1. Prerequisites
1. Software
- BUSCO (https://busco.ezlab.org/) (compleasm(https://github.com/huangnengCSU/compleasm), compleasm: a faster and more accurate reimplementation of BUSCO)
- RepeatMasker, RepeatModeler (http://www.repeatmasker.org/)
- HISAT2 (http://daehwankimlab.github.io/hisat2/)
- StringTie (http://ccb.jhu.edu/software/stringtie/)
- TransDecoder (https://github.com/TransDecoder/TransDecoder)
- BRAKER (https://github.com/Gaius-Augustus/BRAKER)
- AUGUSTUS (https://github.com/Gaius-Augustus/Augustus)
- GeneMark (http://topaz.gatech.edu/GeneMark/)
- BAMTOOLS (https://github.com/pezmaster31/bamtools)
- SAMTOOLS (http://www.htslib.org/)
- ProtHint (https://github.com/gatech-genemark/ProtHint)
- DIAMOND (http://github.com/bbuchfink/diamond/)
- NCBI BLAST+ (https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi)
- miniprot (https://github.com/lh3/miniprot)
- EVidenceModeler (https://github.com/EVidenceModeler/EVidenceModeler/wiki)
- PASA (https://github.com/PASApipeline/PASApipeline/wiki)
- Blat (http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/blat/blat)
- fasta (http://faculty.virginia.edu/wrpearson/fasta/fasta36/fasta-36.3.8g.tar.gz)
- gffread (https://github.com/gpertea/gffread)
2. DataSet
- RNA-seq (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/)
- Homology protein (https://bioinf.uni-greifswald.de/bioinf/partitioned_odb11/)
2. Genome assessment
- genome.fa
- insecta_odb10
busco --cpu 28 \
-l /gpfs/home/meiyang/opt/insecta_odb10 \
-m genome --force -o busco \
-i genome.fa \
cat out/short_summary.specific.insecta_odb10.out.txt
or you can try compleasm, a faster and more accurate reimplementation of BUSCO
compleasm.py run -t16 -l insecta -L /data/ -a genome.fa -o busco
Note: the organization of the lineage file downloaded by compleasm is different from that of BUSCO.
3. Repeat annotation and genome mask
1. RepeatModeler v2 & RepeatMasker
- genome.fa
Building reference repeat database
# RepeatMasker
famdb.py -i Libraries/RepeatMaskerLib.h5 families -f embl -a -d Insecta > Insecta_ad.embl
util/buildRMLibFromEMBL.pl Insecta_ad.embl > Insecta_ad.fa
# RepeatModeler
mkdir 01_RepeatModeler
BuildDatabase -name GDB -engine ncbi ../genome.fa > BuildDatabase.log
RepeatModeler -engine ncbi -pa 28 -database GDB -LTRStruct > RepeatModele.log
cd ../
Running RepeatMasker for genome masking
# RepeatMasker
mkdir 02_RepeatMasker
cat 01_RepeatModeler/GDB-families.fa Insecta_ad.fa > repeat_db.fa
Run RepeatMasker
RepeatMasker -xsmall -gff -html -lib repeat_db.fa -pa 28 genome.fa > RepeatMasker.log
- genome.fa.masked
EDTA.pl --genome female.fa --species others --sensitive 1 --anno 1 --evaluate 1 --threads 30
4. Gene prediction
1. RNA-seq based gene prediction
1. HISAT2 & StringTie
- masked geome (genome.fa)
- transcriptome
Build genome index
hisat2-build -p 28 genome.fa genome
Mapping to genome
# single end
hisat2 -p 28 -x genome --dta -U reads.fq | samtools sort -@ 28 > reads.bam
# paired end
hisat2 -p 28 -x genome --dta -1 reads_1.fq -2 reads_2.fq | samtools sort -@ 28 > reads.bam
Batch running
# single end
single_list = './single.txt'
for run in `cat $single_list`
hisat2 -p 28 -x genome --dta -U ${run}.fq | samtools sort -@ 28 > ${run}.bam
# paired end
paired_list = './paired.txt'
for run in `cat $paired_list`
hisat2 -p 28 -x genome --dta -1 ${run}_1.fq -2 ${run}_2.fq | samtools sort -@ 28 > ${run}.bam
GTF merging
samtools merge -@ 28 merged.bam `ls *bam`
stringtie -p 28 -o stringtie.gtf merged.bam
- stringtie.gtf
2. TransDecoder
- masked geome (genome.fa)
- stringtie.gtf
util/gtf_genome_to_cdna_fasta.pl stringtie.gtf genome.fa > transcripts.fasta
