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原创 推薦 CSDN 最讓人佩服的專家,袁萌。

CSDN 上有一位让我佩服的五体投地的专家,他叫袁萌。

2010-08-05 23:39:00 3738 18

原创 公園望藍天


2010-09-04 23:47:00 2790 2

原创 Objective-C 2.0 筆記 (7) MVC - Model View Controller 設計模式

Objective-C 2.0 筆記 (7) MVC - Model View Controller 設計模式

2010-06-24 00:25:00 5129 12

原创 Objective-C 2.0 筆記 (6) Ap Lifecycle 跟 Delegate

Objective-C 2.0 筆記 (6) Ap Lifecycle 跟 Delegate

2010-06-24 00:23:00 3607

原创 Objective-C 2.0 筆記 (5) 使用 UIKit Framework (Cocoa Touch) 之前

Objective-C 2.0 筆記 (5) 使用 UIKit Framework (Cocoa Touch) 之前

2010-06-24 00:16:00 3687 8

原创 Objective-C 2.0 筆記 (4) Foundation Framework (Continue)

Objective-C 2.0 筆記 (4) Foundation Framework (Continue)

2010-05-31 14:59:00 3578 5

原创 Objective-C 2.0 笔记 (4) Foundation Framework

这次要讨论的是 Objective-C 的基础框架( Foundation Framework)。Framework 就是一些类别(classes)、方法(method)、函式 (function)、跟文件(document)的合集。Framework 通常是程式设计人员,常常会用到的一些功能,因为太常被使用,所以就被开发成 Framework,让做这些事情,有一个共同的方法与标准。可以想

2010-05-24 19:23:00 3590

原创 MSN 帳號被惡搞了

昨天我想登入 MSN 时,发现登入不了,帐号被锁了。 错误讯息是我的帐号不存在,或是连续登入十次,密码错误,所以账号被锁起来了。 根据 MSN 的 HELP,其中有提到一个方法,到 MSN 帐号管理网页,可以重设密码。 我到那个网页,重设密码,需要输入我的 MSN 注册的 e-mail 账号,然后会发送重设密码的网页连结,到我输入的 e-mail 账号。 我收到的

2010-05-23 11:34:00 2786 2

原创 Objective-C 2.0 笔记 (3) Objective-C 物件导向程式设计,类目、协定、继承及复合

这次要讨论在 Objective-C 可以用哪些方式,来进行物件导向的程式设计。包涵的主题有: 类目(category) 协定(protocol) 继承(inheritance) 复合(composite) (一)、 使用类目(class category),来扩充现有的类别。 (1) Objective-C 提供一个很方便的机制 class c

2010-05-15 21:43:00 3560

原创 Objective-C 2.0 笔记 (2) Objective-C 程式,有多个模组,及动态系结

这次我们要来写一支程式,稍微复杂一点,比较接近真正的程式专案,包括以下特色: (1) 专案由三个模组所构成,通常程式为了方便管理,不会把所有的程式码,写在一起:MyReal 类别,一个简单的实数(real number) 类别 MyComplex 类别,一个简单的复数 (complex number) 类别 SimpleApp 则是主程式 (2) 使用 @prop

2010-05-15 00:19:00 3467 1

原创 Objective-C 2.0 筆記 (1) 第一支 Objective-C 程式

系统需求:至少要有一台 Mac 电脑,Mac OS X 10.6.3,并且已经安装 iPhone SDK(含 Xcode)。步骤:(1) 执行 Xcode,选择新建一个专案,程式类型为命令列使用 Foundation 的工具,如下图所示 (2) 我们就叫这个专案,HelloWorld,叫其他名字随你。 (4) Xcode 就已经帮你把样板程式生出来了。 (

2010-05-10 20:55:00 2594

原创 Objective-C 2.0 筆記 (0) 概論

想要学 Objective-C 在 iPhone 及 Mac 上开发软体,看以下 Apple 官方的资料,一定是一头雾水。 (1) The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language(2) Objective-C 2.0 Runtime Programming Guide(3) Objective-C 2.0 Runtime Reference 理

