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原创 heretic

<br />http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Heretical-Open-Source

2011-03-19 19:57:00 285

原创 Java-Puzzlers

<br />http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Java-Puzzlers

2010-11-27 20:31:00 299

原创 another good course and funny old man

<br />http://www.infoq.com/cn/presentations/fred-superman

2010-10-05 23:57:00 380

原创 agile is not a thing

<br />http://www.infoq.com/cn/presentations/dt-pragmatic-programmer

2010-10-05 23:57:00 325

原创 You would love this

<br />http://www.infoq.com/presentations/The-Craftsman-Learns

2010-10-05 23:56:00 304

原创 Work for dream

<br /><br />Are you doing some kind of job you do love it ?<br /> <br />Most of guys arround me said not, someone even hate doing such a job of his. But how could we got the job you really want to do? It’s about dream, about courage, about if you are strug

2010-10-05 23:55:00 647

原创 PowerDesigner

<br />

2010-10-05 23:55:00 253

原创 Testing

We all know testing is the most important process in the software development. And we should manage these concepts :First, version.The second,  TestCase, Test Tracking, and Bug Tracking.The third, testing report.The last is tools and platform we already go

2010-10-05 23:54:00 297

原创 Noise or Silence

<br /><br />It begins from the topic of pair programming, rules of the XP. What would happen in pair programming, obviously, we would not accept to do pairing for that, being a experience guy. I don’t want to pick up a rookie to pair randomly, and that wil

2010-10-05 23:54:00 364

原创 War we take all along

To be a coder, building out the foundation of a system, you should think about what you are producing, high quality codes ? high performace codes ? or bugs ? I have work for 4 companies, and 95% of the coders would agree we should code with unit testing, b

2010-10-05 23:53:00 312

原创 Invictus

One more encourage film for us, 《Invictus》 directed by Clint Eastwood. I like South of Africa, I got a hat of South of Africa, I got friends of South of Africa, but I don’t know such a history of this country, Clint Eastwood tell us all. Herman Bester, a c

2010-10-05 23:53:00 355

原创 The Karate Kid

Kid Jaden Smith with his father Will Smith in 《The Present of Happiness》, now in 《The Karate Kid》 with Jackie Chan. It’s the kind of film I mentioned before, the encourage film, Althought withs lots of chinese people, but it’s not directed by chinese.

2010-10-05 23:53:00 590

原创 Setup source control first

t really suprised me that 10% of the developing project depend on CVS, and none of others. This is thing I found that could be change first. Source Control we mean codes, documents,  some other beyond this that can be put on versioned control and managemen

2010-10-05 23:51:00 407

原创 Got the wheel for free

One month after I came to ganflon, I found guys still dealing and struggling with the bugs of paging they developed, and even UI problems ( I would make it sense later ). Ecside, EC2, Gt-grid, JQGrid, ExtGrid, Dhtmlxgrid, nobody heard before. What ? It’s s

2010-10-05 23:51:00 312

原创 High performance

<br /> <br />We all know in IT company, people is different kind, different personality, different so much. And how to manage them is always a top question for us. I discussed with many people, and they all believe It’s a project of complex. But with Zhang

2010-10-05 23:11:00 351

原创 the blind side

<br />It's really strange that we rarely produce type of encouraged real story films for our people, but hollywood do. The way we think is that kind of different, american looking forward for future, but the people looking back in history. I like Lee Handc

2010-10-05 23:10:00 334

原创 This blog should be released on 4.1

<br />What can I say to esms ? This is that kind of project, lots of pressure, lots of overtiming, now guys half of the team had leave decided to move on for their future, and some potential. Even we had pass UAT, close to the victory, it's top to say su

2010-10-05 23:10:00 452

原创 To waders

<br />Dear waders.<br /> <br />I am sorry to make a decision of leaving my job from Bingosoft.<br /> <br />It's really top to make such decision. I took a long journey over this idea. There're so many causes not for one, but the main thing is I would like

