Dialogue System for Unity文档中英对照版(简雨原创翻译)第五篇(第三方插件拓展)



To set up and play the example:

1.Create a new project.

2.Import plyGame.

3.Import the Dialogue System for Unity.

4.Import Assets/Dialogue System/Third Party Support/plyGameSupport.unitypackage.

5.Import Assets/Dialogue System/Third PartySupport/plyGame/Example/plyGame Example plyData.unitypackage. This will unpackthe plyGame data, built specifically for the example, into Assets/plyData.

6.Addthe scene Assets/Dialogue System/Third Party Support/plyGame/Example/plyGameExample to the build settings.

7.Openthis scene.

8.Onthe plyGame toolbar, click the plyGame Refresh Button (2nd button).

9.Openthe plyGame Main Editor (Tools > PL Young > Toolbar > Main Editor).

10.Onthe Project tab, add the 'plyGame Example' scene.

11.Onthe Input Definitions tab, click 'Setup Input Manager'.

12.Clickon all of the other tabs to make sure plyGame updates its settings.

13.Makesure plyData/System/00-bootstrap is in the project's Build Settings.

14.Pressthe Unity Play Button. (The sample scene should be open from a previous step.)

15.Runup to Private Hart (NPC), press E and chat with him. Run up to Sergeant Graves(NPC) and press E to cause him to bark. You can also do the same with the DeadGuard and Terminal.

16.TheF1 key saves the game, and F2 loads a previously-saved game. This demonstrateshow the Dialogue System is tied into plyGame's Load/Save System.





4。进口资产/对话系统/第三方支持/ plygamesupport.unitypackage。

5。进口资产/对话系统/第三方支持/ plygame/例子/ plygame例plydata.unitypackage。这将解压plygame数据,专门为例建立,为资产/plydata。

6。添加场景资产/对话系统/第三方支持/ plygame/例子/ plygame实例生成设置。



9。打开主的plygame编辑器(工具>>工具栏> PL年轻主要编辑)。




13。确保plydata /系统/ 00的引导是项目的构建设置。






TheSaveGame and LoadGame buttons are in an Input Group named SaveLoad. This makesthe full names of the buttons "SaveLoad/SaveGame" and"SaveLoad/LoadGame". These are used in the plyBlox on the Game Objectnamed "Feature Demo":

该savegame和loadgame按钮在一个名为saveload输入组。这使得姓名的按钮”saveload/存档”和“saveload / loadgame”。这些都是用在plyblox在游戏对象命名为“功能演示”:

Whenthe block above receives a "SaveLoad/SaveGame" keypress, it tellsplyGame to save to slot 0. The Dialogue Manager object has a PersistableDialogue Manager script, which ties the Dialogue System into plyGame'ssave/load system. So when plyGame saves the game, it also pulls in the DialogueSystem data. The "SaveLoad/LoadGame" keypress works similarly.

当块上收到一个“saveload /存档”按键,它告诉plygame存槽0。对话管理器对象有一个持久的对话管理脚本,这关系到plygame对话系统的保存/加载系统。所以当plygame保存游戏,它也拉在对话系统数据。“saveload / loadgame”按键的工作类似。



Attachthe plyGame Bridge component (via Window > Dialogue System > Components> Integration > plyGame > plyGame Data Bridge) to any Actors for whomyou want to synchronize data between plyGame and the Dialogue System's Luaenvironment.

Thefollowing data are synchronized:



将plygame桥梁构件(通过窗口> > > >对话系统组件集成plygame> plygame数据桥)的任何演员谁要同步plygame和对话系统的Lua环境之间的数据。



The identvalues are used in Lua.


Themethods in plyGameBridge are virtual so you can create a subclass if you wantto synchronize additional information.





Attachthe Conversation Controller component (via Window > Dialogue System >Components > Integration > plyGame > Conversation Controller) to anyActors that will engage in conversations. This component disables cameracontrollers and character controllers during conversations. You can specifyadditional components to disable in the Also Disable During Conversations list.



将会话控制器组件(通过对话窗口>系统> > > >组件集成plygame会话控制器)的任何演员将参加谈话。此组件禁用相机控制器和角色控制器在谈话。您可以指定要禁用在谈话中也禁用列表附加组件。

Loading& Saving

Attachthe Persistable Dialogue Manager component (via Window > Dialogue System> Components > Integration > plyGame > Persistable DialogueManager) to the Dialogue Manager object to add the Dialogue System to plyGame'sLoading & Saving System.


If youuse Persistent Destructible or Increment On Destroy components, make sure tocall the Level Will Be Unloaded block before loading a new level. This tellsthe components to ignore their destruction due to the level change.



附加的持久的对话管理器组件(通过对话窗口>系统> > > >组件集成plygame持久对话经理)的对话管理器对象添加对话系统plygame加载和保存系统。




TheDialogue System introduces the following plyBlocks:





•Start Conversation: Starts a conversation.

•Stop Conversation: Stops the activeconversation.

•Is Conversation Active?: Checks whether aconversation is currently active.

•Does Conversation Have Valid Entries?: Checkswhether a conversation has any entries linked from the START entry whoseconditions are true.

•Update Responses: Updates the responses forthe current state of the active conversation. If the response menu entries'conditions have changed while the response menu is being shown, use this toupdate the response menu.










•Bark: Plays a one-liner bark.





•Start Sequence: Starts a sequence.

•Is Sequence Playing?: Checks whether asequence is playing or finished.

•Stop Sequence: Stops a sequence.

•Send Message to Sequencer: Sends a message tothe sequencer. (Used with WaitForMessage() as described in Sequencer Example 2:Waiting for Messages)








•Add Quest: Adds a quest to the active game.

•Delete Quest: Deletes a quest from the activegame.

•Get QuestState: Gets the current state of aquest.

•Set QuestState: Sets the current state of aquest.

•Get Quest Description: Gets the description ofa quest.

•Set Quest Description: Sets the description ofa quest.

•Get Quest Entry Count: Gets the number ofentries (sub-tasks) in a quest. (optional)

•Add Quest Entry: Adds a quest entry.

•Get Quest Entry State: Sets the state of aquest entry.

•Set Quest Entry State: Gets the state of aquest entry.

•Is Quest Abandonable?: Checks whether a questis configured as abandonable.

•Is Quest Tracking Enabled?: Checks whether aquest is configured as trackable.

•Set Quest Tracking: Enables or disables questtracking.

•Get Quest Abandon Sequence: Gets the quest'sAbandon Sequence (if defined).

















Relationships& Status

•Get Status: Gets the status value that hasbeen assigned between two actors.

•Set Status: Sets the status value between twoactors.

•Get Relationship: Gets the relationship valuethat has been assigned between two actors.

•Set Relationship: Sets the relationship valuebetween two actors.

•Decrement Relationship: Reduces therelationship value between two actors.

•Increment Relationship: Increases therelationship value between two actors.









DialogueDatabase Management

•Add Dialogue Database: Adds a dialoguedatabase to the master database in memory.

•Preload Master Database: Preloads the masterdatabase. Use to control when loading occurs, to better time any pause whenloading large databases.

•Remove Dialogue Database: Removes a dialoguedatabase from the master database.

•Reset Dialogue Database: Resets the masterdatabase.

•Set Default Dialogue Database: Sets thedefault database that the master database starts with when it's reset.

•Set Portrait: Similar to the SetPortrait()sequencer command, this block overrides an actor's portrait image.










•Show Alert Message: Shows a message using thealert UI.

•Preload Dialogue UI: Preloads the dialogue UI.Use to control when loading occurs, to better time any pause when loading largeUIs.




?预紧力的UI UI对话:对话。用以控制加载时发生,更好的时间暂停任何大的UI加载时。

Lua& Data Access

•Run Lua Code: Runs arbitrary Lua code in theDialogue System's Lua environment.

