信号的采样和奇妙的混叠(Aliasing) 贰







由于我很喜欢这个例子,所以我就用matlab把它仿真了一下。此处我的余弦函数的采样频率为60Hz, 所以第一个连续信号(下图中第一行)的原始频率为10Hz, 此时采样频率为原始信号频率的6倍。第二个连续信号(下图中第三行)的原始频率为20Hz, 此时采样频率为原始信号频率的3倍。(箭头没能仿真成功,嘻嘻)



  1. %CSDN:by J27 copyright!
  2. %% sampling freqency 6 times continous signal
  3. Fs = 60; % Sampling Freq.
  4. Fo = Fs/ 6; % freq. of continous Signal
  5. T = 1/Fs; % sampling period
  6. tmin = -pi/ 15.7; % lower limit of time vector
  7. tmax = pi/ 15.7; % upper limit of time vector
  8. Bins = 400; % Number of Bins
  9. t = linspace(tmin, tmax, Bins); % time space vector
  10. nmin = ceil(tmin / T); % lower limit of num vector
  11. nmax = floor(tmax / T); % upper limit of num vector
  12. n = nmin:nmax; % discrete space vector
  13. CosineSignal = cos( 2.*pi.*Fo.*t);
  14. SampleSignal = cos( 2.*pi.*Fo.*n.*T);
  15. subplot( 4, 1, 1)
  16. plot(t,CosineSignal, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2);
  17. title( '\fontsize{35}Sampling freqency 6 times continous signal. i.e. Proper sampling');
  18. hold on
  19. stem (n*T,SampleSignal,'r','filled','LineWidth',2)
  20. hold off
  21. subplot (4,1,2)
  22. plot (t,CosineSignal,'--k','LineWidth',2);
  23. title( '\fontsize{35}Rebuild continous signal with sampled discrete signal');
  24. hold on
  25. stem(n*T,SampleSignal,'r','filled','LineWidth',2)
  26. hold off
  27. %% sampling freqency 3 times continous signal
  28. Fs = 60; % Sampling Freq.
  29. Fo = Fs/ 3; % freq. of continous Signal
  30. T = 1/Fs; % sampling period
  31. tmin = -pi/ 15.7; % lower limit of time vector
  32. tmax = pi/ 15.7; % upper limit of time vector
  33. Bins = 400; % Number of Bins
  34. t = linspace(tmin, tmax, Bins); % time space vector
  35. nmin = ceil(tmin / T); % lower limit of num vector
  36. nmax = floor(tmax / T); % upper limit of num vector
  37. n = nmin:nmax; % discrete space vector
  38. CosineSignal = cos( 2.*pi.*Fo.*t);
  39. SampleSignal = cos( 2.*pi.*Fo.*n.*T);
  40. subplot( 4, 1, 3)
  41. plot(t,CosineSignal, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2);
  42. title( '\fontsize{35}Sampling freqency 3 times continous signal. i.e. Proper sampling');
  43. hold on
  44. stem (n*T,SampleSignal,'r','filled','LineWidth',2)
  45. hold off
  46. subplot (4,1,4)
  47. plot (t,CosineSignal,'--k','LineWidth',2);
  48. title( '\fontsize{35}Rebuild continous signal with sampled discrete signal');
  49. hold on
  50. stem (n*T,SampleSignal,'r','filled','LineWidth',2)
  51. hold off    





在本例中我所使用的采样频率为60Hz, 按照公式(c)和公式(d)则发生混叠后的混叠频率分别为:

                                                        For   (c)    ωo = 40Hz ;     Fa = ωs - ωo = 60 - 40 = 20Hz

                                                        For   (d)    ωo = 50Hz ;     Fa = ωs - ωo = 60 - 50 = 10Hz


     如果原始信号的频率远远高于采样频率,即原始频率Fo不仅大于Fs还有可能大于Fs的2,3,4,5...倍则可以使用如下公式。fa表示混叠频率,fs表示采样频率,f表示原始信号的最高频。式中||表示求绝对值,式中(closest integermultiple of fs)表示整数倍于最接近原始频率f的倍数。例如,如果采样频率为100Hz,原始信号的最高频为710Hz则这是式中的(closest integermultiple of fs)等于7,即7*fs。

   现假设信号采样频率为100 Hz,输入信号包含下列频率:25 Hz、70 Hz、160 Hz和510 Hz。 低于50 Hz奈奎斯特频率才可正确采样,超过50 Hz的频率显示为混叠,所以只有频率为25Hz的信号才能被正确采样。fs/2为奈奎斯特频率即采样频率的一半。


(1) 当输入信号的频率F2为70Hz时,采样频率Fs为100Hz。按照奈奎斯特采样定律,要想对70Hz的输入信号充分采样,采样频率至少要大于140Hz,即输入信号频率的两倍。所以发生了混叠,由于输入频率为70,所以离采样频率100最近的整数倍数是1(即,这里的(closest integermultiple of fs) = 1)。  计算结果如下:     

