【 uC/OS II 】uC/OS II 源代码阅读(os_mem.c)内存管理



typedef struct os_mem {                     /* MEMORY CONTROL BLOCK                                    */
    void   *OSMemAddr;                      /* Pointer to beginning of memory partition                */
    void   *OSMemFreeList;                  /* Pointer to list of free memory blocks                   */
    INT32U  OSMemBlkSize;                   /* Size (in bytes) of each block of memory                 */
    INT32U  OSMemNBlks;                     /* Total number of blocks in this partition                */
    INT32U  OSMemNFree;                     /* Number of memory blocks remaining in this partition     */
#if OS_MEM_NAME_EN > 0u
    INT8U  *OSMemName;                      /* Memory partition name                                   */
*                                                uC/OS-II
*                                          The Real-Time Kernel
*                                            MEMORY MANAGEMENT
*                           (c) Copyright 1992-2017; Micrium, Inc.; Weston; FL
*                                           All Rights Reserved
* File    : OS_MEM.C
* By      : Jean J. Labrosse
* Version : V2.92.13
* ---------------
*   uC/OS-II is provided in source form for FREE evaluation, for educational use or for peaceful research.
* If you plan on using  uC/OS-II  in a commercial product you need to contact Micrium to properly license
* its use in your product. We provide ALL the source code for your convenience and to help you experience
* uC/OS-II.   The fact that the  source is provided does  NOT  mean that you can use it without  paying a
* licensing fee.
* Knowledge of the source code may NOT be used to develop a similar product.
* Please help us continue to provide the embedded community with the finest software available.
* Your honesty is greatly appreciated.
* You can find our product's user manual, API reference, release notes and
* more information at https://doc.micrium.com.
* You can contact us at www.micrium.com.


#include <ucos_ii.h>//导入头文件

//#define OS_MAX_MEM_PART           5u   /* Max. number of memory partitions                             */
#if (OS_MEM_EN > 0u) && (OS_MAX_MEM_PART > 0u)
*                                      CREATE A MEMORY PARTITION(创建一个内存分区)
* Description : Create a fixed-sized memory partition that will be managed by uC/OS-II.
* Arguments   : addr     is the starting address of the memory partition
*               nblks    is the number of memory blocks to create from the partition.
*               blksize  is the size (in bytes) of each block in the memory partition.
*               perr     is a pointer to a variable containing an error message which will be set by
*                        this function to either:
*                        OS_ERR_NONE                     if the memory partition has been created correctly.
*                        OS_ERR_ILLEGAL_CREATE_RUN_TIME  if you tried to create a memory partition after
*                                                        safety critical operation started.
*                        OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_ADDR         if you are specifying an invalid address for the memory
*                                                        storage of the partition or, the block does not align
*                                                        on a pointer boundary
*                        OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PART         no free partitions available
*                        OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_BLKS         user specified an invalid number of blocks (must be >= 2)
*                        OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_SIZE         user specified an invalid block size
*                                                          - must be greater than the size of a pointer(必须大于一个指针的大小)
*                                                          - must be able to hold an integral number of pointers(必须能够容纳下一个整数指针)
* Returns    : != (OS_MEM *)0  is the partition was created(如果分区被成功创建,那么返回非0值)
*              == (OS_MEM *)0  if the partition was not created because of invalid arguments or, no
*                              free partition is available.(如果因为传入了错误的参数,或者没有空余的内存分区控制块来创建分区,则创建失败,返回0指针)

OS_MEM  *OSMemCreate (void   *addr,
                      INT32U  nblks,
                      INT32U  blksize,
                      INT8U  *perr)
    OS_MEM    *pmem;
    INT8U     *pblk;
    void     **plink;
    INT32U     loops;
    INT32U     i;
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                          /* Allocate storage for CPU status register      */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;

    if (perr == (INT8U *)0) {
        return ((OS_MEM *)0);

    if (OSSafetyCriticalStartFlag == OS_TRUE) {
        return ((OS_MEM *)0);

