
1. 图表类作文

  • 时间:20分钟
  • 字数:不低于150个单词

1.1. 八种典型的图表

  1. 曲线图:line chart
  2. 柱状图:bar chart
  3. 流程图:flow chart/process diagram
  4. 地理变迁图:sketch map
  5. 饼形图:pie chart
  6. 对比示意图:profile drawing
  7. 表格图:table
  8. 组合图:combination

1.2. 数据分析必备词汇

  • 图表本身
  • 数据形式
  • 趋势描述
    上升:go up, increase, rise, ascend(上升), mount(爬山一样一点点上升), creep up, surge(飙升), soar(高飞,猛涨), climb, jump, leap, augment, skyrocket(一飞冲天)
    下降:go down, decrease, fall, descend, drop, decline, shrink(缩小), dwindle(渐渐减小), plunge(突然跌落),
  • 形容动词的副词
    大幅地:considerably, sharply, significantly, steeply, remarkably, dramaticlly, greatly, drastically, extremely, substantially, strikingly
    平稳地:steadily, moderately
    连续地:continually, continuously
    缓慢上升:climb up gradually, a slow rise, a robust increase(稳健增长)
    缓慢下降:dip gradually, a slow decrease, a smooth decline
  • 衔接两个句子的词
    表相反和不同:Oppositely,in contrast to/with, by contrast(只是表达两者不同), on the contrary(有强烈的正反对立)

1.3. 数据分析必备句式

  • The bar chart illustrates that…:柱状图展示了……
  • The graph provides some interesting data regarding…:这个图为我们提供了有关……有趣的数据
  • The diagram shows that…
  • This is a line graph which describe the trend of …
  • The statistics show that…

1.4. Sample Article

Stock prices have been extremely volatile(反复无常的). They climbed steadily in the 1950s, reached a peak in 1966, and then fluctuated up and down(上下波动) until 1973, when they fell sharply. Stock prices had recovered substantially by the early 1980s when a major stock market boom again, sending DJIA to a peak of 2722 on August 25, 1987. After a 17% decline over the next month, and a half, the stock market experienced the worst one-day in its history on “Black Monday”, October 19, 1987, when the DJIA fell by more then 500 points.

1.4.1. The graph shows rates of smoking in men and women in the UK from 1960 to 2000.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph below.

  • You should write at least 150 words.
  • Allow yourself 20 minutes for this task. 视频教程里面的范文


  1. 总趋势+特征(max,min)
  2. 讲到特殊点和特殊段
  3. 两条线的交点和异同点
  • 最高点、最低点,上升下降,时间起止

The number of British male smokers went through a continuous downward tendency from 600 in 1960 to about 250 in 2000. But women cigarette addicts, witnessed a slower decline of 1/3 only after the year 1975, and before that time, there was a growing number females who took up smoking. As time went on, the striking contrast between the proportions of male and female smokers (6:1 in the 1960s) faded away to about the same, with men still slightly more. www.ielts-exam.net里面的范文

The graph compares the rate of smoking in men and women in the UK between the years 1960 and 2000. It can be clearly seen that the rate of smoking for both men and women is currently declining and that fewer women have smoked throughout the period.
In 1960, 600 men in every 1000 was smoking. This number decreased gradually to 500 by 1975 and continued to decrease but more deeply to 250 in 2000. In contrast, the rate of smoking in women in 1960 was very low at only 80 in every 1000. By 1968 this increased to 170, and increased again but more steeply to 320 in 1977. The rate of female smokers then remain stable at 320 until 1984 at which point the figures began to decline and had dropped to 200 by 2000.
In conclusion we can see that the rate of smoking in men dropped throughout the whole period but was always at a higher level than female figures. The rate of smoking in women increased until 1977 but then decreased for the rest of the period. 我写的范文

The line chart describes the rates of smoking in men and women in The UK from 1960 to 2000. It is clear that the rates of smoking both in men and women are currently declining and that the number of male smokers has always been larger than that of female smokers during the period.

In 1960, 600 men in every 1000 was smoking. This number decreased gradually to 500 by 1975 and continued to go down but more steeply to 250 in 2000. By contrast, the rate of women who smoked in 1960 is much lower, which is only 80 per 1000. By 1965 this increased to 170 and then remained stable for about 5 year. After that, it was followed by a sharper rise to 320 between 1970 and 1975. It descended slightly to 280 in the following 15 years and then started to drop greatly in 1990, ending up at 200 by 2000.

