




using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Data.Common;
    public struct BigDecimal
        private string value { get; set; }
        static int _scale = 100;
        const string ONE = "1";
        const string ZERO = "0";
        const string TEN = "10";

        #region Constructors
        /*public BigDecimal()
        public BigDecimal(BigDecimal num)
            value = num.value;
        public BigDecimal(char num)
            value = num.ToString();
        public BigDecimal(string num)
            value = num;
        public BigDecimal(int num)
            value = num.ToString();
        public BigDecimal(long num)
            value = num.ToString();
        public BigDecimal(uint num)
            value = num.ToString();
        public BigDecimal(float num)
            value = num.ToString();
        public BigDecimal(double num)
            value = num.ToString();
        public BigDecimal(BigInteger num)
            value = num.ToString();

        #region Global Helper Functions
        static string getLeftOfDot(string value)
            int dot = value.IndexOf('.');
            if (dot != -1)
                if (dot == 0)
                    return "0";
                if (dot == 1 && value[0] == '-')
                    return "-0";
                return value.Substring(0, dot);
                return value;

       public static implicit operator BigDecimal(int data)
          return new BigDecimal(data);
    public static implicit operator BigDecimal(float data)
        return new BigDecimal(data);
    public static implicit operator BigDecimal(double data)
        return new BigDecimal(data);
    public static implicit operator BigDecimal(string data)
        return new BigDecimal(data);
    public static explicit operator int(BigDecimal data)
      return  data.toInt();
    public static explicit operator float(BigDecimal data)
        return data.toFloat();
    public static explicit operator double(BigDecimal data)
        return data.toDouble();
    private static StringBuilder createBigDecimalString(char character, int string_size)
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("");
            for (int rl = 0; rl < string_size; rl++)
                result = result.Append(character);
            return result;

        private static string trimTrailingZeros(string input)
            if (input.Contains("."))
                //Remove all trailing zeros
                input = input.TrimEnd('0');
                //If all we are left with is a decimal point
                if (input.EndsWith(".")) //then remove it
                    input = input.TrimEnd('.');
            return input;

        private static string _round(string left, int lint, int ldot, int lfrac, int lscale, int scale, int sign, bool add_trailing_zeroes, bool round_last = false)
            StringBuilder sbleft = new StringBuilder(left);
            while (sbleft[lint] == '0' && lint + 1 < ldot)
            if (!(lint > 0 && lscale >= 0 && scale >= 0))

            if (sign < 0 && sbleft[lint] == '0')
                sign = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < lscale; i++)
                    if (sbleft[lfrac + i] != '0')
                        sign = -1;

            if (round_last)
                if (lscale > scale)
                    while (scale > 0 && sbleft[lfrac + scale - 1] == '9' && sbleft[lfrac + scale] >= '5')
                    lscale = scale;
                    if (sbleft[lfrac + scale] >= '5')
                        if (scale > 0)
                            sbleft[lfrac + scale - 1]++;
                            if (!(lfrac == ldot))
                            int i;
                            sbleft[lint - 1] = '0';
                            for (i = 0; sbleft[ldot - i - 1] == '9'; i++)
                                sbleft[ldot - i - 1] = '0';
                            sbleft[ldot - i - 1]++;
                            if (ldot - i - 1 < lint)
                                lint = ldot - i - 1;

                while (lscale > 0 && sbleft[lfrac + lscale - 1] == '0')
                if (lscale > scale)
                    lscale = scale;

            if (lscale == 0 && lfrac > ldot)
                if (!(lfrac == ldot))

            if (sign < 0)
                sbleft[--lint] = '-';

            if (lscale == scale || !add_trailing_zeroes)
                return left.Substring(lint).Substring(0, lfrac + lscale - lint).ToString();
                StringBuilder sbresult = new StringBuilder(left.Substring(lint).Substring(0, lfrac + lscale - lint));
                if (lscale == 0)
                    sbresult = sbresult.Append('.');
                for (int kI = 0; kI < scale - lscale; ++kI)
                    sbresult = sbresult.Append('0');
                return sbresult.ToString();

        private static string _zero(int scale)
            if (scale == 0)
                return ZERO;
            string result = new string('0', scale + 2);
            result = result.Insert(1, ".");
            return result;

        static int parse_number(ref string s, ref int lsign, ref int lint, ref int ldot, ref int lfrac, ref int lscale)
            int i = 0;
            lsign = 1;
            if (s[i] == '-' || s[i] == '+')
                if (s[i] == '-')
                    lsign = -1;
            int len = s.Length;
            if (i >= len)
                return -1;
            lint = i;
            while (i < len && '0' <= s[i] && s[i] <= '9')
            ldot = i;
            lscale = 0;
            if (i < len && s[i] == '.')
                lscale = (int)s.Length - i - 1;
            lfrac = i;
            while (i < len && '0' <= s[i] && s[i] <= '9')
            if (i < len)
                return -1;

            while (s[lint] == '0' && lint + 1 < ldot)
            //  while (lscale > 0 && s[lfrac + lscale - 1] == '0') {
            //    lscale--;
            //  }
            if (lscale == 0 && lfrac > ldot)
                if (!(lfrac == ldot))
            if (lsign < 0 && (lscale == 0 && s[lint] == '0'))
                lsign = 1;
            return lscale;

