错题整理:专题练习-沟通管理 (10)


1、 [单选] 沟通对项目成功非常关键,作为项目经理,你有3个相关方需要沟通。这时候又加进来一位新相关方也需要沟通,沟通渠道增加了几条?
Communication is key to the success of a project. As the project manager, you had three stakeholders with whom you needed to communicate. A new stakeholder has been added with whom you also need to communicate. How many communication channels have been added?

  • A:3
  • B:4
  • C:6
  • D:10

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:原来 3 个相关方加上项目经理是 4 个人,沟通渠道 C 24=N*(N-1)/2=(43)/2=6 条;新增 1 人变成 5 个人沟通,C 25=N(N-1)/2=(5*4)/2=10 条;沟通渠道新增:C 25- C 24=10-6=4 条。


2、 [单选] 项目经理完成了项目管理计划的初稿,并打算将其提交给相关方进行批准,但是,项目管理计划篇幅很长,相关方分散在各地,项目经理获得批准的时间有限。若要按时完成该计划的审查,项目经理应该怎么做
A project manager finishes the first draft of a project management plan,and intends to present to stakeholders for approval.However,the project management plan is long and stakeholders are geographically disperseThe project manager has limited time to gain approval. What should the project manager do to ensure that review of the plan in completed on time?

  • A:安排一次与所有相关方的会议,并在会议前发送该计划以供审查
    Schedule a meeting with all stakeholders and send the plan for review before the meeting.
  • B:将该计划分别发送给每位相关方,要求他们添加他们的评论意见并返回以供更新
    Send the plan to each stakeholders individually,asking them to add their comments and make it for updating,
  • C:将该计划分成若干部分,并要求选定的相关方根据其专业领域审查特定部分
    Divide the plan into sections and ask select stakeholders to review particular portions based on their areas of expertise.
  • D:安排只与关键相关方召开单独会议,以便他们完成该计划的走查
    Arrange individuals meetings with only the key stakeholders to walk them through the plans

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:A 解析:沟通八个正确方针。由正确的发布者,通过正确的沟通途径(技术),将正确的信息,采取正确的沟通方法,在正确的时间内,传达给正确的受众,收到正确的反馈,并取得正确的沟通效果。 按八正确方针排除: B是推式沟通,不符合题意“时间有限”。方法不正确,时间不正确。 C,由于各知识领域存在相互依赖和制约,拆分后。信息不正确。 D,只面向关键相关方,受众不正确,单独开会,方法不正确,时间不允许。 唯有A能避免其他选项的问题。不要被分散各地干扰,分散并不代表无法互动。

12、 [单选] 在项目规划期间,跨文化团队的项目经理希望减少因现场和虚拟团队成员之间的误解而可能造成的延误。 项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During project planning, the project manager of a cross-cultural team wants to reduce the possible delays caused by misunderstandings among on-site and virtual team members. What should the project manager do next?

  • A:对外部相关方开会
    Meet with the external stakeholders.
  • B:定义需沟通的信息
    Define the information to be communicate
  • C:设置焦点小组
    Set up a focus group.
  • D:安排引导式研讨会
    Facilitate a workshop.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:B 解析:“虚拟团队”和“误解”都指向沟通管理计划。

13、 [单选] *一位关键相关方参与项目启动大会,但缺席随后的审查会议。 项目经理应该怎么做
A key stakeholder attends the project kick-off meeting, but is absent from subsequent review meetings. What should the project manager do ?

  • A:更新沟通管理计划,以便将该相关方从审查会议参加名单中删除
    Update the communications management plan to remove the stakeholder from the attendance list for review meetings.
  • B:将该相关方从相关方登记册中删除,因为他们对项目没有兴趣
    Remove the stakeholder from the stakeholder register since they are not intereste
  • C:通过绩效报告和会议记录继续与该相关方沟通
    Continue to communicate with the relevant parties through performance reports and meeting recor
  • D:审查相关方参与计划,并提交变更请求以修订该计划
    Review the stakeholder engagement plan, and submit a change request to revise it.

