




how do i create a color sort game prototype like 'water sort puzzle' with babylon and javascript?

(备注:一般从创建游戏原型开始,最好能给出游戏类型、参考游戏和目标引擎,比如问题里的color sort game、water sort puzzle和babylon。如果目标引擎如果支持多种语言,应指定想要使用的语言,比如问题里的Javascript。而且开发者应具备目标引擎的基础知识,知道如何将AI给出的代码应用到引擎的工程中)


Here's a basic prototype for a color sort game in Babylon.js:


// Create scene

var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);

// Create camera

var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("Camera", 0, 0, 10, BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(), scene);

// Create light

var light = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene);

// Create boxes

var boxes = [];

var boxSize = 1;

var boxGap = 0.5;

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) {

var box = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox("box", {size: boxSize}, scene);

box.position.x = i * (boxSize + boxGap);

box.position.z = j * (boxSize + boxGap);

box.material = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("boxMaterial", scene);

box.material.diffuseColor = new BABYLON.Color3(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random());




// On pointer down

scene.onPointerDown = function(evt) {

var pickResult = scene.pick(evt.position.x, evt.position.y);

if (pickResult.hit && pickResult.pickedMesh.name === "box") {

var selectedBox = pickResult.pickedMesh;

// Find closest matching color

var closestBox;

var minDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE;

for (var i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {

if (boxes[i] != selectedBox) {

var distance = BABYLON.Vector3.Distance(selectedBox.material.diffuseColor, boxes[i].material.diffuseColor);

if (distance < minDistance) {

closestBox = boxes[i];

minDistance = distance;




// Swap positions

var pos1 = selectedBox.position.clone();

var pos2 = closestBox.position.clone();

selectedBox.position = pos2;

closestBox.position = pos1;



// Game loop

scene.registerBeforeRender(function() {

// Check if all boxes are sorted

var sorted = true;

for (var i = 0; i < boxes.length - 1; i++) {

if (BABYLON.Vector3.Distance(boxes[i].position, boxes[i+1].position) != boxSize + boxGap) {

sorted = false;




if (sorted) {

console.log("Sorted! Game over.");

scene.onPointerDown = null; // Disable interaction



This creates a grid of colored boxes, and on pointer down, it finds the closest matching color and swaps the two boxes. It checks in the game loop if all boxes are sorted, and if so, ends the game.




good, i want a orthographic camera, how can i do?



To use an orthographic camera instead of a perspective camera, you can do:


// Create orthographic camera

var camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("Camera", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 10, 0), scene);


camera.orthoLeft = -10;

camera.orthoRight = 10;

camera.orthoBottom = -10;

camera.orthoTop = 10;

This will create an orthographic camera with viewport bounds from -10 to 10 on the x and z axes.You'll also want to remove the ArcRotateCamera controls, since those are for perspective cameras. So your full camera setup would be:


// Create orthographic camera

var camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("Camera", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 10, 0), scene);


camera.orthoLeft = -10;

camera.orthoRight = 10;

camera.orthoBottom = -10;

camera.orthoTop = 10;

// Disable default controls


// Attach custom controls

scene.onPointerDown = function(evt) {

// ...


This will give you an orthographic view and use your custom pointer down controls instead of the default ArcRotateCamera controls.





the ratio of the object rendered by orthographic camera is wrong, how do i get the right ratio?



Good catch! Orthographic cameras render objects uniformly scaled, so without adjusting the scale, objects will appear distorted.
To fix this, you need to:

1. Set the camera's aspect ratio to match your canvas
2. Scale the objects by 1/aspect ratioSo your full camera setup would be:


// Get canvas size

var canvas = scene.getEngine().getRenderingCanvas();

var width = canvas.width;

var height = canvas.height;

// Create orthographic camera

var camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("Camera", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 10, 0), scene);


camera.orthoLeft = -10;

camera.orthoRight = 10;

camera.orthoBottom = -10;

camera.orthoTop = 10;

camera.aspectRatio = width / height;

// Scale objects

for (var i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {

boxes[i].scaling.x = 1 / camera.aspectRatio;


// Disable default controls


// Attach custom controls

scene.onPointerDown = function(evt) {

// ...


