                              weather, a different tone of voice—often won't be perceptible to another.

  • sus·cept·ible:易受…影响的;善感的;容许 … 的               sus-   :  up
    • (1) Open to some influence; responsive. (2) Able to be submitted to an action or process.
  • [fin-]:“end” or “boundary.”
    • final
      • describes last things,
    • finale:终曲,结局
    • finish
      • is an ending.
    • con·fine :n. 界限,边界  vt. 限制;禁闭
      • (1) To keep (someone or something) within limits. (2) To hold (someone) in a location.
    • de·fin·itive :最具权威的;最终的;明确的;
      • (1) Authoritative and final. (2) Specifying perfectly or precisely.
    • fin·ite :有限的
      • Having definite limits.
    • in·fin·itesimal :极微小的
      • Extremely or immeasurably small.
  • [ject-]:“throw” or “hurl.”
    • reject 拒绝
      • to reject something is to throw (or push) it back;
    • eject 驱逐
      • to eject something is to throw (or drive) it out;
    •  inject
      •  to inject something is to throw (or squirt) it into something else.
    • inter·ject :插话
      • To interrupt a conversation with a comment or remark.
    • con·ject·ure :推测
      • To guess.
    • pro·ject·ion :预测;投影
      • An estimate of what might happen in the future based on what is happening now.
    • tra·ject·ory :弹道;发展轨迹,起落
      • The curved path that an object makes in space, or that a thrown object follows as it rises and falls to earth.
  • [tract-]:“drag or draw.”
    • attractive
      • Something attractive draws us toward it.
    • distracting
      • Something distracting pulls your attention away.
    • extract
      • And when you extract something from behind the sofa, you drag it out.
    • tract·ion :牵引;附着摩擦力
      • The friction that allows a moving thing to move over a surface without slipping.


  • re·tract :缩回;撤回
    • (1) To pull back (something) into something larger. (2) To take back (something said or written).
  • pro·tract·ed :冗长的;持久的;延长的
    • Drawn out, continued, or extended.
  • in·tract·able :(问题或情况)难处理的;难管教的;难驾驭的
    • Not easily handled, led, taught, or controlled.
  • [duc-/duct-]:“to lead”
    • duke:公爵
    • produce
    • reduce
    • con·duc·ive :有益(于…)的
      • Tending to promote, encourage, or assist; helpful.
    • de·duct·ion :扣除;推断
      • (1) Subtraction. (2) The reaching of a conclusion by reasoning.
    • in·duc·e :劝说;引起;催产
      • (1) Persuade, influence. (2) Bring about.
        • inducement:引诱
        • induct:就职;征召入伍;传授
        • induction:就职;催产;归纳法;电磁感应
    • se·duct·ion :诱奸;吸引力,魅力
      • (1) Temptation to sin, especially temptation to sexual intercourse. (2) Attraction or charm.
  • [sequ-]:“to follow.”
    • sequel :续集
      • A sequel follows the original novel, film, or television show.
    • sequ·ential :按次序的
      • (1) Arranged in order or in a series. (2) Following in a series.
    • sub·sequ·ent :随后的;后来的
      • Following in time, order, or place; later.
    • con·sequ·ential :随之而来的;重要的        
      • (1) Resulting. (2) Important.
        • consequence:结果;后果;影响;重要的
    • non sequitur :不合逻辑的推论
      • A statement that does not follow logically from anything previously said.


  • Words from Mythology
    • Apollonian  阿波罗神的
      • Harmonious, ordered, rational, calm.
    • bacchanalian         狂饮作乐的
      • Frenzied, orgiastic.
    • Delphic  暧昧的,隐晦的;意义不明确的
      • Unclear, ambiguous, or confusing.
    • Dionysian  狂饮的
      • Frenzied, delirious.
    • jovial        天性快活的;主神朱庇特的
      • Jolly, good-natured.
    • mercurial  (指人)反复无常的;水银的,含水银的
      • Having rapid and unpredictable changes of mood.
    • Olympian  庄严的;奥林山神的
      • Lofty, superior, and detached.
    • venereal  性交的;性病的;由性交传染的
      • Having to do with sexual intercourse or diseases transmitted by it.





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