In conclusion, we can see that the rate of smoking in men declined continuously throughout the whole period, while the rate of smoking in women increased until 1975 and then decreased for the rest of the period.

1.4.2. The graph below shows the number of tourists visiting a particular Caribbean island between 2010 and 2017

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and makes comparisons where relevant.
(https://cdn.englishforums.com/image:/sitefs/perm/pi/5/c/c/5/k/401.728.0_rx9sqwthh4mz.jpg)] 我写的的范文

The line graph shows the numbers of vistors who traveled a Caribbean island from 2010 to 2017. Three curves are plotted: those who stayed on the island, those who stayed on cruise ships, and total of all visitors.

Overall, the total number of tourists steadily increased. Visitors staying on the island had always been more than those staying on cruise ships until 2016, when visitors staying on cruise ships outnumbered those staying on the island.

In 2010, the total quantity of visitors was 1 million, with about 0.75 million staying on the island and 0.25 million staying on cruise ships. After a short fluctuation, the number of visitors staying on cruise ships started to increase continuously at 2012, ending up at 2 million by 2017. The quantity of visitors staying on the island kept stable for the first year, then went up sharply to 1.5 million at 2013 and remained stable for the next 2 years. After a drop of 0.25 million from 2015 to 2016, it rose again and restored to 1.5 million by 2017.

1.4.3. The chart shows people’s coffee and tea buying and drinking habits in five Australian cities.

The bar chart gives information about people’s habits of purchasing and drinking coffee and tea in different cities in Australia, according to the results of a survey.

To sum up, it can be immediately seen that people’s coffee and tea buying and drinking habits are similar in all five cities except in Adelaide.

Buying coffee or tea in a cafe is the most popular among the people in Sydney as well as Melbourne, Brisbane and Hobart, especially in Sydney where almost 63% of drinkers have such a habit. The proportions of cafe visitors are marginally lower in the other three cities, ranging from 56% to 62%. However, the percentage of fresh coffee buyers is the smallest in all four cities, with that of the buyers in Brisbane the lowest, at merely 34%. Meanwhile, the popularity of drinking instant coffee is between that of visiting a cafe and that of buying fresh coffee.

The pattern, however, is different in Adelaide, where instant coffee is people’s preference, with half of them involved in the purchase. The percentage of cafe visitors is quite similar, at just below 50%, while fresh coffee is the least popular. 我写的范文

The bar chart shows the percentage of people buying and drinking coffee and tea in five Australian cities. Three bars are plotted in each categorical group: bought fresh coffee in last 4 weeks, bought instant coffee in last 4 weeks and went to a cafe for coffee or tea in last 4 weeks.
Overall, it can be seen that poeple’s purchasing and drinking habits of coffee and tea are similar in all of the five cities, except for Adelaide.
Going to a cafe is the most popular way to drink coffee or tea in Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart and Brisbane, with over 55% of people choose this way in those four cities. However, it is most likely that people will buy instant coffee for drinking. Bought instant coffee is the second way in the five cities except in Adelaide, with the percentage of people in this way ranging between 45% and 55%, while going to a cafe is the second popular way in Adelaide. In all of the five cities, buying fresh coffee is the least used way. The percentage of people buying fresh coffee is lower than 45% in every one of the five cities, especially in Brisbane and Adelaide where it is lower than 35%.

1.5. 注意事项-Attention

  1. 流程简洁,切忌主观推测。在图标作文中追求表达清楚。
  2. 没有必要写出每条信息。必备信息:趋势和特殊点。
  3. 衔接和过渡词很重要
  4. 柱状图可以变成线形图
  5. 方法:总结、比较、归类、排序、联系
  6. 同义词转换

2. 议论文

  • 时间:40分钟
  • 字数:不低于250个单词

2.1. 几种典型的议论文

  1. 利弊题:Advantages and Disadvantages
  2. 同意与否题:Agree or Disagree
  3. 探讨双方题:Discuss Both Views
  4. 给出观点题:Opinion
  5. 分析原因题:Causes
  6. 问题分析与解决题:Solutions

Argumentation 争论类:

  1. AD 半支持半反对
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  2. LB 利弊较量
    Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
  3. DG 探讨双方
    Discuss both views and give your own opinions.

Report 报告类
4. 问题:问题分析解决

2.2. 写作技巧

2.2.1. 开头






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