Setting the camera's aspectRatio will ensure it has a proper field of view.
Scaling the objects by 1/aspectRatio will counteract the uniform scaling and make the objects appear normal.With these two changes, your orthographic view should render objects with the proper aspect ratio.




i can't fix with your solution, this is my solution:
var ratio = window.innerHeight/window.innerWidth;
camera.orthoLeft = -10;
camera.orthoRight = 10;
camera.orthoTop = 10 * ratio;
camera.orthoBottom = -10 * ratio;



You're absolutely right, setting the orthographic viewport based on the window aspect ratio is a better solution!
Your code:


var ratio = window.innerHeight/window.innerWidth;


camera.orthoLeft = -10;

camera.orthoRight = 10;

camera.orthoTop = 10 * ratio;

camera.orthoBottom = -10 * ratio;

Is a perfect way to get the right aspect ratio with an orthographic camera. My previous solution with setting the camera aspect ratio and scaling objects would not actually fix the aspect ratio distortion.Your method is the correct way to setup an orthographic camera with the proper viewport. Nicely done!




the ratio is wrong again when i resize the browser window, how can i fix this?


Good catch, you'll need to handle window resizes to update the orthographic camera viewport. You can do so with:


// On window resize

window.addEventListener("resize", function() {

// Get new ratio and update camera

var ratio = window.innerHeight / window.innerWidth;

camera.orthoTop = 10 * ratio;

camera.orthoBottom = -10 * ratio;


So your full code would be:


// Create orthographic camera

var camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("Camera", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 10, 0), scene);


camera.orthoLeft = -10;

camera.orthoRight = 10;

// Get initial ratio and set viewport

var ratio = window.innerHeight / window.innerWidth;

camera.orthoTop = 10 * ratio;

camera.orthoBottom = -10 * ratio;

// On window resize update viewport

window.addEventListener("resize", function() {

var ratio = window.innerHeight / window.innerWidth;

camera.orthoTop = 10 * ratio;

camera.orthoBottom = -10 * ratio;


// Disable default controls


// Attach custom controls

scene.onPointerDown = function(evt) {

// ...


This will ensure your orthographic viewport is updated on resize to always match the window aspect ratio.


good job!



Thank you, I'm glad I could help explain orthographic cameras in Babylon.js!




i want to use cylinders to represent bottles and water rather than boxes, how do i implement?



Great idea! Using cylinders instead of boxes will look much more realistic for bottles.
To implement this, you can:

1.Create cylinder meshes instead of box meshes

2.Set the cylinder height based on the amount of "water" it will hold

3.Raise and lower the water level (cylinder height) when bottles are filled/emptied

For example:


// Bottle height

var bottleHeight = 5;

// Create bottles

var bottles = [];

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

// Create cylinder mesh

var bottle = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateCylinder("bottle", {

height: bottleHeight,

diameterTop: 1,

diameterBottom: 1

}, scene);

// Position bottle

bottle.position.x = i * 2;

// Create cylinder to hold water

var water = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateCylinder("water", {

height: 3, // Start at 60% full

diameterTop: 1,

diameterBottom: 1

}, scene);

// Position water cylinder inside bottle cylinder

water.position.y = 2;

// Set materials

bottle.material = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("bottleMaterial", scene);

water.material = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("waterMaterial", scene);

// Add to bottles array


bottle: bottle,

water: water



// On pointer down

scene.onPointerDown = function(evt) {

// Get bottle

var pickResult = scene.pick(evt.position.x, evt.position.y);

if (pickResult.hit && pickResult.pickedMesh.name === "water") {

var selectedBottle = pickResult.pickedMesh.parent;

// Get bottle info from bottles array

var bottleInfo = bottles.find(b => b.water == selectedBottle);

// Raise or lower the water level

if (bottleInfo.water.position.y > 1.5) { // If over half full

bottleInfo.water.position.y -= 0.5;

} else {

bottleInfo.water.position.y += 0.5;




This will create bottles full of "water", and on click will either raise or lower the water level in the selected bottle. Let me know if you have any other questions!