正确答案:C 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:C 解析:因为是关键相关方参与了一个会,没有参与另一个会,是信息沟通存在问题。因此要当成沟通问题而非相关方问题。

14、 [单选] 在一个软件开发项目中,一名团队成员不能完成分配的任务,这阻碍了与其他组件的集成,并导致错过里程碑。该团队成员未向项目经理告知有关其任务的任何问题。 若要向发起人沟通该问题,项目经理首先应该做什么?
During a software development project, one team member fails to complete assigned tasks, which prevents integration with other components and causes a milestone to be misse The team member did not inform the project manager about problems with tasks. What should the project manager do first to communicate this to the sponsors?

  • A:在每周状态报告中包含更新的项目进度计划
    Include an updated project schedule i it the weekly Status report.
  • B:安排与发起人开会,告知他们这个问题,并提出恢复计划
    Schedule a meeting with the sponsor to inform them of the issue and present a recovery plan.
  • C:将其作为一项已实现的风险添加到风险登记册中,并将更新后的风险登记册发送给发起人
    Add it to the risk register as a materialized risk and send the updated risk register to the sponsor.
  • D:将延迟问题上报给发起人,告知他们该团队成员未能完成分配的任务
    Escalate the delay to the sponsor, informing them that the team member failed to complete the assigned tasks.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:B。 解析:PMBOK(6),P388的10.3监督沟通。团队成员延误了里程碑还不汇报,给领导汇报这种坏消息时要有解决方案,并且不能推脱责任,B相对恰当。C应是更新问题日志而不是风险登记册,因为此时已发生,且此前未识别。

19、 [单选] 项目经理正在规划一个新的多公司参与项目,每家公司都有多名项目相关方。项目经理应该使用什么沟通方法?
A project manager is planning a new multi-company project that has several stakeholders per company. What communication method should the project manager use?

  • A:交互式沟通
  • B:推式沟通
  • C:拉式沟通
  • D:选择性沟通

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:C。 解析:PMBOK(6)P374-多名相关方需要获取信息,最好采用拉式沟通,统一发布信息,让相关方主动从信息源获取信息。多个公司参与,说明地理位置有差异,交互式沟通的成本较高,可行性低,故选C。

25、 [单选] 一个在地理位置上分散的团队正在从事一个IT项目,他们发现自己会改写彼此的代码,有时还会处理相同的功能,Scrum主管正在评估他们如何能够促进团队成员之间更加一致的沟通,从而避免这些问题,Scrum主管应该怎么做?
A geographically dispersed team working on an IT project find themselves overwriting each others’ code and sometimes working on the same features The Scrum master is assessing ways in which they can promote more consistent communication among team members to avoid these issues. What should the Scrum master do?

  • A:举行冲刺评审
    Hold a sprint review
  • B:召开回顾总结会议
    Convene a retrospective
  • C:安排每日站会
    Schedule a daily stand up
  • D:开发一个任务分配系统
    Develop a task allocation system

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


26、 [单选] 一位相关方不同意月度状态报告,并要求项目经理每周亲自告知他们项目的状态,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A stakeholder disagrees with the monthly status report and asks the project manager to personally inform them of the project’s status on a weekly basis. What should the project manager do first?

  • A:修改状态报告的形式和频率,以满足该相关方的需求
    Modify the form and frequency of the status reports to accommodate the stakeholder needs
  • B:寻求与该相关方达成协议以管理他们的期望
    Seek agreement with the stakeholder to manage their expectations
  • C:审查相关方参与计划,以重新审视该相关方的需求
    Review the stakeholder engagement plan to revisit the stakeholder needs
  • D:与该相关方会面以说明状态报告的详细信息
    Meet with the stakeholder to explain the details of the status reports

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


30、 [单选] —位新项目发起人习惯性地错过每周一次的状态会议,并经常找职能经理讨论项目的状态,定期向其发送会议纪要,但似乎一直未读,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A new project sponsor habitually misses weekly status meeting and frequently visits functional manager to discuss the project’s, status,meeting minutes are regularly sent, but appear to remain unrea What should the project manager do next?