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (addr == (void *)0) {                          /* Must pass a valid address for the memory part.*/
        *perr = OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_ADDR;
        return ((OS_MEM *)0);
    if (((INT32U)addr & (sizeof(void *) - 1u)) != 0u){  /* Must be pointer size aligned                */
        *perr = OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_ADDR;
        return ((OS_MEM *)0);
    if (nblks < 2u) {                                 /* Must have at least 2 blocks per partition     */
        *perr = OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_BLKS;
        return ((OS_MEM *)0);
    if (blksize < sizeof(void *)) {                   /* Must contain space for at least a pointer     */
        *perr = OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_SIZE;
        return ((OS_MEM *)0);
    pmem = OSMemFreeList;                             /* Get next free memory partition                */
    if (OSMemFreeList != (OS_MEM *)0) {               /* See if pool of free partitions was empty      */
        OSMemFreeList = (OS_MEM *)OSMemFreeList->OSMemFreeList;
    if (pmem == (OS_MEM *)0) {                        /* See if we have a memory partition             */
        *perr = OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PART;
        return ((OS_MEM *)0);//如果没有空闲的内存分区控制块MCB
    plink = (void **)addr;                            /* Create linked list of free memory blocks      */
    pblk  = (INT8U *)addr;
    loops  = nblks - 1u;//内存块之间建立指针链接,故只需要nblks-1个链接
    for (i = 0u; i < loops; i++) {
        pblk +=  blksize;                             /* Point to the FOLLOWING block                  */
       *plink = (void  *)pblk;                        /* Save pointer to NEXT block in CURRENT block   */
        plink = (void **)pblk;                        /* Position to  NEXT      block                  */
    *plink              = (void *)0;                  /* Last memory block points to NULL              */
    pmem->OSMemAddr     = addr;                       /* Store start address of memory partition       */
    pmem->OSMemFreeList = addr;                       /* Initialize pointer to pool of free blocks     */
    pmem->OSMemNFree    = nblks;                      /* Store number of free blocks in MCB            */
    pmem->OSMemNBlks    = nblks;
    pmem->OSMemBlkSize  = blksize;                    /* Store block size of each memory blocks        */
    *perr               = OS_ERR_NONE;
    return (pmem);

*                                         GET A MEMORY BLOCK(获取一个内存块)
* Description : Get a memory block from a partition
* Arguments   : pmem    is a pointer to the memory partition control block
*               perr    is a pointer to a variable containing an error message which will be set by this
*                       function to either:
*                       OS_ERR_NONE             if the memory partition has been created correctly.
*                       OS_ERR_MEM_NO_FREE_BLKS if there are no more free memory blocks to allocate to caller
*                       OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PMEM if you passed a NULL pointer for 'pmem'
* Returns     : A pointer to a memory block if no error is detected(如果没有发生任何错误,则返回一个指向内存块的指针)
*               A pointer to NULL if an error is detected(如果发生了错误,则返回空指针)

void  *OSMemGet (OS_MEM  *pmem,
                 INT8U   *perr)
    void      *pblk;
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                          /* Allocate storage for CPU status register      */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;

    if (perr == (INT8U *)0) {
        return ((void *)0);

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (pmem == (OS_MEM *)0) {                        /* Must point to a valid memory partition        */
        *perr = OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PMEM;
        return ((void *)0);


    if (pmem->OSMemNFree > 0u) {                      /* See if there are any free memory blocks       */
        pblk                = pmem->OSMemFreeList;    /* Yes, point to next free memory block          */
        pmem->OSMemFreeList = *(void **)pblk;         /*      Adjust pointer to new free list          */
        pmem->OSMemNFree--;                           /*      One less memory block in this partition  */
        *perr = OS_ERR_NONE;                          /*      No error                                 */
        return (pblk);                                /*      Return memory block to caller            */
    *perr = OS_ERR_MEM_NO_FREE_BLKS;                  /* No,  Notify caller of empty memory partition  */
    return ((void *)0);                               /*      Return NULL pointer to caller            */