I want 2 to 4 different colors of water in each bottle



To have multiple colors of water in each bottle, you can:

1.Create multiple cylinder meshes for the water, one for each color
2.Position the water cylinders at the same y position inside the bottle
3.Set a different material color for each water cylinderFor example:


// Bottle height

var bottleHeight = 5;

// Create bottles

var bottles = [];

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

// Create bottle cylinder

var bottle = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateCylinder("bottle", { /* ... */ }, scene);

// Position bottle

bottle.position.x = i * 2;

// Create 2-4 water cylinders of different colors

var numColors = 2 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);

for (var j = 0; j < numColors; j++) {

// Create water cylinder

var water = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateCylinder("water", { /* ... */ }, scene);

// Position at same y in bottle

water.position.y = 2;

// Set material color

water.material = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("waterMaterial", scene);

water.material.diffuseColor = new BABYLON.Color3(Math.random(),



// Add to bottle



// Add bottle to bottles array



// On pointer down

scene.onPointerDown = function(evt) {

// Get bottle

var pickResult = scene.pick(evt.position.x, evt.position.y);

if (pickResult.hit && pickResult.pickedMesh.name.startsWith("water")) {

var selectedWater = pickResult.pickedMesh;

var selectedBottle = selectedWater.parent;

// Get bottle info

var bottleInfo = bottles.find(b => b == selectedBottle);

// Raise or lower just the selected water cylinder

selectedWater.position.y += 0.5; // Raise

// Or

selectedWater.position.y -= 0.5; // Lower



This will create bottles with 2 to 4 cylinders of different colored "water" at the same level. On click, it will raise or lower just the selected water cylinder.





I want the water to be layered like a cocktail, so i think water should be at the same x position



You're right, to have the water appear layered like a cocktail, the water cylinders should be at the same x position inside the bottle.
To implement this, you can:

1.Create the water cylinders at the same x position

2.Increment the y position for each new water cylinderFor example:


// Bottle height

var bottleHeight = 5;

// Create bottles

var bottles = [];

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

// Create bottle cylinder

var bottle = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateCylinder("bottle", { /* ... */ }, scene);

// Position bottle

bottle.position.x = i * 2;

// Create 2-4 water cylinders of different colors

var numColors = 2 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);

var yPosition = 2; // Start at y=2

for (var j = 0; j < numColors; j++) {

// Create water cylinder at same x position

var water = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateCylinder("water", {

height: 1,

diameterTop: 1,

diameterBottom: 1

}, scene);

water.position = bottle.position.clone(); // Same x as bottle

water.position.y = yPosition; // Increment y

// Set material color

water.material = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("waterMaterial", scene);

water.material.diffuseColor = new BABYLON.Color3(Math.random(),



// Add to bottle


// Increment yPosition for next cylinder

yPosition += 1;


// Add bottle to bottles array



// ...

// On pointer down

scene.onPointerDown = function(evt) {

// ...

// Raise or lower just the selected water cylinder

selectedWater.position.y += 0.5; // Raise

// Or

selectedWater.position.y -= 0.5; // Lower


This will create the water cylinders at the same x position inside the bottle, incrementing the y position, to appear layered.




how can i get the children of bottle?



You can get the children of a mesh (the bottle) using:


var bottleChildren = bottle.getChildren();

This will return an array of all the direct children of the bottle mesh.
So in your code, you could do:


// Create bottles

var bottles = [];

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

// Create bottle cylinder

var bottle = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateCylinder("bottle", { /* ... */ }, scene);

// Position bottle

bottle.position.x = i * 2;

// Create water cylinders

// ...