•Get Variable: Gets the value of an element inthe Variable[] table.

•Set Variable: Sets the value of an element inthe Variable[] table.

•Get Lua Field: Gets the value of an field inthe Actor[], Item[], or Location[] table.

•Set Lua Field: Gets the value of an field inthe Actor[], Item[], or Location[] table.

•Level Will Be Unloaded: Tells persistent datacomponents that listen for OnDestroy() to ignore it due to level change



?运行lua代码:在对话系统的环境下运行任意Lua Lua代码。

?获取变量:获取在变量[ ]表中的一个元素的值。

?设置变量:套在变量[ ]表中的一个元素的值。

?得到Lua领域:得到的字段的值在演员[ ],[ ]项,或位置[ ]表。

?集Lua领域:获取的字段的值在演员[ ],[ ]项,或位置[ ]表。



TheDialogue System introduces the following plyEvents:


•On Bark Start: Occurs when a bark starts. Sentto the barker and target.

•On Bark End: Occurs when a bark ends. Sent tothe barker and target.

•On Conversation Start: Occurs when aconversation starts. Sent to the participants and Dialogue Manager.

•On Conversation End: Occurs when aconversation ends. Sent to the participants and Dialogue Manager.

•On Conversation Cancelled: Occurs when theplayer cancels the active conversation. Sent to the Dialogue Manager.

•On Conversation Line: Occurs when a line in aconversation is displayed. Sent to the participants and Dialogue Manager.

•On Conversation Line Cancelled: Occurs whenthe player cancelled/skipped the display of a line in a conversation. Sent tothe Dialogue Manager.

•On Conversation Timeout: Occurs when the timeron the active conversation's response menu has timed out. Sent to the DialogueManager.

•On Sequence Start: Occurs when a sequence hasstarted. Sent to the participants.

•On Sequence End: Occurs when a sequence hasended. Sent to the participants.

When anevent is received, the specific event is recorded in the temporary variabledialogueEvent as "OnConversationStart","OnConversationEnd", etc.


Forevents that have an actor (the start and end of barks, conversations, andsequences), the actor's GameObject is recorded in the temporary variableactor.gameObject.
















Behavior Designer Support

Thispage describes integration support for Opsive's Behavior Designer. The DialogueSystem's support package provides methods to control Behaviour Designer fromwithin conversations and sequences. Behavior Designer itself has acorresponding support package that allows you to monitor and control theDialogue System from within behavior trees.


BehaviorTree Lua Bridge

TheBehavior Tree Lua Bridge component synchronizes a behavior tree's sharedvariables with the Dialogue System's Lua environment. Attach it to theGameObject that contains the behavior tree. To do this, select the GameObjectand then menu item Window > Dialogue System > Components > Integration> Behavior Designer > Behavior Tree Lua Bridge.


Synchronizationoccurs automatically at the beginning and end of conversations. You can alsosynchronize manually by calling SyncToLua() or SyncFromLua(). Only bools,floats, ints, and strings are synchronized.


The Luavariables will have the name gameObjectName_variableName. All blank spaces andhyphens will be converted to underscores.


Forexample, say an NPC named Private Hart has a behavior tree with a sharedvariable named Angry. The Lua variable will beVariable["Private_Hart_Angry"].


You cancheck the value of Variable["Private_Hart_Angry"] in a dialogueentry's Conditions fields and set the value a User Script field.



行为树Lua桥梁构件的同步行为树的共享变量与对话系统的Lua环境。附加到游戏物体包含行为树。为此,选择对象,然后菜单窗口> > > >对话系统组件的整合行为设计师>行为树Lua桥。









BehaviorDesigner Sequencer Commands

Thesupport package adds these two new sequencer commands:


•Behavior() : Start, stop, pause, and resumebehavior trees.

•BehaviorVariable() : Set the values of abehavior tree's shared variables.

You canuse these commands within conversations, barks, and other sequences to controlbehavior trees.








TheDialogue System supports localization out-of-the-box and provides generalpurpose Localization Tables. You can localize the following fields in dialogueentries:


•Dialogue Text

•Menu Text


You canalso localize the text for quests in the Quest Log System.







Foreach localized language, you will use a language code. We recommend using theCulture Names defined inhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.globalization.cultureinfo%28v=vs.80%29.ASPXbecause this is what the Dialogue System’s Localization class uses. It's alsoused by the Chat Mapper tutorial on localization. Example language codes are:

•"es" for Spanish

•"fr-CA" for French - Canadian

Foreach language "<em>LN</em>", the names of the dialogueentry fields will be:

•Dialogue Text:"<em>LN</em>"

•Menu Text: "Menu Text<em>LN</em>"

•Sequence: "Sequence<em>LN</em>"

You canset the current language in the DialogueManager's Display Settings.

If adialogue entry does not define a localized version for the current language, itwill use the default version.


每个本地化的语言,你会使用一种语言的代码。我们建议使用HTTP定义文化的名字:/ / MSDN。微软。COM /en-US /图书馆/系统。全球化的CultureInfo 80 %。% 28V = 29.aspx因为这是对话系统的本地化类有什么用。它也通过定位聊天制图教程使用。语言代码:


?”fr CA”法国-加拿大

每种语言的“< em> LN < / EM >”的对话,进入战场的名称将是:

?对话的文字:“< em> LN < / EM >”

?菜单文字:“菜单文本< EM >在< / EM >”

?序列:序列<em>在</ EM >”




How toLocalize in the Dialogue Editor

Theeasiest way to localize using the built-in Dialogue Editor is to addlocalization fields to the template on the Dialogue Editor's Templates Foldout.This way, they will automatically be added to assets as you add them.


If youadd fields to the template after creating assets, you can add missing fields tothe existing assets by clicking the asset's Template button.






How toLocalize in Chat Mapper

ChatMapper make localization easy. The Chat Mapper Converter automatically importsall All Chat Mapper localization settings. To set up localization in ChatMapper, follow these steps:


1.SelectProject > Project Settings and click on the Custom Asset Fields tab.

2.Clickon the Dialogue Nodes field.

3.Add acustom field for each language:

◦Title:The language code (e.g., "es" for Spanish, "fr-CA" forFrench - Canadian). Use just the language code; do not put "DialogueText" in front of it.


4.Ifyou want to localize Menu Text or Sequences, add a custom field for eachlanguage "ln":

◦Title:"Menu Text ln" or "Sequence ln" (e.g., "Sequencefr-FR"). There should be exactly one blank space between the default titlename and the language code.

◦Type:Text. Note: Make sure the type is Text. Only the Dialogue Text localizationfields should have the type set to Localization.









?标题:语言代码(例如,“es”西班牙,“fr CA”法国-加拿大)。只使用语言代码;不要把“对话文本”在它的前面。






ChatMapper's tree view show the dialogue text of the active localization. To changethe active localization, select a choice from the Active Localization drop-downon the main window.


Whenediting dialogue entries, if you leave a localized version of a field blank,the Dialogue System will use the default version.


Notethat Chat Mapper only localizes Dialogue Text. The Dialogue System for Unityalso localizes Menu Text and Sequence. You won't see this in Chat Mapper'ssimulator, but it will take effect in Unity.







How toLocalize in the Built-in Dialogue Editor

Localizationsetup is similar to the procedure used for Chat Mapper.





1.Openthe Templates > Dialogue Entry template foldout.

2.Add afield of type Localization for each language code (e.g., "fr-CA" forFrench - Canadian). This field will be used for localized Dialogue Text in thatlanguage.

3.Ifyou want to localize other fields, such as Menu Text or Sequence, add Textfields (not Localization) named with the default field's name and the languagecode separated by a blank space (e.g., Menu Text fr-CA").



