Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 18




  • [capit-/cap-]:"head"
    • caput:头,首
    • captain:n. 船长;队长,首领;上尉;海军上校  vt. 指挥;率领
    • capitalism:资本主义
      • An economic system based on private ownership, private decisions, and open competition in a free market.
    • capitulate:屈服
      • To surrender or stop resisting; give up.
    • decapitate:斩首
      • (1) To cut off the head; behead. (2) To destroy or make useless.
    • recapitulate:扼要回顾
      • To repeat or summarize the most important points or stages.
  • [anthrop-]:"human being"
    • anthropomorphic:拟人的; 赋予人性的
    • anthropoid: 类人猿
      • Any of several large, tailless apes.
    • anthropology        : 人类学
      • The science and study of human beings.
    • misanthropic        :厌恶世人的
      • Hating or distrusting humans.
    • lycanthropy:变狼狂(一种精神病);(民间传说)把人化为狼的神通,
      • (1) A delusion that one has become a wolf. (2) Transformation into a wolf through witchcraft or magic.
  • [kine-]:"movement"
    • kinetic:运动的
    • kinesiology:运动机能学
      • The scientific study of human movement.
    • hyperkinetic:运动过度的;运动机能亢奋的
      • (1) Relating to or affected with hyperactivity. (2) Characterized by fast-paced or frantic activity.
        • attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder:注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)
    • kinescope:显像管;录像
      • A motion picture made from an image on a picture tube.


  • telekinesis:心灵遥感
    • The movement of objects without contact or other physical means, as by the exercise of an occult power.
      • psychokinesis:念力(意志移物)
  • [dynam-]:"power"
    • dyne:达因(使质量是1g的物体产生1cm/?2的加速度的力,叫做1达因)
    • dynamometer:测力计
    • dynamite:炸药
    • dynamic:动态的;力学,动力学,驱动力;有活力的, 强有力的
      • (1) Relating to physical force or energy. (2) Continuously and productively active and changing; energetic or forceful.
    • dynamo:(尤指直流)发电机;精力充沛的人
      • (1) A power generator, especially one that produces direct electric current. (2) A forceful, energetic person.
    • aerodynamics:空气动力学;空气动力(特性)
      • (1) A science that studies the movement of gases such as air and the way that objects move through such gases. (2) The qualities of an object that affect how easily it is able to move through the air.
    • hydrodynamic:流体动力学的
      • Having to do with the science that studies fluids in motion and the forces that act on bodies surrounded by fluids.
  • [grad-]:"step" or "degree"    "to step ,walk"
    • grade:等级
    • gradual:逐渐的
    • gradation:逐渐的变化;层级
      • (1) A series made up of successive stages. (2) A step in an ordered scale.
    • degrade:贬低;降级,使退化
      • (1) To treat someone or something poorly and without respect. (2) To make the quality of something worse.
    • gradient:倾斜度,梯度;变化率
      • (1) Slope, grade. (2) A continuous change in measure, activity, or substance.
    • retrograde:倒退的;恶化,退化
      • (1) Moving or performed in a direction that is backward or opposite to the usual direction. (2) Moving toward a worse or earlier state.
  • [reg-]:"rule"
    • regular:有规律的
    • regime:政权,政体;社会制度
    • regulate:(尤指通过规章制度)管理
    • regulation:规章; 规则
    • deregulation:撤销管制规定
    • regimen:养生法
      • A regular course of treatment, usually involving food, exercise, or medicine.
    • interregnum:(政府改组期间的)政权空白;(机构的)权力空白
      • (1) The time during which a throne is vacant between two successive reigns or regimes. (2) A period during which the normal functions of government or control are suspended.
    • regalia        :王室标志;礼服
      • (1) The emblems and symbols of royalty. (2) Special or official dress.
    • regency:摄政时期
      • A government or period of time in which a regent rules in place of a king or queen.
  • [crit-]:"to judge" or "to decide"
    • critic:评论家
    • critical:批评的,爱挑剔的;决定性的,关键的;危险的;临界的;鉴定的;评论的
    • criticism:评论
    • criterion:(批评、判断等的)标准, 准则
      • A standard by which a judgment or decision is made.
        • criteria:标准,条件(criterion的复数)
    • critique:n. vt. 批判;评论
      • A judgment or evaluation, especially a rating or discussion of merits and faults.
    • hypercritical:吹毛求疵的
      • Overly critical.
    • hematocrit:红细胞比容
      • The ratio of the volume of red blood cells to whole blood.
        • 【注】红细胞压积(PCV)是旧称,现在称红细胞比容(Hct),是指一定量的抗凝全血经离心沉淀后,测得下沉的红细胞占全血的容积比,是一种间接反映红细胞数量大小及体积的简单方法。结合红细胞计数和血红蛋白含量,可计算红细胞平均值,有助于贫血的形态学分类。
  • [jur-]:"to swear ,take an oath" ,"right or law"
    • jury:陪审团
    • juror:陪审员
    • injury:伤害
    • jurisprudence:法学;法理学
      • (1) A system of law. (2) The study and philosophy of law.
    • abjure:郑重声明放弃(信仰、生活方式等)
      • To reject formally.
        • 【辨】adjure:命令
          • to command solemnly
    • perjury:伪证罪                           per- :"harmfully"
      • The crime of telling a lie under oath.
    • de jure:法律上的
      • Based on or according to the law.
  • [pent-]:"five"
    • pentagon:五角形
    • pentatonic:五声音阶的
    • pentathlon: 五项全能运动
      • An athletic contest in which each athlete competes in five different events.
    • Pentateuch:摩西五书
      • The first five books of the Old Testament, traditionally said to have been written by Moses.
    • pentameter:五音步诗行
      • A line of poetry consisting of five metrical feet.
    • Pentecostal:(基督教会)五旬节派的(强调圣灵的作用和《圣经》的绝对真理)
      • Of or relating to any of various fundamentalist sects that stress personal experience of God and vocal expression in worship.
  • [quint-]:"five"
    • quintuplets:五胞胎
    • quincentennial:第五百年的
      • A 500th anniversary, or the celebration of such an event.
    • quint·essential:精髓的;典型的;第五元素的(被视为地、水、火、风以外之构成宇宙的元素)
      • Representing the purest or most perfect example of something.
    • quintet:五重奏
      • (1) A musical piece for five instruments or voices. (2) A group of five, such as the performers of a quintet or a basketball team.
    • quintile:五分位数
      • One or another of the values that divide a tested population into five evenly distributed classes, or one of these classes.










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