本文主要探讨AXI Uartlite作为console的可行性,目前的结果是不行。
By default PS_UART is needed to get the prints from FSBL so disabling PS_UART may not be a good idea and if it is necessary to use AXI UART as a console after booting bitstream will gets programmed then AXI UART will comes into live which can be used as a boot console there onwards so at least one PS USRT is necessary for the initial stage.
这段话的意思简单来说是 系统启动后,bitstream才会被programmed,AXI UART才能被用,所以可以在启动后,通过stty命令设置ttyUL1的属性,使之成为一个console。
但是本文在系统启动后,将AXI UART的属性修改为与PS UART相同,依然不能作为console...于是尝试就到此为止了。最后是为了能与原理图中UART实物电路匹配,PS端UART通过EMIO的方式分配到原理图上标注的引脚,实现了串口功能。