        #region Conversion Function
        public override string ToString()
            return value;

        public int toInt()
            return Convert.ToInt32(value);

        public uint toUInt()
            return Convert.ToUInt32(value);

        public long toLong()
            return Convert.ToInt64(value);

        public ulong toULong()
            return Convert.ToUInt64(value);

        public double toDouble()
            return Convert.ToDouble(value);

        public float toFloat()
            return Convert.ToSingle(value);

        #region Binary Operator
        public static BigDecimal operator +(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
            return new BigDecimal(Add(left.ToString(), right.ToString()));

        public static BigDecimal operator -(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
            return new BigDecimal(Subtract(left.ToString(), right.ToString()));

        public static BigDecimal operator *(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
            return new BigDecimal(Multiply(left.ToString(), right.ToString()));

        public static BigDecimal operator %(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
            return new BigDecimal(Modulus(left.ToString(), right.ToString()));

        public static BigDecimal operator /(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
            return new BigDecimal(Divide(left.ToString(), right.ToString()));

        public static BigDecimal operator ^(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
            return new BigDecimal(Pow(left.ToString(), right.ToString()));


        #region Comparison Operator
        public static bool operator >(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
            return CompareTo(left.ToString(), right.ToString()) > 0;

        public static bool operator >=(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
            return CompareTo(left.ToString(), right.ToString()) >= 0;

        public bool Equals(BigDecimal other)
            if (other == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            return (other.value == value);

        public override bool Equals(object other)
            if (other == null || GetType() != other.GetType())
                return false;
            return (((BigDecimal)other).value) == value;

        public static bool operator ==(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
            return CompareTo(left.ToString(), right.ToString()) == 0;

        public new static bool Equals(object left, object right)
            if (left == null && right == null) return true;
            if (left == null || right == null) return false;
            return left.GetType() == right.GetType() && (((BigDecimal)left).Equals((BigDecimal)right));

        public static bool operator !=(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
            return CompareTo(left.ToString(), right.ToString()) != 0;
        public static bool operator <(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
            return CompareTo(left.ToString(), right.ToString()) < 0;
        public static bool operator <=(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
            return CompareTo(left.ToString(), right.ToString()) <= 0;

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return 0;


        #region Addition Helper Functions
        private static string Add(string left, string right, int scale = int.MinValue)
            if (left == string.Empty)
                return Add(ZERO, right, scale);
            if (right == string.Empty)
                return Add(left, ZERO, scale);
            if (scale == int.MinValue)
                scale = _scale;
            if (scale < 0)
                scale = 0;
            int lsign = 0, lint = 0, ldot = 0, lfrac = 0, lscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref left, ref lsign, ref lint, ref ldot, ref lfrac, ref lscale) < 0)
                return _zero(scale);
            int rsign = 0, rint = 0, rdot = 0, rfrac = 0, rscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref right, ref rsign, ref rint, ref rdot, ref rfrac, ref rscale) < 0)
                return _zero(scale);
            return trimTrailingZeros(_add(left, lsign, lint, ldot, lfrac, lscale, right, rsign, rint, rdot, rfrac, rscale, Math.Max(lscale, rscale)));

        private static string _add(string left, int lsign, int lint, int ldot, int lfrac, int lscale, string right, int rsign, int rint, int rdot, int rfrac, int rscale, int scale)
            if (lsign > 0 && rsign > 0)
                return add_positive(left, lint, ldot, lfrac, lscale, right, rint, rdot, rfrac, rscale, scale, 1);

            if (lsign > 0 && rsign < 0)
                if (_compareTo(left, lint, ldot, lfrac, lscale, right, rint, rdot, rfrac, rscale, 1000000000) >= 0)
                    return subtract_positive(left, lint, ldot, lfrac, lscale, right, rint, rdot, rfrac, rscale, scale, 1);
                    return subtract_positive(right, rint, rdot, rfrac, rscale, left, lint, ldot, lfrac, lscale, scale, -1);

            if (lsign < 0 && rsign > 0)
                if (_compareTo(left, lint, ldot, lfrac, lscale, right, rint, rdot, rfrac, rscale, 1000000000) <= 0)
                    return subtract_positive(right, rint, rdot, rfrac, rscale, left, lint, ldot, lfrac, lscale, scale, 1);
                    return subtract_positive(left, lint, ldot, lfrac, lscale, right, rint, rdot, rfrac, rscale, scale, -1);

            if (lsign < 0 && rsign < 0)
                return add_positive(left, lint, ldot, lfrac, lscale, right, rint, rdot, rfrac, rscale, scale, -1);

            return ZERO; //Is dummy...


