

1. 将文件夹下图片(文件)改名为1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg…

import os

fpath ="E:/ID_card/NewID/Dim-FaceID"#这里是你的第一级文件夹的路径

def filechanger(path):
    filenames = os.listdir(path)#将path路径下的所有文件名存入列表filenames
    n = 1
    for file in filenames:#循环遍历每个文件
        filedomain = os.path.abspath(path)
        #file1 = os.listdir(filedomain)
        #path1 = path + "/" + file
        oldname = filedomain + os.sep + file
        newname = filedomain + os.sep + str(n) + ".jpg"
        os.rename(oldname, newname)
        n += 1


filenames = os.listdir(path)
for file in filenames:

2. 随机copy文件夹下n张图片入指定文件夹

import os
import random
import shutil

def copyFile(fileDir):
    tarDir = "E:/ID_card/TEST/Test-FrontID/"
    pathDir = os.listdir(fileDir)
    # 随机200个文件
    sample = random.sample(pathDir, 200)
    #print (sample)

    for name in sample:
        #name1 = name.replace('jpg', 'xml')
        #print(fileDir1 + name1)
        #print(fileDir + name)
        #print(tarDir + name)
        shutil.copyfile(fileDir + name, tarDir + name)
        #shutil.copyfile(fileDir1 + name1, tarDir1 + name1)
        #os.remove(fileDir + name)
        #os.remove(fileDir1 + name1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
	fileDir = "E:/ID_card/TEST/Total-FrontID/"
    #fileDir1 = "E:/ID_card/TEST/REC-Front/"
    #tarDir1 = "E:/ID_card/TEST/Test-FrontID1/"

shutil.copyfile(A, B)是将A复制到B中去,A与B均为文件路径

3. 关于图片水平翻转

#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 
from PIL import Image
import os

fpath ="C:/Users/92377/Desktop/1/"#这里是你的第一级文件夹的路径

def filechanger(path):
    filenames = os.listdir(path)#将path路径下的所有文件名存入列表filenames
    n = 1
    for file in filenames:#循环遍历每个文件
        filedomain = os.path.abspath(path)	
        file1 = os.listdir(filedomain)
        path1 = path + "/" + file
        im = Image.open(path1)
        out = im.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
        #oldname = filedomain + os.sep + file
        #newname = filedomain + os.sep + str(n) + ".jpg"
        out.save("C:/Users/92377/Desktop/2/" + str(n) + ".jpg")
        #os.rename(oldname, newname)
        n += 1



4. 将文件夹下的所有文件名写入一个txt中

import os

path = "E:/ID_card/TEST2/Total-image-train"
path1 = "E:/ID_card/TEST2/"

filenames = os.listdir(path)  # 将path路径下的所有文件名存入列表filenames

fo = open(path1 + "train.txt", "w")

for file in filenames:  # 循环遍历每个文件

    fo.write("data/custom/images/" + file + "\n")



5. XML处理 1 - 将Labelimg2中标记的旋转框数据变为方正框数据(无angle)

from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
import math
import os

path = "E:/ID_card/TEST2/FaceID-label"
path1 = "E:/ID_card/TEST2/FaceID-label-REC"
filenames = os.listdir(path)  # 将path路径下的所有文件名存入列表filenames
for file in filenames:  # 循环遍历每个文件
    filedomain = os.path.abspath(path)
    filedomain = os.path.join(filedomain, file)
    tree = ET.parse(filedomain)
    root = tree.getroot()

    # 创建二维数组, test1是修改之后的, test是修改之前的
    test = np.zeros((35, 5), dtype=float)
    test1 = np.zeros((35, 4), dtype=float)
    row = 0
    col = 0
    # print(file)
    for i in root:
        # 第二层节点的标签名称和标签属性
        # print(i.tag, i.attrib)
        # 遍历xml文档的第三层
        for j in i:
            # print(j.tag, j.text)
            if j.tag == "robndbox":
                # print("This is name !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
                col = 0
                for k in j:
                    # print("The " + str(row) + "Row and the " + str(col) + "Col")
                    # print(k.text)
                    test[row][col] = float(k.text)
                    # print(k.tag, k.text)
                    col = col + 1
                row = row + 1
    # print(test)
    # 于此,所有关于角度和坐标的数据全部放在了test这个二维数组中

    for i in range(35):
        m = test[i][4]
        if m > math.pi:
          m = 2 * math.pi - m
        if m > 0.2:
        # angle = (m / math.pi) * 180
        w = test[i][2] * math.cos(m) + test[i][3] * math.sin(m)
        h = test[i][2] * math.sin(m) + test[i][3] * math.cos(m)
        test1[i][0] = test[i][0] - 1 / 2 * w  # XMIN
        test1[i][1] = test[i][1] - 1 / 2 * h  # YMIN
        test1[i][2] = test[i][0] + 1 / 2 * w  # XMAX
        test1[i][3] = test[i][1] + 1 / 2 * h  # YMAX