  • A:指示职能经理拒绝讨论项目状态
    Instruct the functional managers to refrain from discussing project status
  • B:将沟通管理计划发送给该发起人
    Send the communication management plan to the sponsor
  • C:将每周会议纪要重新发送给该发起人
    Resend the weekly meeting minutes to the sponsor
  • D:与该发起人组织一对一会议
    Organize a one-on-one meetings with the sponsor

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


33、 [单选] 相关方表示非常担心某一非集中办公团队对项目期望和指示的理解,因为有之前与该团队合作导致返工的经验,项目经理应该釆用什么样的沟通方法来解决这个问题?
Stakeholders expressed concerns about a non-colocated team’s understanding of expectations and instructions ,as previous experience with this team have resulted in rework, what communication method should the project manager implement to address this?

  • A:推式沟通
    Push communication
  • B:集中沟通
  • C:拉式沟通
  • D:交互式沟通

正确答案:D 你的答案:A


35、 [单选] 在一个复杂项目中,项目经理困扰于大量文件,以及如何用最佳方法分发这些文件。项目经理应该查询下列哪一项?
During a complex project.a project manager struggles with the amount of documentation and how best to distribute it .What should the project manager consult?

  • A:项目管理信息系统(PMIS)
    Project management information system(PMIS)
  • B:配置管理系统
    Configuration management system
  • C:项目相关方沟通需求
    Stakeholders’communication needs
  • D:绩效报告和问题日志
    Performance reports and issue logs

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


36、 [单选] 项目进入三个月后,项目发起人通过电子邮件了解到该项目落后于进度并超出预算。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
Three months into a projects,a project sponsor learns via email that the project is behind schedule and over budget.What should the project manager have done to avoid this?

  • A:经常举行质量审计
    Held frequent quality audits
  • B:经常向项目发起人发送项目更新电子邮件
    Frequently emailed project updates to the sponsor
  • C:与项目团队共享状态报告模板
    Shared the status report template with the project team
  • D:定期与关键相关方召开项目指导委员会会议
    Held regular project steering committee meetings with key stakeholders

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:pmbok p379 管理沟通是确保项目信息及时且恰当地收集、生成、发布、存储、检索、管理、监督和最终处置的过程。题目中说到通过电子邮件了解到项目出现问题,且问题是事先,那么考虑到之前计划没做好,收到信息太晚,考虑沟通问题。排除法,D最好。

38、 [单选] 财务部门正在实施一个预算规划和预测的新系统。关于新系统如何令部门更加分散和效率低下的传言正在流传。项目经理应该如何处理这个问题?
A finance department is implementing a new system for budget planning and forecasting. Rumors are circulating about how the new system will make the department more fragmented and less efficient. How should the project manager handle this ?

  • A:更新沟通管理计划,以在系统开发期间包含财务部门员工
    Update the communication management plan to include the financial department employees during system development
  • B:确保组织变更在变更管理计划中得到说明,并以可接受的速度引入
    Ensure that organizational changes are addressed in the change management plan and introduced at an acceptable rate
  • C:与财务部门员工一起审查变更管理计划,以确保正确记录过程变更
    Review the change management plan with the finance department employees to ensure that process changes are documented correctly
  • D:向财务部门保证变更管理计划将考虑他们的担心
    Assure the finance department that the change management plan will incorporate their concerns

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


47、 [单选] 正在准备一个大型战略项目的组织雇佣了在该领域有丰富经验的一家国际公司。该公司使用不同的语言,并有文化差异。项目经理知道沟通是项目失败的主要原因,并担心他们缺乏与外国相关方打交道的经验。 若要正确管理信息流,项目经理应该做什么?
An organization preparing for a large strategic project hires an international company with experience in this arenThis company speaks adifferent language and has cultural differences.The project manager knowsthat communication is a primary reason that projects fail,and is concernedabout their lack of experience with foreign stakeholders. What should the project manager do to properly manage the informationflow?