        private static string add_positive(string left, int lint, int ldot, int lfrac, int lscale, string right, int rint, int rdot, int rfrac, int rscale, int scale, int sign)
            int llen = ldot - lint;
            int rlen = rdot - rint;

            int resint = 0, resdot = 0, resfrac = 0, resscale = 0, cur_pos = 0, result_size = 0;

            int result_len = Math.Max(llen, rlen) + 1;
            int result_scale = Math.Max(lscale, rscale);
            result_size = result_len + result_scale + 3;
            StringBuilder result = createBigDecimalString('0', result_size);

            int i = 0, um = 0;
            cur_pos = result_size;
            bool was_frac = false;
            for (i = result_scale - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (i < lscale)
                    um += left[lfrac + i] - '0';
                if (i < rscale)
                    um += right[rfrac + i] - '0';

                if (um != 0 || was_frac)
                    result[--cur_pos] = (char)(um % 10 + '0');
                    um /= 10;
                    was_frac = true;
            resscale = result_size - cur_pos;
            resfrac = cur_pos;
            if (was_frac)
                result[--cur_pos] = '.';
            resdot = cur_pos;

            for (int j = 0; j < result_len; j++)
                if (j < llen)
                    um += left[ldot - j - 1] - '0';
                if (j < rlen)
                    um += right[rdot - j - 1] - '0';

                result[--cur_pos] = (char)(um % 10 + '0');
                um /= 10;
            resint = cur_pos;
            if (!(cur_pos > 1))
            return _round(result.ToString(), resint, resdot, resfrac, resscale, scale, sign, true);

        #region Subtraction Helper Functions
        private static string Subtract(string left, string right, int scale = int.MinValue)
            if (left == string.Empty)
                return Subtract(ZERO, right, scale);
            if (right == string.Empty)
                return Subtract(left, ZERO, scale);
            if (scale == int.MinValue)
                scale = _scale;
            if (scale < 0)
                scale = 0;
            int lsign = 0, lint = 0, ldot = 0, lfrac = 0, lscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref left, ref lsign, ref lint, ref ldot, ref lfrac, ref lscale) < 0)
                return _zero(scale);
            int rsign = 0, rint = 0, rdot = 0, rfrac = 0, rscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref right, ref rsign, ref rint, ref rdot, ref rfrac, ref rscale) < 0)
                return _zero(scale);
            rsign *= -1;
            return trimTrailingZeros(_add(left, lsign, lint, ldot, lfrac, lscale, right, rsign, rint, rdot, rfrac, rscale, Math.Max(lscale, rscale)));
        private static string subtract_positive(string left, int lint, int ldot, int lfrac, int lscale, string right, int rint, int rdot, int rfrac, int rscale, int scale, int sign)
            int llen = ldot - lint;
            int rlen = rdot - rint;
            int resint, resdot, resfrac, resscale;
            int result_len = llen;
            int result_scale = Math.Max(lscale, rscale);
            int result_size = result_len + result_scale + 3;
            StringBuilder result = createBigDecimalString('0', result_size);

            int i, um = 0, next_um = 0;
            int cur_pos = result_size;
            bool was_frac = false;
            for (i = result_scale - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                um = next_um;
                if (i < lscale)
                    um += left[lfrac + i] - '0';
                if (i < rscale)
                    um -= right[rfrac + i] - '0';
                if (um < 0)
                    next_um = -1;
                    um += 10;
                    next_um = 0;

                if (um != 0 || was_frac)
                    result[--cur_pos] = (char)(um + '0');
                    was_frac = true;
            resscale = result_size - cur_pos;
            resfrac = cur_pos;
            if (was_frac)
                result[--cur_pos] = '.';
            resdot = cur_pos;

            for (int j = 0; j < result_len; j++)
                um = next_um;
                um += left[ldot - j - 1] - '0';
                if (j < rlen)
                    um -= right[rdot - j - 1] - '0';
                if (um < 0)
                    next_um = -1;
                    um += 10;
                    next_um = 0;
                result[--cur_pos] = (char)(um + '0');
            resint = cur_pos;
            if (!(cur_pos > 0))
            return _round(result.ToString(), resint, resdot, resfrac, resscale, scale, sign, true);

        #region Multiplication Helper Functions
        private static string Multiply(string left, string right, int scale = int.MinValue)
            if (left == string.Empty)
                return Multiply(ZERO, right, scale);
            if (right == string.Empty)
                return Multiply(left, ZERO, scale);
            if (scale == int.MinValue)
                scale = _scale;
            if (scale < 0)
                scale = 0;
            int lsign = 0, lint = 0, ldot = 0, lfrac = 0, lscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref left, ref lsign, ref lint, ref ldot, ref lfrac, ref lscale) < 0)
                return _zero(scale);
            int rsign = 0, rint = 0, rdot = 0, rfrac = 0, rscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref right, ref rsign, ref rint, ref rdot, ref rfrac, ref rscale) < 0)
                return _zero(scale);
            return trimTrailingZeros(multiply_positive(left, lint, ldot, lfrac, lscale, right, rint, rdot, rfrac, rscale, lscale + rscale, lsign * rsign));

        private static string multiply_positive(string left, int lint, int ldot, int lfrac, int lscale, string right, int rint, int rdot, int rfrac, int rscale, int scale, int sign)
            int llen = ldot - lint;
            int rlen = rdot - rint;

            int resint, resdot, resfrac, resscale;

            int result_len = llen + rlen;
            int result_scale = lscale + rscale;
            int result_size = result_len + result_scale + 3;
            StringBuilder result = createBigDecimalString('0', result_size);

            int[] res = new int[sizeof(int) * result_size];
            for (int i = -lscale; i < llen; i++)
                int x = (i < 0 ? left[lfrac - i - 1] : left[ldot - i - 1]) - '0';
                for (int j = -rscale; j < rlen; j++)
                    int y = (j < 0 ? right[rfrac - j - 1] : right[rdot - j - 1]) - '0';
                    res[i + j + result_scale] += x * y;
            for (int i = 0; i + 1 < result_size; i++)
                res[i + 1] += res[i] / 10;
                res[i] %= 10;

