PCIE3.0 SPEC 学习-0703

1.1 A Third Generation I/O Interconnect 

第三代IO 互连  

The high-level requirements for this third generation I/O interconnect are as follows:

该第三代IO 互联要求如下:

  1. Support multiple  market segments and emerging applications


         1.1. Unifying I/O architecture for desktop, mobile, workstation, server, communications platforms, and embedded devices

为桌面设备 移动设备 工作站 服务器 通信平台 和嵌入式设备提供统一的I/O 架构

  1. Ability to deliver low cost ,high volume solutions

能够提供低成本 大批量的解决方案

2.1 cost at or below PCI cost structure at the system level

成本等于或低于系统级PCI 成本结构

  1. Support multiple platform interconnect usages : 支持多平台互联使用

3.1 Chip-to-chip, Board-to-board via connector or cabling   通过连接器或线缆的 芯片对芯片,板对板的链接

4.New mechanical form factors :新的机械形状因子

   4.1. Mobile , PCI-Like form factor and modular , cartridge form factor

     移动式, PCI 样外形和模块化, 墨盒外形因素

5.PCI compatible software model : PCI 可兼容软件模型

 5.1 .  Ability to enumerate and configure PCI Express hardware using PCI system configuration software implementation with no modifications

能够使用PCI  系统 配置 软件  实现pcie 快速硬件枚举 和 配置 ,无需修改

5.2. Ability to boot existing operating system with no modifications


5.3. Ability to configure/enable new PCI Express functionality by adopting the PCI config paradigm

能够配置和使用新的pci 快速 功能通过配置pci 配置参数

能够 通过 采用PCI配置范例   配置/启用新的PCI Express功能

  1. Performace :性能

6.1 Low-overhead , Low-latency communications to maximize application payload bandwidth and Link efficiency 

低开销,低延迟通信,最大限度地提高 应用程序 有效负载 带宽 和链路效率


6.2 high-bandwidth per pin to minimize pin count per device and connector interface

