OGRE CG教程 (一):OGRE CG 基础

Example 1: Plain Texture 


This is a working example of how to create a very simple shader. The shader just applies a single texture to an object. No lighting is performed.

First, create a .material file. The filename is unimportant, but make sure it's in a directory that the game is scanning for media. In the example applications, this is configured in 'resources.cfg'. Add the following material definition to the material file.

// CG Vertex shader definition  定义CG的顶点着色程序
vertex_program PlainTexture_VS cg            
        // Look in this source file for shader code  系统会在<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">GameObjStandard.cg这个文件中找到入口函数</span>
    source GameObjStandard.cg
        // Use this function for the vertex shader     入口函数       
    entry_point main_plain_texture_vp    
        // Compile the shader to vs_1_1 format    编译CG所使用的格式
    profiles vs_1_1                    
    // This block saves us from manually setting parameters in code  代码中手动设置的变量被存在以下的代码块中
                // Ogre will put the worldviewproj into our 'worldViewProj' parameter for us.  ogre会自动的把世界矩阵存入下面的变量
        param_named_auto worldViewProj worldviewproj_matrix        
                // Note that 'worldViewProj' is a parameter in the cg code.
// CG Pixel shader definition  定义CG的片段着色器
fragment_program PlainTexture_PS cg            
        // Look in this source file for shader code
    source GameObjStandard.cg        
        // Use this function for the pixel shader    
    entry_point main_plain_texture_fp    
        // Compile to ps_1_1 format    
    profiles ps_1_1                    
material PlainTexture  //我们所使用的材质
        // Material has one technique  材质只有一种技术
                // This technique has one pass  这个技术只有一个通道,这个通道使用顶点和片段着色器
                        // Make this pass use the vertex shader defined above
            vertex_program_ref PlainTexture_VS    
                        // Make this pass use the pixel shader defined above
            fragment_program_ref PlainTexture_PS    
                                // This pass will use this 2D texture as its input  Ten.png为输入纹理
                texture Ten.png 2d        

This material made references to another file which contains the CG pixel and vertex shaders. Create a file 'GameObjStandard.cg' (also in a media directory) and add the following block. This time the name of the file is important, as the material file refers specifically to it.
接下来我们在相同的目录下创建一个文件'GameObjStandard.cg' 这个文件名必须和材质里source所提及的CG文件一致.

void main_plain_texture_vp(  //顶点着色器
        // Vertex Inputs
        float4 position        : POSITION,    // Vertex position in model space  模型空间中的顶点
        float2 texCoord0    : TEXCOORD0,    // Texture UV set 0
        // Outputs
        out float4 oPosition    : POSITION,    // Transformed vertex position 转换后的顶点坐标
        out float2 uv0        : TEXCOORD0,    // UV0
        // Model Level Inputs
        uniform float4x4 worldViewProj)
    // Calculate output position  计算输出的位置
    oPosition = mul(worldViewProj, position);
    // Simply copy the input vertex UV to the output  简单的对纹理坐标进行赋值
    uv0 = texCoord0;
void main_plain_texture_fp(  //片段着色器
        // Pixel Inputs  
        float2 uv0        : TEXCOORD0,    // UV interpolated for current pixel  当前像素的纹理坐标
        // Outputs
        out float4 color    : COLOR,    // Output color we want to write 我们想要输出的颜色
        // Model Level Inputs
        uniform sampler2D texture)        // Texture we're going to use  纹理输入
    // Just sample texture using supplied UV
    color = tex2D(texture, uv0);  //用纹理坐标查找纹理中对应坐标的颜色

The keyword uniform identifies the parameters you will have to supply in the material file.

  • Some parameters can be supplied by the Ogre Engine (param_named_auto), like a light position.
  • Some parameters can be supplied by your material file (param_named) like a texture map.
  • Some parameters can be supplied by your application (custom).
param_named_auto: 由Ogre引擎自动提供,就像是光照

Finally, in the game code, you need to set the material on the entity. To do so, you'll want a line of code something like the following:
pOgreEntity->setMaterialName( "PlainTexture" );

The texture should render on the object. If the material failed to compile properly, it will render white.

Example 2: Texture with modulated color


Now let's say that we want to tweak our simple shader by modulating the texture with another color, and also specify an alpha value for the object.


