


使用流程:如下图所示,导入插件之后我们只需要使用两个脚本即可,Reporter我们需要修改Num of Circle To Show数值,和配置Images属性最后一个参数即可。Reporter Message Receive可以进行开启的定制也可以不进行,随意。

Num of Circle To Show 是要开启时需要画的圈数,可以设置数值大一点,避免误判开启。


void OnHideReporter()
    //TO DO : resume your game
    if (UICamera.eventHandler != null)
        UICamera.eventHandler.useMouse = true;
        UICamera.eventHandler.useTouch = true;

void OnShowReporter()
    //TO DO : pause your game and disable its GUI
    if (UICamera.eventHandler != null)
        UICamera.eventHandler.useMouse = false;
        UICamera.eventHandler.useTouch = false;


如果使用Assetbundle来加载场景的话,开启后会报错,修改Reporter.cs如下(修改的地方都用“// msl modify”标识了,针对版本1.6):

//unity before version 5 is old
#define USE_OLD_UNITY 

using UnityEngine;
//using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Images
    public Texture2D    clearImage;
    public Texture2D    collapseImage;
    public Texture2D    clearOnNewSceneImage;
    public Texture2D    showTimeImage;
    public Texture2D    showSceneImage;
    public Texture2D    userImage;
    public Texture2D    showMemoryImage;
    public Texture2D    softwareImage;
    public Texture2D    dateImage;
    public Texture2D    showFpsImage;
    public Texture2D    showGraphImage;
    public Texture2D    graphImage;
    public Texture2D    infoImage;
    public Texture2D    searchImage;
    public Texture2D    closeImage;

    public Texture2D    buildFromImage;
    public Texture2D    systemInfoImage;
    public Texture2D    graphicsInfoImage;
    public Texture2D    backImage;
    public Texture2D    cameraImage;

    public Texture2D    logImage;
    public Texture2D    warningImage;
    public Texture2D    errorImage;

    public Texture2D    barImage;
    public Texture2D    button_activeImage;
    public Texture2D    even_logImage;
    public Texture2D    odd_logImage;
    public Texture2D    selectedImage;

    public GUISkin      reporterScrollerSkin;
//just drop this script to empty game object on first scene you game start at, this all what you have to do
//no coding is required 
//then you can view logs , warnings , errors and exceptions inside your game
//just draw circle on your game to view all logs
public class Reporter : MonoBehaviour {

    public enum _LogType{
        Assert  = LogType.Assert ,
        Error   = LogType.Error ,
        Exception = LogType.Exception ,
        Log     = LogType.Log ,
        Warning = LogType.Warning ,
    public class Sample
        public float    time ;
        // msl modify
        //public byte   loadedScene ;
        public string   loadedScene;
        public float    memory ;
        public float    fps ;
        public string   fpsText ;
        public static float MemSize(){
            float s = sizeof( float ) + sizeof( byte ) + sizeof( float ) + sizeof( float ) ;
            return  s;

    List<Sample>    samples = new List<Sample>( 60 * 60 * 60 );

    public class Log
        public int          count = 1;  
        public _LogType     logType ;
        public string       condition ;
        public string       stacktrace ;
        public int          sampleId ;
        //public string   objectName="" ;//object who send error
        //public string   rootName =""; //root of object send error

        public Log CreateCopy()
            return (Log)this.MemberwiseClone();
        public float GetMemoryUsage()
            return  (float)(sizeof(int) + 
                    sizeof(_LogType) +
                    condition.Length * sizeof( char )+
                    stacktrace.Length * sizeof( char )+
                    sizeof( int ) );
    //contains all uncollapsed log
    List<Log> logs = new List<Log>();
    //contains all collapsed logs
    List<Log> collapsedLogs = new List<Log>();
    //contain logs which should only appear to user , for example if you switch off show logs + switch off show warnings
    //and your mode is collapse,then this list will contains only collapsed errors
    List<Log> currentLog = new List<Log>();

    //used to check if the new coming logs is already exist or new one
    MultiKeyDictionary<string,string, Log> logsDic = new MultiKeyDictionary<string, string, Log>();
    //to save memory
    Dictionary<string , string > cachedString = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    //show hide In Game Logs
    public bool show = false ;
    //collapse logs
    bool collapse ;
    //to deside if you want to clean logs for new loaded scene
    bool clearOnNewSceneLoaded ;

    bool showTime ;

    bool showScene ;

    bool showMemory ;

    bool showFps ;

    bool showGraph ;

    //show or hide logs
    bool showLog = true ;
    //show or hide warnings
    bool showWarning = true ;
    //show or hide errors
    bool showError = true ;

    //total number of logs
    int numOfLogs=0;
    //total number of warnings
    int numOfLogsWarning=0;
    //total number of errors
    int numOfLogsError=0;
    //total number of collapsed logs
    int numOfCollapsedLogs=0 ;
    //total number of collapsed warnings
    int numOfCollapsedLogsWarning =0;
    //total number of collapsed errors
    int numOfCollapsedLogsError =0;