            int cur_pos = result_size;
            for (int i = 0; i < result_scale; i++)
                result[--cur_pos] = (char)(res[i] + '0');
            resscale = result_size - cur_pos;
            resfrac = cur_pos;
            if (result_scale > 0)
                result[--cur_pos] = '.';
            resdot = cur_pos;

            for (int i = result_scale; i < result_len + result_scale; i++)
                result[--cur_pos] = (char)(res[i] + '0');
            resint = cur_pos;
            if (!(cur_pos > 0))
            return _round(result.ToString(), resint, resdot, resfrac, resscale, scale, sign, false);

        #region Division Helper Functions
        private static string Divide(string left, string right, int scale = int.MinValue)
            if (left == string.Empty)
                return _zero(scale);
            if (right == string.Empty)
                throw new DivideByZeroException("Divide By ZERO");
            if (scale == int.MinValue)
                scale = _scale;
            if (scale < 0)
                scale = 0;
            int lsign = 0, lint = 0, ldot = 0, lfrac = 0, lscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref left, ref lsign, ref lint, ref ldot, ref lfrac, ref lscale) < 0)
                return ZERO;
            int rsign = 0, rint = 0, rdot = 0, rfrac = 0, rscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref right, ref rsign, ref rint, ref rdot, ref rfrac, ref rscale) < 0)
                return ZERO;
            return trimTrailingZeros(divide_positive(left, lint, ldot, lfrac, lscale, right, rint, rdot, rfrac, rscale, scale, lsign * rsign));

        private static string divide_positive(string left, int lint, int ldot, int lfrac, int lscale, string right, int rint, int rdot, int rfrac, int rscale, int scale, int sign)
            int llen = ldot - lint;
            int rlen = rdot - rint;

            int resint, resdot = -1, resfrac = -1, resscale;

            int result_len = Math.Max(llen + rscale - rlen + 1, 1);
            int result_scale = scale;
            int result_size = result_len + result_scale + 3;

            if (rscale == 0 && right[rint] == '0')
                throw new DivideByZeroException("Division By ZERO");

            int dividend_len = llen + lscale;
            int divider_len = rlen + rscale;
            int[] dividend = new int[(sizeof(int) * (result_size + dividend_len + divider_len))];
            int[] divider = new int[(sizeof(int) * divider_len)];

            for (int i = -lscale; i < llen; i++)
                int x = (i < 0 ? left[lfrac - i - 1] : left[ldot - i - 1]) - '0';
                dividend[llen - i - 1] = x;

            for (int i = -rscale; i < rlen; i++)
                int x = (i < 0 ? right[rfrac - i - 1] : right[rdot - i - 1]) - '0';
                divider[rlen - i - 1] = x;

            int divider_skip = 0, k = 0;
            while (divider_len > 0 && divider[0] == 0)
            if (!(divider_len > 0))

            int cur_pow = llen - rlen + divider_skip;
            int cur_pos = 2, l = 0;

            if (cur_pow < -scale)
                divider[l] -= divider_skip;
                divider_len += divider_skip;
                return _zero(scale);

            StringBuilder result = createBigDecimalString('0', result_size);
            resint = cur_pos;
            if (cur_pow < 0)
                result[cur_pos++] = '0';
                resdot = cur_pos;
                result[cur_pos++] = '.';
                resfrac = cur_pos;
                for (int i = -1; i > cur_pow; i--)
                    result[cur_pos++] = '0';

            int beg = 0, real_beg = 0;
            while (cur_pow >= -scale)
                char dig = '0';
                while (true)
                    if (real_beg < beg && dividend[real_beg] == 0)

                    bool less = false;
                    if (real_beg == beg)
                        for (int i = 0; i < divider_len; i++)
                            if (dividend[beg + i] != divider[i])
                                less = (dividend[beg + i] < divider[i]);
                    if (less)

                    for (int i = divider_len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        dividend[beg + i] -= divider[i];
                        if (dividend[beg + i] < 0)
                            dividend[beg + i] += 10;
                            dividend[beg + i - 1]--;

                result[cur_pos++] = dig;

                if (cur_pow == 0)
                    resdot = cur_pos;
                    if (scale > 0)
                        result[cur_pos++] = '.';
                    resfrac = cur_pos;
            resscale = cur_pos - resfrac;
            return _round(result.ToString(), resint, resdot, resfrac, resscale, scale, sign, false);