util/gtf_to_alignment_gff3.pl stringtie.gtf > transcripts.gff3
TransDecoder.LongOrfs -t transcripts.fasta
# homology search
blastp -query transdecoder_dir/longest_orfs.pep -db uniprot_sprot.fasta -max_target_seqs 1 -outfmt 6 -evalue 1e-5 -num_threads 28 > blastp.outfmt6
hmmscan --cpu 28 --domtblout pfam.domtblout Pfam-A.hmm transdecoder_dir/longest_orfs.pep
TransDecoder.Predict -t transcripts.fasta --retain_pfam_hits pfam.domtblout --retain_blastp_hits blastp.outfmt6
util/cdna_alignment_orf_to_genome_orf.pl transcripts.fasta.transdecoder.gff3 transcripts.gff3 transcripts.fasta > transcripts.fasta.transdecoder.genome.gff3
mv transcripts.fasta.transdecoder.genome.gff3 transcript_alignments.gff3
- transcript_alignments.gff3
2. Ab initio gene prediction
- masked geome (genome.fa)
- homology protein (OrthoDB), Arthropoda.fa
--min_contig, less than genome N50
braker.pl --genome=genome.fa \
--species=Sfru \
--prot_seq=Arthropoda.fa \
--bam=merged.bam \
--threads 30 \
--gff3 --workingdir=out
python gff_rename.py braker.gff3 sfru > gene_predictions.gff3
- gene_predictions.gff3
3. Homology-based gene prediction
- masked geome (genome.fa.masked)
- homology protein (OrthoDB), Arthropoda.fa
miniprot -t28 -d genome.mpi genome.fa.masked
miniprot -It28 --gff genome.mpi protein.fasta > miniprot.gff3
- miniprot.gff3
5. EVidenceModeler (EVM)
1. Preparing Inputs
- masked geome (genome.fa)
- weights.txt
PROTEIN miniprot 5
OTHER_PREDICTION transdecoder 10
The gff3 file of miniprot should be reformated.
python ~/software/EVidenceModeler-v2.1.0/EvmUtils/misc/miniprot_GFF_2_EVM_alignment_GFF3.py miniprot.gff3 > protein_alignmentss.gff3
GFF3 file
- gene_predictions.gff3
- protein_alignments.gff3
- transcript_alignments.gff3
Check the gff3 file (Optional)
gff3_gene_prediction_file_validator.pl your.gff3
2. Run
EVidenceModeler \
--sample_id speceis \
--genome genome.fa \
--weights weights.txt \
--gene_predictions gff/gene_predictions.gff3 \
--protein_alignments gff/protein_alignments.gff3 \
--transcript_alignments gff/transcript_alignments.gff3 \
--segmentSize 100000 --overlapSize 10000 --CPU 20
- species.evm.gff3
6. OGS annotation
1. OGS annotation updates
1. PASApipeline
- masked geome (genome.fa)
- species.evm.gff3
- stringtie.gtf
PASA alignment Assembly
util/gtf_genome_to_cdna_fasta.pl stringtie.gtf genome.fa > transcripts.fasta
bin/seqclean transcripts.fasta
Transcripts alignments, alignAssembly.config, set up the mysql database name; CPU <= 16
Launch_PASA_pipeline.pl -c alignAssembly.config -C -R -g genome.fa -t transcripts.fasta.clean -T -u transcripts.fasta --ALIGNERS blat --CPU 16
# two cycles !!! of annotation loading, annotation comparison, and annotation updates
# check gff3
misc_utilities/pasa_gff3_validator.pl species.evm.gff3
# load annotation
scripts/Load_Current_Gene_Annotations.dbi -c alignAssembly.config -g genome.fa -P species.evm.gff3
# update
# annotCompare.config, set up the mysql database name same as alignAssembly.config
Launch_PASA_pipeline.pl -c annotCompare.config -A -g genome.fa -t transcripts.fasta.clean
2. peaks2utr
peaks2utr -p 20 species.evm.gff3 merged.bam
2. Collect GFF, cds, PEP
- gene_structures_post_PASA_updates.gff3
# rename gff3
# species name, Sfru
python gff_rename.py gene_structures_post_PASA_updates.gff3 Sfru > Sfru.gff3
# collect
gffread Sfru.gff3 -g genome.fa -x Sfru_cds.fa -y Sfru_pep.fa
# collect no alt gff, cds, pep
python Collect_no_alt.py pep.fa cds.fa Sfru.gff3
# no_alt.gff3, cds_no_alt.fa, pep_no_alt.fa
- Sfru.gff3 (Sfru_no_alt.gff3)
- cds.fa (cds_no_alt.fa)
- pep.fa (pep_no_alt.fa)
3. Function annotation
- pep_no_alt.fa