2。添加一个字段,为每个类型的本地化语言代码(例如,“fr CA”法国-加拿大)。此字段将用于本地化的对话文本语言。


3。如果你需要将其他领域,如菜单文本或序列,添加文本域(不定位)为默认的字段的名称和语言代码由一个空格分开(例如,菜单文本fr CA”)。


TheDialogue System also provides a general-purpose localization system. You cancreate a table of localized text strings using menu item Window > DialogueSystem > Assets > Create > Localized Text Table or by right-clickingin the Project view and selecting Dialogue System > Create > LocalizedText Table.


Editthe table in the inspector. You can add languages in the top section, andfields in the bottom section. Every field will have a field name and values foreach language.


You canassign localized text tables to Unity GUI Controls and toUnityGUIQuestLogWindows (see Quest Log System).


To usea localization text table in a script, useLocalizedTextTable["fieldname"], where fieldname is the name of thefield. This will return the current value of the field based on the currentlanguage. (See PixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.LocalizedTextField for moreinformation.)



对话系统还提供了一个通用的定位系统。你可以创建一个表的本地化的文本字符串使用菜单项窗口> > > >对话系统资产创建本地化的文本表或通过点击在项目视图中选择正确的和对话系统>创建>本地化的文本表。






在脚本中使用本地化的文本表,使用localizedtexttable [ ],在“字段名”字段是字段的名称。本文将基于当前语言领域的当前值。(更多信息请看pixelcrushers.dialoguesystem.localizedtextfield。)

Gameplay Integration

Thispage contains a discussion of how to integrate "conversation mode"with your project's regular "gameplay mode," including specifics forvarious gameplay platforms such as Adventure Creator and UFPS.


AboutGameplay Integration

Whensetting up your project infrastructure, integrating PC-NPC dialogue withgameplay is one of the more complicated tasks, because you need to transitionplayer control from gameplay mode (looking around, moving, etc.) toconversation mode. Generally, you need to temporarily disable gameplay controlsand NPC AI, and get the NPC to act the way you want in conversation mode. To dothis, you can use triggers such as Set Enabled On Dialogue Event (see Triggers)and/or sequencer commands such as SetEnabled() (see Sequencer CommandReference).


Thegeneral approach is:


1.Identifythe control, camera, and AI components that are active during gameplay.

2.Whenthe conversation starts, disable these components and enable any necessaryconversation mode components. For example, if you use a Mecanim Animator tocontrol your character in gameplay but a legacy Animation component to controlyour character in dialogue cutscene sequences, you'll want to disable theAnimator and enable the Animation component. (Note: If you've assigned aSequencer Camera in the Dialogue Manager's display settings, the DialogueSystem will automatically disable the gameplay camera and enable the sequencercamera.

◦Youmay also want to use the Set Animator State On Dialogue Event or Set AnimationOn Dialogue Event components to force characters into states at the beginningand end of conversations, or Start Sequence On Dialogue Event if you need to domore, such as setting certain Animator parameters.

3.Whenthe conversation ends, disable any conversation-only components and re-enablethe gameplay components.

Inaddition, you may need to share data between the Dialogue System and yourgameplay framework (for example, the player's inventory or health). One goodapproach is to use the Dialogue System's Lua environment and theOnConversationStart/OnConversationEnd messages:


•OnConversationStart: Record your gameplay datainto the Lua environment so your conversation can access and/or manipulate it.

•OnConversationEnd: Apply any changes from theLua environment into your gameplay data.

TheFPSyncLuaPlayerOnConversation.cs script demonstrates how this is done in theUltimate FPS integration. It uses the Lua.Run() method to store and retrieveUFPS data.















此外,你可能需要共享的对话系统与你的游戏框架之间的数据(例如,球员的库存或健康)。一个好的方法是使用对话系统的Lua环境和onconversationstart /onconversationend消息:







GameplayIntegration in the Feature Demo

TheFeature Demo can give you an overview of how to integrate the Dialogue Systemwith your own gameplay components.


In theFeature Demo example scene, the Player object has a Set Enabled On DialogueEvent component that disables these gameplay components on conversation start:





Thesame component also re-enables them on conversation end.


Inaddition, the first dialogue entry in Private Hart's conversation uses theLookAt() sequence command to make the player and Hart look at each other.












Thissection describes how to set up the Dialogue System with Cinopt Studios' 2DAction RPG Starter Kit and how to use them together. (2D Action RPG Starter Kitis required.)


2DAction RPG Starter Kit Setup

Followthese steps to set up the Dialogue System in the 2D Action RPG Starter Kit.These steps are already set up in the included example, so instead of thesesteps you can just import the example scene package located in Third PartySupport/2D Action RPG Starter Kit/Example/Example Scenes.


1.Importthe package Third Party Support/2D Action RPG Starter Kit Support. This willunpack files into the folder Third Party Support/2D Action RPG Starter Kit.

2.Ifyou didn't import Example Scenes, import the package Third Party Support/2DAction RPG Starter Kit/Script Modifications. This will update2dactionrpg/Scripts/playercurrency.js and playerhealth.js with versions thatcontain an extra function necessary to synchronize data with the DialogueSystem. If you've already imported the Example Scenes package, you can skipthis step (and in fact you can skip all of the steps below).

3.Loadthe scene 2dactionrpg/Scenes/loader.

4.Add aDialogue Manager (Window > Dialogue System > GameObject > Create >Dialogue Manager) or use the Dialogue Manager wizard (Window > DialogueSystem > Tools > Wizards).

5.(Optional)Move the Dialogue Manager so it's a child of permanentobjects. This is just fororganization to remind you that Dialogue Manager is a permanent object.

6.Selectthe Dialogue Manager object.

◦SetInitial Database to your dialogue database. If you haven't created one yet,remember to assign this once you've created it.

◦SetDisplay Settings > Dialogue UI to your UI prefab. The example uses the JRPGprefab in Dialogue System/Prefabs/Unity Dialogue UIs/JRPG, but you can use anyof the others or create your own. (See dialogueUI for more details.)

◦IMPORTANT:Set Display Settings > Camera Settings > Default Sequence toDelay({{end}}). This is important because the initial value of Default Sequencewill try to do closeups of the 3D transforms of the actors. Since this is a 2Dgame, you don't want to control the camera this way.

◦Moreinfo at: Set up the Dialogue Manager GameObject

7.Selectthe permanentobjects/Player object.

◦Addthese components:

■Window > Dialogue System > Component> Triggers > Show Cursor On Conversation

■Window > Dialogue System > Component> Supplemental > Proximity Selector

■Window > Dialogue System > Component> Integration > 2D Action RPG Starter Kit > 2D Action RPG Bridge

◦Selectthe player's ActionRPG2DBridge component.

■Assign permanentobjects/GUI/inventory to theInventory property.

■If you've added or modified items, expand theVariables list and update the item IDs. By default, they start with"sword", "bow", etc.

■If you want to prevent the player from walkingaway during conversations, tick Freeze Player During Conversations.

■If you want to include information on whethereach line of dialogue has been offered or spoken (which makes saved gamesbigger), tick Include Sim Status.

◦Selectthe Proximity Selector.

■Set Default Use Message to (E to interact) orsomething similar.

■Change the Use Key to E, since the kit alreadyuses Space to attack.

8.Toadd a conversation to an NPC or interactive object:

◦Expandthe NPC's hierarchy and select the talktrigger object.

◦Setthe tag to npc.

◦Removethe Npctalk component.

◦Addthese components:

■Window > Dialogue System > Component> Triggers > Conversation Trigger (or Bark Trigger to bark instead)

■Window > Dialogue System > Component> Triggers > Stop Conversation If Too Far (if the player can move duringconversations)

■Window > Dialogue System > Component> Supplemental > Usable

■If the NPC barks, add a bark UI: Component> UI > Unity GUI > Bark > Bark UI

■For mobile, consider ticking Cache Bark Lines(see About Caching Bark Lines)

◦On theConversation Trigger:

■Set Conversation to the title of theconversation in the dialogue database.