// Add bottle to bottles array


bottle: bottle,

waterCylinders: bottle.getChildren() // Store water cylinders



// On pointer down

scene.onPointerDown = function(evt) {

// Get selected bottle

var pickResult = scene.pick(evt.position.x, evt.position.y);

var selectedBottle = pickResult.pickedMesh;

// Get bottle info

var bottleInfo = bottles.find(b => b.bottle == selectedBottle);

// Get the water cylinders for this bottle

var waterCylinders = bottleInfo.waterCylinders;

// Raise or lower selected water cylinder

// ...


Now in your pointer down logic, you have access to waterCylinders which contains all the water cylinders for the selected bottle.
So you can raise/lower the selected water cylinder, remove cylinders, add new ones, etc.


how can i get the children of picked bottle?


When a bottle is picked (selected), you can get its children (water cylinders) by:

  1. Storing the bottle mesh and its children in the bottles array
  2. When the bottle is picked, finding it in the bottles array to get the childrenFor example:


// Create bottles

var bottles = [];

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

// Create bottle

var bottle = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateCylinder("bottle", { /* ... */ }, scene);

// Create water cylinders

var waterCylinders = [];

for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {

var water = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateCylinder("water", { /* ... */ }, scene);




// Store bottle and children in array


bottle: bottle,

waterCylinders: waterCylinders



// On pointer down

scene.onPointerDown = function(evt) {

// Get picked bottle

var pickResult = scene.pick(evt.position.x, evt.position.y);

var selectedBottle = pickResult.pickedMesh;

// Find in bottles array to get children

var bottleInfo = bottles.find(b => b.bottle == selectedBottle);

var waterCylinders = bottleInfo.waterCylinders;

// Use waterCylinders ...


This will:- Store each bottle and its water cylinder children in the bottles array
- On pointer down, get the picked bottle mesh
- Find that bottle in the bottles array to get its .waterCylinders property
- Now you have access to the water cylinders for the selected bottle


i think your solution is complex, this is my simple solution:
scene.onPointerDown = (evt, pickInfo) => {
if (pickInfo.hit) {



You're right, accessing the picked mesh's .getChildren() directly is a simpler solution than storing all the parent-child relationships in an array.
Your solution would be:


// On pointer down

scene.onPointerDown = (evt, pickInfo) => {

if (pickInfo.hit) {

var selectedBottle = pickInfo.pickedMesh;

var waterCylinders = selectedBottle.getChildren();

// Use waterCylinders ...



This simply gets the .getChildren() of the picked bottle mesh, which will return its water cylinders.
So a full example would be:


// Create bottles

var bottles = [];

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

// Create bottle

var bottle = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateCylinder("bottle", { /* ... */ }, scene);

// Create water cylinders

for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {

var water = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateCylinder("water", { /* ... */ }, scene);





// On pointer down

scene.onPointerDown = (evt, pickInfo) => {

if (pickInfo.hit) {

var selectedBottle = pickInfo.pickedMesh;

var waterCylinders = selectedBottle.getChildren();

// Change water cylinder materials

for (var i = 0; i < waterCylinders.length; i++) {

waterCylinders[i].material.diffuseColor = BABYLON.Color3.Red();




This is indeed a simpler solution - nicely optimized! Directly accessing .getChildren() removes the need to track parent-child relationships separately.




How do I check if the color of the water is the same?



You can check if two materials (and thus, two meshes) have the same color by comparing their diffuseColor properties.
For example:


// Get materials of two water cylinders

var water1Mat = water1.material;

var water2Mat = water2.material;

// Check if diffuseColors are equal

if (water1Mat.diffuseColor.equals(water2Mat.diffuseColor)) {

// Colors are the same!