    //maximum number of allowed logs to view
    //public int maxAllowedLog = 1000 ;

    bool showClearOnNewSceneLoadedButton = true ;
    bool showTimeButton = true;
    bool showSceneButton = true;
    bool showMemButton = true;
    bool showFpsButton = true;
    bool showSearchText = true;

    string buildDate;
    string logDate ;
    float  logsMemUsage;
    float  graphMemUsage ;
    public float TotalMemUsage{
            return logsMemUsage + graphMemUsage ;
    float  gcTotalMemory ;
    public string UserData = "";
    //fram rate per seconds
    public float fps ;
    public string fpsText ;

    //List<Texture2D> snapshots = new List<Texture2D>() ;

    enum ReportView
        None ,
        Logs ,
        Info ,
        Snapshot ,
    ReportView currentView = ReportView.Logs ;
    enum DetailView
        None ,
        StackTrace ,
        Graph ,

    //used to check if you have In Game Logs multiple time in different scene
    //only one should work and other should be deleted
    static bool created = false ;
    //public delegate void OnLogHandler( string condition, string stacktrace, LogType type );
    //public event OnLogHandler OnLog ;

    public Images images;
    // gui
    GUIContent  clearContent ;
    GUIContent  collapseContent ;
    GUIContent  clearOnNewSceneContent ;
    GUIContent  showTimeContent ;
    GUIContent  showSceneContent ;
    GUIContent  userContent ;
    GUIContent  showMemoryContent ;
    GUIContent  softwareContent ;
    GUIContent  dateContent ;
    GUIContent  showFpsContent ;
    GUIContent  graphContent ;
    GUIContent  infoContent ;
    GUIContent  searchContent ;
    GUIContent  closeContent ;

    GUIContent  buildFromContent ;
    GUIContent  systemInfoContent ;
    GUIContent  graphicsInfoContent ;
    GUIContent  backContent ;

    GUIContent  cameraContent ;

    GUIContent  logContent ;
    GUIContent  warningContent ;
    GUIContent  errorContent ;
    GUIStyle    barStyle ;
    GUIStyle    buttonActiveStyle ;

    GUIStyle    nonStyle ;
    GUIStyle    lowerLeftFontStyle ;
    GUIStyle    backStyle ;
    GUIStyle    evenLogStyle ;
    GUIStyle    oddLogStyle ;
    GUIStyle    logButtonStyle ;
    GUIStyle    selectedLogStyle ;
    GUIStyle    selectedLogFontStyle ;
    GUIStyle    stackLabelStyle ;
    GUIStyle    scrollerStyle ;
    GUIStyle    searchStyle ;
    GUIStyle    sliderBackStyle ;
    GUIStyle    sliderThumbStyle ;
    GUISkin     toolbarScrollerSkin ;
    GUISkin     logScrollerSkin ;
    GUISkin     graphScrollerSkin ;

    public Vector2 size = new Vector2( 32 , 32 ) ;
    public float maxSize = 20 ;
    public int numOfCircleToShow = 1 ;
    // msl modify
    //string[] scenes ;
    string   currentScene ;
    string   filterText="";

    string deviceModel ;
    string deviceType ;
    string deviceName ;
    string graphicsMemorySize ;
    #if !USE_OLD_UNITY
    string maxTextureSize ;
    string systemMemorySize ;

    void Awake()
        if( !Initialized )

    void OnEnable()
        if( logs.Count == 0 )//if recompile while in play mode
    void OnDisable()


    void addSample(){

        Sample sample = new Sample();
        sample.fps = fps ;
        sample.fpsText = fpsText ;
        // msl modify
        //sample.loadedScene = (byte)Application.loadedLevel ;
        sample.loadedScene = Application.loadedLevelName;
        sample.time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup ;
        sample.memory = gcTotalMemory ;
        samples.Add( sample );

        graphMemUsage = (samples.Count * Sample.MemSize())/1024/1024;

    public bool Initialized = false ;
    public void Initialize()
        if( !created )
                gameObject.SendMessage( "OnPreStart" );
            catch( System.Exception e ){
                Debug.LogException( e );
            // msl modify:
            //scenes = new string[ Application.levelCount ];
            currentScene = Application.loadedLevelName;
            DontDestroyOnLoad( gameObject );
            Application.RegisterLogCallback (new Application.LogCallback (CaptureLog));
            Application.RegisterLogCallbackThreaded (new Application.LogCallback (CaptureLogThread));
            //Application.logMessageReceived += CaptureLog ;
            Application.logMessageReceivedThreaded += CaptureLogThread ;
            created = true ;
            Debug.LogWarning("tow manager is exists delete the second");
            DestroyImmediate( gameObject ,true);