■Set Conversant to the main NPC GameObject.

◦On theUsable component:

■Set Override Name if you don't want to use thename of the main NPC GameObject for



遵循这些步骤在2D动作RPG入门套件建立对话系统。这些步骤已经在包括树立的榜样,而不是这些步骤,你可以导入示例场景包位于第三方支持/ 2D动作RPG初学者工具包/例子/示例场景。


1。进口包第三方支持/ 2D动作RPG入门套件支持。这将解压文件到文件夹第三方支持/ 2D动作RPG入门套件。


2。如果你不输入样例场景,导入包第三方支持/ 2D动作RPG初学者工具包/脚本的修改。这将更新2dactionrpg /脚本/playercurrency.js和包含一个额外的功能,必须与对话系统同步数据的版本playerhealth.js。如果你已经输入的示例场景包,你可以跳过这一步(事实上,你可以跳过以下步骤)。




4。添加一个对话管理器(窗口>> > >游戏对象创建对话系统的对话管理器)或使用对话管理器向导(窗口>对话系统>工具>奇才)。








?设置显示设置>对话UI UI预制。该示例使用JRPG预制在对话系统/预设/团结/ JRPG对话界面,但您可以使用任何其他人或创建自己的。(更多细节见。dialogueui)


?重要:设置显示设置>相机设置>默认序列的延迟({ { } }结束)。这很重要,因为默认序列的初始值将尝试做的3D特写的角色转换。由于这是一个2D游戏,你不想这样控制摄像机。












■窗口> > > >对话系统组件集成2D动作RPG入门套件> 2D动作RPG桥




■分配permanentobjects /图形/库存存量资产。
























■对话窗口>系统>组件> >对话触发触发器(或树皮树皮而触发)






■如果NPC的树皮,树皮:添加一个UI组件>界面GUI >树皮>树皮>统一用户界面













Accessing2D RPG Kit Data in the Dialogue System

When aconversation starts, the bridge script sets the following Lua variables:


•Variable["playerHealth"]: Theplayer's health.

•Variable["money"]: The player's gemcount.

•Variable["slotSet"]: The slot number(1 to 16) of the currently-equipped item.

•Variable["sword"]: 1 if the playerhas a sword, 0 if not.

•Variable["bow"]: 1 if the player hasa bow, 0 if not.

•Variable["wand"]: 1 if the playerhas a wand, 0 if not.

•Variable["potion"]: The number ofpotions the player has.

•The variables "sword","bow", etc., will be different if you've changed the list ofvariables on the player's ActionRPG2DBridge component.

You cancheck these values in dialogue entry conditions and set them in dialogue entryuser scripts. If you set a value during a conversation, at the end of theconversation it will be reflected back into the 2D RPG Kit.















Theexample for this integration package uses modified versions of the scenes in2dactionrpg/Scenes. It provides a menu for saving games, loading games, andviewing the quest log window. The Escape key opens and closes the menu.


To playthe example, first import the Example Scenes package. Then play the scene named"loader".


Thefollowing scenes have been modified for the example:



◦AddedDialogue Manager, including a Quest Tracker.

◦AddedDialogue System components to Player.

◦Addedan Example Menu (under Dialogue Manager) to demonstrate quest windows, saving,and loading.


◦DisabledMenuGUI, since there's a new main menu in loader.


◦Addedinteractive barks to bed and table.

◦Addeda conversation to bookshelf.

◦Addeda usable component to housedoor just to give it a label when you approach it.


◦Addeda bark on idle to oldwomannpc (note: Cache Bark Lines is ticked).

◦Addeda bark trigger to oldmannpc (the walking one).

◦Addeda conversation to oldmannpc (the stationary one).

◦Addeda conversation and quest to girlnpc (bottom center of map).


◦AddedIncrement On Destroy to each blob for quest tracking.




本示例使用集成封装在2dactionrpg /幕后的修改版本。它提供了一个菜单保存游戏,加载游戏,查看日志窗口。Escape键打开和关闭菜单。
























剧情系统开始的时候我提到的不用编程的剧情制作工具,其实它是一个对Dialogue System for Unity的拓展与封装

但说实话,不一定比Dialogue System for Unity更方便使用,不过好在这个是可以在国内免费下载到的,有兴趣可以自己用用看

Integrationsupport files for Icebox Studios' Adventure Creator are located in Third PartySupport/Adventure Creator Support. (Adventure Creator is required.)


IMPORTANT:Please read the Adventure Creator Setup section for specific steps required toset up support.


Theintegration package adds these features:


•New Adventure Creator actions to start DialogueSystem conversations and barks.

•A bridge that synchronizes Adventure Creator'sglobal variables and inventory with the Dialogue System's Lua environment.

•An AC() sequencer command to run AdventureCreator action lists from inside Dialogue System conversations.

•Integration with Adventure Creator's SaveSystem.














AdventureCreator Setup

Importthe package Third Party Support/Adventure Creator Support. This will unpackfiles into the folder Third Party Support/Adventure Creator.


It willalso import these files into AdventureCreator/Scripts/Actions:





AdventureCreator requires that these files are in its Actions folder. If you have movedAdventure Creator from its default installation location, you must move thesefiles into the new location, too.


To makethe new actions available in Adventure Creator, you must open the Game Editor(Adventure Creator > Editors > Game Editor) and, on the Actions tab,click Refresh list.





它还将这些文件导入到adventurecreator /脚本/行动:












Theexample scene is a modified version of Adventure Creator's Demo scene thatreplaces the AC conversation "IntroConv" with a Dialogue Systemequivalent.


It usesthe AC() sequencer command to start IntroConv2 at the end of the conversationin "nowait" mode, which immediately releases control back to AC.


It alsoincludes a simple quest example: "Find a Sword". This quest startsactive. When the player picks up the sword by triggering the Sword_Useinteraction, it runs a Lua action to update the quest state and refresh thequest tracker HUD. You can also use the quest log window system (not shown inthis example scene), but you need to implement the menus to open and close it.


Thereis also a simple interactive object, a Trash Can containing an obsolete modelrobot, Copper Pot. Copper Pot demonstrates barks (one-off lines of dialogueduring gameplay) and a conversation that uses the sequencer commandAC(TrashCanShake,nowait).


There'salso a small utility script on Dialogue Manager that shows the current AC gamestate.














DialogueSystem Actions

Whenyou complete the step above, these new actions will be available in AdventureCreator:


•Third-Party: Dialogue System conversation:Starts a Dialogue System conversation. The scene must have a Dialogue Managerobject (see: Set up the Dialogue Manager GameObject).

◦ConversationTitle: The title of a conversation defined in the Dialogue Manager's dialoguedatabase.

◦Actor:The main actor in the conversation, usually the player.

◦Conversant:The other actor in the conversation, usually an NPC.

◦Notethat conversations can have multiple actors. The Actor and Conversant simplydefine the two primary actors.

•Third-Party: Dialogue System bark: Starts aDialogue System bark (a one-off line of dialogue). The scene must have aDialogue Manager object (see: Set up the Dialogue Manager GameObject).

◦BarkConversation Title: The title of a conversation defined in the DialogueManager's dialogue database. See Bark System for an explanation of how barklines are stored in conversations.

◦Actor:The actor speaking the bark.

◦Conversant:(Optional) The actor being barked at.

◦SyncData: If ticked, Adventure Creator data is synchronized to the Dialogue Systembefore barking and back to Adventure Creator after barking. Since this couldhave a small impact on performance if many barks occur at the same time, youhave the option to leave it unticked if your barks don't need to access ACdata.

