# Media Query Break Point
/*media query break point
*Author: Alan
*Date: 2018.07.02
// mobile:442px*870px
/*Phone Resolution
*Galaxy S5 360*640
*Pixel2 411*731
*Pixel2 XL 411*823
*iPhone 5/SE 320*568
*iPhone 6/7/8 375*667
*iPhone 6/7/8 Plus 414*736
*iPhone X 375*812
*iPad 768*1024
*iPad Pro 1024*1366
/*Break Point
*This template use like this:
*首先将iPhone 5/SE 320*568作为基础参照,把样式写在@media (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 443px)中,
*做完iPhone 5/SE 320*568适配接下来其他的手机将个别要改动的样式写在对应断点中
*Note: 这个文件中没做pad的适配,因为在我的实践中将pad的适配单独提取出来了
@media (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 443px) {}
// iPhone 6/7/8 Plus 414*736
@media (min-width: 413px) and (max-width: 415px) {}
// Pixel2 411*731
// Pixel2 XL 411*823
@media (min-width: 377px) and (max-width: 412px) {}
// iPhone 6/7/8 375*667
@media (min-width: 362px) and (max-width: 376px) {}
// Galaxy S5 360*640
@media (min-width: 322px) and (max-width: 361px) {}
// iPhone 5/SE 320*568
@media (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 321px) {}