    row = 0
    for i in root:
        # 第二层节点的标签名称和标签属性
        #print(i.tag, i.attrib)
        # 遍历xml文档的第三层
        for j in i:
            #print(j.tag, j.text)
            if j.tag == "robndbox":
                j.tag = "bndbox"
            #print("This is name !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
                #col = 0
                for k in j:
                    #print("The " + str(row) + "Row and the " + str(col) + "Col")
                    #test[row][col] = float(k.text)
                    #print(k.tag, k.text)
                    if k.tag == "cx":
                        k.tag = "xmin"
                        k.text = str(test1[row][0])
                    elif k.tag == "cy":
                        k.tag = "ymin"
                        k.text = str(test1[row][1])
                    elif k.tag == "w":
                        k.tag = "xmax"
                        k.text = str(test1[row][2])
                    elif k.tag == "h":
                        k.tag = "ymax"
                        k.text = str(test1[row][3])
                    elif k.tag == "angle":
                    # col = col + 1
                row = row + 1
    # 写入文件
    tree.write(path1 + "/" + file, encoding="utf-8")


6. XML处理 2 - 在方正框xml中取自己想要的数据,然后按yolo-v3代码中的要求归一化放入指定txt中

from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
import math
import os

path = "E:/ID_card/TEST/Test-FrontID1"
path1 = "E:/ID_card/TEST/Test-FrontID2/"
filenames = os.listdir(path)  # 将path路径下的所有文件名存入列表filenames
for file in filenames:  # 循环遍历每个文件

    file1 = file.replace('.xml', '')
    fo = open(path1 + file1 + ".txt", "w")

    filedomain = os.path.abspath(path)
    filedomain = os.path.join(filedomain, file)
    tree = ET.parse(filedomain)
    root = tree.getroot()

    # 创建二维数组, test1是修改之后的,test是修改之前的
    test = np.zeros((35, 5), dtype=float)
    test1 = np.zeros((35, 5), dtype=float)
    row = 0
    col = 0

    Width = 0
    Height = 0

    for i in root:
        # 第二层节点的标签名称和标签属性
        #print(i.tag, i.attrib)
        # 遍历xml文档的第三层
        if i.tag == "size":
            for q in i:
                if q.tag == "width":
                    Width = float(q.text)
                elif q.tag == "height":
                    Height = float(q.text)
            print("Width: " + str(Width) + " Height: " + str(Height))
        for j in i:
            if j.text == "Name":
                test[row][0] = 0
            elif j.text == "Sex":
                test[row][0] = 1
            elif j.text == "Birth":
                test[row][0] = 3
            elif j.text == "Nation":
                test[row][0] = 2
            elif j.text == "Address":
                test[row][0] = 4
            elif j.text == "ID":
                test[row][0] = 5
            elif j.text == "Face":
                test[row][0] = 6
            elif j.text == "ExtraInfo":
                test[row][0] = 6
            elif j.text == "English":
                test[row][0] = 6
            elif j.text == "Others":
                test[row][0] = 6

            if j.tag == "bndbox":
                col = 0
                for k in j:
                    col = col + 1
                    test[row][col] = float(k.text)
                row = row + 1
    # 于此,所有关于index和坐标的数据全部放在了test这个二维数组中

    for i in range(35):
        if test[i][0] < 6:
            test1[i][0] = test[i][0]  # index转移
            test1[i][1] = 1/2 * (test[i][1] + test[i][3]) / Width
            test1[i][2] = 1/2 * (test[i][2] + test[i][4]) / Height
            test1[i][3] = (test[i][3] - test[i][1]) / Width
            test1[i][4] = (test[i][4] - test[i][2]) / Height

    for i in range(test1.__len__()):
        if test1[i][1] > 0:
            fo.write(str(int(test1[i][0])) + " " + str(test1[i][1]) + " " + str(test1[i][2]) + " " + str(test1[i][3]) + " " + str(test1[i][4]) + "\n")


7. XML处理 3 - 在不影响标记的label的情况下,最大程度的crop图片。

from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
import math
from PIL import Image
import os
import cv2

img_path = "C:/Users/92377/Desktop/TEST1"
label_path = "C:/Users/92377/Desktop/TEST2"
img_path1 = "C:/Users/92377/Desktop/TEST1-2"
label_path1 = "C:/Users/92377/Desktop/TEST2-2"

filenames = os.listdir(label_path)  # 将path路径下的所有文件名存入列表filenames
for file in filenames:  # 循环遍历每个文件
    filedomain = os.path.abspath(label_path)
    filedomain = os.path.join(filedomain, file)

    tree = ET.parse(filedomain)
    root = tree.getroot()

