

Callback的本质是设置一个函数指针进去,然后在需要触发某个事件时调用该方法, 比如Windows的窗口消息处理函数就是这种类型。

typedef void (__stdcall *DownloadCallback)(const char* pURL, bool bOK);
void DownloadFile(const char* pURL, DownloadCallback pCallback)
    pCallback (pURL, true);
void __stdcall OnDownloadFinished(const char* pURL, bool bOK)
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Sink的本质是你按照对方要求实现一个C++接口,然后把你实现的接口设置给对方,对方需要触发事件时调用该接口, COM中连接点就是居于这种方式。还是以上面的Download为例(你调用对方的下载类实现下载功能):

class IDownloadSink
    virtual void OnDownloadFinished(const char* pURL, bool bOK) = 0;
class CMyDownloader
    CMyDownloader(IDownloadSink* pSink) : m_pSink(pSink)  { }

    void DownloadFile(const char* pURL)
        if(m_pSink != NULL)
            m_pSink->OnDownloadFinished(pURL, true);

    IDownloadSink* m_pSink;
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class CMyFile: public IDownloadSink
    void Download()
        CMyDownloader downloader(this);

    virtual void OnDownloadFinished(const char* pURL, bool bOK)
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class CDownloadDelegateBase
    virtual void Fire(const char* pURL, bool bOK) = 0;

template<typename O, typename T>
class CDownloadDelegate: public CDownloadDelegateBase
    typedef void (T::*Fun)(const char*, bool);
    CDownloadDelegate(O* pObj = NULL, Fun pFun = NULL)
        :m_pFun(pFun), m_pObj(pObj)
    { }    
    virtual void Fire(const char* pURL, bool bOK)
         if(m_pFun != NULL && m_pObj != NULL)
              (m_pObj->*m_pFun)(pURL, bOK);
    Fun m_pFun;
    O* m_pObj;

template<typename O, typename T>
CDownloadDelegate<O,T>* MakeDelegate(O* pObject, void (T::*pFun)(const char* pURL, bool))
     return new CDownloadDelegate<O, T>(pObject, pFun);

typedef vector<CDownloadDelegateBase*> CDownloadDelegates;
class CDownloadEvent
        CDownloadDelegates::iterator it = m_arDelegates.begin();
        while (it != m_arDelegates.end())
            delete *it;

    void operator += (CDownloadDelegateBase* p)

    void operator -= (CDownloadDelegateBase* p)
        CDownloadDelegates::iterator it = remove(m_arDelegates.begin(), m_arDelegates.end(), p);
        while (it != m_arDelegates.end())
            delete *it;
        m_arDelegates.erase(it, m_arDelegates.end());

    void operator()(const char* pURL, bool bOK)
        CDownloadDelegates::iterator it = m_arDelegates.begin();
        while (it != m_arDelegates.end())
            (*it)->Fire(pURL, bOK);
    CDownloadDelegates m_arDelegates;

class CMyDownloaderEx
    void DownloadFile(const char* pURL)
        downloadEvent(pURL, true);
    CDownloadEvent downloadEvent;

class CMyFileEx
    void download()
        CMyDownloaderEx downloader;
        downloader.downloadEvent += MakeDelegate(this, &CMyFileEx::OnDownloadFinished);

    virtual void OnDownloadFinished(const char* pURL, bool bOK)
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std::function(since C++ 11, vs2010)

template< class R, class... Args >
class function<R(Args...)>
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类模板std :: function是一个通用的多态函数包装器。std :: function的实例可以存储,复制和调用任何可调用的目标:函数、lambda表达式、绑定表达式或其他函数对象。

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>

struct Foo {
    Foo(int num) : num_(num) {}
    void print_add(int i) const { std::cout << num_+i << '\n'; }
    int num_;

void print_num(int i)
    std::cout << i << '\n';

int main()
    // store a free function
    std::function<void(int)> f1 = print_num;

    // store a lambda
    std::function<void()> f2 = []() { print_num(123); };

    // store the result of a call to std::bind
    std::function<void()> f3 = std::bind(print_num, 12345);