Colors and modulation basics:

  • In shaders, color values are normally in the range 0..1. A pure red would be R=1, G=0, B=0.
  • A color can be stored in a float3, or a float4 with the fourth component containing alpha information.
  • The RGB components can be accessed as either .r, .g, .b, .a or .x, .y, .z, .w
  • Modulate means multiply. Let's take an example:
    • Lets say that reading the texture with the tex2D returns (R=1, G=0.5, B=0)
    • Lets say we then modulate that with a pink (R=1, G=0.25, B=0.25)
    • This gives an output of (1*1, 0.5*0.25, 0*0.25) = (1, 0.125, 0)
    • The result is that the source texture gets a pink tone to it. Note that modulating with numbers in the range 0..1 only makes things darker, and modulating low numbers together goes to black quickly.
在shader中,颜色值正常情况下在0~1之间,比如纯红是R = 1 G=0 B=0.
(1 0.5 0) * (1 0.25 0.25) = (1*1 0.5*0.25 0*0.25) = (1 0.125 0).

First, define a new material. The key important notes are:

  • The vertex shader doesn't need to do anything different than before, so we're going to use the same one as the material before. We don't need to define a new 'vertex program', though a better naming than 'PlainTexture_VS' would have been more appropriate :-)
  • There's going to be a new pixel shader, so we define a new 'fragment program' block in the material file. It's the same as the last one except it has a different 'entry point' and it defines a default value for our new 'colorModulate' parameter.
  • The material 'pass' block now has a line 'scene_blend alpha_blend'. This means that the pixel shader alpha channel output will be used to blend the color with what's already in the frame buffer. An alpha output of 0 would cause the object to be invisible, and a value of 1 would make it entirely solid.
  • The 'fragment_program_ref' references the name of our new 'fragment program' block.
·材质中的通道需要增加一行 scene_blend alpha_blend.意思是像素着色器产生的颜色会和帧缓存中已经存在的像素进行混合.如果片段着色器的颜色输出中alpha为0,则说明物体是不可见的.若为1,则为完全可见.
fragment_program TextureModColor_PS cg
    source GameObjStandard.cg
    // Different entry point for pixel shader  和之前的入口不一样
    entry_point main_tex_mod_col_fp
    profiles ps_1_1
        // Specify a default value for a new parameter
        // Note that we don't need to specify whether it's a pixel of vertex shader parameter
<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>//如果我们没有指定colorModulate的值,它默认为 (1 0 0 0.5)
        param_named colorModulate float4 1 0 0 0.5        
material TextureModColor
            // Makes the pixel shader alpha output be used for alpha blending
            scene_blend alpha_blend            
            vertex_program_ref PlainTexture_VS
            fragment_program_ref TextureModColor_PS
                texture Ten.png 2d

Now add the following new pixel shader to your CG file. The key noteworthy changes from the first pixel shader are:

  • There's a new 'colorModulate' function. Note how the parameter name matches the default value set in the material.
  • After the texture sample, we modulate the texture with the new parameter.
  • The last line explicitly puts the alpha value from the parameter into the alpha channel of the output variable.
    • Actually this isn't strictly needed in my case. My texture doesn't have an alpha channel, so the texture sample just puts a 1 into the alpha channel. Then the modulate for the alpha channel operation makes gives color.a = 1 * colorModulate.a, which is the same as color.a = colorModulate.a. I'll leave the line in though as it demonstrates that you can assign values into RGBA too...
□实际上.这在我们的例子中并不是严格需要的,我们的纹理并没有alpha通道,所以纹理的alpha通道默认为1,然后我们使用调制对纹理的alpha 通道进行改变.

void main_tex_mod_col_fp(
            float2 diffuse        : TEXCOORD0,
            out float4 color    : COLOR,
            uniform float4 colorModulate,    // Added the color parameter  添加参数
            uniform sampler2D texture)
    color = tex2D(texture, diffuse);        // Sample the texture
    color = color * colorModulate;            // Multiply the pixel color by colorModulate
    color.a = colorModulate.a;            // Set the output alpha to be colorModulate.w

Programmatic control of color parameter


So far the material we've defined applies a default color modulation and alpha value to the object. We can control this value dynamically from code on a per entity (or rather sub entity) basis. First we need to add a line to the 'fragment program ref' block in the material:
fragment_program_ref TextureModColor_PS
                param_named_auto colorModulate custom 1

This means that our parameter 'colorModulate' can be set from code by setting parameter '1'. 
Now we add some lines to your test application at some point after the material is attached to the object. For example:

// Init material
    mEntity->setMaterialName( "TextureModColor" );
    SubEntity* pSub = mEntity->getSubEntity(0);
    pSub->setCustomParameter(COLOR_MODULATE_PARAM_INDEX, Vector4(0.f, 0.f, 1.0f, 0.2f));





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