  • A:利用外国公司的经验与相关方进行沟通
    Leverage the experience of the foreign company to communicate with the
  • B:制定沟通战略,以满足项目及其相关方的需求
    Develop a communication strategy that addresses the needs of both the
  • C:遵循书面沟通的最佳实践
    Follow best practices of written communication
  • D:聘请会说当地语言和外语的专业人士
    Hire professionals who speak both the local and foreign language

正确答案:B 你的答案:C


50、 [单选] 项目的状态更新与相关方参与计划不符,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project’s status update was not accordance with the stakeholder management plan. What should the project manager do?

  • A:请求高级管理层提供建议
    Ask senior management for advice
  • B:审查沟通管理计划
    Audit the communication management plan
  • C:进行项目审查
    Do a Post- project review
  • D:执行检查和审计
    Perform inspections and audits

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:B 解析:项目状态更新,即向相关方发布项目最新状态,是沟通问题,要根据沟通管理计划执行(沟通管理计划中还包括关于项目状态会议、项目团队会议、网络会议和电子邮件等的指南和模板)。沟通管理计划的制定,要参考相关方参与计划。题目问题可能是沟通管理计划制定的有问题,选B。

51、 [单选] 项目经理通过电子邮件向所有项目相关方(包括本地和海外团队成员)发布每周项目更新,一个海外项目团队担心由于对项目需求的误解而无法实现目标。项目经理应该怎么做
The project manager issues weekly project updates via email to all project stakeholders (both local and overseas team members), and an overseas project team is concerned that it is not meeting its goals due to a misunderstanding of the project requirements. What should the project manager do?

  • A:单独与该海外团队谈话澄清该问题
    Independently speak with the overseas team to clarity the issue.
  • B:将该问题记录在问题日志中
    Document this in the issue log.
  • C:分配另一个海外团队来帮助/指导他们
    Assign another overseas team to help/coach them.
  • D:与所有相关方开会,讨论这个问题
    Meet with project stakeholders to discuss the issue.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:B 解析:担心未必是事实,但是要当成一个问题来处理。A,是否要单独和对方谈,不影响事实情况,不好。

55、 [单选] 项目经理与项目相关方开会,获得关于如何最好地向施工现场输送用品的信息和知识。这使用的是哪种沟通方法类型?
A project manager meets with project stakeholders to obtain information and knowledge on how best to deliver supplies to a construction site.What type of communication method is being used?

  • A:拉式沟通
  • B:推式沟通
  • C:交互式沟通
  • D:内部沟通

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


57、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个全球项目,其团队成员分散于多个国家。为简化项目状态更新,来自一个地区的经理启动了本地语言社交媒体账户。项目经理应该做什么?
The project manager is managing a global project with team members scattered across multiple countries. To simplify project status updates, managers from one region launched a local language social media account. What should the project manager do?

  • A:审计新的沟通渠道以确保其遵守PMO政策
    Audit the new communication channel to ensure it complies with PMO polices.
  • B:B:要求这些经理传达新渠道内容的翻译版本
    Ask these managers to communicate translated versions of the new channel’scontent.
  • C:要求这些经理遵守项目管理办公室(PMO)的沟通政策
    Ask these managers to adhere to the project management office’s(PMO’S)communication policy.
  • D:更新沟通管理计划,以包含新的沟通渠道
    Update the communications management plan to include the new communication channel.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P371- 沟通技术。书上提到:拟传递的信息是否属于敏感或机密信息?如果是,可能需要采取合理的安全措施。为员工制定社交媒体政策,以确保行为适当、信息安全和知识产权保护。这个经理直接使用社交媒体传递项目信息,有可能触及信息安全政策的问题,因此,先审查安全政策。其他答案:B与题目关联不大。C,应该先审查政策,再让这些经理遵守。D在最后做。

59、 [单选] 项目经理的任务是提高组织对其公司“品牌重塑”项目的认识。若要实现这一点,项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager is tasked with increasing organizational awareness of the company’ s rebranding project.What should the project manager do to achieve this?

