Topdown Kit文档中文版-原创翻译(继续仙剑demo的周边部件)第2篇

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b.  Size Mesh : 人物的mesh文件

c.  Take Attack Color : 攻击时颜色显示

d.  Auto Attack d-1 enable – 持续进行攻击d-2 disable – 每点一次攻击一次

a.  Speed Animation – adjust speed animation (1is default)

b.  Some animation has a toggle“SpeedTuning”  if you enable this youranimation is tuning with

speed character(Ex. If movement speed in game fast your animation is fast too)

Speed Animation–调整速度的动画(1是默认的)


7.  Add animation toAnimationManager(Script)  - SettingAttack Animation

添加动画到动画管理器 设置攻击动画

a.  Normal Attack (Animation normal attack itplay when your hero is attack enemy) , if normal

attackis more than 1 animation it will random animation when attack

b.  Critical Attack (Animation critical attack itwill play when your hero is critical attack enemy

(calculateby critical rate hero)) , if critical attack is more than 1 animation it willrandom

animationwhen attack

c.  Take Attack (Animation take attack it playwhen your character take attack) , if take attack i

morethan 1 animation it will random animation when take attack







d.  Attack name – 攻击名称

e.  Animation – 攻击动画

f.  Speed Animation 动画速度

g.  Attack Timer – the timer when calculateattack (Ex. Your animation attack is 50 frame and se

attack timer 0.5, when animation play it will calculate damage at frame 25) 攻击时间

h.  Multiple Damage – a multiple damage at thisanimation attack (ex. Your hero is attack 100

when  you hero attack with this animation it willcalculate attack with [100(attack) x multiple

damage] or [ 100x 1] 复杂伤害

i.  Flinch Value – flinch value is a value toflinch state it maximum 100 (ex. This attack is flinch

value 30 if youattack a same enemy 3 time this enemy change to state flinch) 逃脱点

j.  Speed Tuning – if you enable this attackanimation will tuning with attack speed status if you

hero is attackfast animation attack is fast too 速度转变

k.  Attack Effect – Attack effect it will spawnwhen this animation is play 攻击效果

l.  Sound Effect – Sound effect it will play whenthis animation is play攻击音效

8.  Adjust status character inPlayerStatus(Script)


a.  Player Name – name of character 角色名称

b.  Start Exp – Start exp level 1 (Ex. If startexp 40 , at level 1 your hero need exp 40 to level 2)


c.  Multiple Exp – It a multiple calculate to exp(Ex. If start exp is 40 and multiple exp is 2 when

your level 2need exp 80 to next level, at level 3 need exp 160 to next level)


d.  Point Per LV – A point need to upgradestatus (get x point per level)


e.  Max Level – Max level of character 最大等级

f.  Exp calculator – expand to show exp to nextlevel


g.  Status – status of character

1.  HP – Hit point

2.  MP – Magic Point

3.  Attack 

4.  Defense

5.  Speed (use to evade attack)

6.  Hit (use to attack a speed enemy)

7.  Critical Rate – A critical percent(max 100)

8.  Attack Speed

9.  Attack Range – (1-1.5 is melee) more than 1.5is range

10. Move Speed


h.  Hp regen timer – HP regen per sec (Ex. Set 3your hero is regeneration hp 1 every 3 seconds) 生命回复

i.  MP regen timer – MP regen per sec (Ex. Set 3your hero is regeneration mp 1 every 3

seconds) mp回复

j.  Status Growth Per LV – It a bonus status perlevel (ex. You set attack value 1 in Status growth

your hero willgain 1 attack per level) 等级绑定攻击

k.  Summary Status – Expand to show status ofyour hero状态总览

  9. Create hero skill in PlayerSkill(Script)


1.    PassiveSkill – Use to add bonus status(can’t use it will always add bonus)


a. Skill Icon – A Icon skill it show in skillwindow 技能图标

  b.Skill ID 技能id

  c.Skill Name – A name of skill技能名称

  d.Skill Type – A type of skill 技能种类

  e.Unlock At Level – This skill unlock at hero level xx 技能解锁条件-等级

  f.Add Attribute– This passive skill is add attribute …. (ex.Attack,Defend) 增效,技能释放会获得到增效如加血,加攻击,提高防御等等

  g.Add Value – Add a value of Attribute (Ex. If you set 5 and Add

Attribute Set “HP” this passive skill is add5 HP) 增加buff

  h.Description – A Description of this skill 技能描述

Sample Passive Skill常规被动技能

 a.Skill Icon – A Icon skill it show in skill window 技能图标

  b.Skill ID 技能id

  c.Skill Name – A name of skill 技能名称

  d.Skill Type – A type of skill 技能种类

  e.Unlock At Level – This skill unlock at hero level xx 解锁技能

  f.MP Use – Decrease mp xx when use this skill 耗蓝

  g.Cast Time – Cast timer before use skill 投射时间

  h.Target Skill – Single Target 目标技能

  Multiple Target 多目标

i.Skill Area (It appear when Target skill ismultiple target) – a area of skill


  j.Type Skill (It appear when Target skill is multiple target) – has a 3 type

of skill 1. Lock target (need to click enemybefore use skill)