2010-05-10 20:52:00 2737

原创 「矛盾」

 楔子:K 资料,快抓狂了,写篇中文文章,来稳定情绪。本文:“矛盾”这两个字,很能传达出中国文化的博大精深及文字之美。矛指的是长矛,是战场上用来突刺敌人的长兵器。盾指的是盾牌,是用来保护拿短兵器(刀)的士兵,免于被攻击的防具。《韩非子·难一》:“楚人有鬻楯与矛者,誉之曰:‘吾楯之坚,莫能陷也。’又誉其矛曰:‘吾矛之利,于物无不陷也。’或曰:‘以子之矛陷子之楯何如?’其人

2010-05-08 18:04:00 2572

原创 iPhone 程式設計入門(7) Cocoa Touch 摘要

(1) Cocoa Toch Frameworks FoundationObject wrappers    Strings, collections    Various system services (file I/O and network)  Subset of Foundation on MacUIKitEvent h

2010-05-03 18:10:00 3562

原创 如何能够学到博客专家“袁萌”的心平气和?

CSDN 有一位博客专家,他叫“袁萌”,他的博客专门谈 Linux Live USB,及 Open Source。 我如果说,CSDN 里的专家,有那一位我最佩服的,就是他。 你一定会不同意,我说我最佩服他,因为如果你看过“袁萌”的博客,你一定看过我几乎每个他的帖子,我都有评论反对他博客的内容,当然不是全部,有些我也不能睁眼说瞎话,明明他讲的没错,我硬要颠倒是非黑白。当然我不是说每

2010-05-01 00:44:00 2791 4

原创 iPhone 程式設計入門(6) Object-C 摘要

xx以下是对 Object-C 的摘要: (1) 1979 C with Class, 1984 C++, 1984 objc,然后经过 24 年的演化至今。 (2) C++ Fast but Staticstatic function dispatchcompile time decisionlittle runti

2010-04-30 01:51:00 4100 1

原创 iPhone 程式設計入門(5)認識 iPhone OS

这是对 iPhone OS 的摘要: (1) Code Signing,每一支 iPhone 程式都需要认证,才能上传到 iPhone 手机上测试,进一步到 App Store 贩卖。 (2) iPhone OS 在 4.0 之前,OS 是 Single Application Environment,换句话说,同一个时间下,只能有一支用户程式在执行。用户程式必须负责随时维

2010-04-30 01:50:00 2686

原创 iPhone 程式設計入門(4)Apple 為何用 Object-C 開發軟件

Mac OS X 10.6.3 的 Kernel 基本上就是 BSD,你可以类比成 Linux。 众所皆知的,在 Unix 跟 Linux 的世界里,程式大部份都是用 C 或是 C++ 开发的。两个 Linux 上最多人使用的桌面环境,KDE 是用 C++ 写的,而 GNOME 是用 C 开发的。Linux 的 Kernel 最主要是用 C 写的。 那为何 Apple 却用

2010-04-30 01:48:00 3928 1

原创 iPhone 程式設計入門(3)iPhone 及 MacBook 使用兩週總結

本来迫不急待想要赶快学会 iPhone 及 MacBook,然后赶快,写一支 iPhone 的 Hello World 程式,然后上传到 iPhone 上试看看。但是 iPhone 跟 MacBook 的使用经验实在太有趣了,忍不住多研究了一下。 iPhone 用户经验: 关于 iPhone,我到 Apple Store 买了不少免费的软体。有游戏、有系统资讯显示、照相、录

2010-04-30 01:47:00 3153

原创 iPhone 程式设计入门(2)认识一下 MacOS

开发 iPhone 手机程式,不用台 Apple 的电脑,几乎是不切实际。理由如下: (1) Apple 申请成为 iPhone application programmer,其中有些步骤会用到 Apple 的电脑,及 MacOS 的上产生秘钥的工具,最后资讯也会存到 Apple 的电脑上。这些资讯可以让你开发的软体,在 iPhone 硬体上测试。 (2) Apple 的浏

