Week 1 - Mon.

It is the first day for formal lectures in Royal Orchid Hotel, today. It's really cold there, as same as we heard from the previous participants.


The open space is part of our courses in TWU. It has 4 rules and 1 law. 

4 rules:

  1. Any people who comes to the open space is the right people. You can't judge whoever comes or not.
  2. Any time for the open space to be holden is the right time. Don't concern about your topic will be holden earlier or later.
  3. Whatever happens in the open space are all right. Anything there will always be fine. Don't look forward to what has to happen as you supposed.
  4. When time is over it is over. The discussion should not take some more minutes. There is nothing we have to finish.

1 law:

     It could be call the law of two feet. People have the right to go to the valuable discussion group according to their consideration. One can move from a group to another, just follow his two feet.


There are several games. One of them is to ask everyone to find the right person in the classroom for each item of a list. Each item has the discription for a fact of a person. So we have to comfirm to guys to connect them to the item. It's a little hard for me to ask the comfirmation questions fast.


A new guy from the United States joined us this morning. Her name is Nan Chu. She is born in China and can speak Chinese. She has a little bit man-like style, but very kind-hearted. We five Chinese people have become close quickly and I think she might be the right person who can help us improve English, not just communicate with.


This evening Sam and I had a chat when I was doing the laundry on the porch. We talked about the language and the feeling today when having the session. He tought me some words and asked me some sentenses of Chinese. I explained to him that the Chinese charactors have literal meanings and could be combine to form words. I told him the current Chinese charactors has been simpler than in history, even in 50 years ago. And I tried to tell him the special feature of archaic Chinese charactors, hieroglyph.

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