- Input Assembler: In this stage we set the geometry we are going to render along with the necessary information Direct3D needs to perform the task.
- Vertex Shader:A vertex shader alwasy takes a single vertex as input and outputs a single vetex.This vertex data was supplied by the data set using the input assembler. 顶多着色通常接受一个单一顶点数据,并输出一个单一的顶点数据。
- Geometry shader(GS):可选的shader阶段。几何着色器操纵整个几何图形,比如三角面。而顶点着色器只操纵这些几何图元上的单个顶点。
- Rasterizer 光栅化: 通过剪裁和遮罩确定哪些像素能够被渲染;设置像素着色器,并决定像素着色器如何被执行。
- pixel shader stage: 像素着色器阶段,The output of the pixel shader is a single color value that will be used by the final state bo build the final image displayed to the screen.The input to the pixel shader is technically interpolated data.
- Output merge (OM) statge.is where it all comes together.The OM takes al l of the output pieces form the other statges of the pipeline and builds up the final image to send to the screen .
DirectX11 中的渲染路径
最新推荐文章于 2020-08-01 21:32:33 发布