2010-04-20 15:17:00 879 1

原创 iPhone 程式设计入门(1)认识一下 Object-C

写程式没有捷径,首先要懂得所使用的程式语言,然后瞭解可以使用的 Framework,最后开发或使用 Toolkit。 iPhone 官方 Obejctive-C 的教材: (1) The Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language (2) Objective-C 2.0 Runtime Programming Guide

2010-04-20 15:15:00 962

原创 CSDN 博客的广告,真的好丑啊。

CSDN 博客的广告,真的好丑啊。 CSDN 博客的广告,真的好丑啊,我没有反对放广告,可是位置跟大小,都很有问题。 CSDN 博客的广告,真的好丑啊,Gmail 也是有广告,可是从来没有引起我的反感跟注意。 CSDN 博客的广告,真的好丑啊,甚至会影响看博客的心情。已经到的喧宾夺主的程度,博客还没看到,先被广告赶跑了。 CSDN 博客的广告,真的好丑啊,甚至会影响

2010-04-04 13:38:00 1133 3

原创 可以在网页浏览器,用 HTLM5 跑 Quake II 了

 连结:Quake II GWT Port 为了展示 HTML5 的可能性,Google Web Tool 团队,把“雷神之锤 2 ”port 到 HTML5,在浏览器上执行。实在令人对 Google 开发团队的爆发力,感到佩服。这个 demo 算得上打破程式设计人员对 HTML5 的心里门槛了。 不过值得注意的是,你或许会说,其实用 Silverlight 跟 C# 也做得到,只

2010-04-04 13:29:00 1418

原创 Android 手机将可以执行 iPhone 的程式

来源:Exclusive: Google Android 2.5 Froyo ROM And Upcoming Features Leaked!  这个消息怎么来的,难不成 Google 内部,真的有卧底?所以不排除,这个是个 4/1 愚人节的玩笑(我觉得很像 4/1 愚人节的玩笑,很逼真就是了)。  这个可是很厉害的一招,将来 Android 手机更新到 Andr

2010-04-04 13:18:00 913 1

原创 评论:Google Chrome 浏览器,将内建 Flash plugin

连结:Bringing improved support for Adobe Flash Player to Google Chrome 昨天 Google Release Chrome 5.0.360.4 dev,这个版本,有个最大特色,是把 Adobe Flash plugin 变成 Chrome 内建的一个 plugin。你可以用 --enable-internal-flash 启动内建

2010-03-31 17:28:00 1095 1

原创 博客,寫什麼好呢?

有一段时间没有在 CSDN 写博客了,写什么好呢?心里纳闷着。 写每天工作相关的技术项目?可是那有什么好写?不就 C++ 跟网路程式设计吗? 写每天工作发生的人事时地物?可是那有什么好写?说真的,不会每天都有什么心得。 写每天读的书的心得?可是那有什么好写?真要写得详细,不就抄书了? 写每天发生的 IT 新闻?可是那有什么好写?Google,Microsoft,Ap

2010-03-26 23:12:00 662 1

原创 吳起的心情


2010-03-20 01:44:00 971 1

原创 [分享] When I don't feel like feeling

2010-03-11 23:33:00 529

原创 評論:office 2007 免費升級 office 2010

连结:Microsoft Office 2010 Engineering 根据微软部落格上公布的消息,Office 2010 将在 5/12 正式发表,6 月时,全面发行。到时候,已经购买 Office 2007 的人,可以下载 Office 2010,免费升级。 微软让 Office 2007 免费升级到 Office 2010,应该算大方。但是这个免费升级,有战略的考量,微

2010-03-09 12:06:00 1098 2

原创 P2P 分享軟體的有趣現象

 最近在使用 P2P 分享软体时,观察到一个有趣的现象,让我瞭解到,为何有人可以用 P2P  很快 download 到档案,有人却 download 好几天,最后不得不放弃。如下图,用红色线框起来的几个 Client,下载到 99.9% 就停止不前了,就算有 download,流量也很小,0 ~ 1.4 KB/s,为何? 在网路上,大家都是聪明人,P2P 分享,必须有 downloa

2010-03-09 07:57:00 694 1

原创 Android 手机销售不如预期,何解?免费送!