                                                                                      F2 Alias = |100 - 70| = 30Hz


(2) 当输入信号的频率F3为160Hz时,采样频率为Fs100Hz。采样频率低于输入信号的频率,发生了混叠,由于输入频率为160,所以离采样频率100最近的整数倍数是2(即,这里的(closest integermultiple of fs) = 2)。  计算结果如下:     

                                                                                      F3 Alias = |2*100 - 160| = 40Hz


(3) 当输入信号的频率F4为510Hz时,采样频率为Fs100Hz。采样频率低于输入信号的频率,发生了混叠,由于输入频率为510,所以离采样频率100最近的整数倍数是5(即,这里的(closest integermultiple of fs) = 5)。  计算结果如下:     

                                                                                      F4 Alias = |5*100 - 510| = 10Hz





     好了, 计算公式以及详细的计算方法都已经给出来了。最后用Matlab把教科书中的带有混叠的那部分图示仿真出来(注意:重建后的混叠信号我用蓝色的虚线表示出来了)。



  1. %CSDN:by J27 copyright!
  2. %% sampling freqency 3/ 2 times continous signal
  3. Fs = 60; % Sampling Freq.
  4. Fo = 4*Fs/ 6; % freq. of continous Signal
  5. T = 1/Fs; % sampling period
  6. tmin = -pi/ 15.7; % lower limit of time vector
  7. tmax = pi/ 15.7; % upper limit of time vector
  8. Bins = 400; % Number of Bins
  9. t = linspace(tmin, tmax, Bins); % time space vector
  10. nmin = ceil(tmin / T); % lower limit of num vector
  11. nmax = floor(tmax / T); % upper limit of num vector
  12. n = nmin:nmax; % discrete space vector
  13. CosineSignal = cos( 2.*pi.*Fo.*t);
  14. SampleSignal = cos( 2.*pi.*Fo.*n.*T);
  15. figure;
  16. subplot( 4, 1, 1)
  17. plot(t,CosineSignal, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2);
  18. title( '\fontsize{35}Sampling freqency 1.5 times continous signal. Improper sampling resualt in Aliasing');
  19. hold on
  20. stem(n*T,SampleSignal,'r','filled','LineWidth',2)
  21. hold off
  22. %figure out Aliasing freq.
  23. Fa = abs(Fo-Fs);
  24. CosineSignal = cos( 2.*pi.*Fa.*t);
  25. subplot( 4, 1, 2)
  26. plot(t,CosineSignal, '--b', 'LineWidth', 2);
  27. title( '\fontsize{35}Rebuild continous signal with sampled discrete signal');
  28. hold on
  29. stem(n*T,SampleSignal,'r','filled','LineWidth',2)
  30. hold off
  31. %% sampling freqency 6/5 times continous signal
  32. Fs = 60; % Sampling Freq.
  33. Fo = 5*Fs/ 6; % freq. of continous Signal
  34. T = 1/Fs; % sampling period
  35. tmin = -pi/ 15.7; % lower limit of time vector
  36. tmax = pi/ 15.7; % upper limit of time vector
  37. Bins = 400; % Number of Bins
  38. t = linspace(tmin, tmax, Bins); % time space vector
  39. nmin = ceil(tmin / T); % lower limit of num vector
  40. nmax = floor(tmax / T); % upper limit of num vector
  41. n = nmin:nmax; % discrete space vector
  42. CosineSignal = cos( 2.*pi.*Fo.*t);
  43. SampleSignal = cos( 2.*pi.*Fo.*n.*T);
  44. subplot( 4, 1, 3)
  45. plot(t,CosineSignal, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2);
  46. title( '\fontsize{35}Sampling freqency 1.2 times continous signal. Improper sampling resualt in Aliasing');
  47. hold on
  48. stem(n*T,SampleSignal,'r','filled','LineWidth',2)
  49. hold off
  50. % figure out Aliasing freq.
  51. Fa = abs(Fo-Fs);
  52. CosineSignal = cos( 2.*pi.*Fa.*t);
  53. subplot( 4, 1, 4)
  54. plot(t,CosineSignal, '--b', 'LineWidth', 2);
  55. title( '\fontsize{35}Rebuild continous signal with sampled discrete signal');
  56. hold on
  57. stem (n*T,SampleSignal,'r','filled','LineWidth',2)
  58. hold off




【1】http://www.ni.com/white-paper/2709/zhs/  美国国家仪器(NI) 技术白皮书

【2】signals and systems 第二版 奥本海姆

【3】Matlab 2017a

【4】http://e2e.ti.com/blogs_/archives/b/precisionhub/archive/2015/09/04/aliasing-in-adcs-not-all-signals-are-what-they-appear-to-be  德州仪器





《圣经》马太福音3章2节  天国近了,你们应当悔改!






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