    # 创建二维数组, test1是修改之后的, test是修改之前的
    test = np.zeros((35, 6), dtype=float)
    test1 = np.zeros((35, 5), dtype=float)
    Crop_size = np.zeros((1, 5), dtype=float)
    row = 0
    col = 0
    for i in root:
        # 第二层节点的标签名称和标签属性
        # print(i.tag, i.attrib)
        # 遍历xml文档的第三层

        if i.tag == "size":
            for q in i:
                if q.tag == "width":
                    Width = float(q.text)
                elif q.tag == "height":
                    Height = float(q.text)
            print("Width: " + str(Width) + " Height: " + str(Height))

        for j in i:
            # print(j.tag, j.text)
            if j.tag == "name":
                if j.text == "Card":
                    Crop = 1
                    Crop = 0

            if j.tag == "robndbox":
                # print("This is name !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
                col = 1
                for k in j:
                    # print("The " + str(row) + "Row and the " + str(col) + "Col")
                    # print(k.text)
                    test[row][0] = Crop
                    test[row][col] = float(k.text)
                    # print(k.tag, k.text)
                    col = col + 1
                row = row + 1
    # 于此,所有关于角度和坐标的数据全部放在了test这个二维数组中

    for i in range(35):
        m = test[i][5]
        if m > math.pi:
            m = 2 * math.pi - m
        if m > 0.2:
        # angle = (m / math.pi) * 180
        w = test[i][3] * math.cos(m) + test[i][4] * math.sin(m)
        h = test[i][3] * math.sin(m) + test[i][4] * math.cos(m)
        test1[i][0] = test[i][0]
        test1[i][1] = test[i][1] - 1 / 2 * w  # XMIN
        test1[i][2] = test[i][2] - 1 / 2 * h  # YMIN
        test1[i][3] = test[i][1] + 1 / 2 * w  # XMAX
        test1[i][4] = test[i][2] + 1 / 2 * h  # YMAX

        if test1[i][0] == 1:
            Crop_size = test1[i].copy()
            #print(Crop_size is test1[i])


    # 完成裁剪
    img = cv2.imread(img_path + "/" + file.replace("xml","jpg"))
    img = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))


    cropped = img.crop((Crop_size[1], Crop_size[2], Crop_size[3], Crop_size[4]))  # (left, upper, right, lower)
    cropped.save(img_path1 + "/" + file.replace("xml","jpg"))
    left = Crop_size[1]
    upper = Crop_size[2]
    right = Crop_size[3]
    lower = Crop_size[4]

    # 得到Crop之后坐标
    for i in range(len(test1)):
        if test1[i][1] != 0:
            #print(type(Crop_size), Crop_size is test1)
            test1[i][1] = test1[i][1] - left  # XMIN
            test1[i][2] = test1[i][2] - upper  # YMIN
            test1[i][3] = test1[i][3] - left  # XMAX
            test1[i][4] = test1[i][4] - upper  # YMAX

    New_Wid = right - left
    New_Hei = lower - upper

    row = 0

    for i in root:
        # 第二层节点的标签名称和标签属性
        # print(i.tag, i.attrib)
        # 遍历xml文档的第三层
        if i.tag == "size":
            for q in i:
                if q.tag == "width":
                    q.text = str(New_Wid)
                elif q.tag == "height":
                    q.text = str(New_Hei)
    for i in root.findall("object"):

        Remove_Flag = 0
        for j in i:
            if j.tag == "name":

                if j.text == "Card":
                    Remove_Flag = 1
                    #row = row + 1

            for value in range(5):
                if test1[row][value] < 0:
                    Remove_Flag = 1
                    #row = row + 1
            if Remove_Flag == 1:

            if j.tag == "robndbox":
                j.tag = "bndbox"
                #col = 0
                for k in j:
                    if k.tag == "cx":
                        k.tag = "xmin"
                        k.text = str(test1[row][1])

                    elif k.tag == "cy":
                        k.tag = "ymin"
                        k.text = str(test1[row][2])
                    elif k.tag == "w":
                        k.tag = "xmax"
                        k.text = str(test1[row][3])
                    elif k.tag == "h":
                        k.tag = "ymax"
                        k.text = str(test1[row][4])
                    elif k.tag == "angle":
                    # col = col + 1
        row = row + 1

        # break出来
        if Remove_Flag == 1:
            # i = i - 1

        # print("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
        # print(i.text)

    # 写入文件
    tree.write(label_path1 + "/" + file, encoding="utf-8")




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