•Third-Party: Dialogue System Lua: Runs Luacode in the Dialogue System's Lua environment. This is often used to update thestate of a quest, as demonstrated in the Sword_Use interaction in the examplescene. The scene must have a Dialogue Manager object (see: Set up the DialogueManager GameObject).

◦LuaCode: The Lua code to run.

◦SyncData: If ticked, Adventure Creator data is synchronized to the Dialogue Systembefore and after running the Lua code.

◦UpdateQuest Tracker: Updates the quest tracker HUD, if one exists on the DialogueManager object.

























?第三方:对话系统:在对话系统的Lua Lua环境运行lua代码。这通常是用来更新任务的状态,如在示例场景的交互显示sword_use。现场必须有一个对话管理器对象(见:建立对话管理器对象)。







DialogueSystem - Adventure Creator Bridge

TheAdventure Creator Bridge synchronizes Adventure Creator data with DialogueSystem data. Add it to your Dialogue Manager object by selecting the object andthen menu item Window > Dialogue System > Component > Integration >Adventure Creator > AC Bridge. The inspector has these options:


•Use Dialog State: Specifies what game state toput AC in during conversations. Set it to:

◦Never:To never change AC's game state.

◦IfPlayer Is Involved: To change to GameState.DialogOptions only if the player isinvolved in the conversation.

◦Always:To change to GameState.DialogOptions during every conversation.

•Include Sim Status: Includes SimStatus in savedata. See Saving and Loading below.

When aconversation starts, the bridge will either set the game state to the statespecified in Conversation State or, if Turn Off Adventure Creator is ticked,turn off Adventure Creator entirely. Then it will copy Adventure Creator'sinventory and global variables to the Dialogue System's Lua environment. Whenthe conversation ends, it restore the Adventure Creator state and copy theDialogue System's Lua environment back to AC's inventory and global variables.


In theDialogue System's Lua environment:


•Every AC variable has a corresponding entry inthe Lua Variable[] table. You can check the value in dialogue entries'Condition fields, and set the value in their User Script fields.


•Every AC item has a corresponding entry in theLua Item[] table. The entry has fields for the AC ID number (AC_ID) and theitem count (Count). To remove an item, set its Count to 0.

◦Example:Item["Prop_sword"].Count = 0

You canmanually synchronize data and/or freeze Adventure Creator by calling:



冒险编辑器同步数据桥冒险编辑器对话系统数据。添加到您的对话管理器对象的选择对象然后菜单窗口> > > >对话系统组件集成冒险编辑器>交流电桥。检查员有这些选项:











?每一个交流变量在Lua变量[ ]表对应的条目。你可以检查值在对话内容的条件的领域,和值设置在他们的用户脚本领域。


?每一个交流项目已在Lua项目[ ]表对应的条目。输入为交流的身份证号码域(ac_id)和项目数(数)。要删除一个项目,将其数到0。

?例如:“prop_sword项目[”]数= 0。



EveryDialogue System dialogue entry can have a cutscene sequence defined in itsSequence field. You can start an Adventure Creator action list or cutscene byusing the AC() sequencer command.


Example:Sequence: AC(BarrelTip)






Savingand Loading

AdventureCreator doesn't provide hooks for saving and loading third-party global data.The Dialogue System integration package provides two static functions inAdventureCreatorBridge that you must call manually to save the DialogueSystem's state into an Adventure Creator global variable and retrieve it againwhen loading a game. These methods will automatically create the globalvariable if it doesn't already exist.


Therecommendation from Icebox Studios is to insert code into the followingAdventure Creator files:


At theend of the OnMenuEnable method, add this code:







脚本/菜单/ menusystem.cs:





At theend of the OnLevelWasLoaded method, add this code:

脚本/保存系统/ savesystem.cs:



IfInclude Sim Status is ticked on the Adventure Creator Bridge, the status of alldialogue entries will be included in the save data. This records whether anentry was offered in a response menu and/or whether it has been spoken by anactor. If you have a lot of dialogue entries, this can make the save datalarge, so it's unticked by default since many games don't even need to recordthis information.


Pausingthe Game

AdventureCreator pauses the game during player menus by setting Time.timeScale = 0. Bydefault, the Dialogue System ignores Time.timeScale. This allows you to pausegameplay but still continue to run a conversation. If you the Dialogue Systemto pause when Time.timeScale is zero, set





冒险者暂停游戏玩家通过在菜单设置time.timescale = 0。默认情况下,对话系统忽略time.timescale。这允许你暂停游戏,但仍继续运行的谈话。如果你的对话系统暂停时,time.timescale是零,集

Integrationsupport files for Dark Tonic's Core GameKit (formerly Killer Waves) are locatedin Third Party Support/Core GameKit Support. (Core GameKit is required.) Theintegration scripts add these features:


•Lua access (e.g., in conversations) to KillerWaves World Variables (read/write) and current level/wave values (read-only).

•World variable listeners that can synchronizeLua variables and World Variables on the fly.

•Sequencer commands to control waves, spawningand despawning, and spawned object attributes.

Thescripts are available through the menu item Window > Dialogue System >Integration > Killer Waves.









脚本可以通过菜单窗口> > >杀手波对话系统集成。


Theexample scene contains an NPC that you can converse with to control KillerWaves inside a conversation. The scene starts in Wave 1, which is an empty wavethat doesn't spawn anything. In the conversation, you can end the wave andprogess to Wave 2 (select the responses "Wave Control", then"End Wave"), which will spawn enemy soldiers. You can also manuallyspawn and despawn enemies and change their hit points and attack points duringthe conversation.




KillerWaves Lua Bridge & Listeners

TheKiller Waves Lua Bridge component synchronizes Killer Waves' level settings andworld variables with the Dialogue System's Lua environment. It automaticallysynchronizes before and after conversations, and you can synchronize manuallyusing SyncKillerWavesToLua() and SyncLuaToKillerWaves().


Forevery Killer Waves world variable, there will be a corresponding entry in theLua environment's Variable[] table. Spaces in variable names will be replacedwith underscores. For example:


•Killer Waves world variable: Experience Points

•Lua: Variable["Experience_Points"]

The Luavariables below will also be set as read-only. They won't be synchronized backto Killer Waves.


•Variable["Current_Level"]: Currentlevel number.

•Variable["Current_Wave"]: Currentwave number in the current level.

•Variable["Current_Wave_Length"]:Length of the current wave in seconds.

•Variable["Current_Wave_Time_Remaining"]:Seconds remaining in the current wave.

TheWorld Variable To Lua and Lua To World Variable listeners can be used to keepLua and Killer Waves' world variables synchronized.


•World Variable To Lua listens for changes toworld variables. When they change, the listener updates the corresponding Luavariable.

•Lua To World Variable listens for changes toLua variables. When they change, the listener updates the corresponding worldvariable.




每一个杀手波世界变量,将有在Lua环境变量[ ]表对应的条目。变量名称空间将用下划线代替。例如:













The integrationpackage adds the following sequencer commands. You can use them in any cutscenesequence.


•KillerWavesPauseWave(): Pauses the currrentwave.

•KillerWavesUnpauseWave(): Unpauses thecurrrent wave.

•KillerWavesEndWave(): Ends the currrent wave.

•KillerWavesGameOver(): Ends all waves.

•KillerWavesSynchroSpawn(spawner): Tells aspawner to spawn a single object. Provide the name of the spawner.

•KillerWavesDespawn(object): Despawns a spawnedobject. Provide the name of the spawned object. Spawned objects usually have"(Clone)" appended to the end of their names. You can omit"(Clone)" in this command.

•KillerWavesDespawnKillable(killable): Despawnsa killable object. You can omit "(Clone)".

•KillerWavesDestroyKillable(killable[,scenarioName]): Destroys a killable object. You can omit "(Clone)".

•KillerWavesAddAttackPoints(killable,pointsToAdd): Adds attack points to a killable. You can omit"(Clone)".