        #region Modulus Helper Functions
        private static string Modulus(string left, string right, int scale = int.MinValue)
            if (left == string.Empty)
                return _zero(scale);
            if (right == string.Empty)
                throw new DivideByZeroException("Divide By ZERO");
            if (scale == int.MinValue)
                scale = _scale;
            if (scale < 0)
                scale = 0;
            int lsign = 0, lint = 0, ldot = 0, lfrac = 0, lscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref left, ref lsign, ref lint, ref ldot, ref lfrac, ref lscale) < 0)
                return ZERO;
            int rsign = 0, rint = 0, rdot = 0, rfrac = 0, rscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref right, ref rsign, ref rint, ref rdot, ref rfrac, ref rscale) < 0)
                return ZERO;
            ulong mod = 0;
            for (int i = rint; i < rdot; i++)
                mod = mod * 10 + right[i] - '0';

            if (rdot - rint > 18 || mod == 0)
                return ZERO;

            ulong res = 0;
            for (int i = lint; i < ldot; i++)
                res = res * 2;
                if (res >= mod)
                    res -= mod;
                res = res * 5 + left[i] - '0';
                while (res >= mod)
                    res -= mod;

            char[] buffer = new char[20];
            int cur_pos = 20;
                buffer[--cur_pos] = (char)(res % 10 + '0');
                res /= 10;
            while (res > 0);

            if (lsign < 0)
                buffer[--cur_pos] = '-';
            return (trimTrailingZeros(buffer.ToString().Substring(cur_pos).Substring(0, 20 - cur_pos)));

        #region Power Helper Functions
        private static string Pow(string left, string right, int scale = int.MinValue)
            if (left == string.Empty)
                return ZERO;
            if (right == string.Empty)
                return ONE;

            int lsign = 0, lint = 0, ldot = 0, lfrac = 0, lscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref left, ref lsign, ref lint, ref ldot, ref lfrac, ref lscale) < 0)
                return ZERO;
            int rsign = 0, rint = 0, rdot = 0, rfrac = 0, rscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref right, ref rsign, ref rint, ref rdot, ref rfrac, ref rscale) < 0)
                return ZERO;
            ulong deg = 0;
            for (int i = rint; i < rdot; i++)
                deg = deg * 10 + right[i] - '0';

            if (rdot - rint > 18 || (rsign < 0 && deg != 0))
                return ZERO;

            if (deg == 0)
                return ONE;

            string result = ONE;
            string mul = left;
            while (deg > 0)
                if (deg == 1)
                    result = Multiply(result, mul, 0);
                mul = Multiply(mul, mul, 0);
                deg >>= 1;
            return trimTrailingZeros(result);

        #region Comparison Helper Functions
        private static int CompareTo(string left, string right, int scale = int.MinValue)
            if (left == string.Empty)
                return CompareTo(ZERO, right, scale);
            if (right == string.Empty)
                return CompareTo(left, ZERO, scale);
            if (scale == int.MinValue)
                scale = _scale;
            if (scale < 0)
                scale = 0;
            int lsign = 0, lint = 0, ldot = 0, lfrac = 0, lscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref left, ref lsign, ref lint, ref ldot, ref lfrac, ref lscale) < 0)
                return 0;
            int rsign = 0, rint = 0, rdot = 0, rfrac = 0, rscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref right, ref rsign, ref rint, ref rdot, ref rfrac, ref rscale) < 0)
                return 0;
            if (lsign != rsign)
                return (lsign - rsign) / 2;
            if (lsign < 0)
                return -1 * _compareTo(left, lint, ldot, lfrac, lscale, right, rint, rdot, rfrac, rscale, scale);
                return _compareTo(left, lint, ldot, lfrac, lscale, right, rint, rdot, rfrac, rscale, scale);

        private static int _compareTo(string left, int lint, int ldot, int lfrac, int lscale, string right, int rint, int rdot, int rfrac, int rscale, int scale)
            int llen = ldot - lint;
            int rlen = rdot - rint;

            if (llen != rlen)
                return (llen < rlen ? -1 : 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < llen; i++)
                if (left[lint + i] != right[rint + i])
                    return (left[lint + i] < right[rint + i] ? -1 : 1);

            for (int i = 0; (i < lscale || i < rscale) && i < scale; i++)
                int lchar = (i < lscale ? left[lfrac + i] : '0');
                int rchar = (i < rscale ? right[rfrac + i] : '0');
                if (lchar != rchar)
                    return (lchar < rchar ? -1 : 1);
            return 0;

        #region Rounding Off Helper Functions
        void round(int scale)
            if (scale >= 1)
                value = round(value, scale);

        public string round(string left, int scale)
            if (left == string.Empty)
                return round(ZERO, scale);

            if (scale == int.MinValue)
                scale = _scale;

            if (scale < 0)
                scale = 0;

            int lsign = 0, lint = 0, ldot = 0, lfrac = 0, lscale = 0;
            if (parse_number(ref left, ref lsign, ref lint, ref ldot, ref lfrac, ref lscale) < 0)
                return _zero(scale);

            int len = left.Length;
            StringBuilder result = createBigDecimalString('0', len + 1);
            for (int i = len - 1; i >= lint; --i)
                result[i + 1] = left[i];
            return _round(result.ToString(), lint + 1, ldot + 1, lfrac + 1, lscale, scale, lsign, true, true);


        #region Scale Functions
        void setscale(int scale)
            if (scale < 0)
                _scale = 0;
                _scale = scale;
        int getscale()
            return _scale;

        #region Get Left Or Right Part Of BigDecimal
        BigDecimal getIntPart(BigDecimal left)
            return new BigDecimal(left.getIntPart());

