今天就发表我的一篇一篇文献笔记,我目前的研究方向是Causality,主要应用在解耦学习中,另外还突发奇想发表了一篇关于Causality在feature importance的应用的文章在arxiv上:https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.14474
On Pearl’s Hierarchy and the Foundations of Causal Inference, Elias Bareinboim, Columbia University, 2021.3
一. 阅读目的
精读—— 整理Judea工作,causal inference的脉络和参考文献
二. 文献内容
1. Introduction:
(1)长期目标:By breaking down a phenomenon into modular components, and describing how they interact to produce an emergent behavior or a final product, scientists seek to uncover the underlying data-generating processes, or features thereof.
(2) 短期目标:cross-layer inference through causal inference
(3) 发展:observable traces——data
(4) 前景:类比computation, an intuitive, ordinary c