  • A:要求项目管理办公室(PMO)创建内部项目储存库
    Ask the project manager office(PMO)to create an internal project repository.
  • B:确保定期更新公司的社交媒体账户
    Ensure that the company’ s social media account is regularly update
  • C:确保所有项目文件都存储在项目管理信息系统(PMIS)中,供所有工作人员访问
    Ensure that all project documents are stored in the project management information system(PMIS)for access by all staff members.
  • D:更新沟通管理计划,并让组织的内部沟通团队参与
    Update the communications management plan,and engage the organization’s internal communications team.

正确答案:D 你的答案:C


61、 [单选] 由于项目经理未能提供项目状态更新,一位关键相关方对项目感到担心,项目经理应该做什么?
A key stakeholder is concerned about the project because the project manager fails to provide status updates.What should the project manager do?

  • A:与所有团队成员一起审查沟通管理计划
    Review the communications management plan with all team members.
  • B:将更新后的沟通管理计划发送给相关方
    Send an updated communication management plan to the stakeholders.
  • C:与该相关方开会,以提供更新
    Meet with the stakeholder to provide the updates.
  • D:与所有相关方一起召开项目评审会议
    Conduct project review meetings with all stakeholders.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:相关方未收到项目状态更新,从而表示担心。项目经理应查看沟通管理计划并更新此相关方对状态更新的需求。参见PMBOK 沟通管理计划。

62、 [单选] 项目经理得知一次定期项目团队会议上的沟通渠道中断。项目经理应该做什么来确保所有项目团队成员都同样了解项目情况?
A project manager knows that communication channels were disrupted a regular project team meeting. What should the project manager do to ensure that all project team members are equality informed?

  • A:重新计划一次具有适当沟通渠道的项目团队会议
    Replan the project team meeting with proper communication channels.
  • B:在问题日志中添加该信息
    Adds this information to the issue log.
  • C:向所有团队成员发送会议记录
    Send the meeting minutes to all team members.
  • D:询问会议参与者的意见
    Ask the participants for their input.

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


63、 [单选] 一家全球性公司的项目经理负责多个项目,其团队成员分布在全球各地。项目经理如何能够确保及时向每个团队成员提供信息?
A project manager for a global company for a global company is responsible for several projects with team members located worldwide.How can the project manager ensure that information is delivered to every team member in a timely manner?

  • A:在公司的云文件夹中共享所有项目文件
    Share all project documents in the company’s cloud-based folders.
  • B:将相关方的需求记录在沟通管理计划中
    Document stakeholders’ requirements in the communications management plan.
  • C:安排一次所有项目成员均参加的虚拟开工会议
    Schedule a virtual kick-off meeting with all project members.
  • D:向团队成员发送电子邮件通知和资料
    Email notifications and materials to team member.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D



3、 [单选] 在季度管理会议期间,发现项目的完成日期将延期。尽管影响这一延期的问题始于项目早期阶段,但之前的多次季度会议纪要都显示项目进展正常。项目经理应该做什么?
During the quarterly management meeting, it was discovered that the project’s finish date would be postponed. Although the issues affecting this delay began in the early stages of the project, the minutes of many previous quarterly meetings showed that the project was progressing normally. What should the project manager do?

  • A:更新项目进度计划并证明延期的正当理由
    Update the project schedule and justify the extension
  • B:审查沟通管理计划。以改善沟通的准确性
    Review the communications management plan, to improve the accuracy of communication
  • C:确保使用有效的方法来沟通项目的状态
    Ensure that effective methods are used to communicate the status of the project
  • D:增加项目状态沟通的频率
    Increase the frequency of project status communication

正确答案:B 你的答案:C


6、 [单选] 某项目已落后于进度计划,项目经理已通过最新的状态报告将此问题上报给指导委员会,某职能部门交付经理建议,他们尚不清楚状态更新中的报告的进度计划延迟情况。项目经理该做什么
A project is behind schedule, the project manager has escalated the issue to the steering committee through the latest status report, and a functional delivery manager claims that they are not yet aware of the schedule delays in the status update report. What should the project manager do?