        BigDecimal getDecPart(BigDecimal right)
            return new BigDecimal(right.getDecPart());

        string getIntPart()
            int dot = value.IndexOf('.');
            if (dot != -1)
                if (dot == 0)
                    return "0";
                if (dot == 1 && value[0] == '-')
                    return "-0";
                return value.Substring(0, dot);
                return value;

        string getDecPart()
            int dot = value.IndexOf('.');
            if (dot != -1)
                return value.Length > dot + 1 ? value.Substring(dot + 1) : "0";
                return "0";


using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Data.Common;
/// <summary>
/// 大浮点数
/// </summary>
public struct BigData
     private double doubleData;
     private BigInteger bigIntegerData;
     public bool isDouble
             if (bigIntegerData == 0) return true;
             return false;
     /// <summary>
     /// 是否超出double最大值
     /// </summary>
     public static bool MoreDoubleMaxValue(BigInteger data)
         BigInteger integer = new BigInteger(double.MaxValue);
         return data > integer;
     public BigData(BigInteger data)
         if (!BigData.MoreDoubleMaxValue(data))
             bigIntegerData = 0;
             doubleData = (double)data;
             bigIntegerData = data;
             doubleData = 0;
     public void SetDataOfDouble(double data)
         doubleData = data;
         bigIntegerData = 0;
     public void SetDataOfBig(BigInteger data)
         bigIntegerData = data;
         doubleData = 0;
     public double GetDoubleData()
         return doubleData;
     public BigInteger GetBigInterData()
         return bigIntegerData;
     public override string ToString()
         int floatNumber = 0;

         string fromat = null;

         string unit = null;

         int maxValue1 = 9999;

         int maxValue2 = 10000;

         if (isDouble)
             double value = GetDoubleData();

             string length = value.ToString("0"); //个位数

             fromat = GetFromat(length, out floatNumber);

             int time = 0; //次数

             while (value > maxValue1)
                 value = value / maxValue2;
                 if (time >= 2)
                     maxValue1 = 999;
                     maxValue2 = 1000;

             DisplayNumber displayNumber = TableMgr.Instance.Data.displayNumbers.Find((x) => x.id == time);

             unit = displayNumber == null ? null : displayNumber.display;

             return MathRoundFromat(value, fromat, floatNumber) + unit;

         BigInteger bigData = GetBigInterData();

         string dataStr = bigData.ToString();

         BigInteger integer = new BigInteger(maxValue2);

         fromat = GetFromat(bigData.ToString(), out floatNumber);

         int number = 0;

         while (bigData > maxValue1)
             bigData = bigData / integer;
             if (number >= 2)
                 maxValue1 = 999;
                 maxValue2 = 1000;

         DisplayNumber displayNumber2 = TableMgr.Instance.Data.displayNumbers.Find((x) => x.id == number);

         unit = displayNumber2 == null ? null : displayNumber2.display;

         return MathRoundFromat((double)bigData, fromat, floatNumber) + unit;
     /// <summary>
     /// 获取一个格式化的格式
     ///   返回保留的小数位和格式化的格式
     /// </summary>
     /// <param name="inter"></param>
     /// <param name="number"></param>
     /// <returns></returns>
     private string GetFromat(string inter, out int floatNumber)
         string result = null;
         int max = inter.Length <= 11 ? 4 : 3;
         int weiNumber = 5 - ((inter.Length % max) == 0 ? max : (inter.Length % max));  //1000

         switch (weiNumber)
             case 4:
                 result = "0.0000";
                 floatNumber = 4;
             case 1:
                 result = "0.0";
                 floatNumber = 1;
             case 2:
                 result = "0.00";
                 floatNumber = 2;
             case 3:
                 result = "0.000";
                 floatNumber = 3;
                 result = "0";
                 floatNumber = 0;
         return result;
     /// <summary>
     /// 四舍五入后的格式
     ///   且去掉小数位的0
     /// </summary>
     /// <returns></returns>
     private string MathRoundFromat(double value, string format, int floatNumber)
         string result = null;
         value = Math.Round(value, floatNumber, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
         result = value.ToString(format);

         string[] splits = result.Split('.');

         for (int i = splits[1].Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
             if (splits[1][i] == '0')
                 splits[1] = splits[1].Remove(i);
         result = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(splits[1]) || splits[1] == "") ? splits[0] : splits[0] + "." + splits[1];
         return result;
     private void Collection()
         bigData.bigIntegerData = 0;
         bigData.doubleData = 0;
     private static BigData bigData;
     public static BigData operator +(BigData Left, BigData right)
         double leftDouble = 0;
         double rightDouble = 0;
         BigInteger leftBigInteger;
         BigInteger rightBigInteger;
         BigInteger bigInteger;
         double resultDouble;
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;

         if (Left.isDouble)
             leftDouble = Left.doubleData;

             if (right.isDouble) //左右都为double
                 rightDouble = right.doubleData;

                 resultDouble = leftDouble + rightDouble;

                 if (Double.IsInfinity(resultDouble))
                     bigInteger = new BigInteger(leftDouble) + new BigInteger(rightDouble);
                 else bigData.SetDataOfDouble(resultDouble);
                 return bigData;
             //左为double 右为biginter
             rightBigInteger = right.bigIntegerData;
             if (BigData.MoreDoubleMaxValue(rightBigInteger))
                 bigData.SetDataOfBig(new BigInteger(leftDouble) + rightBigInteger);
                 return bigData;
             rightDouble = (double)rightBigInteger;

             resultDouble = leftDouble + rightDouble;

