Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder 学习笔记 Unit 10


Unit 10


  • [put-]:"to think,consider,or believe"
    • reputation
    • reputed:据说
      • Believed to be a certain way by popular opinion.
    • disrepute:丧失名誉;蒙羞
      • Loss or lack of good reputation; disgrace.
    • impute:归罪于,归咎于
      • To attribute.
    • putative:推定的
      • Generally supposed; assumed to exist.
  • [log-]:"word,speech,reason"
    • biology
    • dialogue
    • epilogue
    • physiology:生理学
      • (1) A branch of biology dealing with the processes and activities by which living things, tissues, and cells function. (2) The life processes and activities of a living thing or any of its parts.
    • methodology        :方法论
      • A set of methods or rules followed in a science or field.
    • ideology:意识形态,思想体系
      • The set of ideas and beliefs of a group or political party.
        • ideologue:思想家
    • cardiology:心脏病学 
      • The study of the heart and its action and diseases.
        • cardiologist
        • cardiogram:心电图
        • cardiograph:心电图;[内科] 心动描记器
  • [terr-]:"earth"
    • territory
    • terrace:梯田
    • parterre:花坛;花圃;正厅后座
      • (1) A decorative garden with paths between the beds of plants. (2) The back area of the ground floor of a theater, often under the balcony.
    • subterranean:地下的
      • Underground.
    • terrarium:生物育养箱 
      • An enclosure, usually transparent, with a layer of dirt in the bottom in which plants and sometimes small animals are kept indoors.
    • terrestrial:地球上的,陆栖的
      • (1) Having to do with Earth or its inhabitants. (2) Living or growing on land instead of in water or air.
  • [mar-]:"sea"
    • submarine
    • marine
    • marina:小船坞,游艇停靠区
      • A dock or harbor where pleasure boats can be moored securely, often with facilities offering supplies or repairs.
    • aquamarine:海蓝宝石;海蓝色的 
      • (1) A transparent blue or blue-green gem. (2) A pale blue or greenish blue that is the color of clear seawater in sunlight.
    • mariner:海员;水手
      • A seaman or sailor.
    • maritime:海事的,海运的 
      • (1) Bordering on or having to do with the sea. (2) Having to do with navigation or commerce on the sea.
  • [path-]:"feeling" or "suffering "
    • pathetic
    • Pathos:(情形、电影、戏剧等中的)引人怜悯的特质,感伤力
      • (1) An element in life or drama that produces sympathetic pity. (2) An emotion of sympathetic pity.
    • apathetic:无感情的,冷淡的;无兴趣的,无动于衷的
      • (1) Showing or feeling little or no emotion. (2) Having no interest.
    • empathy:同感;同情;共鸣
      • The feeling of, or the ability to feel, the emotions and sensations of another.
    • telepathic:有心灵感应的
      • Involving apparent communication from one mind to another without speech or signs.
  • [pen/pun-]:"penalties" ,"to punish"
    • penality
    • punishment
    • penal:处罚的;刑罚的. (机构或地区)关押服刑人员的
      • Having to do with punishment or penalties, or institutions where punishment is given.
    • impunity:(做坏事却)不受惩罚地
      • Freedom from punishment, harm, or loss.
    • penance:悔罪,赎罪 
      • An act of self-punishment or religious devotion to show sorrow or regret for sin or wrongdoing.
    • punitive:惩罚的,刑罚的 
      • Giving, involving, or aiming at punishment.
  • [matr-/mater-]:"mother"
    • matron:中年妇女,女舍监,女护士长
    • matrimony:婚姻
    • maternity:母亲身份
      • The state of being a mother; motherhood.
    • matriarch:女家长
      • A woman who controls a family, group, or government.
    • matrilineal:母系的
      • Based on or tracing the family through the mother.
    • matrix        :发源地 [正式];矩阵
      • (1) Something (such as a situation or a set of conditions) in which something else develops or forms. (2) Something shaped like a pattern of lines and spaces.
  • [aqu-]:"water"
    • aquarium:养鱼缸,水族馆
    • aquatic:水生的;水栖的
    • aquavit:阿瓜维特酒; 产自于斯堪的纳维亚国家的一种用谷物或者土豆为原料酿造的酒,用香料尤其是葛缕子来调味
    • aquaculture:水产养殖
      • The farming of plants and animals (such as kelp, fish, and shellfish) that live in the water.
    • aquanaut:海底观察员;海底实验室工作人员
      • A scuba diver who lives and works both inside and outside an underwater shelter for an extended time.
    • aqueduct:导水管;高架渠
      • (1) A pipe or channel for water. (2) A bridgelike structure for carrying water over a valley.
    • aquifer:含水层
      • A layer of rock, sand, or gravel that can absorb and hold water.
  • Words from Mythology
    • cereal:谷类植物, 谷物;谷类食物, 麦片粥
      • (1) A plant that produces grain that can be eaten as food, or the grain it produces. (2) The food made from grain.
    • Junoesque:高贵优美的
      • Having mature, poised, and dignified beauty.
    • martial:战争的;军事的
      • Having to do with war and military life.
    • Promethean:不畏权势的,勇于开创的
      • New or creative in a daring way.
    • Sisyphean:永远做不完的,徒劳的 (推石头上山)
      • Endless and difficult, involving many disappointments.
    • titanic:巨大的 <希神>提坦的
      • Having great size, strength, or power; colossal.
    • Triton:〈希神〉人身鱼尾的海神;核]氚核
      • (1) A being with a human upper body and the lower body of a fish; a merman. (2) Any of various large mollusks with a heavy, conical shell.
    • vulcanize:硫化
      • To treat crude or synthetic rubber or plastic so that it becomes elastic and strong and resists decay.


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