•KillerWavesAddHitPoints(killable,pointsToAdd)(): Adds hit points to a killable. You can omit "(Clone)".

•KillerWavesTakeDamage(killable, damagePoints):Does damage to a killable. You can omit "(Clone)".














Realistic FPS Prefab 1.21(这个版本在国内交流论坛里是可以下载到的,国内网友们还是很有爱的!!)

Integrationsupport files for Azuline Studios' Realistic FPS Prefab system are located inThird Party Support/Realistic FPS Prefab Support. (Azuline Studios' RealisticFPS Prefab is required.) This includes menu items to add support components tothe FPS Player, NPCs, and pickups. The menu is located in Window > DialogueSystem > Component > Integration > Realistic FPS Prefab.


DisablingNPC Gameplay During Conversations

In theexample scene, there is a dialogue NPC named "Sad Robot". Examine hisAI script properties. The attack range property is set to 0. This forces theNPC to just sit there and never attack. To do the same thing at run-time,you'll need to write a short script to set the properties. It can respond tothe OnConversationStart() and OnConversationEnd() messages sent by the DialogueSystem.


A moregeneral option is to use the Set Enabled On Dialogue Event component to disablethe AI script during conversations, and then use the sequencer commandAnimation() to play the Idle animation (or whatever animation is appropriateduring the conversation).


You cando this all in a sequence, in fact, without having to add any components to theNPC. For example, you could use a sequence like this on the NPC's firstdialogue entry:


SetEnabled(AI,false); LookAt(listener); Animation(idle); Delay(2)




1.Disablesthe AI component,

2.Rotatesthe NPC to look at the listener, and

3.Playsthe NPC's idle animation.

4.Thenit delays for 2 seconds to give the player time to read the NPC's first line.

At theend of the conversation you'll need to re-enable the AI script. You can do thiswith a sequencer command or, probably easier, using Set Enabled On DialogueEvent, triggered On Conversation.

在伊比工作室的现实的FPS预制系统集成支持文件位于第三方支持/现实的FPS预制的支持。(伊比工作室的现实的FPS预制是必需的。)这包括菜单项添加到FPS玩家,支持组件的NPC,和皮卡。菜单位于窗口> > > >对话系统组件集成的现实FPS预制。























Lua OnPick Up Item

TheLuaOnPickUpItem.cs script can be attached to any Pickup object. When the playerpicks up the object, this script will run a Lua command. In the example scene,the Shotgun Pickup uses this script to display a gameplay alert message.


Lua OnDestroy

TheLuaOnDestroy.cs script can be attached to any object. When the object isdestroyed, the script will run Lua code. You can add this to an enemy to updatethe kill count when the enemy is destroyed.



On theFPS player, the Set Active On Dialogue Event and Set Enabled On Dialogue Eventcomponents deactivate and reactivate FPS components during conversations. Youcan automatically set this up using the menu item Window > Dialogue System> Component > Integration > Realistic FPS Prefab > Disable PlayerOn Conversation.



TheFPSLuaBridge.cs script synchronizes data between the Realistic FPS Prefabplayer and the Dialogue System's Lua environment. It automatically synchronizesbefore and after conversations, and you can synchronize manually usingSyncFPSToLua() and SyncLuaToFPS().


It usesthe following values in the Lua environment:


•Actor["Player"].hitPoints: Currenthit points.

•Actor["Player"].maximumHitPoints:Maximum hit points.

•Actor["Player"].hungerPoints:Current hunger points.

•Actor["Player"].thirstPoints:Current thirst points.

◦Note:Player Actor Name defaults to "Player", but you can change it if thename of your player actor is different in your dialogue database.

•Variable["</c><em>(weapon-name)</em><c>"](for each weapon): A Boolean (true or false) indicating whether the player hasthe named weapon.

◦Example:Variable["Shotgun"] == true is true when the player has the shotgun.

◦Example:Variable["Shotgun"] = false takes the shotgun away from the player.

•Variable["</c><em>(weapon-name)</em><c>_Ammo"](for each weapon): An integer indicating how much ammo the player has for theweapon.

•If the player name or any weapon names havespaces, those spaces will be replaced with underscores (_) in Lua.

Thisscript also hides the HUD during conversations if you tick Hide Hud InConversations.


Theexample scene's "Sad Robot" conversation checks whetherVariable["Shotgun"] == true. If it's true, it offers the player theoption of giving the shotgun to the sad robot. If the player gives the shotgunto the sad robot, the conversation runs the scriptVariable["Shotgun"] = false to remove the shotgun from the player'sinventory.


The"Happy Robot" conversation tests giving and taking weapons and ammo,and reporting health.


If youenter the back of the house, you'll trigger the "Kill 4 Zombies"quest. This uses the Quest Trigger component to start the quest and Lua OnDestroy on each house zombie to increment the kill counter. Another QuestTrigger outside each door of the house checks the status of the quest.


You maynotice two quirks:


1.Thezombie kill count sometimes increases on its own. This is just due to thedesign of the example scene taken from the Realistic FPS Prefab samples. Forsome reason it kills zombies on its own at times.

2.Whenyou reload a level, all zombies in the old level are destroyed, triggeringtheir Lua On Destroy events that increment the kill count. To prevent this inyour own project, call PersistentDataManager.LevelWillBeUnloaded() beforeloading or reloading a level. This tells components such as Lua On Destroy toignore the OnDestroy message that's generated when an old level is unloaded.











对FPS玩家,设定积极的对话,在对话事件组件的事件停用并重新激活FPS组件在谈话中启用。你可以自动设置使用菜单项窗口> > > >对话系统组件集成的现实FPS预置>禁止球员在谈话。









?变量[“</C><em>(武器名称)< / EM><C >”](每个武器):一个布尔值(true或false)指示是否这个球员有命名的武器。

?例如:变量[“猎枪”] = =真是真的当球员有枪。

?例如:变量[“猎枪”] = false以猎枪远离球员。

?变量[“</C><em>(武器名称)< / EM><C > _ammo”](每个武器):一个整数,球员有多少弹药的武器。



示例场景的“悲伤的机器人“会话检查是否变[“猎枪”] = =真。如果这是真的,它提供给玩家的猎枪伤心的机器人的选项。如果玩家给猎枪到悲伤的机器人,会话运行脚本变量[“猎枪”] = false从球员的库存将霰弹枪。






Integrationsupport files for VisionPunk's Ultimate FPS (FPS) are located in Third PartySupport/UFPS Support. (VisionPunk's UFPS is required.) Two levels ofintegration are provided: Shallow and Deep.


SimpleIntegration Example

TheShallow example uses Dialogue System features such as Set Enabled On DialogueEvent to switch between UFPS gameplay mode and dialogue mode.


DeeperIntegration Example / Script Documentation

TheDeep example uses UFPS features to suspend UFPS gameplay and interact with anNPC to start a conversation, synchronizing UFPS data between UFPS and theDialogue System. This includes menu items to add support components to the FPSPlayer, NPCs, and pickups. The menu is located in Window > Dialogue System> Component > Integration > UFPS.


On theDeep example's AdvancedPlayer, these scripts were added via menu items:

为visionpunk的终极FPS集成支持文件(FPS)位于第三方支持/ UFPs的支持。(是必需的。visionpunk的超微粒子)提供了两个层次的整合:浅及深。








深的例子使用了超微粒子功能暂停UFPs的游戏和NPC开始一个对话的互动和对话,超微粒子系统之间的混沌同步数据。这包括菜单项添加到FPS玩家,支持组件的NPC,和皮卡。菜单位于窗口> > > >对话系统组件集成的超微粒子。



On theDeep example's AdvancedPlayer, these scripts were added via menu items:


•FPFreeze Player: Freezes gameplay and showsthe cursor during conversations. The Freeze() and Unfreeze() methods are alsoused by the example scene's main menu.