             if (Double.IsInfinity(resultDouble))
                 bigInteger = new BigInteger(leftDouble) + rightBigInteger;
                 return bigData;
             bigData.SetDataOfDouble(leftDouble + rightDouble);
             return bigData;
         leftBigInteger = Left.bigIntegerData;
         if (right.isDouble)
             rightDouble = right.doubleData;
             if (BigData.MoreDoubleMaxValue(leftBigInteger))
                 bigInteger = leftBigInteger + new BigInteger(rightDouble);
                 return bigData;
             leftDouble = (double)leftBigInteger;

             resultDouble = leftDouble + rightDouble;

             if (Double.IsInfinity(resultDouble))
                 bigInteger = leftBigInteger + new BigInteger(rightDouble);
                 return bigData;
             bigData.SetDataOfDouble(leftDouble + rightDouble);
             return bigData;
         return bigData;
     public static BigData operator +(double left, BigData right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return bigData + right;
     public static BigData operator +(float left, BigData right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return bigData + right;
     public static BigData operator +(BigData left, double right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return bigData + left;
     public static BigData operator +(BigData left, float right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return bigData + left;
     public static BigData operator -(BigData Left, BigData right)
         double leftDouble = 0;
         double rightDouble = 0;
         BigInteger leftBigInteger;
         BigInteger rightBigInteger;
         BigInteger bigInteger;
         double resultDouble;
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         if (Left.isDouble)
             leftDouble = Left.doubleData;

             if (right.isDouble) //左右都为double
                 rightDouble = right.doubleData;

                 resultDouble = leftDouble - rightDouble;

                 if (Double.IsInfinity(resultDouble))
                     bigInteger = new BigInteger(leftDouble) - new BigInteger(rightDouble);
                 else bigData.SetDataOfDouble(resultDouble);
                 return bigData;
             //左为double 右为biginter
             rightBigInteger = right.bigIntegerData;
             if (BigData.MoreDoubleMaxValue(rightBigInteger))
                 bigData.SetDataOfBig(new BigInteger(leftDouble) - rightBigInteger);
                 return bigData;
             rightDouble = (double)rightBigInteger;

             resultDouble = leftDouble - rightDouble;

             if (Double.IsInfinity(resultDouble))
                 bigInteger = new BigInteger(leftDouble) - rightBigInteger;
                 return bigData;
             bigData.SetDataOfDouble(leftDouble - rightDouble);
             return bigData;
         leftBigInteger = Left.bigIntegerData;
         if (right.isDouble)
             rightDouble = right.doubleData;
             if (BigData.MoreDoubleMaxValue(leftBigInteger))
                 bigInteger = leftBigInteger - new BigInteger(rightDouble);
                 return bigData;
             leftDouble = (double)leftBigInteger;

             resultDouble = leftDouble - rightDouble;

             if (Double.IsInfinity(resultDouble))
                 bigInteger = leftBigInteger - new BigInteger(rightDouble);
                 return bigData;
             bigData.SetDataOfDouble(leftDouble - rightDouble);
             return bigData;
         return bigData;
     public static BigData operator -(double left, BigData right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return bigData - right;
     public static BigData operator -(float left, BigData right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return bigData - right;
     public static BigData operator -(BigData left, double right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return left - bigData;
     public static BigData operator -(BigData left, float right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return left - bigData;
     public static BigData operator *(BigData Left, BigData right)
         double leftDouble = 0;
         double rightDouble = 0;
         BigInteger leftBigInteger;
         BigInteger rightBigInteger;
         BigInteger bigInteger;
         double resultDouble;
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         if (Left.isDouble)
             leftDouble = Left.doubleData;

             if (right.isDouble) //左右都为double
                 rightDouble = right.doubleData;

                 resultDouble = leftDouble * rightDouble;

                 if (Double.IsInfinity(resultDouble))
                     bigInteger = BigInteger.Multiply(new BigInteger(leftDouble), new BigInteger(rightDouble));
                 else bigData.SetDataOfDouble(resultDouble);
                 return bigData;
             //左为double 右为biginter
             rightBigInteger = right.bigIntegerData;
             if (BigData.MoreDoubleMaxValue(rightBigInteger))
                 bigData.SetDataOfBig(new BigInteger(leftDouble) * rightBigInteger);
                 return bigData;
             rightDouble = (double)rightBigInteger;

             resultDouble = leftDouble * rightDouble;

             if (Double.IsInfinity(resultDouble))
                 bigInteger = BigInteger.Multiply(new BigInteger(leftDouble), rightBigInteger);
                 return bigData;
             bigData.SetDataOfDouble(leftDouble * rightDouble);
             return bigData;
         leftBigInteger = Left.bigIntegerData;
         if (right.isDouble)
             rightDouble = right.doubleData;
             if (BigData.MoreDoubleMaxValue(leftBigInteger))
                 bigInteger = BigInteger.Multiply(leftBigInteger, new BigInteger(rightDouble));
                 return bigData;
             leftDouble = (double)leftBigInteger;

             resultDouble = leftDouble * rightDouble;