每个针脚的高带宽 最小化了每个设备和连接器接口的针脚数量



6.3 scalable performance via aggregated Lanes and signaling frequency


  1. Advanced features :高级功能

7.1 Comprehend different data types and ordering rules


7.2 Power management and budgeting

      7.2.1  Ability to identify power management capability of a given Function

                能够 识别一个给定功能的电源管理能力

      7.2.2   Ability to transition a Function into a specific power state

                  能够 转换一个功能进入特定的电源状态

      7.2.3    Ability to receive notification of the current power state of a function


      7.2.4   Ability to generate a request to wake up from a power-off


      7.2.5  Ability to sequence device power-up to allow graceful platform policy in power budgeting

               能够按顺序使设备上电, 以允许电源预算中优雅的平台策略

       7.3 M-PCIe

              7.3.1  Ability to operate PCIe Data Link and Transaction Layer protocol over MIPI M-PHY

                        能够操作PCIe 数据层和传输层通过MIPI M-phy

            7.3.2     Ability to maintain compatibility with PCI express programming mode 

                          能够保持与PCI express 程序模型兼容

            7.3.4     Ability to support Multi-lane configurations

                           能够支持多lane 配置

           7.3.5       Ability to support Asymmetric link width configuration

                         能够支持 不对称的  链路宽度配置

1、Segments :n 片段 段数  把 …… 分割成段;细胞分裂

2、emerging : 新兴的  发展初期的  V:复现 出现 显露  恢复过来 知悉

 multiple market segments :多个细分市场

3、unify: 联合 统一 使 …… 协调

Unifying I/O architecture  :统一I/O 架构

4、volume 容量 体积总数 总量


    Adj :大量的

5、cost structure: 成本结构

6、 application form 申请表



  • 1. 采纳,采用:接受并开始使用某种方法、计划或建议。
  • 2. 收养:正式接受别人的孩子并承担抚养责任。

adopt various methods  采用多种方法  


  • 9、paradigm:典范 范例 样板  样式
  •  10、low-overhead 低开销
  • 11、maximize :使增加到最大限度  最大限度地利用 充分利用 使窗口最大化 全屏  求出……最大值
  • 12、overhead :adv: 在……上方 在空中
  •                            头顶上的 在空中的  高架的  驱动装置 置顶式的  经费的 管理费用的
  •                            经常开支 营运费用  透明幻灯片 顶舱
  •  LOW-overhead 低开销
  • 13、aggregated  聚合的  和记得  aggregated loss  累计损失 
  • 14、aggregate   
  •  aggregate value、总价值 合计价值  统计总值  aggregate supply :总共给,总体供应  aggregate amount:总价,总金额
  • n.总数,合计;骨料,混凝料
  • adj.总计的,合计的;(种群)聚生的
  • v.集合,聚集;总计达到;合计
  • Aggregation :聚集 集成 集结 
  • 15comprehend 理解 领悟 包括 包含
  • 16ordering rule 排序规则
  • 17、power budget  功率预算:在通信系统中对发送端、通信链路、传播环境和接收端中所有功率增益和衰减进行核算工程
  • 18、sequence  n 顺序  次序 连续事件  序列
  •                          v  按顺序排列   测定  序列 
  • 19、maintain : 维持 保持 维修 保养  断言 主张 赡养  抚养
  • 20、compatibility :兼容性 配合度  共存 和睦相处
  • 21、 Asymmetric
OBJECTIVE OF THE SPECIFICATION.................................................................................... 27 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................ 27 DOCUMENTATION CONVENTIONS...................................................................................... 28 TERMS AND ACRONYMS........................................................................................................ 29 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS...................................................................................................... 36 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 37 1.1. A THIRD GENERATION I/O INTERCONNECT ................................................................... 37 1.2. PCI EXPRESS LINK......................................................................................................... 39 1.3. PCI EXPRESS FABRIC TOPOLOGY .................................................................................. 41 1.3.1. Root Complex........................................................................................................ 41 1.3.2. Endpoints .............................................................................................................. 42 1.3.3. Switch.................................................................................................................... 45 1.3.4. Root Complex Event Collector.............................................................................. 46 1.3.5. PCI Express to PCI/PCI-X Bridge........................................................................ 46 1.4. PCI EXPRESS FABRIC TOPOLOGY CONFIGURATION....................................................... 46 1.5. PCI EXPRESS LAYERING OVERVIEW.............................................................................. 47 1.5.1. Transaction Layer................................................................................................. 48 1.5.2. Data Link Layer .................................................................................................... 48 1.5.3. Physical Layer ...................................................................................................... 49 1.5.4. Layer Functions and Services............................................................................... 49 2. TRANSACTION LAYER SPECIFICATION ..................................................................... 53 2.1. TRANSACTION LAYER OVERVIEW.................................................................................. 53 2.1.1. Address Spaces, Transaction Types, and Usage................................................... 54 2.1.2. Packet Format Overview ...................................................................................... 56 2.2. TRANSACTION LAYER PROTOCOL - PACKET DEFINITION............................................... 58 2.2.1. Common Packet Header Fields ............................................................................ 58 2.2.2. TLPs with Data Payloads - Rules ......................................................................... 61 2.2.3. TLP Digest Rules .................................................................................................. 65 2.2.4. Routing and Addressing Rules .............................................................................. 65 2.2.5. First/Last DW Byte Enables Rules........................................................................ 69 2.2.6. Transaction Descriptor......................................................................................... 71 2.2.7. Memory, I/O, and Configuration Request Rules................................................... 77 2.2.8. Message Request Rules......................................................................................... 83 2.2.9. Completion Rules.................................................................................................. 97 2.2.10. TLP Prefix Rules ................................................................................................. 100 2.3. HANDLING OF RECEIVED TLPS.................................................................................... 104




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