} else {

// Colors are different


So in your code, you could do:


// On pointer down

scene.onPointerDown = function(evt) {

// Get selected bottle

var pickResult = scene.pick(evt.position.x, evt.position.y);

var selectedBottle = pickResult.pickedMesh;

// Get bottle info

var bottleInfo = bottles.find(b => b.bottle == selectedBottle);

// Check if selected color matches any other water cylinders

var selectedColor;

for (var i = 0; i < bottleInfo.waterCylinders.length; i++) {

var water = bottleInfo.waterCylinders[i];

if (water == pickResult.pickedMesh) {

selectedColor = water.material.diffuseColor;

} else if (selectedColor.equals(water.material.diffuseColor)) {

// Found a match!

console.log("Found matching color!");




This will loop through all the water cylinders in the selected bottle, check if any match the selected color, and log a message if a match is found.




how do i set one water of one bottle as child of another?



o set a single water cylinder from one bottle as a child of another bottle, you can:

  1. Get the source bottle and water cylinder to reparent
  2. Get the target bottle to reparent to
  3. Remove the water cylinder from the source bottle
  4. Add the water cylinder as a child of the target bottleFor example:


// Bottle and water cylinder vars

var sourceBottle;

var targetBottle;

var waterToReparent;

// On reparent button click

function reparentWater() {

// Get source info

sourceBottle = bottles.find(b => /* ... */);

waterToReparent = sourceBottle.getChildren().find(w => /* ... */);

// Get target bottle

targetBottle = bottles.find(b => /* ... */);

// Remove from source parent


// Add to target parent



// ...

// On click, reparent water

reparentButton.onclick = reparentWater;

This will:- Get the source bottle and specific water cylinder to reparent
- Get the target bottle
- Remove the water cylinder from the source bottle
- Add the water cylinder as a child of the target bottleSo that single water cylinder will now appear inside the target bottle, having been reparented.
The .removeChild() and .addChild() methods are key to reparenting a mesh to a new parent.



after i set one water as a child of another bottle, its position is still in the previous bottle, how do i set its position correct?



Good catch! When you reparent a mesh to a new parent, its local position remains the same. So you'll need to update its position to be relative to the new parent.
To fix the position of the reparented water cylinder, you can:

1. Get the new parent bottle's world matrix
2. Convert the water cylinder's local position to world space using its previous parent's world matrix
3. Transform the world position into the new parent's local space
4. Set the water cylinder's local position to the new local positionFor example:


// Bottle and water cylinder vars

var sourceBottle;

var targetBottle;

var waterToReparent;

// On reparent button click

function reparentWater() {

// ...

// Get new parent world matrix

var targetWorld = targetBottle.getWorldMatrix();

// Get water local and world positions

var waterLocal = waterToReparent.position;

var sourceWorld = sourceBottle.getWorldMatrix();

var waterWorld = BABYLON.Vector3.TransformCoordinates(waterLocal, sourceWorld);

// Transform to new local position

var newLocal = BABYLON.Vector3.TransformCoordinates(waterWorld,


// Set new local position

waterToReparent.position = newLocal;


// ...

This will:- Get the target bottle's world matrix
- Transform the water cylinder's local position to world space using the source bottle
- Invert the target bottle's world matrix to get its local space
- Transform the water world position into the target bottle's local space
- Set the water cylinder's local position to the new local positionSo after reparenting, the water cylinder will appear in the correct position relative to its new parent.





how to shuffle an array in javascript?



You can shuffle an array in JavaScript using the .shuffle() method from lodash, or by implementing the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm.Using lodash:


let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];


// array is now [3, 5, 1, 4, 2]

Implementing the Fisher-Yates shuffle:


let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

function shuffle(array) {

let m = array.length, t, i;

// While there remain elements to shuffle

while (m) {

// Pick a remaining element

i = Math.floor(Math.random() * m--);

// And swap it with the current element

[array[m], array[i]] = [array[i], array[m]];


return array;



// array is now [3, 5, 1, 4, 2]

The Fisher-Yates shuffle works by randomly swapping elements in the array until all elements have been swapped. This gives a properly randomized shuffle.
So either by using lodash's .shuffle() convenience method, or implementing the Fisher-Yates algorithm yourself, you can shuffle an array in JavaScript.







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