             if (Double.IsInfinity(resultDouble))
                 bigInteger = BigInteger.Multiply(leftBigInteger, new BigInteger(rightDouble));
                 return bigData;
             bigData.SetDataOfDouble(leftDouble * rightDouble);
             return bigData;
         return bigData;
     public static BigData operator *(double left, BigData right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return bigData * right;
     public static BigData operator *(float left, BigData right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return bigData * right;
     public static BigData operator *(BigData left, double right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return bigData * left;
     public static BigData operator *(BigData left, float right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return left * bigData;
     public static BigData operator /(BigData Left, BigData right)
         double leftDouble = 0;
         double rightDouble = 0;
         BigInteger leftBigInteger;
         BigInteger rightBigInteger;
         BigInteger bigInteger;
         double resultDouble;
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         if (Left.isDouble)
             leftDouble = Left.doubleData;

             if (right.isDouble) //左右都为double
                 rightDouble = right.doubleData;

                 resultDouble = leftDouble / rightDouble;

                 if (Double.IsInfinity(resultDouble))
                     bigInteger = new BigInteger(leftDouble) / new BigInteger(rightDouble);
                 else bigData.SetDataOfDouble(resultDouble);
                 return bigData;
             //左为double 右为biginter
             rightBigInteger = right.bigIntegerData;
             if (BigData.MoreDoubleMaxValue(rightBigInteger))
                 bigData.SetDataOfBig(new BigInteger(leftDouble) / rightBigInteger);
                 return bigData;
             rightDouble = (double)rightBigInteger;

             resultDouble = leftDouble / rightDouble;

             if (Double.IsInfinity(resultDouble))
                 bigInteger = new BigInteger(leftDouble) / rightBigInteger;
                 return bigData;
             bigData.SetDataOfDouble(leftDouble / rightDouble);
             return bigData;
         leftBigInteger = Left.bigIntegerData;
         if (right.isDouble)
             rightDouble = right.doubleData;
             if (BigData.MoreDoubleMaxValue(leftBigInteger))
                 bigInteger = leftBigInteger / new BigInteger(rightDouble);
                 return bigData;
             leftDouble = (double)leftBigInteger;

             resultDouble = leftDouble / rightDouble;

             if (Double.IsInfinity(resultDouble))
                 bigInteger = leftBigInteger / new BigInteger(rightDouble);
                 return bigData;
             bigData.SetDataOfDouble(leftDouble / rightDouble);
             return bigData;
         return bigData;
     public static BigData operator /(double left, BigData right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return bigData / right;
     public static BigData operator /(BigData left, float right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return left / bigData;
     public static BigData operator /(BigData left, double right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return left / bigData;
     public static BigData operator /(float left, BigData right)
         BigData bigData = BigData.bigData;
         return bigData / right;
     public static bool operator ==(BigData Left, BigData right)
         if (Left.isDouble)
             if (right.isDouble) return Left.doubleData == right.doubleData;
             return new BigInteger(Left.doubleData) == right.bigIntegerData;
         if (right.isDouble)
             return Left.bigIntegerData == new BigInteger(right.doubleData);
         return Left.bigIntegerData == right.bigIntegerData;
     public static bool operator !=(BigData Left, BigData right)
         if (Left.isDouble)
             if (right.isDouble) return Left.doubleData != right.doubleData;
             return new BigInteger(Left.doubleData) != right.bigIntegerData;
         if (right.isDouble)
             return Left.bigIntegerData != new BigInteger(right.doubleData);
         return Left.bigIntegerData != right.bigIntegerData;
     public static bool operator <=(BigData Left, BigData right)
         if (Left.isDouble)
             if (right.isDouble) return Left.doubleData <= right.doubleData;
             return new BigInteger(Left.doubleData) <= right.bigIntegerData;
         if (right.isDouble)
             return Left.bigIntegerData <= new BigInteger(right.doubleData);
         return Left.bigIntegerData <= right.bigIntegerData;
     public static bool operator >=(BigData Left, BigData right)
         if (Left.isDouble)
             if (right.isDouble) return Left.doubleData >= right.doubleData;
             return new BigInteger(Left.doubleData) >= right.bigIntegerData;
         if (right.isDouble)
             return Left.bigIntegerData >= new BigInteger(right.doubleData);
         return Left.bigIntegerData >= right.bigIntegerData;
     public static bool operator >(BigData Left, BigData right)
         if (Left.isDouble)
             if (right.isDouble) return Left.doubleData > right.doubleData;
             return new BigInteger(Left.doubleData) > right.bigIntegerData;
         if (right.isDouble)
             return Left.bigIntegerData > new BigInteger(right.doubleData);
         return Left.bigIntegerData > right.bigIntegerData;
     public static bool operator <(BigData Left, BigData right)
         if (Left.isDouble)
             if (right.isDouble) return Left.doubleData < right.doubleData;
             return new BigInteger(Left.doubleData) < right.bigIntegerData;
         if (right.isDouble)
             return Left.bigIntegerData < new BigInteger(right.doubleData);
         return Left.bigIntegerData < right.bigIntegerData;

     public static implicit operator BigData(int data)
         return new BigData(data);
     public static implicit operator BigData(double data)
         BigData bigData = new BigData();
         return bigData;
     public static implicit operator BigData(BigInteger bigInteger)
         return new BigData(bigInteger);
     public static explicit operator double(BigData bigData)
         return bigData.GetDoubleData();
     public static explicit operator BigInteger(BigData bigData)
         return bigData.GetBigInterData();


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