    // store a call to a member function
    std::function<void(const Foo&, int)> f4 = &Foo::print_add;
    Foo foo(13579);
    f4(foo, 1);
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std::mem_fn (since C++ 11, vs2010)

template< class R, class T >
/*unspecified*/ mem_fn(R T::* pm);
template< class R, class T, class... Args > 
/*unspecified*/ mem_fn(R (T::* pm)(Args...));
template< class R, class T, class... Args >
/*unspecified*/ mem_fn(R (T::* pm)(Args...) const);
template< class R, class T, class... Args > 
/*unspecified*/ mem_fn(R (T::* pm)(Args...) volatile);
template< class R, class T, class... Args > 
/*unspecified*/ mem_fn(R (T::* pm)(Args...) const volatile);
template< class R, class T, class... Args > 
/*unspecified*/ mem_fn(R (T::* pm)(Args...) &);
template< class R, class T, class... Args > 
/*unspecified*/ mem_fn(R (T::* pm)(Args...) const &);
template< class R, class T, class... Args > 
/*unspecified*/ mem_fn(R (T::* pm)(Args...) volatile &);
template< class R, class T, class... Args > 
/*unspecified*/ mem_fn(R (T::* pm)(Args...) const volatile &);
template< class R, class T, class... Args > 
/*unspecified*/ mem_fn(R (T::* pm)(Args...) &&);
template< class R, class T, class... Args > 
/*unspecified*/ mem_fn(R (T::* pm)(Args...) const &&);
template< class R, class T, class... Args > 
/*unspecified*/ mem_fn(R (T::* pm)(Args...) volatile &&);
template< class R, class T, class... Args > 
/*unspecified*/ mem_fn(R (T::* pm)(Args...) const volatile &&);
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函数模板std :: mem_fn生成指向成员函数的指针的包装对象,它可以存储,复制和调用指向成员函数的指针。 在调用std :: mem_fn时,可以使用对象的引用和指针(包括智能指针)。

/* Use mem_fn to store and execute a member function:*/
#include <functional>
#include <iostream> 
struct Foo {  
    void display_greeting() {    
        std::cout << "Hello, world.\n";  
    void display_number(int i) {    
        std::cout << "number: " << i << '\n';  

int main() 
    Foo foo;
    auto func_greet = std::mem_fn(&Foo::display_greeting);
    auto func_display = std::mem_fn(&Foo::display_number);
    func_display(foo, 42);
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#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm> 
int main()
    /*Pass a member function to std::transform to create a sequence of numbers:*/
    std::vector<std::string> words = {"It", "is", "a", "test"};
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::string>> words2;    
    words2.emplace_back(new std::string("another"));    
    words2.emplace_back(new std::string("test"));

    std::vector<std::size_t> lengths;    
    // uses references to strings    

    std::transform(words2.begin(),                 words2.end(), 
    // uses unique_ptr to strings    
    std::cout << "The string lengths are ";   

    for(auto n : lengths) 
        std::cout << n << ' ';    
    std::cout << '\n';

template<class InputIt, class OutputIt, class UnaryOperation>
OutputIt transform(InputIt first1, InputIt last1, 
OutputIt d_first, UnaryOperation unary_op)
    while (first1 != last1) {
        *d_first++ = unary_op(*first1++);    
    return d_first;
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1) Callback方法是面向过程的,使用简单而且灵活,正如C语言本身;
2) Sink方法是面向对象的,在C++里使用较多, 可以在一个Sink里封装一组回调接口,适用于一系列比较固定的回调事件;
3) Delegate方法也是面向对象的,和Sink封装一组接口不同,Delegate的封装是以函数为单位,粒度比Sink更小更灵活;
4) std::function和std::bind组合使用也可以实现类似函数指针的功能,但却却比函数指针更加灵活,特别是函数指向类的非静态成员函数时(本质上讲全局函数和静态成员函数没有区别,使用方法上除了静态成员函数在引用时要在前面加域作用符classname::外,没有其它任何区别;事实上全局函数也有可能放入命名空间或者使用全局域作用符,例如 namespace::function() 或::function,这样不仅本质上相同,形势上也与静态成员函数一致了)。在Effective C++中ITEM35建议使用该方法实现Strategy模式,实际上也可以用于代替callback 函数模仿C#中的event对象,而这里只能实现一个函数,实际上如果function<>模板实现了operator+以后,再在 function对象中维护一个列表,便可以实现C#中的event特性,即Delegate。

评论 1




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