*                                 GET THE NAME OF A MEMORY PARTITION(获取内存分区的名字)
* Description: This function is used to obtain the name assigned to a memory partition.
* Arguments  : pmem      is a pointer to the memory partition
*              pname     is a pointer to a pointer to an ASCII string that will receive the name of the memory partition.
*              perr      is a pointer to an error code that can contain one of the following values:
*                        OS_ERR_NONE                if the name was copied to 'pname'
*                        OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PMEM    if you passed a NULL pointer for 'pmem'
*                        OS_ERR_PNAME_NULL          You passed a NULL pointer for 'pname'
*                        OS_ERR_NAME_GET_ISR        You called this function from an ISR
* Returns    : The length of the string or 0 if 'pmem' is a NULL pointer.(返回字符串的长度,如果传入的pmem是一个空指针的话,则返回0值)

#if OS_MEM_NAME_EN > 0u
INT8U  OSMemNameGet (OS_MEM   *pmem,
                     INT8U   **pname,
                     INT8U    *perr)
    INT8U      len;
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                     /* Allocate storage for CPU status register           */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;

    if (perr == (INT8U *)0) {
        return (0u);

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (pmem == (OS_MEM *)0) {                   /* Is 'pmem' a NULL pointer?                          */
        *perr = OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PMEM;
        return (0u);
    if (pname == (INT8U **)0) {                  /* Is 'pname' a NULL pointer?                         */
        *perr = OS_ERR_PNAME_NULL;
        return (0u);
    if (OSIntNesting > 0u) {                     /* See if trying to call from an ISR                  */
        *perr = OS_ERR_NAME_GET_ISR;
        return (0u);
    *pname = pmem->OSMemName;//获取名字
    len    = OS_StrLen(*pname);
    *perr  = OS_ERR_NONE;
    return (len);

*                                 ASSIGN A NAME TO A MEMORY PARTITION(给内存分区控制块指定一个名字)
* Description: This function assigns a name to a memory partition.
* Arguments  : pmem      is a pointer to the memory partition
*              pname     is a pointer to an ASCII string that contains the name of the memory partition.
*              perr      is a pointer to an error code that can contain one of the following values:
*                        OS_ERR_NONE                if the name was copied to 'pname'
*                        OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PMEM    if you passed a NULL pointer for 'pmem'
*                        OS_ERR_PNAME_NULL          You passed a NULL pointer for 'pname'
*                        OS_ERR_MEM_NAME_TOO_LONG   if the name doesn't fit in the storage area(如果名字并不适合存储名字的空间大小)
*                        OS_ERR_NAME_SET_ISR        if you called this function from an ISR
* Returns    : None

#if OS_MEM_NAME_EN > 0u
void  OSMemNameSet (OS_MEM  *pmem,
                    INT8U   *pname,
                    INT8U   *perr)
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                     /* Allocate storage for CPU status register           */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;

    if (perr == (INT8U *)0) {
#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (pmem == (OS_MEM *)0) {                   /* Is 'pmem' a NULL pointer?                          */
        *perr = OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PMEM;
    if (pname == (INT8U *)0) {                   /* Is 'pname' a NULL pointer?                         */
        *perr = OS_ERR_PNAME_NULL;
    if (OSIntNesting > 0u) {                     /* See if trying to call from an ISR                  */
        *perr = OS_ERR_NAME_SET_ISR;
    pmem->OSMemName = pname;
    OS_TRACE_EVENT_NAME_SET(pmem, pname);
    *perr           = OS_ERR_NONE;

*                                       RELEASE A MEMORY BLOCK(释放一个内存控制块)
* Description : Returns a memory block to a partition
* Arguments   : pmem    is a pointer to the memory partition control block
*               pblk    is a pointer to the memory block being released.
* Returns     : OS_ERR_NONE              if the memory block was inserted into the partition
*               OS_ERR_MEM_FULL          if you are returning a memory block to an already FULL memory
*                                        partition (You freed more blocks than you allocated!)
*               OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PMEM  if you passed a NULL pointer for 'pmem'
*               OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PBLK  if you passed a NULL pointer for the block to release.