 连结:Anodroid 开发论坛:Android 手机免费大方送 G o o g l e  将免费赠送 Android 开发者 Nexus One,虽说是免费,还是有资格限定,必须有写程式在 Android Market 有超过 5000 次下载,或是有超过 3.5 颗星评分。 标题开玩笑说,Android 手机销售不如预期,那是指 Nexus One 未推出的超期待,到

2010-03-05 00:49:00 980

原创 GoogleToolbarNotifier.exe Die Hard

终于受不了每次开 IE,都要等个 5 秒,才能进入我的 IE 首页(猜猜看我的 IE 首页为何?当然是 Google 搜寻),而且每次输入的 focus,会被锁在 Google 搜寻的 edit control,所以要 copy paste 的网址,不是在 IE 的 address bar,凡而会贴到 Google 的搜寻栏,网址一定输入失败,抓狂了。 于是移除了 Google Toolb

2010-02-28 02:37:00 919

原创 [評論] 歐盟促保護私隱 Google影「街景」先通知

 连结:欧盟促保护私隐 G o o g l e 影“街景”先通知 上一篇博客,我说道,觉得个人隐私被侵犯。没想到今天就看到这则新闻。欧洲人也跟我有相同的感觉。无论如何,希望最后的结果,Google 不要有双重标准,老外的隐私比较重要,照街景会先通知,老中没人吭气,就管你的去。 隐私这件事,有人看得很开,可是有人看得很紧。要是哪天我穿短裤、拖鞋及背心,去买便当的画面,被放到网路上

2010-02-28 00:57:00 1057 1

原创 怪哉 G o o g l e 不提供 Gizmo5 Linux 客戶端下載

 来源:G o o g l e Eliminates Gizmo5 Client For Linux首先介绍一下,Gizmo 是做甚么的。Gizmo 是 VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) 的软体,让你透过 Internet 可以交谈。另外一个软体大家可能比较熟悉, skype 网际网路电话。另外一个现在正夯,G o o g l e Voice。 

2010-02-27 21:06:00 1855 2

原创 G o o g l e 重視言論自由權,那個人隱私權呢?

 G o o g l e 最近有四位 Y o u T u b e  的员工,因为用户把内容不当的影片,放到 Y o u T u b e 上,被义大利的的地方政府,以侵犯个人隐私,告到法院。G o o g l e 上诉,最后应该是 G o o g l e  会赢,我也希望这个案子 G o o g l e 会赢,因为从我的角度来看,整件事跟 G o o g l e 的员工无关。 但是不得不

2010-02-27 01:18:00 1127 1

原创 微软是一个烂货,G o o g l e 又好到哪里去?

 看着帖子标题,你一定不免想起一句话,这又是一个忿青。 可是我要说,我不是无的放矢,我说这两句话,我有我的根据,我的理由。看到这里,如果你还没有感到不齿,那就看下去吧。先说微软,故事很短,从我买笔电 Vista 生级 Win7 说起。 买笔电时,Win7 还没出,微软为了推广 Win7,搞一个 OEM 电脑 Vista 免费升级 Win7,所以我的笔电,广告就说可以免费生级

2010-02-24 00:47:00 1847 4

原创 評論:G o o g l e 收購 reMail,是為了搞壟斷?

来源:reMail Accired by G o o g l e reMail 是一家邮件服务供应商,主要的业务对象上 iPhone 的用户。 在 reMail 创建人及CEO Gabor Cselle 的部落格上写着,reMail 被 G o o g l e 收购了,而他将成为 G m a i l 团队的产品经理,........,然后 reMail 将不再继续经营 iPho

2010-02-19 14:20:00 1703

翻译 [译] Linus 喜欢 Nexus One

原文:Happy camper 快樂的露營人 上週手機壞了,所以買了Nexus One 手機。 當原型 G1 推出來時,Google 給了我一支,但是我從來都不使用它。為什麼?我就是討厭手機。當你在工作或是閱讀的時候,手機總是騷擾或是打斷你。手機對我而言,只是提供了一個機會,讓我無論身在何處,都會被騷擾。這可不是件好事。 但是,同時我卻很喜歡讓手機上跑 Linux 的概念,在過去幾年,