◦HideHUD: Tick to hide the UFPS HUD during conversations. (Default is ticked.)

◦FreezeDuring Conversations: Tick to freeze the UFPS player during conversations.(Default is ticked.)

•FPPersistent Player Data: Records the player'sposition, health, and inventory. When loading a game, this component uses UFPSmethods to restore the position.

◦OverrideActor Name: (Optional, defaults to "Player") If not set, thecomponent uses the game object's name as the name of the actor in the LuaActor[] table. If your actor is named differently in the Lua Actor[] table(e.g., the actor has a different name in Chat Mapper or the DialogueDatabase),then set this property to the Lua name.

◦RecordPosition: Tick this checkbox to record the player's position when savingpersistent data.

◦ForceWield: Tick to force the player to wield the current weapon after loading agame. Some custom weapons won't aim properly unless they go through the wieldanimation.

◦DontApply Lua Next Load Level: Tick this to skip applying the player's saved infofrom Lua on the next level load. Normally you want to apply the saved info sothe player's health, inventory, etc., persist across levels. However, if you'rerestarting the level with a fresh instance of the player (e.g., if the playerdied), set this true or the player will receive his old stats, such as zerohealth.

•FPSync Lua Player On Conversation:Synchronizes the player's health and inventory in UFPS with the inventory inthe Dialogue System's Lua environment so conversations can check and manipulateit. This script uses FPPlayerLuaBridge.cs, which does the actualsynchronization. You can use FPPlayerLuaBridge.cs separately from FPSync LuaPlayer On Conversation in your own scripts, too. It synchronizes:

◦Actor["Player"].Health:The player's current health.

◦Actor["Player"].TotalSpace:The total capacity of the player's inventory. (read-only)

◦Actor["Player"].UsedSpace:The current used space in the player's inventory. (read-only)

◦Actor["Player"].RemainingSpace:The current remaining space in the player's inventory. (read-only)

◦Actor["Player"].CurrentWeaponIndex:The index of the player's currently-equipped weapon.

◦Variable["Pistol"],Variable["Revolver"], etc. for all weapons defined in the player'svp_Inventory. If the value is 0 or nonexistent, the player does not have theitem. If the value is 1 or higher, the player has the item, and the numberindicates the amount of ammo. If you set a value during a conversation, thechange will be reflected in the UFPS player at the end of the conversation.

◦Variable["Pistol_Units"],Variable["Revolver_Units"], etc.: The amount of ammo loaded into eachweapon.

◦Variable["Bullet"],Variable["MachinegunBullet"], etc.: The amount of ammo held by theplayer (outside of weapons).

◦NOTE1: The inventory system changed in UFPS v1.4.7. The variables above representthe values as used in UFPS 1.4.7+ using the new vp_Inventory system. Toaccommodate these changes, FPPlayerLuaBridge was changed to a MonoBehaviour.You must assign the valid inventory item types to the bridge component (seebelow).

◦NOTE2: FPPlayerLuaBridge assumes that the scene has a Dialogue Manager object. Theeasiest way to ensure this is to tick Dont Destroy On Load and Allow Only OneInstance on the Dialogue Manager object to enable it to persist across scenechanges. If there is no Dialogue Manager object, FPPlayerLuaBridge will set theplayer's health to 0. This will make the player unkillable because UFPS onlychecks for death if the player takes damage that changes his health from apositive number to 0 or less. Since his health is already 0, the deathcondition is never met.











?替代演员的名字:(可选的,缺省为“玩家”)如果没有设置,使用组件的游戏对象的名称在Lua演员表[ ]的演员的名字。如果你的男演员在Lua演员[ ]表不同的命名(例如,演员在聊天或dialoguedatabase映射名称不同),然后将此属性设置为Lua的名字。








?fpsync Lua球员谈话:同步球员的健康,在对话系统的Lua环境UFPs的库存,库存的谈话可以检查和操作。这个脚本使用fpplayerluabridge.cs,并实际同步。你可以从fpsyncLua球员在自己的脚本fpplayerluabridge.cs单独谈话,太。它同步:


















?注1:在超微粒子v1.4.7改变库存系统。上述变量的代表值采用新的vp_inventory UFPs 1.4.7 +系统。为了适应这些变化,fpplayerluabridge改为MonoBehaviour。您必须指定有效的库存项目类型的桥组件(见下文)。




•FPPlayer Lua Bridge: (Automatically added byFPSync Lua Player On Conversation and FP Persistent Player Data.) This classsynchronizes data between UFPS and the Dialogue System's Lua environment.Methods are virtual so you can override them if you want to create a subclassthat does additional processing. You must add all UFPS item types that will besynchronized with Lua to this component's Usable Items Types list.

On theNPC, Private Hart, a child object named "AI" contains these components:


•FPInteractable Dialogue: Derived fromvp_Interactable, this component makes the NPC interactable within the UFPSframework. When the player interacts with the NPC, this component sends anOnUse message to the NPC. If the NPC has a Conversation Trigger configured tolisten for OnUse, it will start a conversation.

•Conversation Trigger: Starts the conversationwhen FPIteractable Dialogue sends an OnUse message to the NPC.

•Set Enabled On Dialogue Event: Disables theFPInteractable Dialogue component during conversations.

•Persistent Position Data: Records the NPC'sposition.

On theDialogue Manager object (which is marked to persist between level changes),this component was added:


•FPSync Lua Player On Load Level: Syncs theplayer's saved Lua data to the UFPS player components after a level has loaded.This component should usually be added to the Dialogue Manager object, not theplayer object. This is because it needs to persist across level loads. Theplayer's position is not applied from Lua, but the inventory and other statsare.

?fpplayer Lua桥:(由fpsync Lua球员谈话和FP持续的玩家数据。自动添加)这类同步超微粒子和对话系统的Lua环境之间的数据。方法是虚拟的所以你可以绕过它们,如果你想创建一个类,做额外的处理。你必须把所有的超微粒子的项目类型,将与lua到此组件的可用物品类型列表同步。














?fpsync Lua球员对负荷水平:同步玩家的保存Lua数据UFPs的球员组成一级加载后。这个组件应该通常被添加到对话管理器对象,不是玩家对象。这是因为它需要在水平荷载作用下的坚持。球员的位置不应用Lua,而库存和其他属性。

SharingAdditional Data

SharingAdditional Data

You maywant to share additional data between UFPS and the Dialogue System. One way todo this is to put that information in the Dialogue System's Lua environmentusing the Lua.Run() method. If you set a user variable usingPixelCrushers.DialogueSystem.Lua.Run(), then dialogue entries can check and/orchange the value.


Forexample, NPC conversations can branch based on whom the player has killed, orwhat UFPS items the player has in his inventory (seeFPSyncLuaPlayerOnConversation.cs).





你可能想分享的超微粒子和对话系统之间的附加数据。这样做的一个方法是把这些信息在对话系统使用Lua Lua环境run()方法。如果你设定一个用户变量使用pixelcrushers。dialoguesystem。lua。run()对话,然后条目可以检查和/或改变值。



Savingand Loading

See theexample menu script (ExampleMainMenu.cs) for a simple example of how to saveand load. In brief, call PersistentDataManager.GetSaveData() to get the savedgame data (including UFPS data). Call PersistentDataManager.ApplySaveData() toload a game by feeding previously-saved game data back into the Dialogue Systemand UFPS state.


If theplayer can switch between levels in your game, you may also want to use theLevelManager script as shown in the example menu script.






Pre-GameLevel Selection Scenes

If thefirst scene of your game does not have a UFPS player object and a DialogueManager object, you'll have to take an extra step. Here's the background:


Whenevera new level is loaded, the FPPlayerLuaBridge applies the Lua data to UFPS data.