2.  Free target (can click ground to use skill) 自由选择

3. Instance (use this skill instance whenactive skill it will do damage

around hero) 对角色照成伤害才起作用

  k.Skill Range (it disappear when skill type is instance)  – A range of skill


  l.Animation Attack – Animation skill 攻击动画

  m.Attack Timer – same attack timer in Animation manager 攻击时间

  n.Multiple Damage - same multiple damage in Animation manager多重伤害

  o.Flinch Value - same flinch value in Animation manager 可以退缩

p. SkillAccurate – if you set 0 it calculate with hero hit but if you set 100

this skill is never miss 技能确定

  q.Speed Tuning - same Speed Tuning in Animation manager 改变速度

  r.Description – A Description of this skill 描述

  s.Attack fx(Player)(It appear when target skill is multiple target) – An

attack effect spawn at player when calculatedamage 攻击效果

  t.Sound fx(Player)(It appear when target skill is multiple target) – An

sound effect play at player when calculatedamage 音效

  u.Attack fx(Target) – An attack effect spawn at target when calculate damage


  v.Sound fx(Target) – An sound effect play at target when calculate damage


    Sample Active Skill普通攻击技能

Buff Skill – A buff skill use to add a bonus status tohero for a while

  a. Skill Icon –A Icon skill it show in skill window 技能图标

  b. Skill ID 技能id

  c. Skill Name –A name of skill技能名称

  d. Skill Type –A type of skill 技能种类

  e. Unlock AtLevel – This skill unlock at hero level xx解锁等级

  f. MP Use –Decrease mp xx when use this skill耗蓝

  g. Cast Time –Cast timer before use skill 施法时间

  h. AddAttribute – This passive skill is add attribute …. (ex.Attack,Defend)增量

  i. Add Value –Add a value of Attribute (Ex. If you set 5 and Add

Attribute Set “HP” this buff skill is add 5 HP) 价值

  j. Duration – Aduration of buff 持续

  k. Description– A Description of this skill 技能描述

  l. AnimationAttack – Animation skill 攻击动画

  m. SpeedAnimation – speed animation 动画速度

  n. Active Timer– same attack timer in Animation manager冷却时间

  o. Description– A Description of this skill

  p. Bufffx(Target) – An buff effect spawn at player when use skill buff效果

  q. Sfx – Ansound effect play at player when use skill buff音效

Sample Buff Skill buff技能

 10. Drag“Main Camera” from folder Topdown Kit -> Prefab -> Player -> MainCamera to Hierarchy (if hierarchy have a main camera delete it first)


  11. Adjustcamera for your game or set follow a picture


拖动“菜单”和“面对摄像机”从文件夹中自上而下的工具>预设->球员的父母与你的性格 TopdownKit -> Prefab -> Player to parent 

 13. Adjust“FaceCamera” position and rotation to lookat your character (use to show yourcharacter face in top left screen)


  14. Drag“Minimap Sign” from folder Topdown Kit -> Prefab -> System to parent withyour character


15. Adjust position “Minimap Sign” to Overheadcharacter and set signtype in inspector to player


 16. Drag“Minimap Camera” from folder Topdown Kit -> Prefab -> System to hierarchy(if in hierarchy have a “Minimap Camera” you can skip this step)


  17. Drag “GUIManager” , “Item_Data” , “Game Setting” , “Sound Manager” from folder TopdownKit -> Prefab -> System to hierarchy (if in hierarchy have all of thisyou can skip this step)


  18. Click“Play” to test your character点击“播放”来测试你的性格

19. Drag yourcharacter in hierarchy to project (Convert to prefab)


  20. Remove “Hero Controller” (remove itfirst) , “Player Skill”, “Play Status”, “Character Controller”,

“Animation Manager” from Character inhierarchy , set Animations to idle and enable Play

Automaticallyand rename this “Your Hero_Preview”


  21. Delete “Face Camera”, “Minimap Sign”,“Menu” in parent character and drag character to project

folder (convertcharacter as new prefab)


 22. After complete delete your character inhierarchy.

Add character tocharacter creation scene


(In GameplayScene)

  Drag “Spawn Point Hero” from  1. from folder Topdown Kit -> Prefab ->System to hierarchy (if in

Spawn Point Herohierarchy have a “ ” you can skip this step)




(In CharacterCreation Scene)

(Can use demo scene in -> Topdown Kit -> Scene-> Character Creation)

1.    ClickCharacter Selection in hierarchy





  2. Addyour Character_Preview to Select Character(Script) (Make sure yourcharacter_preivew must match element with Spawn Point Hero(script) (Ex. You putxx_hero in Spawn Point Hero(script) element 1 you must put xx_hero_preview inSelect Character(Script) element 1 too.



3.Change gameplay scene name in GUI ->ButtonOK Inspector variable “Load Scene Name” (when click button OK it willload this scenename)

1.       Click play to test character creation.


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钱包余额 0