2010-02-11 00:31:00 580

翻译 译:Android 被 Linux kernel 社群开除

原文:Android and the Linux kernel community在 Linux kernel 2.6.33 版本,Android  程式码,已经被移除。很多人开始询问我到底发生了什么事?Android 下一步又该怎么办?所以,以下就是我对这整件事情的意见……首先,我要说,我是很喜欢 Android 手机平台。直到上周,我还是每天,使用我买的 developer G1,它完

2010-02-08 20:09:00 1247 4

原创 唉,甘泉鱼面要歇业了

「甘泉魚面」是我上班時午餐常去的一家麵店,既然店名叫魚面,想當然爾,面裡都有魚或海鮮。但是到目前為止,我只吃過這家麵店的一道面 -- 韓式泡菜面。我上這家麵店應該有幾十次了,搞不好有上百次。可是我每次都點韓式泡菜面,好幾次老闆都問我,要不要點其他種面試看看,可是我還是點韓式泡菜面。久了,每次老闆看到我上門,自動就幫我點韓式泡菜面。韓式泡菜面,是前同事推薦給我的,面看起來很賞心悅目,有小黃瓜

2010-02-04 21:53:00 1096

自己寫的 CHIP-8 模擬器(含原始碼)

什麼是 CHIP-8 CHIP-8 是一個虛擬機 (VM),或可以當成直譯器 (interpreter),由 Joseph Weisbecker 在 1970 年代設計出來。用 CHIP-8 語言(組合語言)寫的遊戲,可以在有 CHIP-8 模擬器的電腦上執行。 CHIP-8 模擬器的優點 CHIP-8 的模擬器,應該是最簡單,最容易寫的模擬器。只有 35 個指令,4 KB 的記憶體,非常簡單的架構。通常可以在三天內,從無到有寫出 CHIP-8 模擬器,所以非常適合用來練習模擬器的寫作。 我的 CHIP-8 模擬器特點 用 GDI 處理繪圖,Window Message 處理聲音及鍵盤,對系統的要求很低。 程式撰寫以清楚易懂為主,很同意閱讀理解。 支援 Drag Drop 及 Command Line。 用 CodeBlock + mingw 編譯。


how to write a chip-8 emulator (ebook and source code)

How to write a CHIP-8 emulator: - EBook (epub format) - Source code (C++)


WiFi Password Revealer

讓你檢視你所使用的 WiFi 網路密碼,如果你忘記 WiFi 的密碼,可以用這個工具找回來。這個軟體並非 WiFi 網路密碼破解,下載前請確認你的需求。


CH - C interpreter 7.0 (學生版)part 2(2/2)

Ch is a C/C++ interpreter and scripting language environment used by teachers, students, engineers and scientists around the world to learn math, numerical computing, C/C++, and write cross-platform code and embedded scripts quickly and efficiently. It is an alternative solution to C/C++ compiler.


CH - C interpreter 7.0 (學生版)part 1(1/2)

Ch is a C/C++ interpreter and scripting language environment used by teachers, students, engineers and scientists around the world to learn math, numerical computing, C/C++, and write cross-platform code and embedded scripts quickly and efficiently. It is an alternative solution to C/C++ compiler.