•[New Level Loaded]

◦Lua–> UFPS

Whenswitching between gameplay levels, the FPPlayerLuaBridge in the old level savesthe UFPS data to Lua. Then the new level applies the Lua data to UFPS.


•[Old Level]

◦UFPS–> Lua

•[New Level Loaded]

◦Lua–> UFPS















?超微粒子–> Lua





If yourlevel selection scene does not have an FPPlayerLuaBridge, it will not saveUFPS–>Lua.


Toaddress this, you'll need to add some starting values to the dialogue database.These Lua environment will be initialized with these values.


On theActors tab, add a field named "Health" to the Player. Change its Typeto Number. Set the Value to the player's starting health. In the example below,the player starts with 42% health.


To setthe player's current weapon, add a field named "CurrentWeaponIndex".Change its Type to Number. Set it to the weapon index (e.g., 1=Pistol,2=Revolver, etc.). In the example below, the player's current weapon is 1(Pistol).







设定玩家当前的武器,加入一场名为“currentweaponindex”。更改其类型数。它设置为武器的指标(例如,1 = 2 =手枪,左轮手枪,等)。在下面的例子中,玩家的武器是1(手枪)。

To setthe player's inventory, add variables on the Variables tab. In the examplebelow, the player has a Pistol with 11 units loaded, and 38 extra bullets.


Thenames of the variables are defined above in the Deeper Integration Example /Script Documentation section.



Supportfor the UFPS Mobile-Addon is in the package UFPS Mobile Addon Support. When youimport this package, it will add a Scripts folder and an example foldercontaining a two-level mobile demo.


To beable to switch between levels, you must add 'Mobile Level 1' and 'Mobile Level2' to the build settings. For the example main menu's Restart Game button towork, you must make 'Mobile Level 1' the first scene in the build settings.


Theexample uses Unity GUI for the example menu and dialogue UI, but you couldimplement a dialogue UI using UFPS Mobile's vp_UI. An implementation that usesvp_UI is planned for a future release of this support package.


Theexample menu is accessed through the mobile demo's menu. The Dialogue SystemMenu object (which contains the example menu script) is a child of the DialogueManager object.





该示例使用Unity GUI例如菜单和对话界面,但你可以利用超微粒子移动的vp_ui实施对话界面。一种实现使用vp_ui计划在将来发布此支持包。


Followthese steps to set up up the Dialogue System with the UFPS Mobile Addon:

1.Addan AdvancedPlayerMobile and RootUI to each scene. These objects don't seem tosurvive across scene loads very well.

2.Connectthe AdvancedPlayerMobile's vp_SimpleHUDMobile fields to the RootUI as shownhere:




3.Addthese components to AdvancedPlayerMobile:



■Add all usable item types to the Usable ItemTypes list.


◦FPPersistentPlayerData(if you want to save the player's position)

4.Addthese components to the Dialogue Manager:

◦FPSyncPlayerOnLoadLevelMobile(a mobile-friendly version of FPSyncPlayerOnLoadLevel)

TheFPPersistentPlayerData and FPSyncPlayerOnLoadLevelMobile components are only necessaryif your player will be switching levels or saving and loading games.



















NOTE:The UFPS AI-Addon support package is still provided but is no longer underdevelopment.


Thisseparate package contains UFPS AI-Addon integration files. The sub-folders are:


•Scripts: Interactable script for dialogue withAI-Addon controlled NPCs. Add this script to your AI-controlled NPCs instead ofFPInteractable Dialobue.

•Example: A variation on the UFPS Support scenein which Private Hart is controlled by AI-Addon.

UFPSand UFPS AI-Addon must be installed in your project. You must import both UFPSsupport packages.







?脚本:脚本插件交互AI控制的NPC对话。将此脚本添加到您的AI控制的NPC不是fpinteractable dialobue。






Actor:A participant in a conversation. Also called a conversant.


Alert:A gameplay message. See: Alerts


articy:draft:articy:draft by Nevigo is a game project organization and writing tool.


articy:draftConverter: A Dialogue System tool that converts articy:draft projects intodialogue databases. See: articy:draft Converter


Bark: Asingle line of dialogue spoken outside of an interactive conversation. See:Bark System


BarkUI: The user interface component (attached to the character speaking the bark)that displays the bark. See: Bark System


ChatMapper: Chat Mapper by Urban Brain Studios is an industry-standard tool forwriting and testing nonlinear dialogue.


ChatMapper Converter: A Dialogue System tool that converts Chat Mapper projectsinto dialogue databases. See: Chat Mapper Converter


Condition:A Lua statement that evaluates to true or false. Links can have conditions. Ifthe condition is false, then the link cannot be followed at the current time.


Conversation:A collection of linked dialogue entries.


DialogueDatabase: An asset file containing all of the data required to runconversations, including actors, items, locations, variables, andconversations. See: Dialogue Creation


DialogueEntry: A line spoken by an actor. May consist of text and/or a sequence.


DialogueManager: The Dialogue System "engine," a game object in your scenethat runs conversations.


DialogueUI: The user interface component that displays alerts and conversations. See:Dialogue UI


Link: Aconnection (possibly conditional) from one dialogue entry to another.


Localization:The process of adapting a project to a particular language. See: Localization


Lua: Asimple scripting language available in Chat Mapper and the Dialogue System toprovide extensive control of conversations. See: Lua


Quest:A goal or subgoal in a game. See Quest Log System.


QuestEntry: A subgoal within a quest. Quest entries are optional, but may be usefulto break down a quest into smaller steps for the player. See Quest Log System.


Sequence:A series of commands that perform typically visual/audio actions, such asmoving the camera and playing animations and audio. Every dialogue entry canplay a sequence when the character delivers a line. See: Sequencer


Trigger:A component that performs an action under a specified condition. Triggers canstart conversations, barks, or sequences when triggered. Or they can performother actions when conversations, barks, or sequences start or end. See:Triggers












































Thispage contains an assortment of solutions developed for and by other DialogueSystem users.




The powerful, top-rated dialogue system used in Disco Elysium, Crossing Souls, Jenny LeClue, Last Epoch, The Last Door, and many many more, the Dialogue System for Unity makes it easy to add interactive dialogue and quests to your game. It’s a complete, robust solution including a visual node-based editor, dialogue UIs, cutscenes, quest logs, save/load, and more. The core is a lean, efficient conversation system. A large collection of included, optional add-ons make it quick and easy to drop conversations into your project and integrate them with other assets. No scripting required. Complete C# source included. Demo | Docs | Tutorials | Forum Free Extras | Free Trial Cinemachine & Timeline Integration! Editor: Visual, node-based dialogue editor Importers for Chat Mapper, articy:draft 1/2/3, Twine, Ink, Neverwinter Nights, Talkit, and CSV Export screenplay format, voiceover asset list, CSV, Chat Mapper, and more I2 Localization support Engine: Dynamic, branching conversation trees Barks and alerts Cutscenes (audio, animation, etc.) Quick Time Events (QTEs) Quest system NPC status & relationship system Easy language localization Save/load without scripting Optional Lua scripting and variable system Comprehensive documentation and tutorials Runtime UIs: GUI-independent; works with all GUI systems, including Unity UI & NGUI Built-in support for Unity UI, NGUI, TextMesh Pro, legacy Unity GUI, & more Input system-independent; works with Unity Input, Rewired, New Input System, etc Modular interfaces: swap in your own UI or cutscene system Several beautiful, fully-customizable UI skins Detailed sci-fi environment & animated model Works in 2D and 3D Works in VR (Oculus Rift, Vive, GVR, etc.) Integration: Components for drop-in integration into existing frameworks Cinemachine & Timeline Action-RPG Starter Kit Adventure Creator Animator Timeline Editor articy:draft Behavior Designer Bolt Visual Scripting




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