        //initialize gui and styles for gui porpose

        clearContent    = new GUIContent("",images.clearImage,"Clear logs");
        collapseContent = new GUIContent("",images.collapseImage,"Collapse logs");
        clearOnNewSceneContent = new GUIContent("",images.clearOnNewSceneImage,"Clear logs on new scene loaded");
        showTimeContent = new GUIContent("",images.showTimeImage,"Show Hide Time");
        showSceneContent = new GUIContent("",images.showSceneImage,"Show Hide Scene");
        showMemoryContent = new GUIContent("",images.showMemoryImage,"Show Hide Memory");
        softwareContent = new GUIContent("",images.softwareImage,"Software");
        dateContent = new GUIContent("",images.dateImage,"Date");
        showFpsContent = new GUIContent("",images.showFpsImage,"Show Hide fps");
        graphContent = new GUIContent("",images.showGraphImage,"Show Graph");
        infoContent = new GUIContent("",images.infoImage,"Information about application");
        searchContent = new GUIContent("",images.searchImage,"Search for logs");
        closeContent = new GUIContent("",images.closeImage,"Hide logs");
        userContent = new GUIContent("",images.userImage,"User");

        buildFromContent = new GUIContent("",images.buildFromImage,"Build From");
        systemInfoContent = new GUIContent("",images.systemInfoImage,"System Info");
        graphicsInfoContent = new GUIContent("",images.graphicsInfoImage,"Graphics Info");
        backContent = new GUIContent("",images.backImage,"Back");

        cameraContent = new GUIContent("",images.cameraImage,"Select Photo");

        //snapshotContent = new GUIContent("",images.cameraImage,"show or hide logs");
        logContent  = new GUIContent("",images.logImage,"show or hide logs");
        warningContent = new GUIContent("",images.warningImage,"show or hide warnings");
        errorContent = new GUIContent("",images.errorImage,"show or hide errors");

        currentView = (ReportView)PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_currentView" , 1);
        show        = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_show" )==1)?true:false;
        collapse    = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_collapse" )==1)?true:false;
        clearOnNewSceneLoaded = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_clearOnNewSceneLoaded" )==1)?true:false;
        showTime    = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_showTime" )==1)?true:false;
        showScene   = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_showScene" )==1)?true:false;
        showMemory  = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_showMemory" )==1)?true:false;
        showFps     = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_showFps" )==1)?true:false;
        showGraph   = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_showGraph" )==1)?true:false;
        showLog     = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_showLog" ,1) ==1)?true:false;
        showWarning = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_showWarning" ,1) ==1)?true:false;
        showError   = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_showError" ,1) ==1)?true:false;
        filterText  = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Reporter_filterText");
        size.x = size.y = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat( "Reporter_size" , 32 );

        showClearOnNewSceneLoadedButton         = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_showClearOnNewSceneLoadedButton" ,1)==1)?true:false;
        showTimeButton      = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_showTimeButton",1 )==1)?true:false;
        showSceneButton     = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_showSceneButton",1 )==1)?true:false;
        showMemButton       = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_showMemButton",1 )==1)?true:false;
        showFpsButton       = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_showFpsButton",1 )==1)?true:false;
        showSearchText      = (PlayerPrefs.GetInt( "Reporter_showSearchText",1 )==1)?true:false;


        Initialized = true ;

        if( show ){

        deviceModel = SystemInfo.deviceModel.ToString() ;
        deviceType  = SystemInfo.deviceType.ToString() ;
        deviceName  = SystemInfo.deviceName.ToString() ;
        graphicsMemorySize = SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize.ToString() ;
        #if !USE_OLD_UNITY
        maxTextureSize = SystemInfo.maxTextureSize.ToString() ;
        systemMemorySize = SystemInfo.systemMemorySize.ToString() ; 


    void initializeStyle()
        int paddingX = (int)(size.x*0.2f) ;
        int paddingY = (int)(size.y*0.2f) ;
        nonStyle = new GUIStyle();
        nonStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip;
        nonStyle.border = new RectOffset(0,0,0,0);
        nonStyle.normal.background = null ;
        nonStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y /2 );
        nonStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter ;

        lowerLeftFontStyle = new GUIStyle();
        lowerLeftFontStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip;
        lowerLeftFontStyle.border = new RectOffset(0,0,0,0);
        lowerLeftFontStyle.normal.background = null ;
        lowerLeftFontStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y /2 );
        lowerLeftFontStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold ;
        lowerLeftFontStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.LowerLeft ;

        barStyle = new GUIStyle();
        barStyle.border = new RectOffset(1,1,1,1);
        barStyle.normal.background = images.barImage ;
        barStyle.active.background = images.button_activeImage ;
        barStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter ;
        barStyle.margin = new RectOffset(1,1,1,1);

        //barStyle.padding = new RectOffset(paddingX,paddingX,paddingY,paddingY); 
        //barStyle.wordWrap = true ;
        barStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip;
        barStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y /2 );

        buttonActiveStyle = new GUIStyle();
        buttonActiveStyle.border = new RectOffset(1,1,1,1);
        buttonActiveStyle.normal.background = images.button_activeImage;
        buttonActiveStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter ;
        buttonActiveStyle.margin = new RectOffset(1,1,1,1);
        //buttonActiveStyle.padding = new RectOffset(4,4,4,4);
        buttonActiveStyle.fontSize = (int)(size.y /2 );

        backStyle = new GUIStyle();
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