PowerISO 製作、掛載ISO映像檔 v4.6



USB safely remove v4.25.879

Vita 上 USB drive 沒辦法安全移除?用他就搞定了


回答 CSDN>CSDN社区>C/C++>C语言 的電三個問題,VIM 怎麼使用

回答 CSDN>CSDN社区>C/C++>C语言 的電三個問題,VIM 怎麼使用


為 CSDN-CSDN社区-C/C++-新手乐园 的朋友所回答的第二問題。

為 CSDN-CSDN社区-C/C++-新手乐园 的朋友所回答的第二問題。


為 CSDN-CSDN社区-C/C++-新手乐园 的朋友所回答的問題。

為 CSDN-CSDN社区-C/C++-新手乐园 的朋友所回答的問題。


免費軟體,Unreal Commander,功能跟 Total Commander 一模一樣

真正免費軟體,功能卻跟 Total Commander 一模一樣,名字也很酷,叫 Unreal Commander。支援繁體中文,及簡體中文介面。


Process Tamber

Process Tamer is a tiny (140k) and efficient utility for Microsoft Windows XP/2K/NT that runs in your system tray and constantly monitors the cpu usage of other processes. When it sees a process that is overloading your cpu, it reduces the priority of that process temporarily, until its cpu usage returns to a reasonable level. There are many times when a process will hog your cpu, such as when converting audio/video files, or working with compressed archives. Because these processes completely consume the cpu, your system becomes sluggish to respond and using the computer for other tasks becomes impossible while these processes are running. Process Tamer solves this problem by identifying such these degenerate conditions and temporarily reducing the priority of the offending processes in order to allow your system to respond to other requests. Stop being a victim to an overloaded cpu - let Process Tamer keep your system responsive no matter what you're doing.


free SSH client PuTTY 6.0

PuTTY is a free (MIT-licensed) Win32 Telnet and SSH client. This manual documents PuTTY, and its companion utilities PSCP, PSFTP, Plink, Pageant and PuTTYgen. Note to Unix users: this manual currently primarily documents the Windows versions of the PuTTY utilities. Some options are therefore mentioned that are absent from the Unix version; the Unix version has features not described here; and the pterm and command-line puttygen utilities are not described at all. The only Unix-specific documentation that currently exists is the man pages.


The Regex Coach - interactive regular expressions

The Regex Coach is a graphical application for Windows which can be used to experiment with (Perl-compatible) regular expressions interactively. It has the following features: It shows whether a regular expression matches a particular target string. It can also show which parts of the target string correspond to captured register groups or to arbitrary parts of the regular expression. It can "walk" through the target string one match at a time. It can simulate Perl's split and s/// (substitution) operators. It tries to describe the regular expression in plain English. It can show a graphical representation of the regular expression's parse tree. It can single-step through the matching process as performed by the regex engine. Everything happens in "real time", i.e. as soon as you make a change somewhere in the application all other parts are instantly updated. If you find this software useful then please consider making a small donation towards the ongoing development costs. Website hosting costs money, as do compilers and development tools.


ConvertZ version 8.02

ConvertZ version 8.02 June 2, 2005 (Freeware for Non-commercial use) Description: A fast Chinese/Japanese code converter with the following features:- - Convert file (plain text) or clipboard content among the following encodings: big5, gbk, hz, shift-jis, jis, euc-jp, unicode big-endian, unicode little-endian, and utf-8. - Batch files conversion - Preview file content and converted result before actual conversion. - Auto-update the charset in <Meta> tag, if specified in html docs. - Auto-fix mis-mapped Big5/GBK characters after conversion. - Change filename's encoding among big5, gbk, shift-jis and unicode. - Convert MP3's ID3 or APE among big5, gbk, shift-jis, unicode and utf-8 encoding. - Convert Ogg tag between Traditional and Simplified Chinese in utf-8. System requirement: Win9x/ME/2000/XP/2003 * The program relies on Win32 API to perform ansi<>unicode conversion. Simplified and Traditional Chinese supports (Codepage 936 & 950) must be enabled in your system. You may check availability of these codepages in control panel > regional and language settings. Install East Asian language files if they are not not listed in codpage conversion table. Installation: No installtion is required. Just un-zip all files to a new empty folder. Run convertz.exe from windows explorer. Create a shortcut on desktop if necessary. Uninstallation: This program does not add keys to system registry. If you don't want it for whatever reason, just delete the provided files and its shortcut from your hardisk. Note: ======= The software is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The software is free for single home user. Commerical use of the software is strictly prohibited without authorization from the author. The use of the software is done at your own risk. The author accepts no liability for any damages, either as direct or indirect consequence of the use of this product. Author : Alfred, Li Chi Shing (Hong Kong) Email : lialfred@hkbn.net Homepage: http://alf-li.pcdiscuss.com