2010-10-05 23:10:00 304

原创 请展现你的代码之美

<br /><br />今天对我来说简直就是噩梦,我想许多接二手货的开发人员会很有同感,难以理解的逻辑、很难琢磨的方法跳转、格式混了的代码,“我简直看不下去了”。<br />曾经在《代码之美》的诱惑和忽悠下我相信“代码怪人”们所写的程序应该是诱人的,然而在今天看过几段同事写的代码后却有些想吐的样子,太震撼了,怎么能乱成这样?<br />公司确实有编程规范和代码规范,但是绝不会是这个样子的要求,是否在追求美的路口上因为个人的理解和定义上出现了分岔?我想后面我得好好的问问我们这位同事,但个人认为规范只是入门级,

2010-10-05 23:09:00 309

原创 Efficient maybe the key

<br />Management is really a magic work. Time, Range, Quality, we just surrounding these things. Do quality, we have try to make more time to development, but it always gonna to be times for fixing bugs. We try pointing out what’s the problem, make some tr

2010-10-05 23:08:00 280

原创 Passion

<br /><br />Passion i mean, how you treat you job.<br />People always be tired of doing one thing one kind of job for times. Me too.<br />Sometimes waking up in the morning is great, full of energy. but sometimes i really hate it. Weeks ago, I found one ki

2010-10-05 23:08:00 265

原创 Chioce by your way

<br /><br />Yes or no ? You will choice what ?<br />Every time someone let you make a choice, did you get one of the answers he given ? It’ s a wrong way to make choice, that always an good answer beyond them.<br />What would you like to be, A or B ?  That

2010-10-05 23:07:00 372

原创 He almost got fire off the team

<br /><br />最近又回到项目E中,还是跟原来一样,一帮开发人员随意的组合到一起构成一个团队,在资源紧张的情况下我们没有选择,或许说我们没有选择的机会,他们会对你说“祝你好运”。进到团队中的开发人员连简历介绍都没有就开始工作了,这就像你在招聘一个魔术师,你问他会变什么什么,他说都会,你连让他展示一下都没有就聘请了他一样。<br />我们没有太多的时间投入在摸底的实验中,但是为了推进进度,你不得不在黑暗中前进,承担着让人恐惧的风险。<br />同事C到项目组有一段时间了,I have no idea

2010-10-05 23:07:00 277

原创 Professional again

<br /><br />blog of 6.23 I wrote my view about professional, now we come back to this topic once again.<br />last night, on the department training night, we titiled it “Professional”. In my mind, it’s all about services, team work, and search.<br />1. ser

2010-10-05 23:06:00 287

原创 Life will found the way.hardly?

<br /><br />“Life will found the way.”,”God create dinosaur, god distroy dinosaur, god create men, men create dinosaur, men distroy god, dinosaur distroy men, and women take the world.”. That’s my favor in Jurassic park.<br />Morning , on bus way to the co

2010-10-05 23:05:00 367

原创 Change

<br />Thing’s so different sometime. You wake up morning, you feel so tired even it’s time to move on duty you just dont wanna get up, the other time you get up early, full of energy and head to something, life is great.Ooh my, thing is always changing . W

2010-10-05 23:04:00 301

原创 我不是医生我是卖膏药的

     好久没写代码,最近干了很多杂七杂八的事情,今晚终于有机会让我修改同事的代码,忙乱中不知何从入手,自制了一膏药贴了上去,这时候动手术牵及五脏六腑,不是时候,暂时只能以膏药止痛。        如果说waders是医生的话,那我应该属于卖膏药的,或许开发队伍中本来就属卖膏药主流,不然哪来的“重构”,哪来的“医生”,但我深知如果膏药能治病的话就不用医生了,膏药也迟早使用脱落露馅的。    每天

2009-03-20 00:11:00 760

原创 工作不等同与学习,哥们!

    进入项目H工作已经3个多月了,中间碰到了许多以前从没经历过的苦与痛,但看的项目状况一天天的转向好的一方也略感欣慰,很遗憾小猪哼哼月底就要离开了,需求一块需要新进的同事J能提供更多的支持。     同事J到项目组也有3周时间了,今天我们表达了需要他对需求进行规范和管理并让我们的开发人员有个“好去处”的想法,也许是我们表达的过于抽象不够直接,同事J说:“我也在不断的学习。”晕倒,这句话