  • A:让职能部门经理参阅定期团队状态更新,该问题会在上报前首先予以报告
    Have the functional manager refer to regular team status updates, and the issue will be escalated before escalation
  • B:更新沟通管理计划,以反映职能部门经理的需求,并发送状态更新的早期草案
    Update the communications management plan to reflect the requirements of the functional manager and send early draft status updates
  • C:向指导委员会全体成员发送每周进展情况报告,并在开会前收集反馈
    Send weekly progress reports to all members of the Steering Committee and gather feedback before meetings
  • D:查阅相关方参与计划,并执行相关活动,以确保符合所有相关方的沟通需要
    Review the stakeholder engagement plan and execute related activities to ensure that the communication requirements of all stakeholders are met

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


9、 [单选] 刚刚加入一个项目的项目经理注意到团队成员已与客户建立了电子邮件沟通关系。 项目经理担心对项目信息的共享方式缺乏控制。项目经理应该做什么
The project manager who has just joined a project notices that the team members have established an email communication relationship with the customer. The project manager is worried about the lack of control over how project information is shared. What should the project manager do?

  • A:确保所有客户交互与批准的沟通管理计划保持一致
    Ensure that all customer interactions are consistent with the approved communications management plan
  • B:告知团队所有沟通必须通过项目经理
    Inform the team that all communication must go through the project manager
  • C:要求所有未来的沟通都包含项目发起人
    Require all future communications to include the project sponsor
  • D:审查相关方参与计划,以确定沟通线路的权限
    Review stakeholder engagement plan in the plan to determine the authority of communication lines

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


15、 [单选] 在一个正在进行的客户特定产品开发项目中,客户的项目经理发生变化,新项目经理没有收到关于项目可交付成果的更新信息。 项目经理应该怎么做?
During an ongoing, customer-specific product development project, the customer’s project manager is changed. The new project manager fails to receive updates about the project’s deliverables. What should the project manager do?

  • A:更新变更日志
    Update the change log
  • B:查阅范围文件
    Refer to the scope document
  • C:查阅干系人登记册
    Refer to the stakeholder register
  • D:更新沟通管理计划
    Update the communications management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:C


18、 [单选] 某项目经理的团队成员位于三大洲。项目经理发现,某些项目团队成员无法及时收到重要信息。项目经理该做什么?
A project manager’s team members are located on three continents. The project manager found that some project team members did not receive important information in a timely manner. What should the project manager do?

  • A:对所有进度计划做出调整,以便每个人都能同时工作。从而实现实时沟通和决策
    Make adjustments to all schedules so that everyone can work at the same time. This enables real-time communication and decision-making
  • B:轮流安排电话会议和视频会议,以便顾及每个人的日程安排,使团队成员能够进行互动
    Take turns scheduling conference calls and videocons to take into account each person’s schedule and enable team members to interact
  • C:在分散工作团队之间仅使用电子邮件和书面通信,以便团队成员保留书面记录
    Use only e-mail and written communications between decentralized work teams so that team members can keep written records
  • D:启用各团队内的一个中心人物,限制分散工作团队之间的沟通,从而减少错误传达的发生
    Enable a central person within each team to limit communication between decentralized work teams, reducing the occurrence of false communication

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P392-会议。 题干关键词“无法及时收到重要信息”。 本题用排除法为宜。 选项A错误,关键词说明这是一个沟通问题,而不是进度计划出了问题; 选项B正确,交互式的沟通(会议)有利于团队成员交流和分享信息; 选项C错误,推式沟通效果不如交互式沟通; 选项D错误,为了减少错误传达而限制沟通是消极的做法。

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