Midnight Commander Win32 port

This is version 4 of the Midnight Commander, a free Norton Commander Clone with many useful features. The Midnight Commander comes with mouse support on xterms and optionally on the Linux console. The Midnight Commander is a directory browsing tool which bears a certain remote resemblance to John Socha's Norton Commander for DOS. It is feature packed: o Built in Virtual File System: manipulate remote files systems through the ftp protocol or Midnight Commander's own mcfs protocol. Browse tar, compressed tar files, rpm, zip, cpio, lha and rar files with a single click. o All of the Midnight Commander operations work with the virtual file system, enabling you to do complex tasks. o Mouse support on the Linux console and under X11's xterms. o Learn Keys: The Midnight Commander may be configured at run time to support any kind of input keys for a given terminal, making its operation even on the most wierd terminals a breeze. o Text and hex editors are available for you to use. o Hotlist allows you to keep a list of common visited locations (including ftp sites). o Command completion: By pressing Alt-Tab in any place where a filename or an executable are expected, the Midnight Commander will complete for you the name. If you quickly press Alt-Tab twice you can get a listbox with the possible completions available. o Subshell support: Run your commands by a real shell interpreter. The Midnight Commander interacts with bash, tcsh and zsh to provide you with all of the facilities available in your shell. o Find file command can now search inside the contents of files. o Background operations allows you to copy or move files from any virtual file system while you do other tasks (ie, you can do background ftp copies). o Proxy support with our ftpfs. o Linux file recovery: If you are using Linux system, you can recover deleted files from an ext2fs partition with the undelete file system. This is a low level file recovery function that will recover files deleted by any program in Linux. Please note that the undelete file system can only recover 12 file system blocks if the file was deleted with a kernel in the 2.0.x series. The 2.1.x series have fixed this and you can recover all of the file contents there. o External panelization: You can run any arbitrary external command and the Midnight Commander will display the output generated as a file listing that can be manipulated as a regular directory. o Emacs like key bindings in all of our widgets. o Powerfull context dependant actions are available. o Powerfull built-in file viewer: The file viewer, together with the context dependant actions is used to format man pages on the fly, coloring mail messages and more.


windows port of mac2unix

win32 port of Linux utility mac2unix. very usefule tool to convert make file or shell script that contains CR LF error.


dos2unix for Windows

win32 port of Linux useful utility dos2unix. very useful to convert shell script or makefile with CR LF error.


Perl-compatible Regular Expressions VC compile project

The PCRE library is a set of functions that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl, with just a few differences. Certain features that appeared in Python and PCRE before they appeared in Perl are also available using the Python syntax. There is also some support for certain .NET and Oniguruma syntax items, and there is an option for requesting some minor changes that give better JavaScript compatibility. The current implementation of PCRE (release 7.x) corresponds approximately with Perl 5.10, including support for UTF-8 encoded strings and Unicode general category properties. However, UTF-8 and Unicode support has to be explicitly enabled; it is not the default. The Unicode tables correspond to Unicode release 5.0.0. In addition to the Perl-compatible matching function, PCRE contains an alternative matching function that matches the same compiled patterns in a different way. In certain circumstances, the alternative function has some advantages. For a discussion of the two matching algorithms, see the pcrematching page. PCRE is written in C and released as a C library. A number of people have written wrappers and interfaces of various kinds. In particular, Google Inc. have provided a comprehensive C++ wrapper. This is now included as part of the PCRE distribution. The pcrecpp page has details of this interface. Other people's contributions can be found in the Contrib directory at the primary FTP site, which is: ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/programming/pcre Details of exactly which Perl regular expression features are and are not supported by PCRE are given in separate documents. See the pcrepattern and pcrecompat pages. There is a syntax summary in the pcresyntax page. Some features of PCRE can be included, excluded, or changed when the library is built. The pcre_config() function makes it possible for a client to discover which features are available. The features themselves are described in the pcrebuild page. Documentation about building PCRE for various operating systems can be found in the README file in the source distribution. The library contains a number of undocumented internal functions and data tables that are used by more than one of the exported external functions, but which are not intended for use by external callers. Their names all begin with "_pcre_", which hopefully will not provoke any name clashes. In some environments, it is possible to control which external symbols are exported when a shared library is built, and in these cases the undocumented symbols are not exported.



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