2009-03-20 00:02:00 315

原创 买点


2009-01-08 00:08:00 464

原创 Be professional

    专业的不是公司,而是人,为什么我们总会习惯性的到某个store买东西,到某个餐馆吃饭,其实不是他们的卖的产品特别(那些产品并不是该store生产的),或者他们的菜式特别,他们的硬件设施都差不多,只是他们服务比较专业,让人放心。    我们在和客户开展工作的时候也是同样的道理,并不是客户挑剔,而是我们不够专业,客户不够放心。大多数时候客户对的是人,而不是产品,代表公司的员工专业,客户也会认为

2009-01-08 00:06:00 518

原创 性能只在弹指间

     离开项目ES有一段时间里了,但时时牵挂的导入问题在今天才得到解决。    项目ES中的导入操作业务数据量并不大,多数情况下导入在30条以内的数据量,在部署到测试环境后,发现导入1条数据居然用了10秒,导入21条数据也用了10秒。    本地环境测试,21条的导入时间为5.281秒,使用JProbe对导入时的内存分析并优化后,时间为3.203秒,调整程序结构后最优化为1.91秒,其中数据库

2009-01-04 23:21:00 444

原创 “3点整”和“3点前后”

    守时是每个人应有的习惯,是对对方时间的尊重。        最近看到关于养成守时习惯的10条建议,如下:    1.将约会视同契约,约会迟到即是一种违约行为。  同意        2.尽量避免将约会地点定在某建筑物或某标志物之前,以免令等候者在那儿空等而难有其他作为。 同意        3.假如你预计即将迟到,应尽快通知对方。  同意    4.对自己的工作次序表应做松弛的安排,以免因

2009-01-03 11:53:00 988

原创 新警察故事?

    项目E的开发依然有条不紊的进行着,在上线前我们依然一次次的进行回归测试,覆盖测试,狠抓质量。        也许是性格使然,我并不太愿意在做事情的手法上表现的太过强硬,这也是我众多缺陷中较为致命的,这需要缓缓改变。所以到现在我们依然没有执行施工竞赛,没有比拼,我更希望看到项目团队成员在无形中得到思想上的成长。从每天早上检查成果的点评到集中讨论质量要求,已经可以看到他们在接受改变或者说在理解

2008-12-21 00:18:00 459

原创 Decision

  早上醒来收到同事W的一条短信,“我今天觉得很不舒服,我想请假一天。”,这种短信已经不是第一次看到,不同的人同样的风格,也许是在中国社会的熏陶中养成的习惯,其实我本应该也是这样的风格,但仅仅到三年前为止。  许多人请假都喜欢先解释一通,然后才表露目的,事情就是这样绕了一大圈,我并不觉得因为身体不舒服而需要请假的做法和想法有什么不妥,因为人不是机器,更何况机器也有故障的时候。所以我认为请假的时候不

2008-12-12 13:35:00 395

原创 Stop buggering me,Mr Question!

  Im sick, realy sick these days. After asking for one day off, i just wanna sleep. Oh, fuck! Mr Question, you just come again, asking and surrounding me. OK, I see. Ill still pick up the fucking hp

2008-12-10 12:20:00 531

原创 案例注入提高项目成员质量标准观

  我一直相信“软件质量是软件的生命”,每个程序员都应该以软件质量高标准来要求自己,然而在项目E中的经历却让我看到并不是每个人都是这么想的,甚至不去揣摩所在项目需要的软件质量标准。虽然说软件过程中质量、范围、成本、时间是息息相关的,要求过高的软件质量会导致成本的增加和项目周期的延迟,正是应为这样我们需要去揣摩该项目所需要达到的软件质量标准到底是什么样的程度。   UI的教训经历不少,做项目

2008-12-04 22:01:00 334

原创 Question your own opinion twice and more

  如何让自己的想法和见解经得起别人的推敲,经得住实践的检验,我认为需要不断的从多角度的质疑自己的想法,这样才可以最大范围发现存在的问题,这种事情在项目E中出现了多次。  说起项目E,我已经在里边待了有一个月时间了,从需求上项目实施过程中出现了许许多多的问题。前两天发现系统提供多sheet导入而不提供多sheet导出,需求规格说明书也是这样,咨询了当时参与需求调研的同事W,她说“用户只提出

2008-11-30 22:26:00 473 1



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