INT8U  OSMemPut (OS_MEM  *pmem,
                 void    *pblk)
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                     /* Allocate storage for CPU status register           */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (pmem == (OS_MEM *)0) {                   /* Must point to a valid memory partition             */
        return (OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PMEM);
    if (pblk == (void *)0) {                     /* Must release a valid block                         */
        return (OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PBLK);

    OS_TRACE_MEM_PUT_ENTER(pmem, pblk);
    if (pmem->OSMemNFree >= pmem->OSMemNBlks) {  /* Make sure all blocks not already returned          */
        return (OS_ERR_MEM_FULL);
    *(void **)pblk      = pmem->OSMemFreeList;   /* Insert released block into free block list         */
    pmem->OSMemFreeList = pblk;
    pmem->OSMemNFree++;                          /* One more memory block in this partition            */
    return (OS_ERR_NONE);                        /* Notify caller that memory block was released       */

*                                       QUERY MEMORY PARTITION(查询内存分区控制块的信息)
* Description : This function is used to determine the number of free memory blocks and the number of
*               used memory blocks from a memory partition.
* Arguments   : pmem        is a pointer to the memory partition control block
*               p_mem_data  is a pointer to a structure that will contain information about the memory
*                           partition.
* Returns     : OS_ERR_NONE               if no errors were found.
*               OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PMEM   if you passed a NULL pointer for 'pmem'
*               OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PDATA  if you passed a NULL pointer to the data recipient.

#if OS_MEM_QUERY_EN > 0u
INT8U  OSMemQuery (OS_MEM       *pmem,
                   OS_MEM_DATA  *p_mem_data)
#if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3u                     /* Allocate storage for CPU status register           */
    OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr = 0u;

#if OS_ARG_CHK_EN > 0u
    if (pmem == (OS_MEM *)0) {                   /* Must point to a valid memory partition             */
        return (OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PMEM);
    if (p_mem_data == (OS_MEM_DATA *)0) {        /* Must release a valid storage area for the data     */
        return (OS_ERR_MEM_INVALID_PDATA);
    p_mem_data->OSAddr     = pmem->OSMemAddr;
    p_mem_data->OSFreeList = pmem->OSMemFreeList;
    p_mem_data->OSBlkSize  = pmem->OSMemBlkSize;
    p_mem_data->OSNBlks    = pmem->OSMemNBlks;
    p_mem_data->OSNFree    = pmem->OSMemNFree;
    p_mem_data->OSNUsed    = p_mem_data->OSNBlks - p_mem_data->OSNFree;
    return (OS_ERR_NONE);
#endif                                           /* OS_MEM_QUERY_EN                                    */

*                                 INITIALIZE MEMORY PARTITION MANAGER(初始化内存分区控制块管理器)
* Description : This function is called by uC/OS-II to initialize the memory partition manager.  Your
*               application MUST NOT call this function.
* Arguments   : none
* Returns     : none
* Note(s)    : This function is INTERNAL to uC/OS-II and your application should not call it.

void  OS_MemInit (void)
#if OS_MAX_MEM_PART == 1u
    OS_MemClr((INT8U *)&OSMemTbl[0], sizeof(OSMemTbl));   /* Clear the memory partition table          */
    OSMemFreeList               = (OS_MEM *)&OSMemTbl[0]; /* Point to beginning of free list           */
#if OS_MEM_NAME_EN > 0u
    OSMemFreeList->OSMemName    = (INT8U *)"?";           /* Unknown name                              */

#if OS_MAX_MEM_PART >= 2u
    OS_MEM  *pmem;
    INT16U   i;

    OS_MemClr((INT8U *)&OSMemTbl[0], sizeof(OSMemTbl));   /* Clear the memory partition table          */
    for (i = 0u; i < (OS_MAX_MEM_PART - 1u); i++) {       /* Init. list of free memory partitions      */
        pmem                = &OSMemTbl[i];               /* Point to memory control block (MCB)       */
        pmem->OSMemFreeList = (void *)&OSMemTbl[i + 1u];  /* Chain list of free partitions             */
#if OS_MEM_NAME_EN > 0u
        pmem->OSMemName  = (INT8U *)(void *)"?";
    pmem                = &OSMemTbl[i];
    pmem->OSMemFreeList = (void *)0;                      /* Initialize last node                      */
#if OS_MEM_NAME_EN > 0u
    pmem->OSMemName = (INT8U *)(void *)"?";

    OSMemFreeList   = &OSMemTbl[0];                       /* Point to beginning of free list           */
#endif                                                    /* OS_MEM_EN                                 */

评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


